Not every jutsu is the same.
However, in game, every time a jutsu is cast, you end up with the same result.
Currently, the more a jutsu is used, the better a user gets at it. However this only means that every person with a maxed out fireball will have the exact same fireball. A huge fireball the size of a house that obliterates everyone in its way. This may be useful in war, but what if you want to be discreet? Or hide how powerful you are in order to not become a target? Or you know someone is following you but you don't want them to know exactly how powerful you are? Or what if you only need a modest sized fireball but you don't want to sacrifice damage?
My suggestion is that as a user increases their skill at a single jutsu, their control over every
aspect of the jutsu increases. You will be able to use a house sized fireball and obliterate a dozen noobs but also use a concentrated beam of fire at a single target. But if you use a concentrated beam of fire, shouldn't it be more powerful?
Well lets take the fireball for example. A weak, narrow, short flame is released when a noob uses it, but a wide, far reaching, powerful flame is released when a master uses it.
My suggestion is that when you cast a fireball, you have a choice to change;
- the intensity of the flame
- the width of the flame
- the length flame
- the height of the flame
- chakra efficiency
However, increasing one of these values will come at the cost of another. For example, if one were to use a wide, tall, far reaching flame, there would be almost no damage caused. But if one were to make a flame that were several pixels wide and high, it would be alot more powerful. You could make the jutsu more chakra efficient (use less chakra) but you would be left with a pretty weak and tiny flame.
You basically have the option to 'toggle' between these values. However, as you get BETTER at the jutsu (by using it more), you can get more 'points' to toggle with. Meaning that at a master level, you can choose a wide, high flame but also a narrow, far reaching one with maximum intensity and maximum chakra effeciency. (You do not have to use all the 'points' available so you can reduce the height of the jutsu if you want and keep everything else maxed out.)
I've made a little table to illustrate the idea better - all the values are random and off the top of my head.
Both Noobs have 222 "points"Fireball Jutsu at NoobLevel Option A- the intensity of the flame 50 50 hp damage per second
- the width of the flame 100 10m wide
- the length flame 50 5m long
- the height of the flame 17 1.7m high
- chakra efficiency 5 450chakra per second
Fireball Jutsu at Noob Level Option B- the intensity of the flame 30 30 hp damage per second
- the width of the flame 10 1m wide
- the length flame 150 150m long
- the height of the flame 10 1m wide
- chakra efficiency 22 280chakra per second
The same jutsu has been cast with 2 different results.
Maybe at a master level, there could be 10000 'points' to play around with. And maybe, just maybe, no cap to each individual attribute. An illustration of what a master at fireball jutsu could do with 10000 points;
Fireball Jutsu at Master Level- the intensity of the flame 5000 5000 hp damage per second
- the width of the flame 2500 250m wide
- the length flame 1250 125m long
- the height of the flame 1250 125m
- chakra efficiency 0 1000 chakra per second
A fireball like Madara's
Fireball Jutsu at Master Level- the intensity of the flame 2500 2500 hp damage per second
- the width of the flame 250 25m wide
- the length flame 250 25m long
- the height of the flame 250 25m
- chakra efficiency 2500 10 chakra per second
This time, you haven't used all 10000 points. This may be intentional. You have the option to hold back your strength, which is a layer of the game that is not otherwise present. Every fireball is max strength when you use it, even if you're only training with someone far weaker than you.
At the end, every single fireball jutsu will be different, because they are used by different people with people prioritising different attributes to the jutsu. By extension, every single
jutsu will be different. The system is very very similar to jutsu creation in that sense, but there is no room for abuse, and it doesnt even need to be monitored.
A point system also allows for a measurable way to calculate how much better someone gets at a jutsu. We know that every time a jutsu is used in combat you get better at it. Spamming fireballs into a wall won't improve it but using it against someone else will. With this system, every time a jutsu makes contact/affects an opponent, you could gain one 'point' to distribute amongst its attributes. So a master who has used the jutsu 10000 times will have 10000 points and a soft cap could be introduced at this point so instead of every successful use adding one point, every 10 successful uses add a point to be distributed.
Jutsu will be assigned 'points' out of battle. In your menu, you will have the option to save 3 presets for each jutsu and name them as you like. Once you cast the jutsu normally, you will be able to press any of 3 keys to select which preset you use. (This shouldn't affect the pace of battle, these keys will be chosen by the user and will not be keys that are assigned to anything else and they just have to be tapped once, after the normal handsigns)
Fireball Jutsu:
1. Wide and long [H]
2. Narrow and effecient [G]
3. Holding back [F]
Assuming the keys F, G and H are unused, to cast a fireball you have saved into slot 1, you would type in the normal fireball jutsu and then H immediatly. If you don't press H, your character will simply hold the last sign, ready to cast it.