Loyalty above all else_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
The hinode clan doesnt take those words lightly.
Loyalty towards the kage.
Loyalty towards the village.
Loyalty towards the clan.
Clan members who dont take their responsibilities serious,become outcasts and lose the respect of their fellow clan members.
Clan members who plot against the kage,the village,or the clan,have it even worse.
One must continously train his body and mind,starting from a very early age.
Hobbies,games and friends,are considered to be a waste of time and a burden,because they are distracting someone from his duties.
Those duties also include assassinations of the kage,s enemies.
Because of this,its recommended to not get too close to people outside of the clan,since they are all potential targets.
The Hinode clan is not full of heartless people,they simply are very determined to protect their village with all their strenght,and believe that they have to make sacrifices for the greater good.
Traditions and the concept of honor,play a big role in the clan.
A mission has to be fulfilled.
A clan member and,especially the kage,has to be treated with the utmost respect.
There are also strict rules and rituals,to maintain order and discipline,but also to remember the clans history.
Kenjutsu basics are normally thought to every member of the clan,even if this particular clan member wants to focus on a different fighting style,in the future.
Besides kenjutsu,clan members are usually skilled in taijutsu or genjutsu,but ninjutsu is not very common.
If someone is practicing ninjutsu,he is most likely learning about fire based jutsus.
The clan is very old,and has always been protecting the village.
Its beeing told,that this clans ancestors have been skilled samurai,who later choosed the path of a shinobi,for reasons,that only a few members of the clan know about.
It is also known,that those ancestors fought side by side with the odiloshinnai clan in the past.
Today,a deep bond between those clans is the witness of days,that have been forgotten long ago,by most people....most,but not by all of them._____________________________________________________________________________________________________
The clan is intended to be very strict,not a lot of people might be interested in this concept.
This,and the requirements,are the reason why i dont expect to have a lof of members in it.
But thats completely fine.
The clan may be the right choice for you,if you:-like kenjutsu
-want to be part of a clan with a serious background
-like to climb up ranks,while gaining more and more influence in the clan
-are interested in ingame politics
-enjoy RP
-are a member of the hidden inferno villageThe clan might not be for you if you:-cant follow orders
-are childish
-plan to kill innocent players
-dont like a serious RP background
-cant speak english properly(not really talking about bad grammar here)
-like to troll
-dont want to serve the kage
-throw toasters at other people at 7:00 AM while wearing only your underwear and screaming,,the birds shall fly!''.Really,those people are weird.
Additional infos:
-Members of the clan will have various titles,and you are expected to call them by their title(when doing RP)and show them respect.
You are also expected to show respect to the kage of your village(and other kage aswell)and the elders.
-As i allready wrote above,this clan will serve the kage.
To be more specific,the kage of inferuno no sato.
You may still be able to join the clan,even when youre from another village.
In that case,we might be able to work something out.
-You should also know,that while beeing a member of this clan,you are not allowed to be the member in a rogue organization,or any other organization that is considered to be a enemy of the village.
-We have good relations to the odiloshinnai clan.
-It would be nice if your character would,,fit the clan''
That means,dark hair(black,if possible),black eyes,pale skin.
The clothes could be black,grey,white,blue,brown......but they shouldnt be too bright.
Its not a must,but i would appreciate it.
-Your character should have a RP conform name(no numbers in the name,and no names like,,XAwEsOmEkillerX'',you should have a japanese sounding name aswell).
-Members of the hinode clan are known to be very passionate about their tasks,but in general,have a calm and quite personality.
How to join the clan:If you are interested,you should provide a few informations about your character,like the age,what fighting style you want to use,what your goals are,your village,why you want to join the clan,and so on...
If i think that you could meet the requirements,i will talk with you privately on discord,about the details.
We dont have a discord server yet,but i will make one soon.
* * *IMPORTANT* * *
You have to respect other players and be aware that the bad behaviour of 1 clan member,reflects badly on the other clan members aswell.
Harassing other players,on the forum or ingame,will not be tollerated here.
If there are any problems with members of my clan,please let me know about it and include a screenshot,if possible._____________________________________________________________________________________________________
I hope we can keep a close contact with the future kage(and elders)of inferuno no sato,to support the village.
Feel free to send me a pm on discord.
More details about the clan,like the ranks,events,rules and similiar things,will be added later.