I've been sparring with a couple members from my clan for the past 2 days and I have to say it's pretty fun; and to an extent competitive.
You have included the following fundamental functions which I am really impressed by;
-Dodging in all directions.
-Backflip, a fancy way to dodge by throwing yourself backwards.
-Several offensive Jutsu, needless to say 'Firebreath' is op and needs to be toned down. It can melt users in like 3 seconds.
-Chakra regeneration.
One thing that troubles me is chakra during combat, more specifically 1v1.
I fail to have a proper duel when I constantly have to stop and wait for a couple seconds (sometimes a minute) for my chakra gauge to fill up so that I can resume battle. My suggestion is for us to have a larger chakra pool, enough to be able to cast several abilities and dodge + run around above 50KPH. OR lower the chakra consumption rate of abilities and sprint + remove it for dodging.
This way battles will not only be far more enjoyable but users would also be able to last in constant combat (abilities + sprint) for longer than 45 seconds.
Health regen
Whenever we finish a fight, we have to get someone to kill us in order for our health to reset.
Could we have an option to restart our character with full health, or activate effective hp regen?
I get what you've got a problem with -- but the solutions you've suggested would (if you think about it) actually end up just creating another problem on the opposite end of the spectrum; specifically, battles that can *never end* -- aka, characters that have little to no consequences for staying in constant combat. With a higher chakra regen, players who are skilled enough to avoid most damage would be able to CONSTANTLY fight, to the point where other players wouldn't get an opportune opening.
In the same sense, a health regen is just as bad an idea, as again those same players could just rick-roll entire groups.
Really, the current gen-deathmatch has been nerfed down a bit in *response* to these type of situations; so in my own opinion, any changes to the game might, in fact, imbalance it further.
I can 'almost' agree with you on the FB, but really, the contexts of its use beg to differ. Previous incarnations took FOREVER to kill anyone -- and adding insult to injury, it was very much a close-ranged jutsu. As such, the current FB is alright so long as:
~Chakra regen remains the same, since FB 'burns' through that pool fairly quickly
~You stay away from the caster
All that I've said on this topic can be applied to *nearly all* of the current jutsu, with perhaps an exception for WB, which is about the most balanced among them atm.
~FB burns out fast and has to be used at medium-range (thinking back on it, point-blank makes it inaccurate, as it goes *past* the foe), but does relatively good *DoT* damage.
~WB is fairly balanced, as I said previously.
~Chidori is, perhaps, the most unbalanced among the jutsu at the moment; and due to its popularity, this is actually the one that scares me the most in terms of higher chakra regen. Chidori appears to have gotten buffed, as it no longer takes *as much* chakra for good damage -- and though it takes several strikes, these can be done in succession and will still leave enough chakra for a few more hits against possible secondary threats.
Overall, perhaps this isn't *quite* the time to talk about granting increases for the current-gen jutsu.