The only one acting like some big shot here, is you though Kamashe.
How many comments have there been of people actually putting in effort to help you with your faults?
You didn't do anything with them, instead you just blatantly hated on everyone.
In the current community we don't view ourselves above someone else, we're friends (most of us anyway).
You're the one thinking you're above everyone else, thinking whatever you say is right.
You're similar with Mordredeon, that guy also had huge ego problems and thought he was always right.
second, to call us all stupid please actually try to make your posts somewhat knowledgeable i.e. make sure you don't make incredibly dumb typos or sentences.
Get your grammar right, if you were from 'my company' you would've been fired long ago, as you bring a really bad name to the company.
I wouldn't be over exaggerating if I said that you are literally a disgrace to anyone who gets sent to a game by their boss to review it.
Third, what's the deal about bringing his youtube channel in this?
So what if he isn't as big as pewdiepie or whatever, at least he has the guts to make videos.
Fourth, first I had hoped you would change so you could actually become a part of the community, but quite frankly I don't see that happening.
The community is really kind, but not to people who don't deserve it.
We didn't pick on you at the beginning, we were just trying to make sure you understood the game and its rules and hoped you would abide the rules.
Yes, I'm aware you will reply to me with even more bullshit than you already posted, and that I might get Warning Points for calling you out.
However don't you think you're going a little too far? telling a mod who is trying to "get the haters off of you" to I quote "Shut the fuck up"?
I hope they will actually do something about you for once lol, as you're pretty much crossing every single line.