Clan name: SeikyouHitomi
Clan logo:
Founder: The old Suyikato
Leader: ( i don't know if i can be a clan leader, i'm not even a genin)
Affiliation: Vilages and countries, are affraid of this clan power and rejected all SeikyouHitomi. Ninjas of this clan are condemned to live in hazardous places like Forgotten forests and high mountains.
Clan history: This clan is one of the eldest clan, but unlike others which are respected. This one is only feared by everyone. Indeed the power that each member can obtain only by opening his eyes is incredible.
Everything began 3 centuries ago, in a village called "The village shown by tears" (it doesn't exist anymore).
That Village was known as a place of pilgrimage for every ninja who had obtained his diploma. Villagers were all farmer, or priest for several divinities and surprisingly there were not any conflict between worships. Farmers fed priests and priests taught to farmer's children.
One of those children was called Suyikato, he was famous in the village to be as clever as other priests but unable to carry a light haystack. moreover he was so weak that it was hard for him to walk correctly. With the help of Br. Migabo his master, he learned to live with this weakness and finally exceled in writing and reading of religious texts. During ceremonies everyone was listening to him as if they were under a powerful witchery, although that was only his charisma. Unfortunately one day, while he was picking his favorite book "Everything goes well" he stumbled on the carpet and put out his eyes. Since then he became totaly blind. That was the worst smiting that would have happened to him, the only thing he was doing well was reading and learning from books! He lived with this encumbrance over 2 years. Yet, a monday, while he was dreaming under the rain, he remembered about a tale he had read at the beginning of his studies. That tale were about a man who was born without eyes. The man after 30 years of life in the darkness had finnally saw through a pair of amethysts after executing a strange pact.
Suyikato tried to remember as well as he can the different stages of the rite. He found the jewels easily and started the ceremony.
He only had to put amethysts covered by holy water on his eyes and sing a stupid prayer.
The temple was the perfect place to do that, hidden of people and peaceful. The young boy did the pact perfectly without doing any mistake except one, he took a glass filled with sheep blood instead of water. When he stood up he was crying. That was so beautiful he was not blind anymore and was able to see everything around (yes EVERYthing !). That was wondeful for him. But when villagers saw him with that gems on the face shouting everywhere that he was able to see again. They quickly thought he was baleful and bad for the village, therefore they chased him away.
Thenceforth Suyikato, wander alone on roads looking for berries to survive. Someday he met a gang of thieves. When they saw him, they laughed till one of them understood that this child wore precious gems. They approached, looked to him and the ugliest one took a knife to take off the amethysts. Suyikato closed his eyes. Nothing happened. When he opened his eyes he saw, each thief on the ground at approximately 20 meters...
Unique traits: All members of the clan are descendants of Suyikato. They are skinny, pale and with dull hairs. (look like my char):
Strengths: The eyes (like a rinnegan) allows clan members to push or attract everything, summon different creatures, use parts of his body like mechanism (rocket, blades, laser etc...), absorb ninjutsus/chakra and can heal himself or others. (of course IG cooldown or important cost must be sets). They also have great stock of chakra.
Weaknesses: Like their ancestor, SeikyouHitomi members have bad physical shape/strenght, they are really weak at Taijutsu and not resistant.
Rankings: (See in the future.)
Members: Ubichiko.
(u see the previous drawing, i can update him if u join the clan and send me a picture of ur character)
Rules: Young unskilled ninjas have to stay in the clan base until they are with a sensei. If a SeikyouHitomi is loosing a fight against an unknown ennemy he have to flee away or destroy his eyes (in order to save the clan secret). U can't use clan technic on another clan member except during training or against a betrayer.
Sorry for mistakes (i'm not english ^^)
for clan members only (XD):