Organization name: Kiyoraka
Organization logo:
XFounder: Aoi
Leader: Aoi
Rogue Ninja Organization.
Allies: Katakiuchi
Enemies: N/A
To be written.
Purpose/Goals: Kiyoraka thinks that the human is broken. Aoi lost his purity long time ago and mainly because of the corrupt villages and the Kages that rule them without having a clean vision. Kiyoraka members consider themselves pure, gods that have the right to rule the world, because they, unlike the Kages, have a clear way of thinking over the power and command and they can not be influenced by simple people. They are composed of two half's like any other beings: physical and psychic only that their half are godly. As they already posses the God psychic, they intend to recover their lost powers and become the ultimate human physically. They also want to eliminate the Kages and create one only nation ruled by the perfect government.
Unique features: (How would one recognize a member of your organization? Perhaps a distinctive clothing piece, or something else that makes them stand out.)
We will have robes similar to the Akatsuki Robe Sasuke had, and on where the chest should be, will be the symbol along with your position.
君主, Kunshu (Monarch)
The head of the organization. All plans are made by the Kunshu & the Kunshu decides on all organization meetings and how they are planned. Even though there are meetings in the organization to decide what actions will take place, the Kunshu approves the best idea, in his favor.
There are only two positions for the Kyōdō rīdā. These two make sure the Kunshu's orders are fulfilled and are at the side of the Kunshu, always guiding him and updating him on outside and inside information. These two also give orders to the captains, which are directly given from the Kunshu.
キャプテン, Senchō (Captains) 5
Captain 1:
Captain 2:
Captain 3:
Captain 4:
Captain 5:
The captains are basically a small group of people who help train the Pillars and members. The Senchō are in charge of gaining information and gathering new members. Orders that are given from the Captains/Kunshu are also given to the captains. If the captains are given a mission that require aid, such as infiltrating a village to get information/steal resources, the captains are allowed to steal a squad from the pillars without permission. The captains also give missions given from the Kunshu to the pillars.
柱, Hashira (Pillars) 11 Villages- 11 Pillars:
Hidden Ash Squad Hashi
Hidden Shock Waves Squad Hashi
Hidden Dust Squad Hashi
Hidden Metal Squad Hashi
Hidden Inferno Squad Hashi
Hidden Snow Squad Hashi
Hidden Haze Squad Hashi
Hidden Thunder Squad Hashi
Hidden Volcano Squad Hashi
Hidden Forest Squad Hashi
Hidden Hills Squad Hashi
In a squad, there are five members. The Pillars are the leaders, but are also apart of the squad. Being the leader just makes sure the main focus of the task is done and nothing else.
分隊, Buntai (Squad)
Squad 1 Target: Hidden AshWill have to be two Ninja's from
Heizugakure who will have both Water & Fire as their chakra natures. Since the chakra natures for Haigakure are Fire and Wind, it's only smart to counter. A long side the two Ninja's will be a Pillar from the
Kaminarigakure Village, one sensor and a healer.
Healer:Squad 2 Tagert: Hidden Shock WavesWill have two Ninja's from
Kinzokugakure that have both Wind and Lightning as their Chakra natures. A long with a Pillar, a healer and sensor, this makes the second squad.
Healer:Squad 3 Target: Hidden DustWill have two Ninja's from
Inferunogakure that have both Fire and Lightning as their chakra natures. A Pillar, healer and sensor will accompany those two Ninja's.
Healer:Squad 4 Target: Hidden MetalWill consist two Ninja's from
Haigakure who have both Fire and Wind as their chakra natures. A Pillar, healer and sensor will accompany the Ninja's.
Healer:Squad 5 Target: Hidden InfernoThis squad will consist two Ninja's from
Yukigakure who have both Water and Wind as their chakra natures. Of course, a sensor, pillar and a healer will be with them.
Healer:Squad 6 Target: Hidden SnowTwo Ninja's from
Kazangakure will be in this squad that have Fire and Earth as their chakra natures. As usual, a sensor, healer and pillar will be in the squad.
Healer:Squad 7 Target: Hidden HazeWill be two Ninja's from
Morigakure who have water and earth as their chakra natures. A sensor, healer and pillar will be in the squad also.
Healer:Squad 8 Target: Hidden ThunderWill consist of two Ninja's from
Hokorigakure who have wind and earth as their chakra natures. A sensor, healer and pillar will be in the squad.
Healer:Squad 9 Target: Hidden VolcanoWill have two Ninja's from
Kaminarigakure who have water and lightning as their chakra natures. A sensor, healer and pillar will be in the squad.
Healer:Squad 10 Target: Hidden ForestWill have two Ninja's from
Shogekihagakure who have lightning and earth as their chakra natures. A sensor, healer and pillar will also be in the squad.
Healer:Squad 11 Target: Hidden HillsThis squad will be a special squad that consist a co-leader, two captains a healer and sensor.
In the squad there are five members. One healer, one pillar, one sensor and two attackers. And since there is a squad for each village, there are 55 members in total. All squads will be assigned to a village, and the special squad will be set up with the Kyōdō rīdā, Konohuro, who will have the Hidden Hills village assigned to them.
Healer: Application for the Squad:
Character name:
Clan name (If any):
Nature type:
Will you be a healer:
A brief sentence about you:
Why do you want to join:
What position do you wish to join :
Why do you think the position fits you:
If the hashira/buntai, which village do you intend to go after:
You will go through an application process once you've applied. Once you are accepted, you will be private message, being welcomed unto the organization along with a tag that you put on your profile space.
Half-assed applications will get rejected on sight.