A suggestion on aiming, whether it is with a melee weapon, ranged weapon, or jutsu.
Essentially it comes down to this, wherever your mouse pointer goes (this could be a small kunai or target, whatever really), the weapon (or aim of the weapon) follows. If you have a sword, the blade will follow whichever direction you swing once you click and hold the left mouse button. Since blocking is essentially just swinging the sword to meet the opponent's weapon, there's no need for a special block button. If you have a ranged weapon, you'll need to calculate the drop rate of the item based on it's wieght and your strength (more strength = great distance). Of course, you'll also need to slowly increase your precision with the weapon type you are using if it happens to be a ranged one. As for using two weapons at the same time, one could simply alter between which one you are controlling by switching between the right and left mouse buttons (this also helps with prefered hands, as a player need only equip the weapon to the prefered hand).
Some combat examples:
With ranged weapons, this is simple. All that's needed is to use the system from Mount and Blade. Wait for the reticule to narrow down (its minimum size depends on your skill/accuracy with that weapon) before releasing the projectile. There is still a random aspect to which area it launches at (pretend there is a large batter's box, and it may become smaller depending on your skill, but there is still a randomizer for which area of the batter's box the projectile will go to). Also, strength should determine the amount of power you put into launching that projectile (more strength means the projectile goes longer and does more damage upon impact), though the amount of power will also vary based on the projectile's weight (shuriken go the farther, but a kunai hits harder).
With melee weapons, you need only hold down on whichever mouse button (hand) the weapon is equipped to and swipe. The blade follows the target with perfect accuracy, but stats again come into play. More strength grants greater power and speed with your chosen weapon, though again the weapon's weight comes into play. Heavier weapons take greater strength to wield comfortably (not super slowly), while lighter ones deal less damage (unless in the hands of a very strong player). Also, as I stated before, players can equip (depending on the weapon type, we'll say sword as an example instead of polearm) two weapons for both hands. Using the previous method of aiming, they can they block and parry with either weapon, or both at the same time. Having trouble countering against that sword? Grab a second one, hold your block with the first, and counter with your second. With polearms (two handed weapons like staffs), the player can change up which is their primary or secondary side of attack by using either mouse button. Ex: Parry the attacks of two players from both sides by alternating which side of the staff you are controlling.
If a player is good enough, they will be able to fully manipulate their chosen weapon with the speed and grace of a regular shinobi. It should also be noted that (like and yet unlike MaB), there needs to be a button for switching between ranged or melee use of a weapon (for throwing weapons and melee ones only, not for bows and crossbows).