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Messages - LordKawaii

Pages: [1] 2
Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: The Kishu
« on: August 18, 2015, 00:01:09 »
Cool thanks!

Can I be part of the War branch?

Done, Welcome to The Kishu.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: The Kishu
« on: August 17, 2015, 13:40:19 »
This org sounds really cool I'd like to join, hopefully you guys are still active & stuff

Character Name: Crono Nazir
Position: Team Member
Character description: Mainly Ninjutsu
Extra Info: Just started this so idk if ill be good at it yet lool but it'd be cool to get in on it from the beginning

PS im a nice guy

Accepted, nice to have you on board, I'll try and get in touch with LordKawaii so he can edit the lists :)

Speak of the Kawaii and he will edit the lists, just a heads up, you'll need to pick a branch before I can place you in a team, that's something I overlooked in the application and thus I shall rectify it.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: The Kishu
« on: July 06, 2015, 18:16:27 »
Extra side note: Anyone who wishes to apply from here on, don't worry about the application template, I get the feeling it's kinda unnecessary and most people won't be bothered to do it.

Edit: To the extra side note, please disregard it, I've left it up there in case any who've read it get confused about what I'm going on, we've simply decided to re-implement it to "prevent people thinking that we're just going, we don't care who you are just sign up" - Brakelvierr, The Writer. Also "We've decided to re-implemented to try and combat the issue of any random person joining or any possible fraud." - LordKawaii, The Co-Writer (The best writer) so in conclusion, if you want to join this please fill out the short application.
Thank you :D

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: What org are you in?
« on: July 06, 2015, 18:13:07 »
The Kishuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

are an organization... that exist

Lol XD what was this for?

I don't even know to be honest

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: What org are you in?
« on: July 06, 2015, 17:09:49 »
The Kishuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

are an organization... that exist

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: What org are you in?
« on: July 02, 2015, 15:17:14 »
No idea if this is still an active thread but thought I'd come by and say the Asebtsuki isn't a thing anymore, at least for now, and if it's still being updated, a lot more orgs have popped up recently, if not just ignore me :)

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: The Kishu
« on: July 02, 2015, 15:14:28 »
Nice org! I really like the idea :D
Goodluck with the Organization :)
Looks promising ^^

Thank you both for the encouragement, we'll certainly try our best

If we can get anyone XD

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: The Kishu
« on: July 01, 2015, 10:54:10 »
Change log: Changed the background, recruitment and purpose a bit so that it makes a bit more sense, going to tweak the purpose a little bit more in the near future.

Exactly what he said ^^ we are working on fleshing things out a bit more and making everything a bit clearer.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Attending Classes
« on: July 01, 2015, 10:50:32 »
Ok so I originally thought this thread was a massive mistake on my part, but it actually got people discussing stuff. yay?

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Attending Classes
« on: June 28, 2015, 14:44:30 »
Ah ok, I wasn't aware of this, I guess I should pay more attention :P, thanks everyone for correcting me.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Attending Classes
« on: June 28, 2015, 09:08:45 »
Heyo Ninjas and Assorted others, I just wanted to start a thread about how academy classes will work, and see if anyone has any ideas. :D

I had an Idea that maybe everyone goes into their villages academy, and you either have classes divided by the 'grade' that the characters are in, or just have an assortment of different classes that players are randomly assigned too.

I'd like to hear any other ideas or suggestions, thanks :)

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Kami Senshi
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:44:33 »
@Mars @StrawHatSeyi You two make a cute couple  :-* :-*

IKR ,  more kawaii than @LordKawaii .

I disagree with this statement as it is simply

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: The Kishu
« on: May 23, 2015, 16:12:41 »
Kishu Applications
Character Name:
Position: (What you’re applying for, Horseman, Revelations, Team Captain, Team Member, etc.)
Character description: (Basically how you plan to structure your character E.G: Mainly Ninjutsu, Mainly Genjutsu. Etc.)
Preferred Branch:
Extra Info: (Basically anything else you want to put)

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / The Kishu
« on: May 23, 2015, 15:56:08 »
The Horsemen

Organization name: The Horsemen (騎手 Kishu)
Organization Logo:
Founders: War, Pestilence, Famine and Death
Leaders: Byoki Mokushiroku (Pestilence), Funso Mokushiroku (War), (Open Slot, Famine) (Open Slot, Death)
Affiliations: None (Currently)
Allies: None (Currently)
Enemies: None (Currently)

History: Long ago in a War-torn country there lived four children, who were best friends, as those children grew up and became Shinobi they were one day called to fight a wandering Chakra Beast, and during the ensuing fight one of them tragically fell in battle. The remaining three's minds turned to bitterness and sadness, not toward the beast, neither towards the man responsible for the calling them to fight when he knew they weren't strong enough, but to any pointless death. They took a blood oath to each other, to defend innocents in any possible way they could. During the continued struggle against the beasts and other disasters their outlook on it changed and they came to believe the only way they could stop people dying was to destroy anything that may threaten defenseless people as quickly as possible.

As they continued to fight in the battles that came, one of them fell gravely ill from an infected wound he had gotten whilst fighting a beast, A beast's chakra is venomous and a later that year he gave into his poison and passed away. The remaining two said to themselves that they'd have to work harder to eradicate these things as soon as they could; if the disasters hadn't claimed the doctors as medics their friend might’ve survived. In order to end war, they would need to work to save the lives of those affected by beasts or disasters on their way.

The last two were left to wander after the imminent threat was over, the food stocks were low due to many food stocks being destroyed or improperly rationed, one of them hadn't been able to eat due to the food’s rationing and they refused to eat anything sacrificing their food for the other, they later passed away from malnutrition and hunger. The last of them was left alone, they thought that the sooner all conflict was destroyed meant the food would not be wasted and people wouldn't need to die like their friend had.

The last, alone, felt unending guilt over being the only survivor amongst their friends and not being able to realise their dream of a world without destruction. They continued to live on and eventually passed away due to old age, with their anguish and hatred still living on.

Many years later a dark-hearted and extremely powerful rogue Shinobi revived their corpses for a limited time in order to help in his efforts to eradicate his enemies and attain power like no other. After their eventual defeat the Shinobi’s grip on their personality and emotions loosened, the four unbound their mental and physical constraints and took on the name of the tragedy that caused their Demise; War, Pestilence, Famine and Death. The four rode out and assembled an organisation to carry on their plan; they dubbed it Kishu (Horsemen) and passed their ideals and objectives to their followers. The Jutsu’s time was running out, they decided on naming four successors with the titles of War, Pestilence, Famine and Death after themselves, giving them these names to strike fear into the hearts of those who’d monger war, these successors were dubbed the Council of the Four, these people granted these titles are of the similar decendants as the original four. Their names are: Funsō, Byoki,

To prevent all destruction by training diligently in order to prevent or limit the effects any disasters that could threaten the Ninja world as well as defeating any Chakra beasts they can and defeating malevolent ninjas and their organisations. They wish to preserve innocent lives to the best of their abilities.
Unique features:
War Branch:  Red and black/dark grey clothing
Pestilence Branch: White and black/dark grey clothing
Famine Branch: Blue and black/dark grey clothing
Death Branch: Green and black/ grey clothing
Ranking: The ranking system that exists is The Four Horsemen, who act as a council of four for the clan; any actions are approved by a majority vote, the forces they command are labelled as such:
The Red Horse (War)
The White Horse (Pestilence)
The Black Horse (Famine)
The Pale Horse (Death)

The four horsemen may elect talented members from their branch to be a part of Revelations, which is an elite force (similar to ANBU) that will serve as the bodyguards, subordinates and private contract workers for The Four Horsemen directly.
The organization doesn't have a respective leader, however the 4 who are elected as successors are named after the four horsemen of the apocalypse and act as a council for the whole organization, they hold a vote for decisions that concern the organization, they each lead a respective part of the organization, as well as have their own bases and facilities for each Branch, the characteristics of the 4 branches are as follows:

The Red Horse: The general front line and hardest hitters in outright combat
The Pale Horse: Internal affairs and Battle Support
The Black Horse: Sensory, spying and tracking unit.
The White Horse: This branch generally focuses on battle strategies and political happenings.
Revelations: This is the elite force hand picked by The Horsemen from any branch to escort, and carry out missions of the utmost secrecy (similar to the ANBU).

Side note: Although you maybe assigned to one of these branches you aren't restricted by their features e.g You may be assigned to The Red Horse branch, but you aren't restricted to purely learning and mastering outright combat jutsu.

Each squad will have one captain elected by one of the horsemen (you may sign up to be one but you may be trialled when deathmatch is out), the members of these squads will include one 'recruit' shinobi from each branch from the organisation.

Team 1:

Red Horse: Crono Nazir (BLVCKHIPPY)
White Horse:
Black Horse:
Pale Horse:

Team 2:
Red Horse:
White Horse:
Black Horse:
Pale Horse:

Team 3:
Red Horse:
White Horse:
Black Horse:
Pale Horse:

Team 4:
Red Horse:
White Horse:
Black Horse:
Pale Horse:

Team 5:
Red Horse:
White Horse:
Black Horse:
Pale Horse:

Brakelvierr (Funso Mokushiroku) - War
Lord Kawaii (Byoki Mokushiroku) – Pestilence

1. The Council of the Four decide the Laws of the Organisation, anything they agree upon, will be followed
2. Any acts of treason against anyone in the organisation will be met with exile or death depending on the seriousness of the act. (Decided by an official of the Pale Horse)
3.  Failure to complete a mission will be met with a punishment of coin or sweat (you pay the mission fee from your own pocket or you work it off on menial tasks)
4. If you allow a comrade’s death, you will be sent out to avenge his killer or die trying.
5. If a council vote is disputed (A 2 vs. 2 disagreement) the vote is turned to the revelations to decide a majority,

Side note: The council of the four are not exempt from the rules and are in fact encouraged to uphold them more than an ordinary member.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Asebtsuki
« on: May 07, 2015, 12:53:38 »
This Organisation is on Hiatus for now, Simply because we have something better.

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