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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - Telekai

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3D Modeling / Re: Telekai's Swords
« on: October 06, 2015, 16:44:15 »
soooo... if I find anything good enough to be in game, I PM you with it? or something that is just badass overall, so that you can model it in your free time? I'm confused :P @Telekai
yeah pretty much, like i said sometimes i need a break from things and 3d stuff is like my video games now. I was a big gamer before but i can't seem to be able to sit down to a game as well as i can sit down and model and stuff. though i recently got pretty hooked on terraria. so yeah just PM some concept art thats awesome and if it can be used ingame then even better.

Even with this implemented, I think that some unique swords should be in game with a limited number of replicas. It just takes the game out of the monotonous area. For e.g. one's purpose may be to own a legendary weapon, let him live his dream. Note that a purpose is not something that necessarily comes true.

with a limited number of replicas - didnt look at it like that. i was thinking 7 swords. and say 1 guy owned one and his pc broke or something. but yeah that could work as well.

I personally think that in order to differentiate ourselves from naruto, we can do something more original. For example obviously everyone will create their character. For that matter every character can carry a weapon. That weapon could be a standard weapon for example broadsword, cleaver, katana. that kinda thing. In the villages there could be a shop or a temple or something we you could turn in chakra you have collected. via say from finding chakra stones or defeating opponents. When a certain amount is reached. You can buy parts and be able to create a custom weapon that can be infused with chakra. People that want to swords or 2 weapons can take on that ability. If we give your custom character ability slots that you can choose from. Dual wielding, sand defense, ice defense, rapid limb regenaration, have a pet (i.e. akamaru). Im not saying anything like this is going to be in the game just my ideas. Chakra stones was totally just made up on the fly. it just sounded good. Think of materia final fantasy VII. The reason is having only 7 swords and there being a ton of players sounds tuff.

3D Modeling / Re: Telekai's Swords
« on: October 01, 2015, 11:16:51 »
I'm glad you guys like those swords, and i agree they do resemble runescape 3. I looked into it :). In the near future i plan on modeling some swords for this game. Though i have alot on my plate, i take breaks and need space from the stuff i'm working on. During that time i work on other things, like the swords for example. On that note if there is some concept art of some weapons that will be ingame. Please share them and i will model them during those times i spoke of, as of for now. I'm back to work on more articles of clothing for the awesome base character that lumen modeled.

3D Modeling / Re: Telekai's Swords
« on: September 30, 2015, 13:06:34 »
No, it is one of the reasons i posted them on the forums. Stuff that is meant for the game, modeled or textured by me, gets shown to the team, and it makes its way into the game, if approved. These swords were just for kicks.

3D Modeling / Telekai's Swords
« on: September 30, 2015, 08:18:28 »
Modeled and textured some swords.

Link to Gallery

The images are kinda big and did not want to edit them to fit the page. A lot of options while posting on forums kept giving me 403 Forbidden.

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