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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - Fireshock

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Thanks all for awesome feedback :D.
As for balance...
I would like to remind you that this does absolutely NO damage, exept when you fly throw them. But I imagined that as not being very high amount of damage. It's suposed to have same combat role as Minato's Flying thunder god jutsu(his teleportation). Also it's suposed to be highest level jutsu which is very hard to obtain. Only way to attack someone while in fire form is with some technique which uses chakra, lowering the time you can be in fire form.

The most imbalanced part IMO is if there was whole clan with this jutsu and if they had 1 high level fire user. Fire user could just cast powerfull wide area fire attack and hit whole battlefield with it. Without caring to hit his allies or enemies. Because he will damage enemies and heal his allies hp and chakra.

But if you still think it's overpowered, some effects in fire form could be changed to some of those to balance it, i recommend ones with a *** behind:

-physical attacks can not hit you(they just go straight throw you) and you can only use ninjutsu     (that means no genjutsu)
-increase amount of chakra lost for each point of damage taken
-if your chakra hits 0, you die ***
-if you get hit by fire attack, it only heals your life with your passive, your chakra is unaffected ***
-if you are hit by water attack, you take X times normal damage        X>2 ... adjust X as needed
-your chakra deepletes faster ...       deepletion speed also adjustable as needed
-remove dealing fire damage when you fly through enemy

Also you could add taking double damage from water type attacks to permanent passive ability even when not in fire form.
This is really cool and all but i dont think Vreg will consider this even for a forbidden jutsu it almost sounds godlike.
But then again if he is considering this then it will get modified.. I mean the jutsu will get nerfed to a weak state.
STILL cool idea though :D

The jutsu is supposed to sound godlike, that is why it's awesome. But it is also balanced.

Word "adjust" means that it is COMPLETLY balanced. Vreg can "adjust" things I mentioned to make a strongest ninja only be able to stay in Flame form for 3 seconds before he loses all of his chakra, then the jutsu us pretty shitty. He can also make duration longer than that, but as soon as you get hit, flame form ends or you die because he adjusted damage to chakra loss ratio like that. He can make the water damage multyplayer so high that highest level shinobi would cry in front of most basic water attack.

With balancing options I left many different ways for Vreg to balance it. He can even CHOSE what combat role jutsu would have with so many possible changes. Options are one-use-save-yourself jutsu, medium duration(10 seconds) high mobility jutsu, very powerfull jutsu with very hard counter or long duration movement jutsu.
THINK about changing those variables and how hard those changes can nerf it and how people would abuse your weakness when they knew it.

Also I think Vreg said this wont be one of those dull stand-in-place-until your hp is gone kind of games. This is just another jutsu that if you pull of it helps a lot. The same way the opponent could have blasted you and severely wounded you with his strong offensive jutsu before you managed to react.

Thanks all for awesome feedback :D.
As for balance...
I would like to remind you that this does absolutely NO damage, exept when you fly throw them. But I imagined that as not being very high amount of damage. It's suposed to have same combat role as Minato's Flying thunder god jutsu(his teleportation). Also it's suposed to be highest level jutsu which is very hard to obtain. Only way to attack someone while in fire form is with some technique which uses chakra, lowering the time you can be in fire form.

The most imbalanced part IMO is if there was whole clan with this jutsu and if they had 1 high level fire user. Fire user could just cast powerfull wide area fire attack and hit whole battlefield with it. Without caring to hit his allies or enemies. Because he will damage enemies and heal his allies hp and chakra.

But if you still think it's overpowered, some effects in fire form could be changed to some of those to balance it, i recommend ones with a *** behind:

-physical attacks can not hit you(they just go straight throw you) and you can only use ninjutsu     (that means no genjutsu)
-increase amount of chakra lost for each point of damage taken
-if your chakra hits 0, you die ***
-if you get hit by fire attack, it only heals your life with your passive, your chakra is unaffected ***
-if you are hit by water attack, you take X times normal damage        X>2 ... adjust X as needed
-your chakra deepletes faster ...       deepletion speed also adjustable as needed
-remove dealing fire damage when you fly through enemy

Also you could add taking double damage from water type attacks to permanent passive ability even when not in fire form.

Kekkei Genkai: Fire Absorbtion

Anybody who has this this kekkei genkai would be healed instead of being damaged when hit by fire attacks. This is a passive ability which you have from the moment you recive this kekkei genkai. Healing would have no animation, so if you are sneaky people wouldn't even notice that their attacks aren't hurting you, but healing you.

Your character would also get "experience bar" for this kekkei genkai. The bar would only progress when you are getting healed by fire attacks. No need to put this on to screen. Just track it. After you have filled whole bar, which would take looong, weeks of playing. Then you would learn this jutsu/ability:

Flame Transformation Jutsu:

When you use this your whole body would transform in to fire. You can use it again at any time to transform back in to human.
This jutsu has NO CHACKRA COST and NO COOLDOWN. Meaning you can change forms at will, it is spamable.

Effects while in fire form:
-you can FLY and you move prety fast
-physical attacks can not hit you(they just go straight throw you) and you can not use physical attacks
-if you are damaged, YOU LOSE CHAKRA INSTEAD OF LIFE
-if your chakra gets to 0, you are turned back in to human form and Flame Transformation Jutsu is disabled for long time (aka. it gets long cooldown)
-if you fly over someone, they will take fire damage
-if you get hit by fire attack, it will heal you chakra instead of damaging it, in adition to healing your life from your permanent passive ability
-you take double damage from water type attacks
-your chakra would SLOWLY deplete

Fire form would not have human shape at all. It would basicaly be flying half-transparent fireball with two big eyes visible only if you look at it more carefully. So people would just see flying fire in the sky if you used ths to travel faster.
It would be possible to kill yourself with this jutsu by flying very high and changing to human form to fall from the sky.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Jutsu Creation Topic
« on: August 19, 2014, 17:40:35 »
Jutsu Name: Ice Armor Jutsu

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu & Kinjutsu & Secret jutsu

Jutsu Description: This is an advanced version of Ice weapon jutsu. Insted of weapon shape, super condensed water is shaped in to armor pieces and wraped around user's body. Then it is cooled. Problem is.. that after cooling, many people have stayed frozen solid. Killing themselves with their own jutsu. That is why this jutsu has been forbidden.
But this jutsu is still usable by Kakai Genkai Ice Release user. Who is easily capable of adjusting armor not to freeze himself and also controling ice in order to change/upgrade/repair armor in a middle of a fight.
The Village Hidden by Snow has kept this jutsu a secret. Waiting for it's Ice release user who can unleash it's true power.

Jutsu Level: Master

Chakra Nature: Ice release (Water + Wind)

Jutsu Range: -

Effects if hit: This jutsu creates suit of armor on the user's body made of super hard ice. Effectively turning him in to juggernaut who is capable of surviving anything, but heat. Which melts his armor.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Jutsu Creation Topic
« on: August 19, 2014, 17:16:57 »
Jutsu Name: Ice Weapon Jutsu

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Description: It is achieved by first controling water which has 5 to 50 times more volume than the desired weapon. User has to be extremely skilled at Water release to then condense all that water in to the size and shape of desired weapon. Then he uses Wind release to cool that water below 0°C to turn it in to ice. Because this ice is created from not normal, but super condensed water. It makes extremely hard and durable weapons.
This jutsu can also be achieved by combined effort of a 1 Water release and 1 Wind release user.

Jutsu Level: Expert

Chakra Nature: Water release + Wind release (Technically you don't need Ice release for this, you only need both Wind and Water)

Jutsu Range: Melee(weapon can only be created right by the user)

Effects if hit: This jutsu allows user to create any kind of weapon made out of super hard ice out of thin air.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: battle scars?
« on: August 19, 2014, 16:40:04 »
It would be cool if you need to find advanced hospital or healer to get the scar removed :D, if you dont like it.
But lame if big nasty scars were to common.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Genjutsu Mechanism
« on: August 17, 2014, 21:16:53 »
I think that genjutsu, EXACTLY the way it is presented in the anime, has potential to be truly awesome in mmorpg setting.

What I mean by exactly like in anime?
In anime they can only release genjutsu with that release handsing thing, IF they suspect that they are under effect of genjutsu. With releasing other people from outside being way easier than releasing yourself from inside. SO THEY HAVE TO CONSTANTLY BE OBSERVANT IN ORDER TO FIGURE OUT that they are UNDER genjutsu and ofcourse care not to get caught in it.
For example:

---Single target skill, when used on a player, makes him see illusion of the mob from this area(higher lvls make him see illusion of another player). This will result in him reacting to the illusion and noticing that his attacks go throw it/dont work the way the should/mob didn't spawn on his normal spot. Thus he concludes that he is under some kind of genjutsu and uses genjutsu release thing in attempt to free himself. To other players he would look like lunatic swinging at nothing(because they dont see illusion), just like in anime when people go crazy cause of genjutsu.

---Single target skill, when used on a player, makes his HealthPoints/Chakra/Shuriken&Kunai ammunition(any of those)  APPEAR ONLY TO HIM different than they actualy are (HOW they should appear could be controled by caster (more/less than actual or fixed ammount)). Player would have to keep track of his stats or notice they aren't acting the way they should in order to conclude that he is under genjutsu. Thus he uses genjutsu release thing in attempt to free himself. Just like in anime when Sasuke made Danzo think that he still has 1 sharingan eye left for Izanagi, while he actualy had none.

---Wide area skill that affects all enemies/enemies&allies in certain range of the caster. It could inflict similar effects like skills above. Or maybe make all of those people see everyone around them AS enemy, however will game define enemy(red color or different headbands/clothes/equipment). Potentialy making whole enemy army slaughter themselves. Any of caught players could use genjutsu release thing in attempt to free himself if he suspects that he is under genjutsu. Experienced group of players would all easily see throw this genjutsu so it's not imbalanced(it would be more advanced jutsu).

---Any kind of summoning illusions that everyone can see, ik that there is no summoning in game, but this would only be models that you can walk throw(models of mobs or players). Because these would NOT be TARGET based, they could NOT be dispelled/released. You would need to somehow interupt caster to stop it.

---Zabuza's Hiden Mist, same as above, but instead of illusions makes fog in a certain area around caster. Fog removes sound effects created by players who learned skill needed to fight in fog, like Zabuza and also TO THEM appears less dense. Others get crippled by it. Fog size/range, visual density(which realy impairs victim's ability to fight) and stat bonuses improve with jutsu's level. This cant be dispeled, this would not be imbalanced because you can just run out of fog.

Basicly players could spam genjutsu removal thing if they were not sure if they are under genjutsu. But they would have to improve their skill at it to succesfully free themselves from stronger genjutsu. When they improve their skill at it, it's casting time or chakra cost increases, preventing them from spaming it like idiots.
Casting could also have many different requirements: draw target's blood, simply get in range, target standing still for few seconds, you not being hit/interupted for few seconds/certain time, knock target to ground, target keeping your character in his CAMERA VIEW for certain time(just like looking in to eyes in anime, certain time to balance it).
Some genjutsu when succesfully cast wouldn't show any visible animation, leaving target to figure out that they are under genjutsu. Others would obviously be visible(Hiden Mist).
How i read about kakai genkai in faq.You could add 1 like tsukuyomi, which simply deals instant single target damage when succesfully cast, but is classified as genjutsu. You could also add 1 that gives partial or complete imunity to genjutsu or certain kinds of genjutsu(some of your 20 jutsus).

Illusions seen only by affected players could easily be programed CLIENT side.

Sory for huge wall of text XD. LONG STORY SHORT, I dont want genjutsu to be some stupid stat changes or just damaging skills. I want it to be tools for playing with other player's minds. Just what genjutsu is supposed to be. Hope I helped.

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