« on: June 26, 2014, 23:27:17 »
New guy coming through!
I believe I registered a litte while ago, only a couple of weeks tho, but pretty much forgot about it again xD
Name: Ryuujin, or in most games, Cromunus
Location: Norway
Goals: Getting a CB1000R, finding THE one, getting professional in 3d
Occupation: 2nd year of Highschool, sports
Hobbies: 3d modeling, anime, gaming, biking (motorcycle), tricking (not so much anymore, sadly)
Handicaps: Colorblind (Great combination with my fancy for 3d and art generally -.-)
I found Shinobi Life Online through AoA (Age of Aincrad), but as the community of AoA grew larger I no longer felt attached the same way as I had before.
SO! I hoped this smaller community would be a good spot for me to be for a while ^^
I guess that's all for now...?
Yoroshukune, or whatever xD Not that easy to write japanese romaji :l