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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - Kotatsu

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For you see long, long ago. Yeah, let's skip that part.

Warning: The following is from a user whose read through every single thread in the suggestion box. If any repeats are formed it is likely they forgot or likely didn't see it on the post.

So, I got done watching a bit of old school Naruto. You know, before the whole grown up, people taking two meteor equivalents in the face, getting up, and dusting off. Then, dying just cause someone poked them with a kunai.

It got me thinking about the whole concept. Ignoring that stealth wasn't a thing, and people stood out in the opening spamming jutsu at each other.

This brings me to start a few of my suggestions! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Pointlessly Random Edition:

The first being about Chakra. A tale old as time. We know it is not a specific thing with Naruto. Many other forms came into this. Anyway, first one is related on Chakra and Jutsu. Now, I suppose this would follow under a 'form' of customization for each character.  Now, I bring this up again someone suggested Jutsu coloration. Such as having a Blue/Black/Purple/Red Chidori or Fireball technique. I thought it was a decent good idea. But, this idea is about Chakra as well.

In Naruto, Naruto states it's like having two Chakra's Blue and Red. This got me thinking, why not let people have different 'Chakra' Colors. Undoubtedly, there will be situations where chakra will be visible (this is an opinion, not a fact. It may very well not be.) Such as when gathering it, or releasing it in some way. An example of 'releasing' would be somewhat between Neji's rotation'. Granted, I know this game is something 'inspired' by the verse, not an actual copy. So, you can completely ignore this one. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Why it's called Random.

Second: This one is a bit iffy, as it is both a Suggestion and question. How is health going to work? Is it simply going to be a health 'pool' you get, as you level up skills? (Because, let's face it, you can level up stamina by running a lot. But, you can't 'exactly' train health.) It comes down to a ridiculous notion (I haven't seen any explicit posts, so it's just another one to the pile.)

I don't know exactly how into the combat system is going to go. Personally, I don't even know if everyone will be running around with unlimited kunai to chuck, or if they buy 5. You get 5 until you waste them, buy more, or collect them off the battlefield. Onto health, some people take more than others, but you can't exactly 'balance' that all that. Now, I know that people are saying the combat is 'unforgiving' in some aspects. Where a mistake can cost you. I was thinking (as I watched some videos of people running around using Chidori and such attacking each other, over and over.) There should be a health bar of sorts, two types. Systematic and Overall.

Systematic, how exactly? This game relies on you aiming your attacks, carefully striking, right? Depending on how 'deadly' you want combat I imagine this can be adjusted. But, for my example I'll use 'Super Deadly' as an example. Each Limb, the two arms, two legs, the torso, the head. Would have it's own 'Hp' bars, eventually they would reach a 'ruined state' where using them would be impossible. If not that route, than it could simply come down to 'taking' more damage if they finally reach 'ruined' and you keep taking hits.

What do I mean about the Limb health? Chidori. Let's use that. If I hit you in the chest full blast with one, assuming you have no chakra armor protection, etc. Do you expect to survive it, and be dashing around unharmed? Probably not, obviously overdoing it such as having working 'organs' so if they get you in a critical area is too much work. 

The overall would be your overall 'life'. Again, they may have a better system, and this post is indeed pointless ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). But, it deserves saying anyway. The 'overall' would be the maximum total of Health a character has, maybe it's tied to endurance and stamina in a way (Such as constantly running, or getting beaten up. So, maybe you can train it.) But, the overall would take damage as your limbs would as well. Eventually leading into the K.O status they have set up it seems, which in turn would become a 'Hospital' teleport (In my opinion, I'd much rather see A.I NPC come pick you up and carry you back, but hey.. xD) or the 'Death' status people can choose to inflict. 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) You probably read this and thought 'Why is this even a suggestion? I fully trust the team to make a capable combat system. They might even already have this planned, but know this.. Pointlessly Random Suggestions, I can dream too dang it!

Third, it would be 'flight'. Oh, boy have I  seen a lot of comments about this. 'I wanna fly, I wanna summon a bird and fly' etc. To my knowledge, there is going to be ground mounts. Personally, I don't know how much work is going into the A.I. They might decide in the future, they want A.I rogue shinobi for players to do missions, against alongside their animals. For now, though. Flight, probably shouldn't be added into the game. Why? Why would I suggest against it? Especially, how I so much love flying over the landscapes and seeing what is what. Quite simple really.

In all the games that have added flight (No, matter how good the aerial combat, or overall flight is.) It not only messes up the community in ways, it messes up ground related things. (Why walk and be ambushed, when I can fly far overhead. Why bother with ground related things, it'll be easier to fly over them. Eventually, it'll turn into a 'Can we just fly our goods over to villages instead of going through the dangerous routes?' Try removing it afterwards, the backlash would be borderline insanity. For a game like this, it just doesn't work that great. Besides, what good are village walls if you can just fly over them? *thinks* Get me my anti-air kunai launcher..

Speaking of Villages, this brings me to my Fourth suggestion! The last one, and I just remembered this just a second ago ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

In terms of village defense, to aid the whoever is the leader of the 'village' or 'information/anbu/shadow men of a thousand shadows' Whichever you call the 'police/ underground police' Each major village (not including small ones or towns, etc.) Should have a sort of detection barrier around them. How would this work? I can't say. Would it detect only rogue/foreigners merchants/ninjas? Would it notify of 'members' of the village entering and leaving?

The 'Code' to get past 'undetected' could be 'Hokage, or Head of Police' type knowledge. (If everyone had it, 'Hi friend, here's the code, let's go stealthily betray my village' Funny, but a bit hectic.) Also, 'who' would be notified? The Hokage, and special forces/police force could be. But, I suppose this would even have to be considered before working out the details. Since I'm unsure if players would want to 'run' a intelligence HQ. It could be that members of that have to go 'notify' people in person that a breach happened.

Anyway, sorry for all this pointless drivel ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Personally, I just put this here cause it came to mind. Not of it need be considered, nor is anything guaranteed to enter the game. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Though, maybe it might?

Let me know what you guys think, or if there's anything you disagree with and such.

Disclaimer: These are merely suggestions, they do not represent the game as a whole, none of these suggestions of subject to implementation. Warranty void where prohibited.  There is no Tl;dr, nor do I have any idea how long this is. So, apologies.

I don't know if I'm allowed to post this here. But, you sure do make it hard.  Voting will be hard, because I like aspects of each one. Anyway, now I'll go cast my vote, shaking my head because this all can't be apart of the history. (Congratulations, you've thought of a lot of great ones.)

Introduction / Re: Oh hey... how did this get here?
« on: January 22, 2017, 02:11:18 »
Well thank you all for the wonderful welcoming. It's a pleasure to meet you all. By the way, @Leebz I'll take chocolate chip.

Introduction / Re: Oh hey... how did this get here?
« on: January 20, 2017, 18:36:01 »
Well then.. I didn't expect this sort of audience  :-[. Let me see here... thank you all for the warming replies, and I hope to be active around here.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Looki Kinshēdo
« on: January 20, 2017, 03:15:08 »
Good job with the character. I wish you a lot of luck with them. 'Stealthy' wonder what types of interactions that  will bring for people. Looking forward to it.  8)

Introduction / Re: Oh hey... how did this get here?
« on: January 20, 2017, 03:08:42 »
oh boii... wow..
I'd just say welcome then :/
I'd like to hangout with you.

I sense a lot of awkwardness in the air. But, thank you for the welcoming. But, sounds good.. sure let's hang out.  :-\

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Let there be growth!
« on: January 20, 2017, 00:24:46 »

I doubt Vreg reads every thread lmao and since no one brought his attention to this one, he might not read it too.
I'll keep this thread bookmarked and get to it later :)

At this risk of bringing this back as to only add my two cents in this matter. (I'm allowed to do that right? It totally has something to do with the suggestion). Now, before I ramble off I'll go in short. I feel like this should both (optional) and a cosmetic sort of thing only. (Character creator style you know?)

However, I did a fair bit of thinking, some people suggested 'benefits and weaknesses' to each one. I'll play ball.. here's what I came up with in a few minutes of thinking.

Let's go in order.. I believe it was Child, Teen/Adult, Old Man.

First of all for the Child. I figure they could A. Be slightly weaker than Adults, and give/or take how 'old' is old. Maybe stronger than 'old' in melee combat (weapons not included). Compared to the Adults/Old Geezers they could have a slightly slower 'Max speed' compared to the rest. Higher Stamina, However, Chakra and jutsu wise.. unaffected. A side suggestion: They could be slightly faster at attacking in terms of melee, very slightly.

For the Teen/Adult: I imagine they're balanced. Just kinda your 'default' if you'd call it that. No real weaknesses, or benefits. Unless, you want to add the ability to squeeze into small spaces.

Old Man/Gal: They could be slightly less durable, maybe even have less chakra Pools than the Kids/Teens/Adults. However, as a benefit they're a bit wiser. It wouldn't be wild to imagine they could have 'slightly' I emphasize on slightly stronger jutsu than the other two. In a way to balance out negative qualities. (Maybe they can 'learn' the jutsu faster as well, but yeah). Less Stamina than the other two.

Although, I'd prefer them as a cosmetic thing more than anything else (I'm more an RP, so I don't really care too much for stats.) But, I think it might add some interesting mechanics or not. It's just a mere suggestion, and my suggestions are probably worth less than a long timer here on the forums.

Second post. Woo I think.

Introduction / Oh hey... how did this get here?
« on: January 20, 2017, 00:14:01 »
Greetings fellow wards. *coughs* Shinobi... people... yeah. Alright, let's get this started. I've infiltrated (stalked) this site for about two days now... give or take. Now, I've finally decided... why not just join. (Yes, found it two days ago, and just thought I'd pop in.) Since I'm not very good at using forums yet ...since this would likely be about my first 'joining'.

Don't figure I'll bore you all with a long story or anything (I am rather boring). Let me see... where to begin on this post..I don't need this turning into a ten to fourteen paragraph greeting. Nobody wants to read all that.

Okay, well just go with what the template says. Was going to make it all fancy, but I've decided against it. Sue me (Don't sue me, you'll only get a lot of socks.)

Name: Let's just skip this, eh? Even though, it's not my 'real' name I'll just go by Kotatsu. (Because, unlike most of you, I'm shy and don't like giving my name out to people I don't know. Or maybe it's not shy more than defensive? Still nice to meet you I guess.)
Ethnicity: Caucasian (I'm pretty sure. At least I think.)
Living in: 'Murica. Is that how the cool kids say it these days?

Sports: I dislike watching sports of any sort. I'd rather play, you understand? Basketball, Baseball, Soccer (never played soccer.. but I like it.)

Hobbies: Now this is a tough one. My hobbies include (but not limited) towards: Reading, Playing games, Spending time with friends (..Oh, wait I don't have any...) Going outside, (With a great dislike of summer, it's way too hot.) On second thought, that's sorta it. I really need to broaden my horizons.  *Coughs* Cooking

Goals in Life: Now, this is a long strange list. I've wanted to be many things, even until recently I decided on cooking, but decided it better as a hobby. Oh, I'm gonna edit that in.. NOW I need to find more things to do. Finally set on a non winded answer. We can just call that: Computer Science. No laughing. Or you can laugh, you know what? If you laugh, I win.

Languages: English. I'd say Spanish, but introduction are as far as I know really.

This will be the end of my 'Introduction' I've always been terrible at these. But, yep here you go. Now, look at this it's pretty short.

TL;DR- Go back to the beginning, and read until you get to this point again.

TL:DR:DR- It basically says 'Hi'.. okay?


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