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Messages - Tameshi Hinode

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 22
General Discussion / Re: BTS Is Fucking Dope
« on: June 09, 2017, 03:10:05 »
Boy bands have the reputation to more or less,create mainstream music that usually hasnt a lot of meaning.
The fact that they are a boy band+the videos you posted,are more than enough to,,judge''them.
Also,teens are easily manipulated,especially young girls.
Thats why managers try to get a group of pretty boys together,to make money out of this,its not rocket science.
And no.....not every song has a meaning,there are boy bands who dont write their own songs,they just use songs written by other people,for some easy money,because they know that their fans will buy pretty much everything.
About BTS:I was reading that they write MOST of their songs,but not all of them.

If i cant judge a band based on their videos,how should i judge them then?
Nearly everything about them is,,the generic boy band stuff''.
Call me a hipster if you want,if im a hipster because i dont want to listen to boring mainstream music and,,artists''who are just after a fast money grab,then yes,im a hipster and im completely fine with beeing one :)
Its normal that people want something extraordinary,if everything is the same(as in,the same mainstream stuff ),it gets boring over time.
Though,thats not the only reason why i dislike this boy group,i simply dont like the music and their voices,mainstream or not.
There are better bands out there,and they would deserve the attention that those boy groups get.

Im also not dissing them.
You asked for oppinions,if you think im judgemental for stating my oppinion when asked to do so,alright.
Its simply critic,i dont like the music,i dont like their voices and i dont like their lyrics or the whole marketing concept.
Its also not just,,personal preference'',their marketing concept IS questionable,along with the actual talent of most boy groups:

,,Due to this and their general commercial orientation towards a female audience of preteens, teenyboppers, or teens, the term may be used with negative connotations in music journalism.''
-Wikipedia(yea i just quoted wikipedia)

TLDR version:
I dont listen to music with extraordinary lyrics all the time,yea im guilty.
But the problem with BTS is not only that they are mainstream oriented,really.
Its that they are mainstream oriented AND are not that good,medicore,perhaps.
One reason why,is their lack of rhytm,or that their songs are not memorable and leave a lasting impact(im not talking about lyrics or dance moves now),like i wrote before.
Youre free to disagree with me,but there is no need to get defensive and imply im a,,hipster wannabee''or that i have no clue about music,because
i have the feeling it will lead this discussion into a dissrespectful direction,and i would like to avoid that.
All my arguments have been directed at the band,not at you.

General Discussion / Re: BTS Is Fucking Dope
« on: June 08, 2017, 23:22:13 »

Yes,the translation may be a problem.
But i got to say,i listened to other asian bands,and was able to understand the lyrics and the meaning behind it.
BTS uses some methaphors/wordplay to describe things,i simply dont think that those are good enough,or that the thematic they are used for,is worth it.
The last video you posted,isnt that bad,lyric-wise and i understood the meaning,but i have seen better.

,,I can understand why you wouldn't though, as you aren't a big fan of rap (Or much music in general it seems.) and probably lack the ability or effort to try that.''

Like i said,im not a fan of rap,but i am a fan of music.
Pretty much my whole family is into music(my dad also earned money with his music).
But in my eyes,BTS is just a overhyped boy band that gets attention for their looks/mainstream thematics/marketing/dancing/interviews but not because of the music itself,i dont even know if they write all of their songs themself.
Its like when gangnam style became popular....this happened because PSY is a good entertainer,thats what he is good at.
As for my personal preference of music:Power metal,rock,punk(not much anymore),jazz,classical music....i dont care how they look or if they can dance,or have a cool backstory,i simply want to listen to good music and i have no problem with taking time to find out a songs meaning and read about it-if i actually enjoy that song and think the lyrics are worth it.
For example,i like songs about society and its norms and hypocrisy,or things that people usually dont talk about.
A good story,is fine as well,as long as its nothing generic that you would hear on the radio everyday anyway.

With 20,youre older than the target audience,thats right.
Still....i really doubt you would listen to it in 5 years ;)
The reason why i said,,growing out of'',is that this kind of music isnt simply aiming for a certain group of people,who like a certain style of music.
Its aiming for young people(mostly girls who adore the band members).
When people get older,they usually dont have much use for the topics/style of those bands,and there is a reason why boy bands are generally young.

But youre welcome to prove me wrong.
Lets stay in contact,and in 5 years,you let me know if you still listen to them ;D

General Discussion / Re: BTS Is Fucking Dope
« on: June 08, 2017, 07:16:31 »
Good morning...
Since you asked for oppinions and i had nothing else to do right now,i gave them a try.

First,im not going to flame you for liking them,you could like justin bieber and i would be like,,meh...i dont get it,but alright''.
So,at first i expected some girly singing,because of how they look,and because they are a boy band.
Was surprised when they started to rap....but thats all to be honest,i was surprised,not entertained.

The music sounds mixed up,just like the vocal part,i miss a rhythm in those songs,something that leaves a mark on you and makes you not forget it.
If i had to put words into a picture,i would take those songs and paint the picture of a river that flows in 2 directions at the same time-there is no synched flow,if you get what im trying to say,the vocals are like rocks in a river that split the water.
The first video kinda has some order and flow,there is a rhythm,not one i like,but there is one.
Video number 2,is the opposite,no clear rhythm there.

The lyrics are not that deep.
Relationships,party,not giving up,believing in yourself,beeing cool and all those things...the usual teenager/young adult themes,in a generic package.
Their target audience seems to be young and consists mainly of girls i guess.
The thematic of a song is also very clear,from what i heard so far.
No complex poems,classy wordgames or hidden meanings,you know what the song is about,without thinking too much about it.Some lines are not so bad actually,the last video was a bit better than the rest(regarding the lyrics).
But then you also have lines like,,bow wow wow'' or,,want it more moremoremoremoremore''...i dont consider those lines to really be meaningful or simply,good.

The vocal part.
This one will be short:they sound generic,not very unique.
Also,the voice is often edited and sounds kinda unatural.

Now....the videos themself.
Call me outdated,but a lot of those dance moves just look silly,like in video number 4(3:07 and 3:10 for example).
Boy bands get their fame and success trough simple marketing.
They have to look good,and sing about things that most people can relate to and understand.
And...they need a lot of attention,this could explain those dance moves.

To me,they are just 1 of many other boy bands out there,and i think most people will grow out of this phase,once they get older.
Its mainstream music for a young audience,and the fact that they are rapping too,isnt changing that.
Im not into rap at all,but there are some songs i enjoy,like songs from eminem or will smith(yea,that guy makes music too,for the few who may not have known it).
If you enjoy this kind of music,keep listening,as long as you enjoy it.
Just wrote down my thoughts about this band,as you asked.

Like toy soldiers,is a amazing song,it sets the mood,the vocals go with the flow,and the theme of the song is different from the usual,,yolo swag lol happy happy''or,,ima super though gangsta,even my guns use guns in da hood yo!gonna have to find someone to insult now to prove my manliness''cliches.

Greetings from:
Tameshi-propably the only one here who dislikes rap,pop and dubsteb/nightcore/vocaloid stuff/whatever-the-rest-is-called,all together.And ofcourse,i wrote this in comic sans.

PS:If youre looking for a good asian band that is definatly not cattering to the mainstream audience,check out dir en grey.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: New Player Here
« on: June 04, 2017, 03:34:59 »
Welcome to SLO,alek.

Introduction / Re: What's Good Fellow Shinobi
« on: June 04, 2017, 03:32:40 »
Welcome :)

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Keyn
« on: May 21, 2017, 01:30:11 »
If you say so...

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Keyn
« on: May 20, 2017, 15:29:47 »
Where was i saying that he is,,your dog''?
Your orga description and general attitude,kinda sounded rogue-like.
So i was talking with keyn about it,and he denied it in the past.
Now i wanted to make sure if its actually a rogue organization or not,since it looked like you 2 have not been in synch about this.

I wrote,,i was not going to imply that you 2 are the same person''because of toratsumes post.

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: ツル Tsuri Clan
« on: May 18, 2017, 12:20:48 »
Looks more like a organization.
And it seems to be almost identical with hikatsuri,and im not just talking about the logo.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Keyn
« on: May 18, 2017, 09:40:59 »
Your posts would be easier to read with a few punctuation marks.

I was not going to imply that you 2 are the same person,just pointing out the whole rogue thing again,because keyn denied it multiple times and i finally wanted to confirm this.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Keyn
« on: May 17, 2017, 20:28:31 »
No we aren't a rogue org

that was wen pain was te leader and ayo is lazy but he is going to change :P :P
REASON : Becoming a rougue

Also,monk3y became a rogue recently as well.


Introduction / Re: Yo, I'm Merguio
« on: May 11, 2017, 17:17:38 »
Welcome to the community,merguio :)

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Mirumoto Jin
« on: May 09, 2017, 09:17:49 »
... but extremely Loyal to his Village...will fight and kill without thinking for the glory or protection of Hidden Inferno

he is a super dedicated and loyal ninja in Hidden Inferno Ninja Academy.

I like you.
Nice drawing by the way.

The more japanese names,the better,its very helpful for RP and suits the game nicely ;)

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Jisatsu Ishi
« on: May 07, 2017, 04:32:23 »
Since this is your first thread:welcome :)

,,Hairstyle: (Picture)''
If you are just writing,,picture'',why did you write about the gender of your character,the hair/eye color the facial hair?
I mean,all of those things are visible on the picture as well,so you could also add,,picture''as a answer instead.
Looks a bit odd,to fill out everything normally,but add this kind of description for the hairstyle,just saying.

Introduction / Re: It's Victory time.
« on: May 07, 2017, 02:28:34 »

General Discussion / Re: #SLO Interviews - First edition
« on: May 07, 2017, 02:24:49 »
Since i dont know much about the community and we always get some new players,i really appreciate this.
Nice to see a interview with,,style'' ;)
Really enjoyed reading this,i hope you keep doing this and interview people about events aswell(should there be any).
Would also like to see more interviews about new players,who decided to stay around.

+1 rep.
This really is a nice idea to make the game feel more,,alive''.

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