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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - Isis

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General Discussion / Re: Pokemon GO!
« on: July 13, 2016, 02:53:00 »
It's not available in the UK :(

There are many ways to go around that depending on what type of device you have.

If you have an android, then like Manuster said download it through apk. However, Pokemon Go updates and patches will take a longer time to be installed for you. You'll still be able to play even without the latest version, though.

If you have an apple device then just make a new apple id. When signing up, put your country/location as U.S
After that log in, and you'll find that it is downloadable on the appstore. The game is fully playable with all the features no matter which country you're actually in. However one minor setback is that you won't be able to purchase items from the shop via real money. This is not a big deal though, since you can get all of these items by just playing the game normally.

General Discussion / Re: Pokemon GO!
« on: July 12, 2016, 22:09:10 »
Eh... I'd be more hyped for this :

That right there is what the world needs now..

Games / Re: Lie to Me
« on: July 11, 2016, 10:28:03 »
1. I'm cool
2. I'm funny
3. I'm not cool or funny

3 has to be the lie since if it's 1 or 2, then there would be two lies in that post.

Games / Re: Corrupted Wish.
« on: July 08, 2016, 10:57:04 »
Granted, but you will recieve no recognition for your hard work.

I wish I could be in any anime of my choosing.

Granted, but you will get as much screen time as Tenten does.

I wish I had an endless source of root beer right next to me for eternity.

General Discussion / Re: Shinobi Life Online selfies!
« on: July 06, 2016, 06:48:45 »
Is it just me or are half the old posts just empty? It would be like "Here's a picture of me" followed by nothing.
First I thought they might have edited it and removed the picture but.. then I realised none of them says they're edited so I got confused.

It's not just me right?

Shinobi Life Online Feedback / Re: Health and Chakra regen
« on: July 03, 2016, 20:03:19 »

Most of the suggestions on here have already been made though. A stamina bar for physical actions has already been suggested numerous times.

I do, however like the idea of dodges not taking chakra or stamina and instead having a cooldown.

Yes I remember seeing those suggestions before. Although I'd still say it's a better idea than having a cooldown on stamina-related actions.

Because there are three actions that should consume stamina; which are running, double jumping, and dodging. These actions require different amounts of stamina. It wouldn't make sense if they all took from the same cooldown thing that was suggested. Also, later on in the game with character customization and character development, we hope to have the choice to increase our maximum stamina. It would make much more sense if it was a stat that can be increased and decreased depending on the weight carried, body, etc. 

So for example, a giant, ultra greatsword-weilding ninja shouldn't be allowed to dodge and run as much as a mobile ninja who's wielding daggers for example. Get what I mean?

Shinobi Life Online Feedback / Re: Health and Chakra regen
« on: July 03, 2016, 10:24:59 »

One thing that troubles me is chakra during combat, more specifically 1v1.
I fail to have a proper duel when I constantly have to stop and wait for a couple seconds (sometimes a minute) for my chakra gauge to fill up so that I can resume battle. My suggestion is for us to have a larger chakra pool, enough to be able to cast several abilities and dodge + run around above 50KPH. OR lower the chakra consumption rate of abilities and sprint + remove it for dodging.

The only reason chakra seems to run out so quick is because it is a resource consumed by almost everything you do. Some of the things you do shouldn't consume chakra. It doesn't really make sense that running, double jumping, and dodging should require chakra. These three things are physical activities that purely revolve around stamina. Adding a stamina bar would definitely make things more realistic, because frankly it makes more sense that way. I really suggest adding a stamina bar that consumes these three actions, and that should help with the chakra issue. If chakra was only consumed by things that actually require it, then you wouldn't be running out of it the whole time.

Could we have an option to restart our character with full health, or activate effective hp regen?

Sure, but then there would have to be restrictions on using it, so that people don't just use it mid-fight. Maybe make it some sort of six second spell cast that can be interrupted if you were attacked.

Forum Name: Isis
Character Name: Isis Kirishima
Position applied for: Voter
Village: Hidden Haze
Status: Approved @Isis

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Clan Suggestion
« on: June 23, 2016, 21:23:54 »
Again having a lot of members In a clan will not help the clan of its bassed on the clans memebers average rank in fact it would be easer to get a higher ranking if your clan had only a few high ranking ninja in it. Remember that these Jutsu we are talking about need not be granted only onece. If the shadow possession Jutsu is the reword for the first time the clan wins it... The next time they get the shadow strangle - after that the shadow stichiching. I'm not saying clans should not have a player cap but I have a feeling players will die before a sufficient player cap is reached.

Not necessarily. If you're in a clan that has a special ability, does not really mean it will be easier to climb the clan's ranks. Sure, there might be less people, but each and every one of them will be highly-skilled. They are strictly-chosen shinobi. They have exclusive powers, so they have less quantity but more quality. It would not be easy making it to the top ranks of that clan.

Also, you're right. At first, those clans that do get exclusive powers might have some inactive players from the past. But that wouldn't last long. If there is a clan limit, these inactive players will be replaced with much better players who are guaranteed to stay for a long-term period.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Clan Suggestion
« on: June 23, 2016, 18:37:32 »
Or maybe, the Devs could say that a clan with let's say 1000 members, will get the privilege to choose one of a selected few abilities, even get to be able to add their own "clan tattoo" in.

Someone would maybe choose to make his clan skilled Genjutsu ninja, so he'd want that all his clan members gets an increase at Genjutsu stats. Or somthing like that.

That wouldn't work. Because then, everyone would just apply to the most populated clan, regardless if they actually like the clan for what it is or not.

The way I see it, it would work like this :

1 - Have a population limit to create a clan. (Anywhere between 4 and 8 members is fine)

2 - Make some sort of clan tournament, (maybe DM) in which there would be two or three winning clans from each village. Those winning clans get special abilities.

3 - Winning clans get a population limit so that not everyone applies hoping to get exclusive powers. Maybe ten or twenty more members prior to what they had before the tournament would be fine. Winning clan's leaders would then have to be careful who they accept. These clans will have a much higher standard and players will have to prove themselves to be a part of it. If you see a member of that clan, you would instantly know that they must be skilled, since they made it to that clan. That way they will possess special powers, but not mass numbers.

With your suggestion, a clan would have both: special powers and high population.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Jyuunishin
« on: June 22, 2016, 23:02:18 »
I've been gone for far too long.. However I'm back now

Name: Isis
Zodiac: Ushi / Ox
Village: Heizugakure
Specialization: Water Ninjutsu / Genjutsu
Why you want to be a Jyuunishi: I've been a member before and I know for sure that this is the only organization that perfectly fits me.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Clan Suggestion
« on: June 22, 2016, 21:06:34 »
To address the fact of the matter "Why would anyone NOT join a clan?" Well that's almost the plan really. If people don't want to be bound by their clan and just do whatever they want with their character, then they can "create" their own clan. Of course this would still leave the problem of thousands of dead clans on release. Maybe just create your character, and slap your last name on and that's your "clan".

I want Official clans to have advantages, but not in the sense that they are the same as regular ninja with extra jutsu.

Those people who do not want to be bound by other people's clans like you said... If they want to make their own clan then it should be special and impressive enough to get a certain number of members to be classified as an official clan. If we have no restrictions on clans we'll have all sorts of wild ideas made by people who just don't satisfy others. Clans are not made for an individual, they're made for groups of people.

Either way, it's a nice suggestion and there are several ways it could be accomplished. The easiest and most sensible is the way I mentioned in my previous post. However one thing is for sure...Clans who end up getting advantages or special abilities should have a member limit. This way clan leaders will actually have to be careful who they pick in the future as a member, and no one who isn't worthy will join the clan just to get these special abilities.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Clan Suggestion
« on: June 22, 2016, 09:40:40 »
You are somewhat right about the discrepancy here.

However, your system will ultimately cause balance of power problems. Let's say some clans become "Official" and choose their own unique abilities. This would make these official clans (which already must be much more powerful compared to the rest) even stronger. They will end up getting much more applicants than any other clan. Who would join a low-member clan with no special skills when they can join a populated one that has exclusive powers? Basically no one. My point is, these official clans will get both unique powers and more population.  Other clans will get neither.

In my opinion, there should only be official clans and that is it. Meaning no clans with just one or two members. This game is only getting bigger and more famous. Think of how it will be around release. If anyone had the ability to make their own clan, it would be hectic. Having hundreds of clans with just one or two players.. it's simply unrealistic. It might not look like it now, but soon it will turn into chaos. I say have only official clans. To be a clan, you need at least eight players to write down their names and register for that clan. The fact that eight players wanted to join a clan means that that clan must be special enough to deserve a place in the world. Because frankly, there is a limit on that.

That way, there will ultimately be less clan numbers, and more clan members.

Now, about the special abilities. This suggestion can happen, but not in this period of time at all. In fact, maybe a little while before release. There could be some sort of clan competition, with two or three winners from each village. The winning clans get to choose a special ability that can be implemented. That way, people who applied for that clan would have joined not because the clan has special powers, but because it actually has nice history/ physical features, etc. So in the end, like you suggested, only a few clans per village will have special abilities. The rest will still be official clans but without any. However like I said earlier, these clans are special enough to have a place. Since they got the interests of eight people, they will still be able to get more members because of it's features.

Games / Re: Secret Assassin: Round 9
« on: June 21, 2016, 23:18:11 »
This reminds me of and identical game I know of. That game though has some extra roles that are interesting.

There's a medic, who basically at night chooses one person (I guess here he would have to pm the host the person), and if the assassins chose to murder that person then he ends up staying alive.

Another role is called a joker. This guy is neither with the shinobi nor the assassins, he's a team of his own. His goal is to make the shinobi believe that he is one of assassins, and trick them into choosing to kill him during the day. If the people choose to kill him, he wins the game. If he dies from the assassins at night though he loses.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Currency
« on: June 20, 2016, 22:57:34 »
Hmm...but I'd wager people would still try to ambush for an easy kill from an AFK-Mode; one moment they're perfectly still and can't be touched, the next they've got a chidori sticking through someone's chest. Personally, I find combat-nullifying spawn-zones to be less of a hazard.

I don't think that would be something to worry about. Someone who's AFK is as dangerous as someone who's just sitting down. They both would have to stand up in order to cast anything. If you're playing (and not AFK yourself) then you shouldn't get surprised.

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