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Messages - DrSuhi

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Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: The Nii clan
« on: March 07, 2016, 13:48:56 »
Thank you all for your words of encouragement   :D
I like the story and how you bumped into a major clan in SLO. I see they aren't very peaceful and harmonic as many clans that have been created recently -- the fact that you have to kill the current head to obtain his title sounds quite rough and brutal, and that's something we don't see often.

Good luck with the clan :).
Yeah I think it could be either mass murder among clansmen or total stability... It all depends on the strength of the Head and the clan satisfaction with his rule. Also it might be a bit off putting for new members
Knights Who Say Ni(i)
nice reference XD
We have noticed.
Good luck with your clan, may it became a worthy competitor.
I will be contacting you to add you to the rivals section, if the clan gets a decent amount of members  8)

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: The Nii clan
« on: March 06, 2016, 22:10:15 »
Interesting, liking the fact that it was made to rival Kirishima.
Will you be requesting rivalry?

Good luck with it ^.^
I will! I hope they notice the post :3
Thank you!

Shinobi Life Online Clans / The Nii clan
« on: March 06, 2016, 21:46:14 »
Clan name: The Nii clan

Clan logo:
Affiliation: Hidden Haze village

Clan history: In his early days of being a genin, Satoru and his squad were sent on an intel gathering mission to the Hidden Inferno village. This was his first time leaving his home, so it was an exciting moment. When they arrived to the village, they split up since they didn't really know where to start. Satorus path led him to a giant housing complex, with banners all around, banners that did not hold the symbol of the Hidden Inferno. He lurked around, trying to learn more, and found out this was non other than the Kirishima household. Satoru was amazed at the sheer size of the clan, since the clans in the Hidden Haze were small, and week. He was so Impressed by the clan that he was devoted to make a clan that would rival even the Kirishima. So he did and formed the Nii clan.

Unique traits:
-Blue eyes
-fire release as primary chakra
-pale skin
Strengths: our skills with swords are unmatched. We are masters of fire release ninjutsu, other than that our skills are as diverse as can be. We also work on teamwork, the ultimate form being the 100 swords tehnique where we all strike at the same time with our swords
Weaknesses: we are weak to  water release ninjutsu.

Rival clans: non atm
Allied clans: Kasai Clan, Yamazaki Clan, Kinshēdo Clan

The Head- A leader, the person who decides the intentions of the clan. There are three ways of becoming the head:
1)Challenge the current Head to a duel and kill him. If the leader is not challenged his death is not valid, and the clan member becomes an A rank criminal for every Nii ninja, and will be killed
2)In the case of a death that is not valid, the Arms are entrusted with the Heads wishes for the next Head
3)If the Head goes rouge there is a non lethal tournament that is held for the title. The Head is also targeted, and killed
The Arms:The strongest two shinobi in the clan. They hold the secret of who is to take the Heads place in the case of an invalid death. They are chosen trough a tournament held every month. To save up on the Heads time the Arms either approve or disapprove of a challenger. If the Head is absent for some time, the Arms can accept or reject an application for the clan.
The body:The non ranks, and the soul of the clan

1)Do not attack a clan member if you don't challenge them. A fair fight is always an answer to a dispute.
2)Teamwork is fundamental in battle. Our differences can wait to be resolved in a time of peace.
3)Going rouge may sometimes be the only option. When meeting a former member of the clan in battle, don't attack just yet, make your challenge known.

The Head:
Satoru (DrSuhi)
The Arms:
Shiro (Bence); Raidnn (Yokiro)
The Body:
Kasito (faisal1234qas); Merkules (Merkules); Jackoe (jackoe); Halt (Halt); Kenchoeiki (Kenchoeiki); Haruame (Maiya); SlimSensei (Hogo)

To apply:
Character name:
What is your primary chakra?
Is your character a Hidden Haze shinobi?
What rank do you wish to achieve?
Do you swear to abide by the rules of the clan?

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: 5 chakra natures ?
« on: March 06, 2016, 08:37:46 »
Is it possible for one to abtain all 5 chakra natures?
Yes it is. If you defeat Vreg (who has them all), you get to keep them. However you will be the only one with all 5 and people will try to get their hands on your power.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Jutsu Creation Topic
« on: March 03, 2016, 21:27:01 »
Just some secret hidden haze jutsu

Jutsu Name: Hot spring trap
Jutsu Type: Medical ninjutsu/ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: The caster uses his boil release to soften the ground underneath to make a hole in which he hides for the next 5-7 seconds, getting healed by a small amount. If an enemy get's too close the vulnerable caster, may activate the defense mechanism and heat up the water to create a geyser, which plunges him in to the air, and hurt the opponent if he is still too close. (I guess this could be used as a group healing technique if people don't use the geyser option as well)
Jutsu Level: Intermediate
Chakra Nature: Boil release
Jutsu Range: Low-large depending on your mastery of the boil release
Effects if hit: being blown away and some damage to go with it.

Jutsu Name: Red lobster
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: The user uses hot water emitted from the mouth to push back and simultaneously burn the victim.
Jutsu Level:Expert
Chakra Nature: boil relese
Jutsu Range:Medium
Effects if hit: The jutsu gets it's name since the opponent is burned by the water and gets a nice red tan. It slowly fades away but it causes the victim to be slower, and it inflicts some damage. The jutsu also had a knock back effect.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: The Five Kage
« on: January 25, 2016, 19:25:37 »
I think it might be best if the kage of a ceratine village is not online, then the person who is the second most voted for in the elections would be named deputy kage or something until the actual kage is online. if neither are online the third is deputy kage and so on... just brain storming here lol

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Hairstyle Competition
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:34:41 »
Name of Style: Dickhead
Category: Male/Female

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Satoru
« on: December 18, 2014, 22:03:19 »
Why didn't he admitted to having his sword broken? I mean, it's not an incriminatory fact, wouldn't have gotten him in trouble so I don't really understand the reasoning behind that...
well you as a ninja, you want people to be deceived, even if it is on a primitive level like lying. with lying you can basically create your own realm, you make the story happen. If he says It broke they will dig deeper and get closer to the answer, than they ever would with just making something up. If he goes in a completely different direction with his lie they will follow like sheep. there is less chance for him to fuck up, he could talk about it for hours, but saying he broke it might make him screw it up, because it's so close to the truth and it makes him think about it and potentially makes him leak out more information.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Satoru
« on: December 18, 2014, 19:47:05 »
I like your character, and I think that hair color is blue.
thx a lot, and you are probably right. I'm colorblind

Shinobi Life Online Character / Satoru
« on: December 18, 2014, 19:24:23 »
Name: Satoru Nii
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Height: 183,5 cm
Weight: 83 kg
Hairstyle: spiky and short
Facial hair: sometimes doesn't shave if there is no time
Hair color: I think that's green not sure
Eye color: blue
Blood type: B+
Primary chakra nature: Fire Release
Village: Hidden Haze (Heizugakure)
Clan: TBD
Good or evil at heart?: good unless he get's so overwhelmed by something so his emotions take control of him

Description of the character's personality: wouldn't harm a fly, unless the fly had ninja training. His everlasting smile is his signature, it captures his insanity and joy of life. People who encounter him are usually on their guard because of that smile. It just makes you think how he will stab you with his katana when you blink. And another thing that gives him a freaky feel, is his obsession with blades and sharp objects. He likes people who are knowledgeable, and likes learning from these people. His main goals in life is mastering medical ninjutsu. When he achieves his goals he already has plans for his next achievement.

Description of the character's history: His mother brought him into this world alone, because his father died in a low level ninja battle. About a 2 years later his mother left him, because she was marked as a rouge ninja. She did so knowing he will be better off in the village. When he was older he never asked who his parents were, because he was too busy exploring the world. He always had an enormous appreciation for life. He stole his first sword at the age of 10. He thought it was the prettiest thing he had ever layed eyes on.  He hid it well from the people running the orphanage and trained on his own, while no one was around, so they wouldn't take it away from him. He kept it long after he left the orphanage and people knew him as ˝that guy with a sword˝ from that day on. One day it got destroyed by some kid he fought with, while on a mission, somewhere near the Village Hidden by Shock Waves. The boy was not even a ninja, he was just a curious boy like Satoru was once and to some extent still is. With no one in the area so he used a fire release jutsu to delete the evidence. The boy soon turned in to ashes witch scattered all over until there was nothing left. Every one was surprised when Satoru got back to the village, because he did not carry a sword with him. He told them all that he forgot it somewhere along the way, but it wasn't very convincing so every one was a bit suspicious. He bought a new one from the same merchant he stole the last one almost 10 years ago.

Introduction / Re: DrSuhi
« on: December 17, 2014, 13:48:51 »
thx guys :D

Introduction / DrSuhi
« on: December 16, 2014, 19:43:12 »
Name: Denis
Ethnicity: Slovenian
Living in: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Born: the 31st of march 1997
Sports: about 9 years of basketball
Hobbies: playing guitar, browsing the internet, getting lost in my thoughts, getting drunk with my friends, experimenting with meditation and lucid dreaming
Goals in life: playing in a band :D
Languages: Slovenian, English
Languages to learn: well I'll have to grasp the basics of Spanish if I intend to finish high school

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