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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - Shivraj

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Games / Re: Hunger Games Simulator 2
« on: September 28, 2016, 14:46:51 »
I thought we had a bond waly and Kono :( we shared ghost stories! Well, I didn't trust Kono from the beginning but you too waly? ;-;

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Puppets
« on: September 28, 2016, 14:42:30 »
1. There will be no puppetry in game as the AI for that is very complex to make it feel real. However, if you could suggest a way to make it work, we would be very happy to consider the idea.

@Snoopy the team has no intention (as of now) to work on a puppet system. That could change in the future, but the way they worded it seems like they won't be working on a system unless someone starts the spark.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Puppetry Game Mechanics
« on: September 27, 2016, 16:41:12 »
Either way the puppet mechanic is gonna be really hard to use in comparison to normal styles. If it does get implemented you should be rewarded for how difficult it is. e.g More damage
I don't think it would be more difficult than other styles, it'd be like using a shinobi, but this shinobi just has more power. It's to simulate a shinobi while being somewhat further away from the battle.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Puppetry Game Mechanics
« on: September 27, 2016, 15:11:13 »
Darth and I have been brainstorming this idea since... well, today, and I'd like to share it with the staff members to see if they agree with the general direction we're going.

The mechanics the both of us agreed to:
-    Two modes, User Mode and Puppet Mode
-    Summoning the puppet will spawn it within the range of 5-7 meters (slightly in front of the user).
-    User Mode
     •    Puppet follows movement of user
     •    Guards whenever user guards
     •    User can still use jutsus, tools etc.
     •    Available to switch to Puppet mode for advanced puppetry controls
-    Puppet Mode
     •    Transfers controls and camera to the puppet.
     •    Arrow keys to move the user.
     •    Allows for unique ‘jutsu’, that being the tools available to the puppet.
            I.    Combinations are limb based and readies specific tools in order. (i.e. ‘134’: 1 opens up the head, 3 reveals the flamethrower and 4 readies the flamethrower.)
            II.   If the puppet has blades, use the combination to ready the blades. Blades are used for melee, but can be launched from the limbs with aim-mode.

The mini-map works in both the modes but the sensory abilities are somewhat enhanced in the puppet mode. (Due to the chakra passing through the Puppet)

However, there is still an issue we haven't quite agreed on, and that's why we need both the community's and the staff members' help.

That issue would be the camera, we've went with two ideas, which I'll list below:

•  The camera stays on the User while it is in User mode and "races over" to the puppet once the modes have been switched

•  There are two cameras, one in a small window besides the mini-map and the original camera view. When the mode is switched, the smaller window transitions to being the bigger window and vice versa.

The problem with both of these are the load on the computer performance, and the difficulty it would take to implement them.

I think that the two windows would impact the performance a lot, while Darth thinks the racing over would impact more in an instant and having a constant load is more stable.

Which is why we introduced both options as suggestive ideas, since neither of us know that much about behind the curtain with games.

« on: September 25, 2016, 17:59:51 »
That line is a picture I've used to like 'darken' the pic a little, noticed it's way too visible.
you could just have a completely black picture on top of that layer, then change the black layer's opacity.

what program do you use?

There are many more ways to do that though.
And he's using photoshop afaik.
that's the easiest for me, I don't quite remember how to use masks

« on: September 25, 2016, 16:14:50 »
That line is a picture I've used to like 'darken' the pic a little, noticed it's way too visible.
you could just have a completely black picture on top of that layer, then change the black layer's opacity.

what program do you use?

Games / Re: Hunger Games Simulator 2
« on: September 25, 2016, 15:30:50 »
Hmm, I place my bets on that Nova fellow, he looks mighty dangerous, and I'm sure he's hiding some napalm bombs on his person, mighty dangerous, those things.

« on: September 25, 2016, 15:18:50 »
It depends on the signature you're making. You want the font fit in with the vibe you've already got going in the background and with the character, just use a professional program such as Photoshop, those have lots of fonts, or just browse the kinds of website Snoopy listed, those help finding a font.

Why is there a line in Kyuzaki's signature?

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Shinobi Duels #3
« on: September 24, 2016, 05:28:31 »
Hmm, but Fire is strong against wind, and the phoenix won't be between me and Toad, it'd be higher than that, plus, the chakra ratio needs to be matched for it to work

"Because the wind to flame ratio is perfectly balanced, the flames are greatly enhanced"

"Referring to the original use of this technique, Tobirama Senju noted that he had never seen such a Kagutsuchi before, and that this technique had the same chakra ratio from both its parent techniques, which he noted was something tough to achieve, even for an experienced duo. This was later attributed to Sasuke's use of the Sharingan to perfectly match his chakra ratio to Naruto's."

Now, this could just be to make it "strong" but I don't think an element that's stronger than another element would mix into that element and cause the attack to get stronger, it would negate the attack of the other element,  like earth against water, water against fire, wind against lightning, and lightning against earth

Now, I get that the wind could be used as a force to propel the flames towards me, and then the wind gets eaten by the fire, but as I said, the phoenix wouldn't be on ground level, but yeah, discounting the phoenix seems like a better option, if he could use it against me.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Shinobi Duels #3
« on: September 23, 2016, 14:55:08 »
I've come to the decision the Phoenix will remain fire only because if I allow a beast to be a specific element then anyone could make an animal/element to be OP with their element. In Naruto, the summonings were not nature users but just giant ass animals with either taijutsu/kenjutsu to help them fight. For example, the toads were kenjutsu users and the snakes used poison (as a snake would) and the slugs were... Well... Fking weird to say the least. But yeah, the animal, if mythological like a phoenix, will be as the mythology states.

Not saying you can't have an attack of an animal form though, such as water dragon, but you cannot ride it around for extended periods of time.. Maybe not at all really. However, such a thing can't be specified for these duels as people will make OP jutsu.
Alright, but that would give me Phoenix Sage mode, yeah?

It'd give me the advantage of the sage mode (I don't think it would give me fire jutsu?), plus toad wouldn't be able to use wind against lightning, since my phoenix (if I summon it)would stop his wind, that means it's either Fire against Fire or Fire against Lightning in ninjutsu, and taijutsu against kenjutsu in melee, the sword gives toad more range, but perhaps I could use lightning chakra to enhance my strikes somehow (A primitive form of nin-taijutsu, as I said in my first reply to this thread), plus agility, which gives me a sharper edge over his range, he could use his wind chakra to coat the sword, although, I don't think he could hit me if I'm already agile + the sage mode.

That all depends on if I get the sage mode though

Also, is the vote changeable after voting? In case Toad makes a good point.
Votes are unchangeable and therefore you must choose wisely. The sage mode abilities are very vague to be honest. I don't know what to allow for it to make sure it isn't OP enough for everyone to suddenly want it on their profile. I think sage of an animal will only give the summoning ability in these duels and no boost in anything else.
True, that would make people have summonings that make them OP af, hmm, alright then.

@Manuster how would a fire summon be used against me? He's not a fire bender, he can only make fire, plus the summon would save me from his wind attacks, which gives me a Fire to Fire (my summon) or Fire to Lightning thing, as I stated in my previous post

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Anakisuto
« on: September 23, 2016, 14:02:57 »
I think you misunderstand Katakiuchi, we're not building a Tyranny, we're building a Monarchy-ish, and the land the Monarchy is in charge of will be all the 12 villages (Hidden Ocean included).

We're not tyrants. Only way to stop war = Make sure there are no 2 or more sides to fight the war.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Shinobi Duels #3
« on: September 23, 2016, 13:59:07 »
I've come to the decision the Phoenix will remain fire only because if I allow a beast to be a specific element then anyone could make an animal/element to be OP with their element. In Naruto, the summonings were not nature users but just giant ass animals with either taijutsu/kenjutsu to help them fight. For example, the toads were kenjutsu users and the snakes used poison (as a snake would) and the slugs were... Well... Fking weird to say the least. But yeah, the animal, if mythological like a phoenix, will be as the mythology states.

Not saying you can't have an attack of an animal form though, such as water dragon, but you cannot ride it around for extended periods of time.. Maybe not at all really. However, such a thing can't be specified for these duels as people will make OP jutsu.
Alright, but that would give me Phoenix Sage mode, yeah?

It'd give me the advantage of the sage mode (I don't think it would give me fire jutsu?), plus toad wouldn't be able to use wind against lightning, since my phoenix (if I summon it)would stop his wind, that means it's either Fire against Fire or Fire against Lightning in ninjutsu, and taijutsu against kenjutsu in melee, the sword gives toad more range, but perhaps I could use lightning chakra to enhance my strikes somehow (A primitive form of nin-taijutsu, as I said in my first reply to this thread), plus agility, which gives me a sharper edge over his range, he could use his wind chakra to coat the sword, although, I don't think he could hit me if I'm already agile + the sage mode.

That all depends on if I get the sage mode though

Also, is the vote changeable after voting? In case Toad makes a good point.

Games / Re: Secret Assassin: Round 10 (Take II)
« on: September 23, 2016, 13:43:06 »
Second ANBU here o/ :3 (I bet no one even noticed x3)

Games / Re: Secret Assassin: Round 10 (Take II)
« on: September 22, 2016, 18:31:59 »
Dank was Medic, I vote Nas

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Shinobi Duels #3
« on: September 22, 2016, 18:29:02 »
Personally, I don't want to count "Phoenix Sage" or "natural taijutsu" for Kazuki. The Kazuki I read was a kenjutsu user and specialized in lightning nin-ken attacks.


He's changed so much now...

As for Yoru, I feel as though the only advantage he may have is in terms of chakra natures. It would be a tough battle but I do think that Kazuki would nudge the victory. ONLY because they are so similar in skill sets.

However at any point, if Kazuki summons a bloody fire summoning then he would almost definitely lose. Kazuki's high fighting intensity means that he most likely has burns through his chakra rather quickly (like Kakashi) and a summoning would use a vast majority of it. Coupled with the fact that Yoru is also smart, I don't see why Yoru wouldn't simply negate and reverse the Phoenix's attacks with wind ninjutsu.

Now it is possible to argue that Kazuki is also smart and wouldn't make a rash decision like summoning but he is cocky.

If Kazuki fights this well then he will most likely win.
If he gets cocky, he poses a high chance of underestimating Yoru and that would most likely be his demise.
I have battle experience, which leads me to believe that I wouldn't make rash decisions, aye, not to mention, I did specify Lightning, which I have given evidence of to Leebz, now it's upto him to believe me or not.

I'd say "Cocky" would only be slightly so, seeing as he's a Pisukipa, which is a respectable post, I certainly wouldn't underestimate him (not too greatly), but then again, idk about the cockyness this character has.

My smartness would also cause me to analyze his moves before seriously engaging, most likely through clones. Which would give me a general idea, I fail to imagine a scenario where a cocky, yet smart character would underestimate their opponent too greatly(emphasis on smart, and less emphasis on cocky).

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