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Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Some Clan Questions
« on: January 18, 2015, 22:02:42 »
  • - Organizations can literally build a stronghold.


I say keep the 11 villages, but let organizations (and maybe clans) make their own fort/base of operations.
You can't have both, because each requires a ton of effort. So you have to choose one or the other.
I say we should stick with the 11 standard villages. For orgs we could have pre-made ruins, hidden places and caves. You know, places that don't attract attention, hidden from view. Rogue orgs would have to battle over them like gang wars for example. That'd create some conflicts among rogues as well. So it won't only be rogue vs village.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Some Clan Questions
« on: January 18, 2015, 19:26:42 »
How about this.
Start of with a few ready built villages and then have a few villages unbuilt and be built by the community? That way you can have those who want to get stuck in get stuck in and those who want to have a personal space or build their own village have that too.
This is merely a suggestion I didn't think much about so what I am suggesting could be total bullshit and impossible.
But yeah if what I say sparks a solution that's great :)
Or we could just go with the 11 villages and stop the minecraft charade. Who is going to spend his time indoors in a game, especially a Naruto-based one? I'm all for owning houses, and at the same time against the player-constructed villages.

I personally wouldn't like to start off as this:

instead of a shinobi.
I was following up on what Vreg said about creating a village. I was just supplying an answer for both groups xD
I don't wanna build a village either. I was just suggesting a solution :P
I have a feeling that noone will want the building villages solution. The cons far outweigh the pros.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Some Clan Questions
« on: January 18, 2015, 19:19:16 »
How about this.
Start of with a few ready built villages and then have a few villages unbuilt and be built by the community? That way you can have those who want to get stuck in get stuck in and those who want to have a personal space or build their own village have that too.
This is merely a suggestion I didn't think much about so what I am suggesting could be total bullshit and impossible.
But yeah if what I say sparks a solution that's great :)
Or we could just go with the 11 villages and stop the minecraft charade. Who is going to spend his time indoors in a game, especially a Naruto-based one? I'm all for owning houses, and at the same time against the player-constructed villages.

I personally wouldn't like to start off as this:

instead of a shinobi.

Anime / Re: Tokyo Ghoul Root A
« on: January 18, 2015, 17:09:26 »
Beautiful so far, Ishida did not let me down. I love that they finally added Akira and showed Arima kick owl's ass. The only thing I disliked up until now was the fact that Kaneki did not break those 103 bones, half killing someone. (manga readers will understand)

Two scenes already gave me serious feels:

Naruto Fanworks / The sin of Pride
« on: January 18, 2015, 13:04:22 »
Chapter 1

The cloaked boy slowly strolled through the street full of merchants, not bothering to look right of left, knowing that the chances to find the person he was supposed to, in such a densely populated area were, to say the least, slim. His eyes seemed somewhat lifeless, his face giving away a feel of routine and boredom. The mission itself was simple: a 3 genin squad and their jonin instructor have been found dead next to a village in the close proximity of the Hidden Inferno. The intelligence on the culprit was vague, but there was no need for it. All the suspicions fell onto an old man, ex-Kage candidate who left the village few months prior to the incident after a dispute with the higher echelon of the village. The prospect of having to kill a man skilled enough to be considered for the Kage position was not worrying the boy at all. He was not scared, nor was he excited at the thought of having to kill the man. He had always hated murder, but he always had to for what their Kage claimed to be the well being of the village. Perhaps that was the thing that brought about his change of behavior, having to carry on with so many missions at such a young age was pretty stressful after all. It was no wonder that he’s became so distant and cold nowadays.

As he kept on steadily walking across the long street, it started heavily raining. The street that was full with people just moment ago was now empty, everyone running inside for shelter. "Hmpf, if this were Hidden Thunder they most probably wouldn’t have even noticed" the boy thought. Here on the other hand, nobody was prepared. And it was just naturally for it to be so. It was rather rare for it to rain during days close to the Hidden Inferno. The village and environment around it was known for having extremely hot days and stormy, full of lightning, nights. Because he didn’t want to catch a cold, he decided to get some shelter too until the rain would stop, or at the very least slow down. So he entered a coffee shop that was almost empty and ordered a cup of black coffee. He often used this practice to gather info before. He’d just enter a coffee shop and listen to some customers’ gossip that could hopefully aid him in advancing with his mission. If not, well, he’d at least have a nice cup of coffee. It wasn’t long until a man entered the shop. It was a middle aged man, few distinctive features that could set him apart. He had the air of a sick person, and even though he was trying his best to act normal he was trembling almost unnoticeably. He has spilled his order by mistake as soon as the girl brought it. ‘Just what’s wrong with this guy?’ the boy thought to himself. But observing him further was quickly made impossible. He suddenly had his hood pulled off. This was no good, if any shinobi, or no, any person in that shop had any knowledge of Hidden Inferno clans, his white hair would give him away. He turned his head and saw a girl who walked on and sat down at the table on the chair opposed to him.

‘Hey there!’ she said in a cheerful voice.

She was met with silence and a despising, yet at the same time confused, look. He took a better look at her: she was a young girl, around 15-16, blonde and green eyes. Her behavior was giving away her energic and impatient behavior. She was now staring right at him and after a while she was the one to break the silence again:

‘Aw, come on, don’t be like that now. I’m really sorry for my rudeness but I don’t like talking to people whose faces I can’t see’

‘You should not like talking to people whose faces you don’t know. Is there anything you need?’ he replied monotonously

‘It’s such a boring day, and now it’s raining as well. I figured I’d find someone to talk to. My name is Haru, nice to meet you’ she said smiling

‘There are other people in here, aren’t there?’

‘Well yes but I already know all of them. I come here every day after all’ she  said, not losing even a tad bit of her cheerfulness, in spite of the rather rude answers she was receiving

‘All of them, huh?’ he said, trying not to give away the fact that he wanted to know more about a specific customer.

‘That is right. Well, anyways, it’s impolite not to give your name to someone who gave you his. So what is it?’

She was a true nuisance, but she could be of help:

‘It’s Hao’ he said sipping his coffee.

‘Nice to meet you’

‘You already said that’ he replied bluntly

‘Yeah, but I was hoping you’d said it too haha. Anyways, what brings you around here?’
She did not seem to be bothered by any of his remarks.

‘I’m just here for merchandise.’

‘I see. What are you buying?’

‘It doesn’t matter. What do you do for a living?’ it was his turn to ask questions.

‘Oh, I am helping at the local hospital. I’m learning to become a doctor’ she said in an excited tone.

‘So is that why you know so many people? Or is it just you often bothering people in this shop?’ he replied, not bothering to be considerate.

‘Well, yes. See that man who spilled his coffee earlier? His name is Kenta. He used to pass by the hospital every day. He is kind of always sick, even now. But I bet you already noticed that’ she explained

‘Yes, I did. But what do you mean ‘used to’?’ Hao said.

‘Well, how to put this? Lately he has been acting strangely. He’s neglecting his treatment, and some said they’ve seen him taking walks at night in the woods. I wonder if he’s becoming mental.’ Haru said in a more toned down voice than before. She clearly did not want to be heard.

‘I see’ he replied, vaguely intrigued. ‘Well then, I’ll get going, I still have to find a place to stay for the night. See you.’

‘Bye’ Haru replied in the same bright tone as before.

Hao headed for the counter, paid for the coffee and then left the shop. He then proceeded to look for a place to sleep overnight. The rain had stopped, and the village, although small, was looking quite beautiful at night. The streets were empty, silence enveloping the night. The full moon shining in the distance made everything even more magnificent. It was a relaxing view, something that you don’t often get in the Hidden Inferno. The streets are always full, and it’s always awfully noisy. Hao found a small inn and sleeping there overnight.

Alright, I was bored so I said why not? Tell me what do you think. Also, please point out any grammar related mistakes you can find. I tend to do many of them when I write long texts.

' ' = dialogue
" " = monologue

General Discussion / Re: LoL Games!
« on: January 16, 2015, 22:34:23 »
Those Polish fellas just won't stop surprising me:

(Yeah, yeah, I know it's in Romanian, but I simply couldn't find where to change the language.)

Really nice match.

Let's say i want to go missing but not to kill anyone just missing , will other villages or organisations try to find me and kill me?
In that case you wouldn't be classified as a missing nin, just a simple village-less shinobi. So most villages shouldn't concern you, since you won't be on their hunt list. However, during your travels running into a blood lusted missing nin could still get you killed.

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: Kirishima clan
« on: January 16, 2015, 00:08:38 »
Seems fun. I intended to get Fire as primary chakra nature anyway. And i like the choice of village aswell.

If possible i would like to join :)

StrawHatSeyi also joined.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Non-Rogue vs Rogue
« on: January 15, 2015, 19:43:27 »
Being non-rogue is going to be much more relaxing. You will get to enjoy the good bits of life as shinobi in a moderately safe environment.

Being rogue means you're constantly running and are always in potential danger. You don't have the kind of protection you get from a heavily guarded village and you don't have a permanent place to stay. You cannot participate in events held by a village such as tournaments and other types of contests.

The thing is, being rogue may seem cool and exciting in something like Naruto, but in reality to which SLO will stay close, the rogue lifestyle is very uncomfortable. Those Naruto characters usually have a very good reason to be rogue as well and are willing to sacrifice the luxuries of a village for it. You guys have no real reason to be rogue. You just want to be rogue because you want to be different (aka hipster). What's the point of being rogue besides it not being mainstream? What has this not yet existing village done to you that's so bad? In all reality, starting as a rogue, which really means being a village shinobi who just randomly disappears, is pretty retarded. Because you are going agaist a village that is willing to protect you, and you are doing this with no real reason.

Now going rogue makes sense if a village does something bad to you, but it can't yet have done that.
This is the best summary of why becoming a rogue is stupid I've ever seen.
I beg to differ, becoming a rogue is simply a more challenging play style than being a mere village guy. You're always on the run, always fighting for your life, hence why you will accumulate way more skill than a shinobi 'in a moderately safe environment' by repeatedly going through live or die battles and emerging victorious. Not everyone is suited for the village life, not everyone wants to carry out missions for the Kage. Some just want to do their thing, and for that independence is required. If one's willing to sacrifice the said protection the village is offering him, I don't see what part of that is stupid. It's not about being 'hipster' or 'different' or anything around those lines, it's about wanting a more free lifestyle than the average village ninja who always has to fulfill his duties before anything. So yeah, it's a choice that some of us want to make, everyone should just do as they see fit.
What you're talking about is abandoning the village lifestyle which is an acceptable choice for some people.

What being rogue means is running from a village with no official resignation and breaking the contract you had with that village as a shinobi.

If you want to live free from a village, no problem, just head out to the Kage's building and resign from your position as a village shinobi.

Well this certainly sounds like an interesting prospect for those who want to leave the village on good terms. I have to admit I was unaware of this possibility.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Non-Rogue vs Rogue
« on: January 15, 2015, 13:05:19 »
Being non-rogue is going to be much more relaxing. You will get to enjoy the good bits of life as shinobi in a moderately safe environment.

Being rogue means you're constantly running and are always in potential danger. You don't have the kind of protection you get from a heavily guarded village and you don't have a permanent place to stay. You cannot participate in events held by a village such as tournaments and other types of contests.

The thing is, being rogue may seem cool and exciting in something like Naruto, but in reality to which SLO will stay close, the rogue lifestyle is very uncomfortable. Those Naruto characters usually have a very good reason to be rogue as well and are willing to sacrifice the luxuries of a village for it. You guys have no real reason to be rogue. You just want to be rogue because you want to be different (aka hipster). What's the point of being rogue besides it not being mainstream? What has this not yet existing village done to you that's so bad? In all reality, starting as a rogue, which really means being a village shinobi who just randomly disappears, is pretty retarded. Because you are going agaist a village that is willing to protect you, and you are doing this with no real reason.

Now going rogue makes sense if a village does something bad to you, but it can't yet have done that.
This is the best summary of why becoming a rogue is stupid I've ever seen.
I beg to differ, becoming a rogue is simply a more challenging play style than being a mere village guy. You're always on the run, always fighting for your life, hence why you will accumulate way more skill than a shinobi 'in a moderately safe environment' by repeatedly going through live or die battles and emerging victorious. Not everyone is suited for the village life, not everyone wants to carry out missions for the Kage. Some just want to do their thing, and for that independence is required. If one's willing to sacrifice the said protection the village is offering him, I don't see what part of that is stupid. It's not about being 'hipster' or 'different' or anything around those lines, it's about wanting a more free lifestyle than the average village ninja who always has to fulfill his duties before anything. So yeah, it's a choice that some of us want to make, everyone should just do as they see fit.

Why would anyone pay for a job that ANBU are supposed to do anyways, and most probably cheaper, considering that is a full time job for them, whereas you, as a member of an organization also have your regular village duties to fulfill.

And for this a could say; organizations will most likely have powerful ninjas, way stronger than ANBUs i could say. that would be a good reason, less risk i guess

Far from it actually. Joining an organization will be far easier than joining the ANBU.

As of late, a lot of Village affiliated organizations appeared, all of them having as a set goal:

To hunt rogues and missing nins.


To protect the village.


What I'd like to talk about is the actual relevance of those organizations when a fully functional shinobi village system already exists.

All of those organizations work in a similar fashion: you tell us the target, pay us(before, after the completion of 50/50) and we eliminate it. Why would anyone pay for a job that ANBU are supposed to do anyways, and most probably cheaper, considering that is a full time job for them, whereas you, as a member of an organization also have your regular village duties to fulfill.

Moreover, if you accept payment to eliminate certain targets, what exactly stops people from paying you to eliminate shinobi of other villages they might have a feud with and so on. Contrary to what seems to be a popular belief on this forum, this game will not feature two factions: village shinobi vs missing nins. Fact is, chances are that the village vs village conflicts and wars will be far more often encountered than a rogue vs village one, mainly because rogues will be a more divided faction. So, even though by joining such an organization you deem yourself as noble other such attributes that I can't be arsed to use, you'll most probably end up having to kill ninja from other villages to ensure your organization's continuity.

The council:
Most organizations nowadays started using a council instead of a single leader. First of all, an organization that works directly under the Kage was most likely entrusted to a single man, rather than a council. In the eventuality that lore wise, your character was the one to found the organization, it still hardly makes any sense for him to share leadership with others when the goal that he/she wishes to attain through the said organization is his in the first place.

Everyone is free to share their opinions on the matter in this thread.

Games / Re: Your Mental Age
« on: January 14, 2015, 00:29:08 »



Ignore the part about the custom villages, that idea has since been removed from the list of features.

Introduction / Re: Hello NEW WORLD
« on: January 10, 2015, 18:41:52 »

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