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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - NinjaMirage

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Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Clans and Org.
« on: July 24, 2018, 13:39:10 »
The Yurei are very picky about there members.
You won’t even be considered until you have bin a member of the SLO community for a while and can prove you can fight with the limited game play we have.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Where should i Start?
« on: July 24, 2018, 13:32:25 »
Go there and read the top 2 posts then make a new post with the template provided.

Once that is done if you want to join the shizen
Clan I can send you a link to use for your character page and profile.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Where should i Start?
« on: July 23, 2018, 22:07:05 »
Good Day, I am confused and i don't know where I start? I really need help, please. :(
You should start by going to the character creation page and make a character that you want to use in game. This is a first step to join clans organizations that are on the forum and not in the game yet. As for endgame find someone to teach you how the movement and due to system works best advice I can give you

It’s taking longer to port the village over then they thought... at least that’s the line we have bin given.

Technical Support / Re: Unable to play
« on: July 20, 2018, 03:19:21 »
If you check the forum tab you will see the server status is off line. Hopefully this means it’s being updated.

General Discussion / Re: Batman Ninja (Bad name, I know)
« on: July 12, 2018, 15:39:00 »
It's a really fun movie, superb animation and character design. People need to give credit to the design team for they help to tell the story very much beyond what's immediately available in the storyline. I loved the anime style 2d-like 3D artwork, the art and details are amazing! I'm not a DC fan, I don't get offended by the merge of Batman and his tech into feudal era Japan, it was a good blend of high tech batmobiles and olden days utilities, it goes to show how adaptable the characters are into absorbing resources for their own aims.

The characters aren’t adaptable the creators ARE!! The characters are the same... this is an extremely important distinction. They stayed true to the characters... but put them in a new setting. This is why it was a successful blending. I wish the new Star Wars was directed by Junpei Mizusaki.

This depends on your definition of powerful!
If by powerful you mean effective for the chakra and stamina cost then one of the most powerful jutsu in the Naruto universe is the shadow______ jutsus.
All of these can be done by genin and are among the most useful for there cost.
Or edo tensei

If by powerful you mean the damage it can inflict then the Rasangon and it’s nature variants are the most powerful non-KKG jutsu
And obviously the susano is the most powerful
KKG jutsu.

No there are members that are working on other games right now!! It’s not about there skill its about control.

Don’t hold your breath people have offered to help and have bin turned down because vreg wants to code it himself.

General Discussion / Re: reanimation
« on: May 27, 2018, 00:07:42 »
I have an idea about reanimation as ma medical ninjutsu! But it would require a religious lore in not sure the devs want!
So what if reincarnations was a thing in the game. If you die trying to do bad your next characters stat cap or chakra and stamina cap (what ever the case may be) is reduced by a small %. However it is accumulative if your characters continue to die in criminal activity’s
Your cap keeps getting lower. However if you die for altruistic causes, such as giving your life for someone else or using the reanimation jutsu to save someone from death, your next character will be reincarnated with a small buff to stats or chakra/stamina, again accumulative.
Now I’m thinking like 1%or something like that and the character would have to acheave a specific rank before they die to have this effect work. This is to keep players from spamming new characters and committing suiside to get the effect.

General Discussion / Re: reanimation
« on: May 19, 2018, 20:20:48 »
True but that’s also why it’s worth having. Because when you die, that it. There would have to be some kind of major drawback to reversing the core death mechanics.

General Discussion / Re: reanimation
« on: May 16, 2018, 16:10:33 »
I like the idea but I think it should be like a slow drain on your character until you eventually die!!
Something like all your resources(health, stamina, chakra) are all drained 10% and then 1% every in game day until you die.

@Crono Here is my problem with Madara‘s plan!
Genjutsu allows you to control the senses of others, and therefore effect there perception of what reality is! However it dose not change reality.
This will not make everyone happy for 2 reasons.
1. Madara can’t make people think a different way!
Why we react to our reality is not effected by what that reality is! Let me explain!
In one reality where there is world peace and everyone is happy, my happiness is contingent on my position. I.E. I want to rule the world and don’t care about other people’s happiness.
In another reality where there is discord and conflict and no one is happy, I still want to rule the world and don’t care about others happiness. The genjutsu will simply make each action I do to achieve this goal a success regardless of reality.
Now you might say good for you but no one else need to expireance your reality! But I think that gives to much power to the infinite tsukiyomi. Now your talking about creating billions of individual genjutsu one for every man woman and child on the planet not just 1

2 Infinite tsukuyomi is a TKO jutsu. Albeit a slow one. All under its control stop all real world functions. They don’t move, eat, and there chakra is drained. So yeah they might die happy even if it is as powerful as billions of  simultaneous Genjutsu but everyone still dies. So I would not call his actions morale. And therefor he can’t be a protagonist.
Assuming you except the standard definition of morality and not Sam Harris definition!!
Of course even his definition would need to be stretched to allow the slow starvation and subsequent  genocide of all beings with chakra in an endever to end all war, as acting in humanity best interest!!

So I have thought of another good reason to have the game track your energy consumption for both spiritual and physical energy’s.
Remember the genjutsu Sasuke used on Donzo?
He tricked tango in to thinking he had more eyes then he did.
Chakra and Stamina are going to play a huge part in combat and knowing your characters consumption rate for the jutsu you use will be important.
However if you can cast a genjutsu to lock the visable chakra and stamina amounts you see But not stop the energy consumption!
Do a player may know he can use chidori 5 Times before he is out of chakra but if he sees his bar still has enough for 1 more he might try for it if he wasn’t keeping count and then you got him.
But this means the game must keep accurate count of chakra and character growth!!

There’s no shortage of people that want a good Naruto RPG that is not a 2d go right game!!
But even that is better then this in my opinion we need more content at least some healing jutsu of some kind and basic stamina and Taijutsu. Hell finish the hidden hill and make the hospital functional to recover life points when your within its walls. That would even be enough. At least then the game would be worth playing.

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