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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - m4r1us

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Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Item Locking System
« on: January 26, 2015, 13:36:55 »
Good idea but I didn't think summoning things would be implemented or does it only apply to summoning animals?
As you can see in that gif, they're used for the storage of weaponry as well, so I don't see why armor and other kind of things could not be stored in such a scroll.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Item Locking System
« on: January 26, 2015, 12:23:56 »
The easy solution for this is having scrolls:

Those can contain any sort of item from what we know. So no need for boxes, which would arguably be impossible to carry around. At least many of them. You can put tons of scrolls in a backpack. No real need, or use for such a function.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Kunita Unuhuki
« on: January 25, 2015, 18:59:09 »
@Kai oops
Why did you make a girl character if you're not a girl?
Please don't play as her :(
no me gusta trannys
I think it's supposed to be his main characters' girlfriend or something...

Anime / Re: Tokyo Ghoul Root A
« on: January 25, 2015, 18:29:36 »
It is incredible that, even though it has taken a totally different path from the manga, it still deeply ties with it. I was expecting a lot of anime-only characters. Hell, even though Aogiri's raid was only mentioned in the manga, I can already predict who they are going to free next episode. All hail Ishida Sui

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Guide for newbs on SLO
« on: January 22, 2015, 21:16:48 »
In the game there will be things that would belong in the Naruto universe but not actual things from it. Lots of people don't know this and when they come to create their character the most common mistakes are writing about Jinchūriki, the Uchiha clan and Sharingan.
There will be clans and Kekkei Genkai but no Jinchūriki due to copyright purposes.
Yeah, well, that is already in the FAQ.

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Re: Kirishima clan
« on: January 22, 2015, 13:04:57 »
Just realized why it's called the Kirishima Clan.
Didn't know Touka's last name was Kirishima.

m4 x Touka 2015, fanboy levels exceeding 9000
m4 x Touka 4 life. I'll propose soon enough.

Just realized why it's called the Kirishima Clan.
Didn't know Touka's last name was Kirishima.

m4 x Touka 2015, fanboy levels exceeding 9000

Touka is Kaneki's. Back off boy.
But Boon...

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Guide for SLO Newbs
« on: January 22, 2015, 00:36:01 »
Greetings new members!

Alright, so you just registered on the forum and don't know where to start. The most common question that occurs to some people is: 'How can I play the game?'
Well, you can test the Freeze Tag version of the game at this link:
Note: You have to log in separately on the main website, with the same credentials as your forum ones, so if you happen to receive the following, do not worry, it just means that you need to log in there as well:
You will need to download and install the Unity Webplayer(if you don't already happen to have it of course):

The following only applies to the Google Chrome browser:
It's most likely that you'll get a screen like this the first time you'll try to run it:

You can either:

  • right click the window and click Run this plug-in:

  • you could click on the puzzle piece in the address bar, check 'Always allow plug-ins on' and click 'Done':

Once you got past your first game, I strongly recommend reading around the forums to make an idea about what SLO is aiming to become in the future.

I will list a few threads that I consider important, and which could help you:

You should also visit the Questions, Suggestions and Discussion boards as they also contain a lot of important information, some of which may have been omitted in the FAQ.

If you have a suggestion, or a question feel free to make a thread, but only after you've made sure it has not been created before. Make use of the search function to look for threads that may be of interest to you.

After you have done all this, and decided to stick with us, feel free to introduce yourself to the community. You will find me in the chatbox most of the time, and if I am not, do not hesitate to PM me if you have any questions regarding the forum.

Best regards,

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Random "Natural Disasters"
« on: January 21, 2015, 22:56:18 »
Good ideas but there will be no tailed beasts ingame.
There may be an equivalent for them. They'd only spawn during certain events though.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Capturing and restricting
« on: January 21, 2015, 13:36:33 »
Back carrying and knocking out are things I'd like to see in SLO some day.

On another note, knocking out won't be very practical during combat, it would be more of a stealth tactic.

About this, I was thinking not to add zoom in or zoom out comands like in other games, everyone should have the same distance between camera (the players point of view) and the character as everybody else thus one will not have a better visual range than another.

Sorry, Leebz, I hope you don't mind posting this on your suggestion topic.
I don't mind at all :)
However, I have to disagree with the idea. I personally would like the choice of first person or third considering I play third person. The only time I would play first person is if I was to use an Oculus.

As for what Vreg said about Stealth, that's great but I believe there is other ways to knock someone out. Like what Kono said, the choice could be added when you can choose to kill a person or they could fall unconcious if they use up all their chakra
He didn't mean the complete removal of the 3rd person. What I understood was: a fixed camera distance that can't be zoomed in or out of.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Music Suggestion
« on: January 21, 2015, 13:22:53 »
We will compose our own OSTs. There was an OST that was in progress a while ago. A select few even had the chance to listen to it a few months ago. I don't know what its current state is though.

Naruto Fanworks / Re: America's Corner
« on: January 21, 2015, 12:11:42 »
If it wasn't obvious enough, I already voted yes.

Naruto Fanworks / Re: The sin of Pride
« on: January 19, 2015, 21:11:25 »
Chapter 2

The morning came by quickly, and Hao did not get any sleep. He had many jobs in the village before becoming a jonin. At the time he was chunin he took a job as a village night guard so that he could earn some more money. To keep himself awake through the long nights he started taking caffeine pills. Three years later, this past treatment was still heavily affecting him. He’d rarely get any sleep during the night, and even when he did, it was only for a few hours. The actual reason he wanted to stay at the inn during the night was because he needed time to think. What usually was a burden to him was turning into a benefit when he needed time to think. He always thought his mind is clearer during the night for some strange reason. And this time wasn’t different either. The man, Kenta, had a weird air around him. Hao could of course just follow him during one of his night walks in the wood and rush in. But was that really the best course of action? If the place Kenta was visiting had no correlation with his mission, or even worse, if the man was actually mental it would only worsen the things and make his mission even harder. Having people find out about his presence was out of discussion. Gossip would quickly start flying around and that would only alert his target. Then what was he supposed to do? In the very next moment, his mind flew to Haru, the girl who he’s just met at the coffee shop. “Maybe I could have her follow him. If the guy is actually there he most probably has his guard raised against shinobi. Civilians however, are a whole other thing.” But there was a big issue: How would he protect the girl, were he to go with this strategy? There was also the possibility that he was already discovered. If even one of the persons in the shop recognized the distinctive white hair of the Kirishima clan his cover has already been blown. On top of all that the culprit was surely already on his guard. He did kill 4 ninja belonging to a village after all, there was no way he was stupid enough to believe they wouldn’t send anyone to look into the matter. After a long night during which he considered all possible options, Hao decided he’d ask Haru to help him.

He went to the same coffee shop from yesterday and ordered the same cup of black coffee. There was nobody else, other than him and the girl who was working there, in the shop. It was half an hour later when Haru finally entered the shop. Upon sight, she went to sit at the same table with her new acquaintance.

‘Hey Hao. How have you been? How is merchandise going?’ she said in the same enthusiastic tone as ever.

‘Pretty well I guess’ he replied as an answer for both questions ‘Actually, I’ve been waiting for you. There is a favor I’d like to ask from you’

‘A favor? Well, sure, go ahead’

‘You know I told you I was here for merchandising?’

‘Yeah, what of it?’ she said, not understanding what this had to do with the favor he wanted to ask from her

‘Well, the truth is’ he looked at the girl who was working to make sure she was not listening ‘I am here on a mission. I am a shinobi of the Hidden Inferno’ upon saying this he pulled out his forehead protector from beneath his cloak to prove that what he was saying was true

‘I am here because a few weeks ago 4 of our shinobi died close to the village. We believe the murderer may still be around’ he continued
Upon hearing this the girl started panicking.

‘What does this have to do with me? Do you think I am involved in any way? I could never…’ Haru said obviously agitated

‘Calm down’ Hao said in a calm manner, sipping from his cup of coffee ‘We already have a pretty strong suspicion about who the murderer may be. Although I do not think you are involved with the killings, I do think that you know someone who does.’

‘Kenta, huh?’

‘Exactly, his behavior patterns and his strange routines lately strongly indicate that he might be… How to put this? Somehow related to the killer’

‘I see. So you want me to tell you more about him?’ she asked

‘That is not right. You said he was taking random walks at night in the woods, is that correct?’
She simply nodded.

‘Well, I would like you to follow him and find out exactly what he is doing there. I can’t do it because if I am wrong it will simply blow my cover, and if I am right, well, the guy he is meeting is definitely more cautious about other ninja rather than civilians, that’s for sure. I must also say this now: this is a very dangerous task. I can promise you I will do my best to keep you safe, however, I can’t promise I will succeed. By accepting, you agree to …’he continued

‘I will do it.’ she interrupted.

‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes. I always wanted to save lives, hence why I want to become a medic. If this helps prevent any further killings, then I will risk my life for it’

‘Very well then. It will all happen tonight. You follow Kenta and try to go unnoticed as much as possible. I will be following both of you from a distance I can’t be detected. I have a plan on how I can keep my eyes on you even from far away. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’ll get to you instantaneously, so you will still have to be careful.’ he detailed ‘Shall we go then? I’ll explain the rest outside.’

‘Alright. So it all happens tonight? What if he doesn’t go there tonight?’ she asked with a surprised look on his face. Although she did her best to hide her emotions, worry and fear started surfacing soon. But she was determined to help the white haired boy to carry out punishment on what she perceived as evil.

‘If he doesn’t go then we’ll have to try again tomorrow.’

They both left to prepare. One of them had to prepare the small details like the weaponry he’d take, whereas the other had to prepare mentally for what could be her last day. In the worst possible scenario, Haru would come face to face with death in only a few hours. That was a thought that could bring even the strongest of the shinobi down. But the girl was brave. In spite of her admitted fear, she was not hesitating. She was going to do a noble thing for good. Besides, she trusted the newly met guy. She resolved not to let her fear interfere with her judgment any longer. And if worst was going to come to worst, she’d put all her faith in Hao.

A few hours later, almost at midnight, the two met in front of the village gate. They’d wait hidden in a place close to the main road, point from which they could see every person entering and exiting. Waiting proved to strengthen the girl’s doubts even further. At this point, she wanted to just leave and cancel the operation. But at the same time she was aware that there was no turning back now. She took a quick glance at the boy standing to her left. He was paying undivided attention to the road. His eyes were so focused that they made her uneasy. It did not seem as if he was worrying about her at all. What was even worse was the fact that he did not seem to care about his actual mission either. The only thing he seemed to care was to get this done with as soon as possible. “He’s… different from before” she remarked. Sure, he never came across as a warm, carrying person, but it was for the first time she realized who she was working with at that very moment: a killer who’d probably ended more lives than she could imagine. Sure, a killer on her side, but a killer nonetheless. Was he genuinely going to save her, would it come to it? Or was he just using her to lure out his target?

This string of questions was suddenly brought to an end by a warning from Hao:

‘There he is’ he said, pointing out to a silhouette in the distance.

As the silhouette approached, his face became clear. Haru recognized it right away, it was Kenta. Her inner prayers were to no avail after all. The man was taking his unusual night walk after all. When the man got a little ahead, yet he was still in the line of sight, Hao signaled her to go. She desperately wanted to stay where she was, she did not want to go. But it felt as if her legs started moving on their own. Soon she shortened the distance between herself and Kenta. He was walking rather fast so she had to as well. The only reason she did not lose him was because he was carrying a torch to help him see in the darkness of the night. Haru was using it as a guidance point. She obviously could not use the main road so she had to hide behind trees and such. Her footsteps were barely audible. They kept on walking at the same pace until at some point Kenta suddenly stopped. Haru was now worried. What if he discovered her presence? However, the fact that the man did not encountered anyone so far had lessened her fear. If he actually did discover her, she’d just explain it. Right when she was preparing to get out of her hiding spot to apologize to the man following him all the way out here, another man appeared in front of Kenta. This newcomer had a fiend-like aspect, especially in the dim light of Kenta’s thorch: he was around 55-60, short of stature, having long brown to white hair. From what she could tell he was wearing a cloak like the one Hao had. What was distinctive about his appearance was his scarred face: he definitely had more scars on his face than hairs on his head. To say it in a few words: the description Hao provided her with and the appearance of the man matched perfectly. She froze in fear, a shiver running down her spine. If he would find out about her presence she was as good as dead. Then the two started talking:

‘Did you bring it?’ the latecomer said to Kenta

‘Yes, just as usual Tadao. You may need to find yourself somebody else to supply you with food. Villagers already think I’m crazy for taking walks around here at night. And all this leaves me without money for medication.’ Kenta replied.

‘Be silent. You’ll provide me with food for as long as I wish’ Tadao said in a decisive tone that left no room for further arguments. ‘Did they send anyone yet?’ he asked, obviously curious to see how will Hidden Inferno respond to his actions.

‘Nobody from what I know. But then again, even if they did I most probably didn’t realize it’ the younger man explained. ‘Why did you kill them anyways? It’s not like they were posing any threat to someone like you.’

‘I don’t care about that. The village sent them to kill me and they accepted like some obedient puppies. They most probably were unaware even about why I left the village. That is exactly why I wanted to become a Kage in my youth. I thought I could change this twisted system all the villages are engaged in. I’ve been pushed away just like that. In spite of all the wrongdoings I witnessed during my years as a shinobi dog, I remained within the village because I hoped someone would come and bring about a change. But I could put up with those higher ups pigs no more. At least in my final years I’m going to live freely. Those four were actually sent to assassinate me, not because I did anything wrong, they sent them because I carry intel on Inferno’s inner affairs. ’ he explained in an slightly enraged voice.

‘How come they sent such low rank ninja to find you though?’

‘Inferno’s not seeing its best days. Their military power is at its lowest in years. That’s why they want so desperately to get rid of me. If even one bit of the intel I possess about the village were to leak, it could be the end of the Hidden Inferno. They tried to use quantity instead of quality. Risking to lose one of their stronger soldiers at this point is not an option for them. However, I’m positive they won’t make the same mistake twice. The next time, they’ll send someone it will be someone exceptional, someone who can get rid of me. So stay on your guard and notice me if anyone even remotely suspicious appears in the village. ’

‘Understood. I’ll get going now.’ Kenta said.

‘One more thing, Kenta. Are you sure you saw nobody suspicious lately? ’ Tadao said in what Haru, who managed to crawl in a bush and was waiting there for the two men to leave, interpreted as a threatening tone.

‘Yes, I’m positive there was not a single person who attracted my attention.’ Kenta replied intimidated by the old man’s words.

‘Well then…’ he said pulling out a kunai from beneath his cloak ‘I guess I’ll just ask her then.’

He threw the kunai, aiming at the bush Haru was using as a cover. Almost as quickly, Haru took something from one of her pockets. She threw it as far as she could, while saying the words ‘Hurry up please!’, tears starting to roll down her cheeks.

Once again, please excuse grammatical errors as much as possible. Feel free to point them out, I'll fix as many as possible.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Katakiuchi
« on: January 19, 2015, 18:26:38 »
I have selected both my Umbra. Congratz Madz and ray.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Combining jutsu's?
« on: January 19, 2015, 17:51:12 »
Ok I looked all over the forum for that one post but I couldn't find it. I guess it's been deleted.
Anyways, to answer your question, these kind of collaboration techniques will definitely be available, but only to skilled players. Another thing, if what I remember is correct, I think only two jutsu of two complementary natures can make each other stronger (e.g. wind and fire). And no, it wouldn't create a Chakra-mix like effect, it would only strengthen both techniques.

Anime / Re: Tokyo Ghoul Root A
« on: January 19, 2015, 12:13:12 »
Start from chapter 59.

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