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Messages - Shivraj

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Yes, however, Konohuro had a 100 in kenjutsu (sword) and 80 in Taijutsu, which is why it was rather on equal terms without the use of gates, and thank you, I'm moved by your words :).

As I said, I thought this would be natural, and since Mars is 12 and has 100 taijutsu, I'd expect him to put all his effort in Tai, rather than Gen, which is how it seemed, since he put 0 in genjutsu, Kage or not, I only judge on the stats. And don't think I'm angry, I appreciate the feedback <3 really helps me look at how the people look at it.

Amazing. I guess the fact that Mars is just un-experienced is the reason he lost.
He has 0 genjutsu, not to mention, I don't think Mars goes all out from the start, thus I didn't get him to open his gates too soon, since Kono wasn't overpowering him, he was fighting at the same level-ish, with Mars getting some hits in. Kono landed a hit on him, which made him angry, and he released 4 gates :) (you know what happens after that)

SLO Arena Battle #10 - @Mars vs @Konohuro

Spoiler: show
Character Name: Kuria

Ninja Stats: 150 Points Available

Ninjutsu: 50/100
Taijutsu: 100/100
Genjutsu: 0/100

Advanced Ninja Stats: Pick One


Physical Stats: 225 Points Available

Health: 50/100
Stamina: 50/100
Speed: 75/100
Strength: 50/100

Chakra Related Stats: 150 Points Available

Chakra Levels: 50/100
Hand Seals: 50/100
Chakra Efficiency: 50/100

Extraneous Skills: 150 Points Available

Bukijutsu: 100/100
Kenjutsu: 0/100
Summoning: 50/100

Chakra Natures: Pick Two


Leftover Points: 0

Chance to receive a Chakra Combination: 0%

Spoiler: show
Character Template:

Character Name: Konohuro Kirishima

Ninja Stats: 150 Points Available

Ninjutsu: 10/100
Taijutsu: 80/100 (I don't know how this works, but this is more for kenjutsu[sword fight] rather than tai. He will only use tai when necessary, ex: when he gets disarmed or during a pary- when his sword is "busy"- he may perform a side kick or something like this. If I would split this points (80) between taijutsu and kenjutsu it would be 20 for tai and 60 for ken)
Genjutsu: 60/100

Advanced Ninja Stats: Pick One

Kinjutsu (related to forbidden genjutsu techniques)

Physical Stats: 225 Points Available

Health: 98/100
Stamina: 40/100
Speed: 70/100
Strength: 27/100

Chakra Related Stats: 150 Points Available

Chakra Levels: 75/100
Hand Seals: 30/100
Chakra Efficiency: 45/100

Extraneous Skills: 150 Points Available

Bukijutsu: (45 before) 10/100
Kenjutsu: 100/100
Summoning: (5 before) 40/100 (he has a summon tattoo on his wrist, like Sasgay does. He will summon at times shuriken or kunais during the fight and throw them in combos with genjutsu techniques in order to incapacitate the enemy. If you consider that 5 points are not enough for such summons, please add the remaining amount required from bukijutsu)

Chakra Natures: Pick Two

1. Wind (as he doesn't have too many points on ninjutsu because he just doesn't train on this branch too much, he will be able to use only wind release, and only in desperate times for defense.)
2. Fire

Leftover Points: 0

Chance to receive a Chakra Combination: 0%

Additional info:
1) He will use a long, light katana ("okatana") which is tied to his hand through a 1 meter long rope.
2) He will be like a samurai who will use genjutsu to obtain a clean, deadly death. He may use shuriken's and kunai's at times in strategies.
He is rather the strategic fighter, develops a well done plan and makes the preparation during the fight without letting the enemy deduct the purpose behind his actions that may seem at times, useless.
3) He is a close combat fighter. He uses shurikens in mid-range and wind jutsu techniques at long distance, not with the intention to hit hard the enemy but only to force them to defend so he can advance into mid/close range.,1660.0.html

Konohuro Kirishima, a famous clansman of the aforementioned, was sitting in a bar in the Hidden Hill enjoying himself - when to his dismay; the ANBU appeared next to him.

“What do the kage’s dogs have to do with me?” He asked as he slowly creeped his right hand towards the other, where he concealed his Okatana.
 “It would be wise of you to not draw that, we’re only here to carry a message from the Kage” the mysterious man to the left put his hands on the table to show that he was not planning an ambush with weapons.

“The Kage asks that you follow us outside of the bar to his office, since he is busy with work, and well, he’s not allowed into the bar; we’ll be waiting outside.” The two ANBU agents disappeared.

The Kage, huh? What could he want with me? Does he perhaps know why I’m here?” Konohuro thought as he got up and started to walk towards the exit, “I won’t be getting much info if the Kage catches wind of me, seems I’ll have to act a bit.

The ANBU don’t roam around on the streets, so Konohuro had to go to the Kage building on his own, but he could feel someone watching him, and the building wasn’t too hard to find, seeing as it was the biggest one in the whole village, he quickly dashed to the entrance, and up the stairs, one he had it in his sights.

He decided he should knock on the door, since just busting in would not fit a noble of his stature, however the door was already ajar, “Perhaps someone forgot to close it?”, Konohuro knocked on the door anyway, and waited for a response.

But there wasn’t any, so he decided to peek in, “I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” he said as he slowly walked in the door, but there was no one there. “Hmm? Perhaps he went to the bathroo-” Konohuro was interrupted by a short assailant, who quickly burst in through the doors and hit his neck.


“Shit, a shadow clone huh?” the man said as the smoke cleared. “Not quite what I was expecting when your servants said you wanted to chat” he was surprised by a voice behind him, which belonged to none other than Konohuro, who was leaning on the wall next to the entrance to the Kage’s office.

“I suppose we’re doing this the hard way then, Kage-sama?” Konohuro unsheated his sword, and opened his right eye. “Tch, I should’ve expected you to be prepared” Mars expressed his annoyance in his tone of speech, “I’m afraid that’s what happens when you lack actual battle experience, no matter how strong you are.” he walked into the office once again, this time holding his Okatana up in a defensive stance, while Mars took out a kunai in one hand

Konohuro was the first to attack, he spun around and put all of his strength into a huge swing towards Mars’ unarmed side, trying to use his range to his advantage, but Mars was faster than he expected, but not fast enough that he couldn’t follow, and thus he saw the kick coming towards him, it still caught him off guard since he redirected his sword’s momentum downwards to try and slice off his foot, only to have his sword be interrupted by a hard object on top of his leg, “Leg weights, perhaps? Classic Taijutsu addict...” Konohuro thought as he backed off.

“Want to take this outside? The roof should provide enough room for the both of us to go all out.” Konohuro asked the young Kage, “Race you there!” Mars said as he rushed out the office. “Hmph, I suppose I’ll take my time then” Konohuro said as he casually walked out of the entrance, where the doors had once been hinged, but now lay on the floor.

Mars used the time he got to his advantage, having set up various clones and hiding them, so that he could ambush Konohuro, who had just walked up the stairs as the last of Mars’ clones finished hiding, and Mars himself was standing right in the middle of the roof, “You sure took long, are you tired already?” Mars said, but a second later he saw Konohuro running towards him with his sword in a thrusting position, “Enough talk, let’s get serious.” he said as he closed in rapidly on Mars, “Is he thinking of stabbing me with a katana? That’s… stupid.” keeping his kunai up and running towards Konohuro, as his shadow clones jumped out all at once to outnumber him.

Konohuro just had to land one hit on all the shadow clones, however, when it’s 11 opponents you’re up against, it’s not really to focus on all of them at once, especially with one eye, thus he decided to close his right eye and rely on his other senses, chakra sensing, hearing etc.

He swung and cleared his right side, then he ducked and stuck out his leg as his momentum carried him and caused 4 clones to fall down, he then quickly stood up and blocked the kunai of the 2 other opponents, one of which was the original Mars, with his O-Katana.

Mars took this opportunity to deliver a powerful kick right to Konohuro’s stomach, who stepped out of Mars’ way and stabbed the shadow clone that was left standing, then jumping to dodge the lowkick from Mars and threw kunai to finish off the 4 clones that were still getting up from their fall

Mars decided to step back, “He’s really skilled with that sword, but he’s also good at taijutsu, I suppose I’ll have to stop holding my speed back.” he took off the weights he had been wearing on his leg, hand and waist.

“Oh, fina-” Mars didn’t give Konohuro time to finish as he disappeared, only to appear 10 centimeters from Konohuro’s face, driving his fist into Konohuro’s stomach, “Shit! That hurt!”, but Konohuro regained his composure quickly and pushed Mars away, as Mars quickly spun around and swung the kunai’s tip towards Kono’s skull, who blocked Mars’ left hand with his right.

Mars spun the kunai in his hand so that the tip would be facing him, instead of Kono, then pointed the kunai towards Kono’s right eye, while driving his hand along Kono’s.
Konohuro blocked the kunai with his sword, but Mars grabbed his arm and used it as a leverage to pull Kono in for a roundhouse kick, Konohuro tried to block the kick with the flat of his sword, but was still pushed back by the force of the kick.

Konohuro was quick to recover, as he jumped forward and slashed downwards, which Mars dodged by stepping to his left, but Kono caught Mars off guard with a spin kick to his face.
“Hey, that hurt!” Mars sounded angry.

“Well, then you’re free to hurt me” Konohuro replied, “I can’t keep this up any longer, I’ll have to depend on genjutsu now”. “Oh, I will” Mars quickly cast handseals to Suiton: Suiryudan No Jutsu, and smashed his hands down on the ground to create a Water Dragon.

The Water Dragon was heading towards Konohuro quickly, and so was Mars, Konohuro cast Wind Bullet jutsu to disrupt the water dragon, as he couldn’t risk running away from the dragon and using any of the little stamina he had left, he stood there and waited for Mars to get close.

He used his O-Katana to feint a right swing, but grabbed Mars’ right wrist with his right hand, after dropping his katana, and punched Mars’ stomach and ribs with his elbow with all the strength he could muster, he then quickly threw Mars down, who landed on his back. Kono picked up his blade.

“I’ve had enough!” Mars activated 4 inner gates and in an instant started kicking Konohuro so fast that Kono had no time to react, and was violently thrown to the ground. “Get up!” Mars shouted angrily.

Konohuro did get up, but then Mars couldn’t find him, he was… gone.

 Mars felt a sharp pain in his chest, like something had stabbed him. He looked down to see his chest all bloody, and a long O-Katana sticking out of the wound. “W-When...did you…stab me?” Mars asked, speaking each word with a great deal of pain. “I put you in a genjutsu when I held your wrist” He replied “Unfortunately for you, you didn’t notice it”. “Huh, so...this is how I die? I can already imagine the headlines.” He said slowly

Mars suddenly started remembering events from a month ago. He was walking around in his village, only to have a poster stroke his curiosity, it read “Arena” in big, bold words at the top, while the rest of the poster had smaller text written over it “Do You Crave A Challenge? Is Daily Life Just Too Boring?” Mars knew that this was gonna be just what he was looking for, so he continued reading “Then Apply For Our Arena Project! We Pick Contestants From All Over The 12 Villages, Rogue or Village Shinobi, It Doesn’t Matter! This Is Your Chance For An All Out (Legal) Fight To The Death!” He was hesitant at first, mainly because it was open to both rogue and village shinobi, and that it was a fight to the death, but then he thought “I mean, how bad could it be?” and he headed for the registration office. The officers were surprised to have the Kage, but they calmed down after a bit.

Mars was regretting the decision he made that day “I’m sorry Remi, seems like I won’t be able to make it to that Kage summit after all.” he laughed silently.

Mars seemed to have relaxed from his previous, angry mood. “Well, I suppose I should’ve gone all out when I had the chance.” Mars said as he looked into the sky and exhaled one last time.

“Rest in Peace.” Konohuro slid his katana out of Mars’ chest and lay him down on the ground, closing his eyelids with his hand. “I didn’t expect to have to kill a kid today, but I suppose my job comes with risks and surprises.” He thought as he vanished from the roof.

Konohuro Wins!

-Written by Shivraj, edits by Snoopy and America

Wait I just noticed something. Ken write his character name as being"Ken Himitsu", but in the story he is referred to as Kuro... did I totally not get it or is this a mistake? O.o
We updated it, because Ken has updated it aswell, to "Kuro Nakai", but he didn't update on his application for arena, which was unnecessary, since we try to keep it updated anyway.

Nice fight!
is this the first time both parties make it out alive?

gr8 b8 shivraj
Who knows what DrSuhi's employer will do to him :P

Battle #9 @Ken vs Satoru(@DrSuhi)

Spoiler: show
My char will have a big sword/big katana maybe

Character Name: Ken Himitsu

Ninja Stats: 150 Points Available

Ninjutsu: 100/100
Taijutsu: 50/100
Genjutsu: 0/100

Advanced Ninja Stats: Pick One


Physical Stats: 225 Points Available

Health: 50/100
Stamina: 25/100
Speed: 50/100
Strength: 100/100

Chakra Related Stats: 150 Points Available

Chakra Levels: 50/100
Hand Seals: 50/100
Chakra Efficiency: 50/100

Extraneous Skills: 150 Points Available

Bukijutsu: 0/100
Kenjutsu: 100/100
Summoning: 0/100

Chakra Natures: Pick Two


Leftover Points: 50

Spoiler: show

Character Template:

Character Name:
Satoru Nii

Ninja Stats: 150 Points Available

Ninjutsu: 65/100
Taijutsu: 75/100
Genjutsu: 10/100

Advanced Ninja Stats: Pick One


Physical Stats: 225 Points Available

Health: 70/100
Stamina: 60/100
Speed: 75/100
Strength: 20/100

Chakra Related Stats: 150 Points Available

Chakra Levels: 65/100
Hand Seals: 20/100
Chakra Efficiency: 65/100

Extraneous Skills: 150 Points Available

Bukijutsu: 50/100
Kenjutsu: 100/100
Summoning: 0/100

Chakra Natures: Pick Two


Leftover Points: 0

Chance to receive a Chakra Combination: 0%

Satoru stood in the Kage’s library, shuffling through various texts on the bookshelf. He glanced over his shoulder every so often, nervously checking the doorway. The room got chilly as the windows frosted over. Satoru panicked when the door opened to reveal a robed figure.

“I see I’ve got a visitor in my library… I suppose he couldn’t have been patient enough to wait and ask for a book…!” The man yelled throughout the room. Satoru immediately dodged behind the end of one of the shelves. He could hear the man’s footsteps as he walked down aisle after aisle. Suddenly, they stopped. Satoru’s heart was beating out of his chest. Without warning, he took a solid punch to the face.The impact stung as the unexpected hit punctured his icy face . Satoru hit the floor and slid. He wasted no time in producing some lightning clones. They directly blocked a follow up attack from Kuro, throwing him back.

When he looked back towards Satoru, his target was gone. Kuro heard something hit the window with a thump.
“Can't jump out of those windows, pal. I reinforc-” Kuro was interrupted by a loud crashing noise. His reinforced windows easily broke from a well placed Chidori.
“Fuck…” His shoulders slouched. Outside he heard screams, and he quickly perked back up. Kuro dashed outside in time to take a Water Dragon straight on. Most of the damage that would've been inflicted was deflected by a quick Jutsu used by Kuro - the front of the dragon froze and shattered. The rest of it splashed onto him, drenching his fine Kage robe.

Kuro landed softly on the snow covered ground as Satoru charged. Satoru’s initial kick was dodged and Kuro returned a punch which hit his stomach. Unexpected pain came as blood started to pour. He backflipped out of Kuro’s range to check his damages. The skin around his stomach had been punctured, but by what? He looked up towards Kuro, who's ice style had been used to form a sharpened fist weapon. Satoru weaved some hand signs, and lightning jumped from his body into the ground.

Kuro tried to prepared for whatever attack his opponent was planning, but it was no use. Satoru barreled forward only to stop just out of his reach. The Kage slapped his hands together and stomped on the ground, building a wall of ice in between. Lightning suddenly blew through the decently thick wall, but Kuro had already been airborne for a second. He launched a barrage of wind bullets towards the ground. Lightning began to gather near Satoru’s feet. Before the first wind bullet reached him, Satoru had launched himself through the wind bullets, dodging faster than Kuro was able to process.

The ground below where Satoru had once been shattered, leaving a crater from the sheer force of the launch. His element of surprise didn't last long. The lightning chakra he had expended in the launch limited the power of his augmented attacks. Kuro easily blocked the first punch, grabbing hold of Satoru’s wrist. Between blocking rapid fire punches and kicks, Kuro weaved hand signs with his one free hand. Eventually, he finished the jutsu, freezing his and Satoru’s arm together.

As they fell to the ground Kuro and Satoru wrestled, attempting to flip the other so that they may land first and absorb the impact. They both hit the ground at roughly the same time. Loud grunts were emitted, and they tried to roll away from each other, but their arms were still frozen together. Neither could break free; they rolled in the snow, slapping, punching and kicking each other. For the Kage, it was the least dignified fight of his life.

Satoru could begin to hear the shouts of village shinobi coming to their Kage’s rescue. He would have to finish this now. He wasn't able to find the book he sought, but he could still possibly get away. Kuro finally decided to dissolve their icy bond, which still left Satoru’s arm almost unusable. It was frost bitten badly and he could barely feel it respond when he tried to move it. He quickly formed a squadron of clones, sending several in each direction as he and two others stayed to fight.

“Quick! The real one’s getting away!” Kuro redirected the first shinobi to arrive. He continued the short fight with the fakes, unaware that the real Satoru still stood in battle. The two clones with him gave a final effort, popping into a cloud of smoke when they were defeated. Satoru exploded a smoke bomb on himself as Kuro’s kick to the chest landed. He lay there for a moment, half expecting the Kage to destroy him in that moment. Apparently other things were on his mind; he jumped straight back into the library. Satoru performed a simple transformation and snuck away disguised as a regular Snow villager. Satoru had accepted his defeat, and would have to face harsh punishment, since he wasn’t able to complete his task “But hey, anything’s better than death, right?” he walked away ashamed.

Ken Wins!

-Mostly written by America, edits by Snoopy and Shivraj.

Yes, I've always wanted to edit a softcore porno novel xD. Mum will be proud *^*

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Village Elder Election
« on: October 22, 2016, 16:59:57 »
Name: Kazuki Kaiyo
Village: Hidden Ash/Haigakure
Who you want as your village elder: Shivraj (I would be interested in this position)

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Scribe's Guild (Reborn)
« on: October 19, 2016, 16:29:52 »
Forum Name: Shivraj
Age: 14
Position: Scribe
Goals:Mostly helping with SLO weekly, but I'd be just as happy helping with other projects.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Alternative Jutsu System
« on: October 19, 2016, 10:47:12 »
only problem is that you can't cast one seal two times.


1 to = represent 12 seals, and I personally like the idea a lot. It could be possible to start jutsus of the same element with 1 seal, but doing this would make the problem of you not being able to reach over.

I, personally, can reach over to = if I have my pinky on the d key (right key), so I don't see a problem, not to mention, I just let go of my mouse for a second if I have to cast a jutsu.

3D Modeling / Re: Accel's accelent 3D models
« on: October 19, 2016, 10:09:36 »
GG XD Nice one.

Spoiler: show
Atleast,unlike you, I have more than 0 friends xddd


Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: SLO Awards 2016
« on: October 19, 2016, 06:55:56 »
Most Reputable poster: Nova
Funniest poster: Mars
Smartest poster: Dragon6624 (just look at his posts)
Friendliest poster: Toratsume Nyshn (most of the oldies, including me, have gotten somewhat toxic/banter-ful)
Best moderator: Nova (most active one at Moderating)
Most creative poster: I don't know, most probably RaphoZentel? (guy draws characters from scratch)
Forum Clown: Manuster (just look at his profile pic)
Biggest Flame War Starter: Kamashe (that guy got me tilted, that's some talent)
Most Humble Poster/Player: Nova (guy's the embodiment of humble, never accepts that he's awesome at something)
Best Leader: Reminance (I mean, the guy has Kage now)
Most redeemed player: Tsunayoshi (He's improved a lot, not all the way through though)

Thread of the year: Would've said General Discussion, but that's december 2015, so I guess Manuster's story thread
YouTube Video of the year: SLO Purge by Whatasnipe
Quote/Funny Screenshot of the year: xD only one I have saved, so I guess

Forum Game of the year: Secret Assassin 110

Games / Re: Scrambled Words With Shiv!
« on: October 11, 2016, 17:08:31 »

"This is important...this means something.   .   ."


if you tell us what it is

Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 1977...?

....Hell, UHF?

[/quote]It's "This means something...this is important.   .   ."

Also, he meant what the acronym was, but I and some others are working on the acronym, so don't reveal it just yet.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Katakiuchi
« on: October 10, 2016, 17:53:02 »
Name:ExiledEnvy (Kazuto)
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): N/A
Chakra Nature(s): lightning, fire
Kekkei Genkai or Chakra Mix: Blaze release
Previous Village: The villiage hidden by inferno
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): ninjutsu

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