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Messages - Raenir

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General Discussion / Re: Favorite MMO's
« on: January 25, 2015, 01:06:11 »

9. League of Legends

Yea, I really enjoyed the open world aspect of LoL, and the questing. Great MMO.

Have you done the level 30 dungeons?

They were pretty rough...
In seriousness though, MMO doesn't mean MMORPG :P it just means it's an online multiplayer game. (Hence forth Skyrim is not an MMO, rather an RPG. Now if you had said Elder Scrolls Online, then that would've been acceptable :P )

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Regarding Maps
« on: January 25, 2015, 01:02:22 »
If that idea doesn't work out, maybe you could have the opportunity to buy blank maps and have some form of map completionist achievement to strive for. You could check the bought map to see where you have visited, and where you still need to go to fill it. Upon completely filling the map, it could yield some sort of reward, etc.

As a second idea based off of yours, you could have basic maps supplied by the village. Essentially the map will just consist of the regions of the world. Then you could have blank maps that as they fill out reveal a lot more information about the regions and world, than just the basic village given maps, which would still instill that sense of discovery as you explore the Shinobi World.

EDIT: It seems you were meaning the second idea that i posted, to begin with :P

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: No player location on map
« on: January 25, 2015, 00:55:36 »
I think maybe if this was applied to the "Hardcore/Perma-Death" difficulty of the game, then it has some potential. But i feel as a new game and with no one knowing exactly what they are doing it might prove to be a little difficult and frustrating to players rather than a necessarily fun challenge. Maybe you could have something like you have to be completely still to see where you are on the map, since realistically if you could have your map open while running then that'd be difficult to read, and it could encompass your whole screen leaving you vulnerable to attack. In that case you could say like no mini maps for location. So the only way to see your location would be the previously mentioned method of standing still. That's just my input on it. :)

General Discussion / Favorite MMO's/MOBA
« on: January 25, 2015, 00:46:51 »
This thread is to just discuss other MMO's that you all have played/still play that you have really enjoyed.

I personally really like these MMO's (no particular order):

1. Rusty Hearts (shut down)
2. Dragon Nest
3. Tera (for a little bit)
4. I played Runescape years ago when it was still liked
5. Vindictus
6. Elsword
7. Chivalry was really cool, but i never got into it
8. Guild Wars 1 & 2 (probably my most played)
9. League of Legends

...if i think of more, i'll add them.

Feel free to agree, disagree, and definitely comment with some of your own personal favorites :)

EDIT: Including MOBA's for those being nitpicky about my choice of only using MMO in the description

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: In combat maximum speed
« on: January 24, 2015, 22:36:30 »
Well if we have it the way you are describing Mars, i believe you should have to hit a certain HP threshold before the speed reduction actually takes hold. Therefore like Unno said you can try to escape on initial attack, but if you decide to stay the whole battle then you'll be injured aka slowed. I.E. After your HP hits 75% you'll start to be slowed, but it should also have an end threshold such as once your HP hits 15% it shouldn't continue to slow. Because at a certain point you would be slowed to the point of no chance of a comeback.

So for a full example:
(not real number suggestions, just used for the example)

76-100% HP, no slow

16-75% HP, have a slow proportional to the amount of HP lost to portray sustaining injuries.

15% HP, Slow will level out so that you don't become a sitting duck just because your HP is low. (When i say level out, just for clarity, it'll be what you were being slowed by at 16%, the slow will just no longer increase.)

Just an idea to try to compromise both sides.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: In combat maximum speed
« on: January 24, 2015, 17:33:01 »

P.S; your in combat max  speed doesn't have to be half of your out of combat max speed, it could be less, or more. It was just a quick example, same goes for the 30 sec duration after your last engage in battle.

I personally think this is necessary so that you would avoid fighting a fly who can dodge every freaking attack and easily escape at 10 hp. :p

The in combat max speed reduction is applied in almost every mmo  fyi.

I like the idea, but half seems like too much. However, that is not what I want to talk about since this has brought something up. The "30 sec duration after your last engage in battle." Brings me an idea... Thought is a better word. There needs to be a minimum of 'action' before this kicks in if it is implemented. What I mean is, if you're running through the trees and one kunai comes and you block it, or it hits near you or whatever, I don't think this should kick in. It should be like you need to take a set amount of, damage/hits and/or amount of blocks/dodges. Something like this so that one person can't cause you to move at a snails speed etc. And something like this -should- stack with multiple people, meaning that if 4 people throw two kunai at someone and he dodges/blocks it, it won't matter because either way he passes the threshold and is now engaged in combat.
Thats actually a very good idea and I agree. It would be unfair like as you said if one person throws a kunai at you to automatically make you slow down because the chances of leaving without a fight after slowing down are much less

Yeh it could kick in after something like taking damage that is equal to 5% of your maximum health over a duration of 10(??) sec.

This is a good idea as it just gets so annoying in some games where people just run around in circles.

On the other hand, Vreg stated that only very high level shinobi will be able to run at 70mph.
I'd guess that the average shinobi could run at 50mph.
This would mean combat could become very slow.
If you hop onto freeze tag and have a fight at 25mph I'll assure you it's not very fun. So I'd suggest the speed should be reduced according to the health you have lost. A little scheme I've made for health loss compared to speed loss
10% of health lost - 5% of speed lost
20% of health lost - 10% of speed lost

Your speed shouldn't decrease by half just by losing 5% of your health.
The ratio I suggest of speed loss to health loss is 1:2

I don't mean to be a critic but this is my opinion.

Well keep in mind that what may feel like a slow and not fun speed in freeze tag will feel different in the full release of the game. There will be more abilities at hand that can inflict damage, with varying different ranges, outside of the "Chidori" style jutsu that is being used in freeze tag and different forms of attacking your opponent in general. I.E. Kunai, swords, your fists etc. I don't mean to say that half is the right amount, but a larger speed reduction won't necessarily result in a negative experience.

Naruto Anime / Re: Character you despise the most
« on: January 23, 2015, 20:32:33 »
Kabuto has got to be the most annoying character in Naruto. Hands down.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: In combat maximum speed
« on: January 23, 2015, 20:10:25 »
I personally really like this idea, and would love to see some form of it implemented :)

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Random "Natural Disasters"
« on: January 21, 2015, 23:57:23 »
Yea, thats why i specified, "tailed beast equivalent" assuming that the actual beasts would not be in the game

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Random "Natural Disasters"
« on: January 21, 2015, 22:38:58 »
I'm not sure if something similar will be implemented or if its already been suggested, but in the Naruto world they said that tailed beasts would randomly attack villages and that they were just classified as natural disasters. I was just thinking it would be cool if some tailed beast equivalent randomly attacked different villages and either you could aid in taking the beast down, or if you are rogue/ a missing nin, then it would provide good opportunities for infiltration or attacking the village. To me it just sounds like it would be a lot of fun and a good way to incorporate many players into a single event. As well as give an event that rogue ninjas could also participate in.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Yoru Kusemono
« on: January 21, 2015, 17:22:41 »
Haha thanks guys :) I was wanting to strive for something a little different so I'm glad to see it worked out

Shinobi Life Online Character / Yoru Kusemono
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:22:42 »

Name: Yoru Kusemono
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Height: 5 feet and 7 inches
Weight: 140 pounds
Hairstyle: messy/spiky
Facial hair: none
Hair color: very light gray
Eye color: black
Blood type: O-
Primary chakra nature: Wind
Village: Yukigakure
Good or evil at heart?: Neutral

Description of the character's personality: Yoru has a strong sense of loyalty to his family and his friends. He is rather laid back and not quick to anger. He is always looking to improve upon himself in all aspects of life. Whether that be mental, physical, or emotional. Though he is never necessarily the best at everything he does, he is always putting his best foot forward and giving his all.  Most of all, he is loved by his companions.

Description of the character's history: Yukigakure would've been his village..had he not been born into this world as a rogue ninja. His father and mother both were rogue ninjas prior to him being born. His father was leader of their rogue ninja group.
He didn't have an exceptional amount of friends, but he did have a best friend named Rikka. Aside from that, Yoru had the childhood one could expect for a rogue child. He was proficient in many outdoor activities necessary for survival such as hunting and building shelters. He also trained in the arts of stealth and kenjutsu learning to live within the shadows.
On a high rank mission to gain intel on the "Chakra armor" being developed in Yukigakure, Yoru's squad, led by his father, were ambushed upon arrival by Hidden Snow Village forces. From there they were arrested and taken to the execution block . Yoru watched with horror as his father was decapitated before his very eyes, along with every last one of his squad members. Their heads now rested in the snow just yards from Yoru. He was absolutely devastated. Yoru didn't have too long to mourn though as he was next up for execution and his time was running out. Yoru was dragged over to the executioner and closed his eyes as he felt the icy blade push up against his throat. He heard the blade clang to the floor and gasps of shock from the surrounding Yukigakure soldiers. He looked up to see a kunai sprouting from the head of the executioner. Suddenly, Rikka had burst from the shadows snatching up Yoru. From there they booked it, sprinting out of the village as Rikka explained she had followed them under the tip-off of the Yukigakure guards waiting in ambush, with kunai and shuriken whizzing past them. They made it to the exit of the village as more rogue ninja came as reinforcements. They were able to hold them off long enough for Yoru and Rikka to successfully make it back to the rogue community. Yoru asked how Rikka acquired such information and she explained that one of the members of the Yukigakure guard had turned rogue because of the tyrannical rule of Dotō Kazahana and found the rogue ninja group on his way out of the village. With his father dead, it was now upon Yoru to fill in as the leader of his rogue ninja kin.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Kurohasu
« on: January 21, 2015, 06:00:58 »
Name of Organization: Kurohasu

Organization Emblem:

Affiliation: Rogue, Missing Nin

Leader: Yoru Kusemono

History: Ousama Kusemono was born in the village hidden within the snow. Unlike most newborns, Ousama was born without being able to see. He was cursed with the misfortune of having no eyes. His parents couldn't fathom the thought of raising this child. It sent chills to their bones, peering into the eyeless sockets on their newborn child and they felt that Ousama could never succeed in a world ruled by Shinobi. Nightfall had come and with it brought a snow storm. The parents took this chilly night as their opportunity to rid themselves of Ousama. Cloaking themselves within the passing blizzard, they ventured out of the village, where they left the infant to perish in the storm of snow. As fate would have it, Ousama was rescued by a young girl who had long since been without a place to call home. She took in Ousama and cared for him as if he were a brother, understanding the feeling of being cast out and unloved by those surrounding her. As Ousama grew, his other senses became heightened and he learned to use them to his advantage. With his partner, they became notorious thieves among the surrounding villages. They did what they had to, to keep on living. Even if it came down to taking the life of another.
Ousama wanted all shinobi to feel that they had a place where they belonged outside of the confines of the hidden villages. They took in other shinobi who were cast from their homes, exiles, criminals; Anyone who no longer had a place among villages. Eventually a hierarchy was established and thus came forth the organization known as Kurohasu. The hierarchy was created to distribute responsibility and maintain peace. In time, Ousama bore his own child, who was given the name, Yoru.

Purpose/Goals: Kurohasu has but one goal, and that is to survive. Plundering villages, killing opposition, etc. Whatever it takes can be found in our agenda.

Unique features: Light, agile, clothing; easy for movement. some form of head piece to keep members anonymous (hood, mask w/e)


  • Raenir
  • dragon6624


Named after the founder of Kurohasu, the rank, "Ousama" is given to the highest rank in the hierarchy. Maintains and runs the organization while actively participating in the tougher missions. May at times assume the role of a Gorotsuki when needed and organize their own squad.

Gorotsuki are a step below Ousama, acting as group leaders and are responsible for organizing and leading raids, etc
Hizoku is the rank given to the majority of members. They are the ones who embark on this missions and raids and are the main driving force of the organization
Don't think of ranks so much as a means of distinction, but as a distribution of responsibility. We are not parent and child, but
brothers and sisters who stand beside each other as equals.
Your starting rank will not necessarily be a permanent rank and can be changed as deemed necessary, as a promotion or demotion.
As more time passes, new ranks may be established and members in current ranks will be reassigned based on their talents and commitment.
As well as new ranks, sub-classes of the ranks may be established. I.E. healers, fighters, etc. Sub-class will have no influence on your position in the hierarchy.


1. We do not show mercy to those who look down upon us.
2. Treat members within the organization with respect. If you have issues with another member, it will be
dealt with accordingly.

3. We are rogues. We kind of have a lot of enemies. Therefore we must stick together as a family lest we wish to fall apart and be destroyed.
4. If a teammate is captured, do not compromise your position or identity.
5. Never reveal yourselves. Always live in the shadows and be one step ahead of your enemy.

6. If casualties are to happen. Clean up your mess.
7. If traitors are to be found within our ranks, they will promptly be executed on site.

8. Lastly, loot will be dispersed among the members of the group who obtain it.

Allied organizations:

   We are very selective. But feel free to offer your hand in peace.

"You do not need eyes to see. You need a vision."


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