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Messages - Shivraj

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 122
General Discussion / Re: General disscusion
« on: November 20, 2016, 15:59:44 »
90% of the books I've read were star wars EU books, and manga.
I recommend any of Rick Riordan's books.

Start with Percy Jack THEN Heroes of Olympus THEN Trials of Apollo

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Heathen
« on: November 20, 2016, 09:01:26 »
Name: Kazuki Kaiyo
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank(If possible): Jonin
Chakra Nature(s): Lightning, Water
Previous Village: Hidden Thunder
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Katakiuchi
« on: November 20, 2016, 08:24:04 »
Name: Tawaz
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank: N/A
Chakra Natures: Fire
Chakra Mix: N/A
Specialization: Sneaking, Stealing ,unrealistic luck (at times) ,Information gathering, cooking and taijutsu
Previous Village: Hidden Thunder
Why I want to join Katakiuchi:Has no family, expendable and I am willing to support the the organisation to unite the world.

Sorry for the lore breaking stuff.I got carried away :D
Accepted, by the way, if you're starting in Hidden Thunder, you can pick from water of lightning, and then when you reach Jonin you get a random chakra nature, so I suggest you start in Hidden Haze(fire and water) or Hidden Inferno (lightning and fire) if you want fire + one of the elements from Hidden Thunder. (There's a slim chance you'll get the nature you want at jonin level, so it's better to be able to pick from both of the wanted chakra natures)

Adding your name to the member list.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Katakiuchi
« on: November 19, 2016, 04:47:24 »
Gender: Male
Ninja Rank: N/A
Chakra Natures: Yin Release
Chakra Mix: N/A
Specialization: Sneaking, Stealing ,Information gathering, cooking and Traditional kage-taijutsu from original village
Previous Village: The Hidden Under The Shadow (small shinobi village in Northwest Africa).This village has been wiped off the face of the Earth because of our greedy Kage shinobi.He landed the village in a war we never intended to be part of.My family was hunted down by the shinobi government dogs for trying to relay information to the village Over The Sky and we were labeled traitors of the village.My parents soon later passed away due to a common disease in the village and due to us being exiles and all we could not get any medical assistance.And as expected they died.I know live as a shadow of the Village.I'm not telling you this because I want your pity,I am telling you this because I don't want any other person to live as I have lived.Corrupt Kage's must be removed from the world.This is why I would like to join The Katakiuchi.
(P.S I'm not emo.I'm just telling it like it is.I'm actually a loveable friend to have!And I have no siblings appart from my twin brother who went to to a place at sea called the Grand something ???.)
I'm sorry, I didn't visit the forums yesterday.

Go and read this, and then reapply while staying close to the real lore of the game. We won't be invading Africa, we're staying in Vregland.

Enjoyed reading it, good job Shiv.
Enjoyed reading this one
Gj Shiv!!!
that was good battle,it was too fucking weird that slo arena let someone with high genjutsu won against someone with low genjutsu weirdooo,anyway good jop shiv. xp
It was a good read Shiv, well done!

Thank you o/ I'll start work on the next battle soon.

General Discussion / Re: SLO Interviews Issue 3
« on: November 16, 2016, 10:30:06 »*/*/

in case someone wants to interact and see the old website.

(1st link is before the domain(or server?) change and the 2nd link is after the domain change but before the massive changes :) )

Nice job as always, was fun to see inside J's mind. :)

Yes, well, you see, I put most of my points in Genjutsu, Summoning and Kenjutsu. I was more for long battles, and Kai had stats for a short burst of destructive power. Which is why he absolutely wrecked me. However, this saves me from the difficulty of not being biased when writing more fights in the future (for the Semi-Finals and Finals)!

SLO Arena #11 - Shivraj vs Kai
Spoiler: show
Ninjutsu - 50
Taijutsu - 15
Genjutsu - 85

left = 0


Health - 55
Stamina - 65
Speed - 60
Strength - 45

left = 0

Chakra Levels - 50
Hand Seals - 50
Chakra Efficiency - 50

left = 0

Bukijutsu - 10
Kenjutsu - 70
Summoning - 70

left = 0


Also, for a weapon, I would like to have from the anime original, if that is not allowed, then I would like to have Kusanagi as my weapon, or at least the same kind of sword as Sasuke has, works well with Lightning

Summoning, hmm, lots of snakes or a big snake?

as for jutsu
I would like to have (anime only, hope it's not against the rules)

that should be it, you can choose the ninjutsu as you see fit

Spoiler: show
Ninja stats:

Ninjutsu: 65/100
Taijutsu: 75/100
Genjutsu: 10/100

Advanced ninja stats:


Physical stats:

Health: 80/100
Stamina: 32/100
Speed: 80/100
Strength: 33/100

Chakra related stats:

Chakra Levels: 60/100
Hand Seals: 40/100
Chakra Efficiency: 50/100

Extraneous Skills:

Bukijutsu: 45/100
Kenjutsu: 80/100
Summoning: 25/100

Chakra Natures:


Leftover points: 0

Chance to receive a Chakra Combination: 0%

Summon: Giant wolf or 3 normal wolves

Also, can my character alternate between a sword and a scythe or just use both and have a hidden dagger to use up close.

My character - Kaeiro Kirishima

Hmph, calling me out to a bar so far out of the villages, seems he’s not one to hold back with planning” Kaeiro Kirishima was impressed at the location, and the secrecy of said location, where The Sin of Wrath had set the meeting between the Kirishima and Katakiuchi.

Oh, there it is.” Kaeiro thought as he found a small entrance to a cavern. The entrance was big enough for any human to fit in, but small enough that no one could spot it from far away without knowing the exact location. “Alright, I suppose I shouldn’t look nervous, but it IS my first time meeting one of the Yugure” He sighed as he slipped into the entrance.

The cave expanded into an open dome. “What? But there weren’t any holes up there… could it be Genjutsu? Well, nevermind that for now, I need to find that bar.” Kaeiro walked through a market area, after traveling about 700 meters, he reached the bar and walked in through the entrance.

It was loud inside and was filled with suspicious looking individuals, Kaeiro found an empty seat by the bar counter. “What can I get for you?” asked the Bartender, “A Beer.” putting a ryo on the counter.

Kaeiro heard the doors open with a creak, only to see a cloaked figure entering when he averted his gaze towards the entrance. “Could this be him? I sure hope so, I’d like to get this done as soon as I can.” he sipped from the glass the bartender put in front of him.

The Cloaked Figure quietly moved towards the chair next to Kaeiro and comfortably seated himself. “You must be Kaeiro Kirishima, I’m,” the person looked towards the bartender, putting 40 ryo on the counter, which the bartender recognized as a fee for not overhearing. “I am Wrath.” Wrath continued, “I’m guessing you’re here to negotiate the deal with the Kirishima clan?”. “Yes, I am. I carry a scroll with all the conditions that the Kirishima nobles have.” he said as he handed said scroll to Wrath.

“Hmm,” Wrath read the contents of the scroll “I am sorry, but this is preposterous… you expect us to oblige the Kirishima with all of this? Are the terms negotiable?” the robed figured asked curiously. “I am afraid not, He specifically said that this was all he wanted, nothing more, nothing less” Kaeiro replied, a bit nervous. “Well I’m sorry to say this, but the deal is off then, I cannot accept this. Now, lean your forehead towards me” Wrath said hastily. “What? No, why?” Kaeiro was surprised. “I have to wipe your memory, it’s much easier if you let me do it.”.

“I can’t let you do that, sorry, I’ll show myself out now.” Kaeiro got up to leave, but as he walked through the entrance he felt a hand on his shoulder.

“Let’s take this outside.” The owner of the hand said, perhaps in an angry tone? It was hard to determine since he never heard that voice before. “And who might you be?” The young Kirishima clansman asked as he thought he had someone to play with. “Oh, I’m the same person you were talking to, just a bit angrier.” The guy said as Kaeiro and he were walking outside of the alleyway onto the main street.

“Alright, I defeat you, I kill you. You defeat me, you kill me. Okay?” said Wrath. “I’d like to get this over with quick.” he said as he took off his robe and sealed it into a scroll.

“B-But…” Kaeiro sighed “I suppose I won’t be going back soon, will I?”. Wrath unsheathed his chokuto and took out a kunai in his other hand. “Less talking, more fighting” Wrath roared as he casted handseals with his free hand after throwing the kunai, casting shadow clone Jutsu on it, multiplying it into 4 kunai traveling towards Kaeiro in a vertical position, one above the other while Kaeiro was running towards him.

He had to step aside, unless he wanted to be skewered. In the meantime, Kazuki weaved summoning hand seals, summoning hundreds of snakes around Kaeiro. “S-Snakes?” Kaeiro tried to jump away, but a snake got his calf.

Kaeiro managed to take it off a second before Kazuki sent electric shocks through it. “It wasn’t poisonous, I hope.”. He dashed towards Kazuki, who was preparing for him with his chokuto in hand.

Kazuki enhanced his blade by merging his lightning chakra with the blade, “You sure you wanna rush towards your demise?” Kazuki started dashing towards Kaeiro too. Kaeiro met Kazuki’s sword swing with a spin, dodge and elbow to the back. Kazuki turned around quickly and cast Lightning Senbon towards Kaeiro, who was too close to dodge them and got hit.

“Ouch, that stings, you bastard.” Kaeiro yelped while Kazuki cast handseals, bit his thumb and smeared his blood on his chokuto. “W-what are you doing?” Kaeiro asked, being cautious, since Kazuki seemed to have a trump card up his sleeve.

“Summoning Jutsu: Snakes!” Kazuki shouted while running towards Kaeiro with a blood stained weapon in hand. “What’s he planning on doing?” Kaeiro decided to think it was a bluff and charged in, only to see a snake flying towards him. He caught it in midair and redirected its path back to where it came from.

“That all you got, Wrath?” Kai taunted Kazuki. “Is it?” he heard a voice from behind him, and above him… and in front of him. There was 1 Kazuki in every direction. “You like jumping away don’t you? I’d like to see you jump now” Kaeiro heard from the one above him, as the clones swarmed him, and he barely held his ground, as the real Kazuki came slashing down from above Kai.

Kaeiro was too fast for Kazuki, but his clones had held Kai in place long enough for Kazuki to get a cut 10 centimeters long and 4 centimeters deep across Kai’s abdomen. “Ha, got you now!” Kazuki said just as a punch drove into his gut. “Fuck! I see that you like to play, would you be interested in playing with the tip of my sword!?” Wrath bellowed in rage as Kaeiro broke free from the clones and grabbed Kazuki’s left forearm, then sliding his hand down towards his wrist and then finally breaking it. He let go as quickly as he could and grabbed Kazuki’s sword as a Chidori was headed his way. “I really hope I’m not in a genjutsu, I’ve been trying to avoid all types of contact with him, but who knows….

While his wrist was being broken, Kazuki had been preparing a Chidori in his right hand. “If I die here, I’m sure as hell not letting you go free!” Kazuki whispered as he thrust the Chidori in Kaeiro’s direction, only for Kai to dodge to Kazuki’s left and then chopping his arm off with Kazuki’s own chokuto.

“NO!” Kazuki decided that it was impossible for him to fight without a left wrist and a right forearm, but he still tried. “I’LL KILL YOU!” Kazuki tackled Kai, only to be stabbed in the gut, and soon enough in the heart, as his lifeless body fell on top of Kaeiro. “Well, I suppose I’m going back to see Kono with a loooot of money.” Kai sighed as he took the sheath of the chokuto, deciding to use the blade to mark the spot where Wrath died.

Kaeiro Wins!
-Written by Shivraj, Proofread by Snoopy

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Katakiuchi
« on: November 08, 2016, 13:53:19 »
Name: Allake Kirishima
Gender: M
Ninja Rank(If possible): Chunnin (on may to Jonin)
Chakra Nature(s): Fire, Lightning
Kekkei Genkai or Chakra Mix: N/A
Previous Village: Inferno
Specialization(Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, etc.): Kenjutsu
I am applying to be The Sin of Envy <3
Added to the memberlist as a member, we'll consider your promotion to Envy and get back to you in a week or so. @Kings_Head

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: SLO Interviews Issue 1
« on: November 07, 2016, 11:26:52 »
This was a wonderful idea ._. great job :). I'm looking forward to reading more of these interviews. :3

I'd recommend highlighting the person's name before the dialogue with the color they have on the forum. (Purple for Remi, dark blue-ish with a red glow for America)

General Discussion / Re: General disscusion
« on: November 06, 2016, 13:04:26 »
Tsuna at it again with his "hotshot" act. :P

It's a good practice Tsuna, to not care about what others say/think about you or someone else. Saves you lots of time and energy.

Just saying, Kirishima isn't hated at all. Try to actually understand stuff before you start shit over that thing.

Mars said a joke, Kono said some banter, where do you come into this equation?

And if you're gonna say "It was just a joke, calm down", then I suggest you research Poe's Law.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Katakiuchi
« on: November 05, 2016, 18:38:00 »
-Crono Demoted from Envy, Envy is now free, feel free to apply.
-RaphoZentel Promoted from Umbra to Lust.

General Discussion / SLO RP Server (New one!)
« on: November 03, 2016, 17:53:08 »
I opened an SLO RP Server, since the last one was deleted, I've been testing it with a bunch of people and I think it's ready to be announced to the public, so feel free to join :)

invite code:

I'd appreciate feedback and the likes.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Farewell Bio/Cedie/Phone Star
« on: November 02, 2016, 05:24:20 »
It is a great pain to see someone so old leave, but good luck with your life ;-; o7 I'll try to stalk you and keep in touch <3

General Discussion / Re: Happy Halloween!
« on: November 01, 2016, 06:40:01 »
o/ Happy Halloween (even though it's 1st November here now :P)

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