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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - Tameshi Hinode

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Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Tameshi Hinode
« on: December 01, 2015, 13:17:26 »
I did that on purpose so it looks a bit more organized and isnt,,too much to scroll''.

Technical Support / Re: Game sends me to the desktop sometimes
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:42:13 »
I use the 32 bit version indeed.
And yes,im am aware that i should change to a 64 bit version,i am just not able to do that now.

Shinobi Life Online Feedback / Re: My feedback so far
« on: December 01, 2015, 01:40:09 »
Try jumping in your car and going at 50kmh and holding a lighter out the window. The flames wont go forward with you, they'll fly back.

Your idea about fire cancelling chidori could work with other jutsu, eg Rover shoots fireball, Lubez uses water dragon jutsu and puts it out.

While it is true,comparing the lighter with this is a bit odd...if you get hit by a large ammount of fire,no matter in what direction it moves before it makes contact with you,it will be painful,as long as it DOES make contact,and that was the case when i tested it.
My point isnt that the flames dont reach the target,my point is that they DO reach the target often,but cause no damage.
If i had to guess,id say that the area that is covered by the fire breath,is much smaller than the animation makes it look.
If this is not the case,it sounds like a bug to me
Was also testing it while standing close to the enemy,and while we both didnt move,and both aimed at each other(with full hp each),he died while i just lost around 20-30% of my hp.

By the way...the idea about fire cancelling is no from me,vreg wrote about it in the changelog:
,,While Fire Breath is not very mobile, its high damage rate makes it an excellent defensive strategy (e.g. when someone comes running at you with a Chidori, you can properly defend yourself with Fire Breath)''
The only problem with this is,that someone who is using chidori,very rarely runs at you in a straight line.
While using chidori,you are very mobile,you can change directions fast and land the attack for a good ammount of damage just a moment later.
The fire breath jutsu on the other hand,is not mobile at all.
It could cause a lot of damage to a slow/stunned/afk/distracted target,but against chidori,it doesnt seem very effective to me because you would have to change the direction quickly,to match the movements of the chidori user with your own fire breath jutsu.
While the chidori user can do that without a problem,the fire breath user will cause way less damage while using the jutsu and changing the direction fast at the same time.
As i said,the fire breath jutsu can be useful to support someone or against slow opponents,but against chidori,its at a dissadvantage unless the chidori user runs at you in a straight line.
But ofcourse,i am not as experienced here as others are.
So if you found a way around that,id like to hear it,i might learn something from it.

I've used dodge plenty, if you quickly see someone behind you and you can't change course due to them being so close dodge comes in handy. Hate to say this but once you get into "top tier" chidori fights, you end up using dodge once or twice a match, effectively.

I take your word for that.
So far,i didnt see anyone use the dodge mechanic in a fight(at least not in any really useful way),but if you say it really is so useful,i will try it out.
I use it very rarely because a simple sprint does the trick too,most of the times(since most people have a very hard time to land a hit with chidori on a fast moving target,i noticed).

also json is reading this thread prepare to be amazed. what a legend

In that case i am honored to welcome a legend in my thread.
Even if i dont know that legend yet.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Tameshi Hinode
« on: November 30, 2015, 23:51:48 »
Correct,i will use kenjutsu mainly,and a bit ninjutsu sometimes.
I see swords as a more elegant and clean way,compared to fists and feet but you can still stay close to your enemy.
Swords fascinate me.

Cool character man!

Thank you.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Tameshi Hinode
« on: November 30, 2015, 19:44:13 »

Name:Tameshi Hinode                                                                                  
Hairstyle:Reaches the shoulders
Facial hair:None                                           
Hair color:Black                                         
Eye color:Black                                                               
Blood type:A+
Primary chakra nature:Fire                                                                                                   
Hidden Village:Inferunogakure
Good or evil at heart?:Good
Fighting style:Kenjutsu

    Tameshi as a child

Description of the character's personality:   
Calm,polite and very idealistic,values honor,loyalty and justice.
While having a strong sense for justice and fairness,he has his very
own definition of what justice and fairness means.
Often questions morales,and suffers from a lack of self confidence sometimes.
Very altruistic at the core of his heart,but tends to look down on others
sometimes,and has problems to get along with people he doesnt know.
Is interested in art,politics and likes to play mindgames.

Description of the character's history: 

Tameshi Hinode opened his eyes for the very first time,in inferunogakure.
He was born into a family of assassins that served the kage for multiple years.
Beeing a member of the Hinode family,was tied directly to the well beeing of the kage,the village and its inhabitants,and considered a great honor.
Everyone in this family is expected to serve the kage and honor the family name,without questioning orders.
Because of these high expectations,tameshi,s childhood was short and empty.
Very early allready,he had to learn how he could supress his emotions and that friends are only a burden because they would distract him from his duty.
Also,every friend could become a target at one point,that the kage wants dead.
The only way to get his parents attention was to impress them with the skills he learned,but instead of training everyday to become a professional assassin,
tameshi showed interest in music and poems and was known for his peaceful nature and questioning the old villagers if he heard them talk about politics.
When his family heard about this,they were very dissapointed and treated him like an outcast.
His only friend was akito,a boy from okagakure,who moved to inferunogakure,together with his family.
He was 3 years older than tameshi and shared his interest for music and art.
When tameshi was 9 years old,he experienced something that should change his life drastically.

One night,tameshi heard loud noises in his family,s house.
He went out of his room to see where these noises where comming from.
The sound of steel,meeting steel,could be heard.
Convienced that there was a fight going on and that his family could be in danger,tameshi began to run.
The fight seemed to be fought in his familys training hall.
Normally,this would be no reason to be bothered,but at this time of the day and with noises like that,it was definatly unusual.
When he reached the entry of the training hall and wanted to open the door,no noise was to be heard anymore.
Taking a deep breath,tameshi opened the door slowly,not trying to make a noise that could let the attacker know that he was there.
Darkness and silence welcomed him into the room,as he made his way towards the center of the room.
The only source of light,came from a big window near the ceiling,where the moon could clearly be seen,revealing all kind of drawings on the walls.
Drawings,and something else.
Someone was standing there,turning his back towards him.
Then he heard his fathers voice:
,,You are late.And you are loud aswell.''
Something or someone,was lying on the floor,to his fathers feet.
His father continued to speak,without looking at him:
,,Your friendship made you blind,tameshi.You should have listened to me.''
The light of the moon began to fill the dark hall with light,and tameshi,s heart with sorrow and grief,as he saw what the darkness hid from his eyes.
In front of his father,there lied two bodies.
And he instantly recognized them.
One of them was akito,s father,holding a kunai in his right hand.
The other one was akito himself.
Neither akito nor his father,seemed to be breathing.
Anger started to take the place of sadness.
Just like he would have noticed it,tameshi,s father spoke to him once more,but this time,with a gentle and understanding voice,even a sad one,perhaps:
,,Your friend and his father are spys from okagakure''.
,,They just wanted to earn your trust to get informations about the village.You could have endangered the whole village with your friendship.''

Now tameshi,s father turned around,looking him into the eyes,as he continued to speak,with a voice that became louder and louder,losing its gentle tone:
,,You even put the well beeing of your family at risk!They came here to kill us in our sleep.On this floor,could now lie one of us,ans it would be your fault.''
Fortunately,we are still alive,but this wasnt thanks to you,tameshi.You are useless and a disgrace to our family''

Sharper than any blade,these words went right trough tameshi,s heart.
The anger remained,but the direction changed.
Tameshi took a few steps back and fell down on the ground,gazing at his lost friend in disbelief.
His father turned his back on him and stared silently at the ceiling,appearantly searching for words.
,,From now on,you will do as i say.This will never happen again.You will fulfill your duty to your family,your kage and your village.''
Tameshi didnt say a word.

From this day on,tameshi focused on his training,going the way of his clan.
He became stronger,but also colder and lost any trust in humans he previously had,always fearing that they might use him for ther own advantage and that his village and family would have to pay for this mistake that is called,,friendship''.

At the age of 15,tameshi,s mother died on a secret mission.
Neither tameshi nor his father shed a tear.

1 year later,tameshis father dissapeared,also on a mission.
But his body was never found.
Officially,his father was decleared dead,but tameshi was convienced that his father is still alive and that he will return to him one day.

At the age of 19,the kage showed interest in tameshis service and started to request his help more and more.
Tameshi never declined a request,but he started to investigate the dissapearance of his father on his own.
Since he worked for the kage directly,he also had more access to secret informations,and hoped that they would help him to find his father.
He also noticed that there are no reports about his lost friend akito or his family.

Currently,tameshi is living in infernogakure,where he serves the kage.
He accepts every mission he can get,hoping to get hints about his father,so he can return him to lead the family,but also he wants to confront his father with the death of akito.
He is convienced that there is more behind it,than what his father told him.

***The main story is finished and will continue as soon as the game is ready for some RP.***

PS:I might write some side storys about my character later(flashbacks about the past),that give out more details about his youth,where he learned to fight,who he met....things like that.

                                            Flashback 1

                                            The Weakling

,,Your guard!''
*Wood clashes against wood*
The wooden sword began to shake in tameshi,s hand.
Kizaro,his instructor,never gave him a break.
Since akito,s betrayal,tameshi spent everyday training,sometimes even trough the night.
Kizaro was one of the best sword fighters in the village,but also a very strict person who normally doesnt teach students anymore.
Though,thanks to the influence of his father,tameshi was able to become his student.
While beeing a expert swordsman,kizaro was known for staying in his house on a nearby mountain,most of the time,only leaving it when he was training or buying supplies.
,,Are you dreaming tameshi?!''

This time,he just barely managed to parry kizaros attack.
For his age,this old man was very fast!
Tameshi began to sweat and took a step back,focusing on his opponents sword,while holding his own sword in front of his waist,pointing at his instructor.
His sensei didnt seem to be impressed and started a new,slower attack,aiming at tameshi,s head.
,,I got this!''he thought,and raised his sword above his head,ready for the impact.
But the impact never came.
Instead of attacking his head,kizaro closed the distance and kicked tameshi,s stomach.
Before he could react,his sparring partner spinned around,raised his other feet and used the momentum to kick tameshi,s chin,knocking him to the ground.
Still shocked about what just happened,tameshi dropped his sword and touched his chin in disbelief,noticing that he was bleeding from his mouth.
Now he started to feel the pain.
Kizaro offered him his hand.
,,Get up!''
After he angrily gave tameshi a tissue to wipe off the blood,he continued to speak:
,,Follow me''
Tameshi and kizaro left the training hall and sat down on a nearby bench.
It was hot outside,with a slight breeze and the light of the sun was blinding tameshi for a moment.
His interlocutor let out a sigh and continued to speak,with a resigned look on his face:
,,Why are we doing this everyday?''
Tameshi was confused,he didnt expect a question like that.
,,What do you mean,sensei?''
,,What i mean,tameshi,is that im teaching you the way of the sword for 1 year now,everyday.
And even if you never said anything regarding this matter,i can clearly see that you are not a fighter.
And you dont want to be one.So,i am actually trying to give you a gift,that you refuse to accept.
This is a waste of my time,and only thanks to your father,am i continuing to teach you.Do you understand me now?''

Charming as always,his sensei got straight to the point.
Tameshi looked up to the sky and took a deep breath:
,,Yes,sensei.You are right,im not a fighter,nor did i ever want to be one...''
Kizaro stood up and started to walk away:
,,I will talk with your father.I cant turn you into something that you dont want to be,you either train with your heart,or you dont train at all.This is useless!''
As kizaro started to walk away,tameshi stood up aswell,and raised his voice:
,,I am not a fighter...i had other interests and fighting wasnt one of them.
But this doesnt matter,i have my duty and i will fulfill it!
If i cant do this,then.....what is my purpose then?
I am a disgrace to my family,and my family is all i got.
And....what happened a few years ago,cant happen again.
I have to take responsibility and do what i can,do whats expected from me.
I dont want to be useless anymore,i want to protect my family...''

Kizaro listened without saying a word.
Then he walked closer to tameshi and said:
,,You made a mistake!''
Tameshi sighed and looked down,ready to leave the training area.
,,You made a mistake,back there.You only focused on my sword,but you didnt pay attention to my movements.''

His sensei gave him a pad on the shoulder and smiled.
Its the first time he ever did this.
,,You may not be a warrior''he said.
,,But you are a smart boy,tameshi.If you follow the movements of your opponent and if you can foresee what they will do next,then you could be on equal terms.
If you cant be stronger or faster,be smarter.''

Kizaro offered tameshi a wooden training sword and said:
,,Shall we go back in?''
Tameshi began to smile and reached out for the sword.

From now on,tameshi was thought to fight in a different way.
Instead of relying on strenght,speed and fast reflexes,he used his analytic abbilities and,together with
his sensei,came up with all kind of creative fighting techniques.
Over the years,his interest for combat grew,and he developed a deep passion for the way of the
sword,seeing it no longer as a simple form of combat,but as a artform.
He listened to all of his senseis teachings,and,to his senseis delight,also started to practice on his own and raised all kind of questions.
And so,a deep bond between tameshi and kizaro was established.


Technical Support / Re: Game sends me to the desktop sometimes
« on: November 30, 2015, 18:16:52 »
We dont know yet if it only happens to me.
And my computer is not very new,but also not weak.
The game runs with 50-60 FPS and with nice graphics too.
This error also only appears while playing this game.
Normally,there should least be a error message.

Shinobi Life Online Feedback / Re: My feedback so far
« on: November 30, 2015, 18:00:05 »
The animation of chidori makes you think though,that you dont need to be so close.
And it still doesnt explain why some attacks with chidori do no damage on a enemy that is standing still,and stands in front of you.

I also was reading that fire breath should be some kind of defence against chidori(i think it was described like that in the update log,not sure though).

Correct,you dont really need to dodge,and thats why it needs a change to be actually useful.
Its a nice,but at the moment,useless combat mechanic.

One thing i forgot to include in my list:
Sometimes,there is no message visible if you hit someone(the message in the chat that tells you that you hit someone).
My sparring partner received multiple chidori hits from me,but i was not receiving the correct ammount of messages.

Shinobi Life Online Feedback / My feedback so far
« on: November 30, 2015, 17:43:37 »
This is a short list of things i observed and also my feedback.

Id like to start with a event that happened recently:

I met with another person ingame today.
We both used fire breath and lined up,close to each other.
And after a countdown,we both used the fire breath jutsu.
The thing is....he died after  2 seconds,but i still had over 70% of my hp.
The fire breath jutsu seems to miss very often in general,even if your enemy is standing in the fire.

Chidori also misses the target sometimes,but its more reliable than the fire breath jutsu.
One thing you have to keep in mind,is that the range of the chidori is very short.
Though,sometimes,i was hitting my sparring partner while he stood still,and i still didnt do any damage.

My sparring partner told me that he sometimes,gets the damage of 1 hit,twice.
As far as i know,there are no crits in the game,so this might need some attention.

The fire breath jutsu can cause a bug,where you get a infinite ammount of chakra sometimes.
It happened to me and my sparring partner today(i know it was reported allready,but i wanted to include it on my list to make it complete and show that other people have the same problem).

I had a bug,where my chakra didnt recharge for around 30 seconds,without having a jutsu prepared.
Then,it suddenly recharged again,without the need of a relog.

Id suggest to lower the ammount of required chakra for dodging a little bit because it drains a lot of chakra to be really effective at the moment.

The respawn time should be lowered to 30-20 seconds because its a pre alpha and a lot of testing is beeing done.

On top of the bugs about the hit detection of jutsus in general,it might be a nice idea to add bigger hitboxes or give the jutsus a longer range/better hit detection.
If you and your enemy are moving very fast,while jumping and dodging,it can be very difficult to land a hit.
If you also add lag to that...well,you know.

That is all for now.

Technical Support / Game sends me to the desktop sometimes
« on: November 30, 2015, 16:53:31 »
After around 20-30 minutes,the game freezes for a short moment,sends me to the desktop,and doesnt react anymore.
I can see a little window on the top left of my screen,with the games name in it but it doesnt react if i click on the game again(its still shown on my task bar,on the lower part of my desktop).
There is also no error message.
Maybe i make a screenshot soon.

Introduction / Re: Greetings
« on: November 29, 2015, 16:58:24 »
Correct,i remember.

Introduction / Re: Greetings
« on: November 29, 2015, 14:18:26 »
I appreciate the warm welcome,thank you.

Introduction / Greetings
« on: November 28, 2015, 23:04:10 »
Good day to you,fellow shinobi.

Normally,i am known as Sendrik Merwado,in this game though,my name will be Tameshi Hinode.
My goals in this game are not set in stone yet,but i want to find a honorable cause to support,beeing part of something big and able to make a change.
I am VERY interested in clan politics and prefer to use my mind,not my blade,if i can avoid it.

As for my fighting style,it will kinda be like this:
Kenjutsu-Ninjutsu(or genjutu,still not sure)-taijutsu,in that order.

A little bit about the person behind the pc:
Born in:Austria
Age:Old enough to be a adult,but not old enough to be a father
Hobbys:Gaming(also RP),philosophy,fantasy,japanese culture,music

Im looking forward to meet you ingame,as a friend or foe.

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