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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - Dragon6624

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          People want to see jutsu *like those*, yeah, but it was always my impression that the Jutsu Creation thread was mostly there to give the developers extra ideas to work off of. The Jutsu themselves will combine to be OP regardless of whether or not you place restrictions on which ones can be learned with which...that's the nature of variety in a competitive environment -- and personally, I'd rather have a broad rainbow of potentially OP combinations to counter one another as opposed to forcing everyone into a simple few molds that are both harder to adjust and balance as a whole, and less fun and intuitive. Leaving everything on the table makes it easier to balance out metas when introducing new Jutsu as well, as far more possible combinations for counters can be discovered. By promoting excessive freedom of choice, you'll end up promoting balance through variety alongside of it.

          Additionally, this game aims for a fairly lengthy training system -- involving hours/days/weeks/MONTHS of training to *Truly* master individual jutsu (and thus become as effective as you can with them, accentuated by your Nature of course)...and that's not even counting in having to practice these jutsu in live firefights with enemy shinobi equally looking to strengthen themselves. Then you have the very nature of the villages themselves, how each will constantly be stealing the scrolls (I'm assuming the basic scrolls will usually be relatively safe, but the advanced techniques will become prime targets for agents to smuggle) from each other in order to prevent their enemies from even *beginning* to teach their shinobi specific jutsu. And then on top of that, some characters will end up actually, permanently dying in the wilderness trying to become those S-Ranked Shinobi...time waits for no ninja.

          We can't master everything, yes, because it would take too long. If you want to narrow down a few metas here and there, consider the amount of time each meta-player is going to have to sink into truly perfecting their styles. As Vreg said for combat speed: "I don't think it's fair for a player to be running XX fast before entering combat, just to arbitrarily lose all of that just because they got into a scrap." By extension of this, the only factors limiting how you want your shinobi to play should be their basic biology and the amount of time you're willing to sink into their training/combat.

          And again, should *all else fail* -- should a select few players actually manage the luck, skill and time to develop characters of immense power, even if they aren't KKG-capable to begin with...good on them. Good on them, so long as their characters live. Sooner or later, numbers will always add up, and old champions will meet their match against the odds of skill...or chance.

Spoiler: show
Wild Tangent Inbound:

          Hell, if you really wanted to emphasize a good risk-reward factor to characters fighting in the Wilderness against enemy shinobi, all you'd need to do would be increase the amount of exp they earn for their jutsu while participating in combat there. Sure, you could always take the long, safe route of training your entire life within the safety of the village boundaries...but having the option to roll the dice and gain massive boosts in the perma-death zones adds extra tension, a bit of a balance factor...and a really, REALLY good reason for there to be constant combat in the one place most players won't be particularly comfortable going into (making it far more difficult to just sneak through these areas, as encounter rates will be higher and more players will be aware of the lay-of-the-land).

          It might even adjust some players to the fact that it's okay to *lose* characters forever...there's always another chance to build one even stronger the next time. On top of that, combat in the Wilderness would also emphasize teamwork and efficient combat the point that the best players could probably be seen most often duking it out in these high-risk zones, fighting over scrolls, raiding Rogue Organization Hideouts and even chasing down enemy agents through the trees/hills/mists/dunes. I imagine many a Kakashi will be born of the encounters within these perma-death zones ^_^).

           ...Doesn't this only prove that --as everyone should've already thought-- the jutsu themselves need to be balanced, rather than incorporating specific rock-paper-scissors restrictions on your choice of jutsu?

           Assuming for a second that Vreg&Friends aren't complete morons who never listen to the feedback of the people using their jutsu, and who also don't have two brain-cells to think with...the nature of players --some, anyway-- is to find the most efficient, simplistic way to win. Now with all of the jutsu that are going to be available, how many combinations do you think are possible? How many of them will likely rival each other in terms of effectiveness, especially given that your character will be naturally stronger in training with some jutsu and weaker with others (Chakra-type will more than likely severely limit your strength with jutsu not of its affinity)? I'm guessing more than a handful of combinations, at least.

          Now restrict how many jutsu types you can learn (additionally, this is also being hampered by StarWarsGalaxies levels of *mastery* times, per jutsu)....I'm guessing you'll still find a handful, at least. Why? Because players will continue to seek out the best combinations possible, and unless you're working with a simple list of 3-5 examples, I can guarantee that there'll always be several methods for knocking the wind out of your opponents. Even *if* one specific combination is slightly more useful than the other that only factoring in solo-duels? "When facing an opponent of superior skill, use superior numbers."

It won't be the two jutsu that you'll be worrying about, it'll be the group of people using several dozen in tandem. Therefore, the balance of the jutsu themselves should be the focus of your anxiety here, not necessarily the extent of your choice of techniques.

Edit: If anything, I'd mostly be worried about how the KKG will be incorporated into the game. Some --such as magnetism-- could be pretty hard counters, even to groups of players...though of course, you'll probably be banking on ambushing your opponents most of the time.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Senjutsu suggestion
« on: August 23, 2017, 19:22:12 »
@mamita    Well, it seems a bit complicated, but the idea of keeping everything balanced (give or take a certain spectrum of error being allowed) at all times could be interesting -- especially if such a mode grants the user a great deal of power.

   However, I think they player should be given some sort of subtle cue as to when they're falling out of line...or, perhaps, even when they're balanced enough to access this chakra type; something simple, like dimmed flaring on the edges of the screen or a sound effect (a low whirring that gradually increases from a static position to a leveled hum, then a sort of cricket-level croaking once you begin to fall out of line) would be especially useful for a line so precariously easy to cross --particularly during combat-- without compromising the difficulty in comprehending its boundaries.

General Discussion / Arcanists (Funorb Game)
« on: August 11, 2017, 17:55:35 »
To anyone out there who loved playing the Funorb game "Arcanists", but can't access it today due to a lack of proper technical support, fear not for your nostalgia! Below is an easy-to-comprehend, well-written instructional post on how to have your own direct-to-server Arcanists Application in under 5 minutes. Good luck on the other side!

3D Modeling / Re: Low Poly Kitchen Scene
« on: July 31, 2017, 00:46:18 »
It may not be expert-level, but I looks to be a damned fine start; best of luck with those grades.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Health System
« on: July 21, 2017, 15:50:08 »
What if EveryBody Has the same health! but it must be big 

Thats good , if the attacks are overpowered its a good idea

everybody having the same life

You're forgetting that specialization will play a key role in character development -- not everyone will be able to branch out into multiple paths...fewer still will be able to *master* the majority of their attribute-levels and jutsu. So, for example, one person might invest in as much medium-level damage jutsu as possible -- however, they could be countered by a stealth/genjutsu-using kenjutsu-trained shinobi.

          Health, in this case, is almost irrelevant to how successful everyone will end up being in a fight; by comparison, it's far more urgent to address how well each jutsu/jutsu-type works through the Chakra/Stamina-bars -- especially given the sheer numbers of techniques needed *per village*. If well-balanced, it wouldn't matter how much healing OR damage-jutsu you had if you were only capable enough to get off several large techniques before burning out.

          The ultimate factor in determining the balance of power between the villages will, then, more than likely wind up being whichever village has had the longest, most well-trained/experienced/equipped shinobi. If the jutsu have reasonable risks/rewards, and everyone has the same tactics (don't get into a fight unless you have to, fight in greater numbers and know when to retreat), then the health-bars really shouldn't matter too much.

The only reason you would ever give people greater amounts of health is if you wanted to make it easier to retreat; However, if they go into a *Perma-Death Zone* in the first-place, they should be expected to be either cautious, or otherwise suicidal.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Health System
« on: July 21, 2017, 02:13:09 »
It probably wouldn't be a very good idea to have your health-bar increase concurrently with your prowess -- however, you make a fair point about its significance in combat. "Get-Stuck-In" types of fights in the current version are incredibly short --like a slightly more fantasized version of the time it takes for a fight to end in real life-- and I imagine the amount of powerful attack/deception/trapping jutsu available in later stages will be able to get to pretty vast quantities, making it so much easier to die.

          ...However, there's an argument that could be made that having a smaller/medium-sized health-bar for E V E R Y O N E would emphasize (Well, what do you know!) more stealthy, tactical game-play, for the exact reason you gave of people only having one life on a character. Additionally, characters will only die in the Perma-Death Border-Zones between each of the villages -- in all likelihood, it's quite possible that an entire invasion-force could slip through a border, attack another village, and lose *without* all of their characters specifically *dying* in that engagement.

          In an equal respect, of course, that entire invasion-force could be ambushed and slaughtered simply because...wait for side made proper use of an Intelligence Force to gather information on the enemy before and during their entrance into the Border-Zones (stream-sniping might even be a viable option here, although I doubt anyone with a lot of investment in their character would be stupid/crazy enough to openly give away their army movements through a stream -- but it's still a possibility).

The majority of players *probably* won't go into the Perma-Death zones -- and given the nature of many PvPers, most of them will *probably* know to try and book it from an area in which they *know* people are dropping like flies or are likely to. People are survivalists...what else is there to say?

An additional idea to consider here: If the owners of the Wilderness Hideouts are able to store jutsu within them, you *could* attempt to create a Rogue Organization focused around keeping the jutsu you loot/steal from circulating around the Villages. Obviously, there's always the possibility someone (another Organization, or even a Village) will find out where you're hiding them, sack the Hideout (or take it for themselves) and retrieve the precious scrolls. I suppose it'd depend on how hard it is to sack/infiltrate the Hideouts.

Well, I imagine training will become a bit more difficult -- if Sensei are going to give bonuses to the amount of experience earned when training attributes up, then there's that to consider. Purchasing items shouldn't be too bad, considering that there are going to be small, 'neutral' villages (if I remembered that correctly), but the main problem would most likely come from not having a permanent safe-zone. Sure, you can hide in a village, but that might only work for so long...that in itself makes me wonder whether or not there should be a time-mechanic for how long Rogues can stay within a village before getting a nice fat target painted on them, or otherwise how they will be able to be spotted.

I *believe* there are going to be a select few outposts that Rogue organizations will be able to take and hold for themselves -- perhaps even other villages might try to obtain these as safe-zones within the wilderness? Overall, becoming a Rogue will mostly allow you to kill/loot anyone at any time, although you'll face near-enough the exact same in consequence.

Perhaps Rogues should be allowed to temporarily occupy a weak enough village and --after a set amount of time holding it from it's original owners/other foreigners-- eventually become apart of it, with the leader of the organization becoming that village's new kage? Though that isn't to say there couldn't be the possibility of a coup to take back the seat of power for the previous owners -- maybe they'd find integration with the new-comers repulsive(much like the Mongols in...basically everywhere they invaded)?

Anyone else have more info on this?

Edit: Note, you won't have the luxury of a 'fixed'-income as a Rogue -- job offers will likely be far more sparse than when apart of a village, meaning you'll probably end up having to loot/kill more often in order to find items/coin to trade. Additionally, the likely-hood of death will probably be substantially higher in what contracts you do obtain, though these may be found more preferable to be served to Organizations, rather than singular Rogues.

Couldn't we all go back to the simpler days of RP-relationships? o_O)

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Treaties and Killzones
« on: May 24, 2017, 21:56:00 »
From my understanding, Perma-Death Zones will be based in the Boundaries between each of the villages; So, I suppose that'd mean you'd have to form a treaty with one village in order to more easily attack another beyond it -- moving troops through their territory instead of traveling through the more dangerous Wilds *around* it.

Of course, this doesn't necessarily make the Wilds any safer just because you've brokered a treaty with another village -- likely, there'll be whole Mercenary Guilds staking out claims within these 'hard-core' zones; Additionally, I imagine it'll definitely be possible to monetarily persuade one or two of them --provided they're not occupied defending their turf from usurpers-- to harass general or specific targets moving through those areas.

I'd assumed that it'd be a mixture of 2) and 3), more or less:

Upon proper "Launch" of the game, each village will be given a specific set of Jutsu Scrolls to be filed in their respective Libraries. These will be physical buildings, but the actual access of Jutsu will occur through UI set at specific kiosks located in various "Tiered" (and thus, appropriately locked off) sections of the Library -- space for RP/Learning without the inconveniences of physical information searches or space being clogged up. These Jutsu Scrolls may be ferried out of the villages by well trained Shinobi set to steal them stealthily...or, with a bit of a ruckus involved.

Either way, the Jutsu may be stolen from these kiosks by being copied onto other Scrolls (notably, by specially trained Shinobi via a technique known to all Shinobi Villages), which will then need to be transported back to the respective Shinobi Village for filing within their respective kiosk. From there on out, it's just a matter of repeating this cycle often enough to justify near-constant conflict between the villages, as each tries to steal the others' Jutsu after every new Jutsu Update. The developers might even only include certain Jutsu at a time; In part to properly test their strength and balance them (this might just be done in a Concept Testing server, Idk), as well as constantly shifting the spotlight of potential conflict onto each next set of villages to receive Jutsu.

On a side note, we might recognize that, just because a Jutsu is stolen from one village for another, that doesn't mean that Jutsu may even be *learned (not even thinking about Mastery, in that regard) by little more than a minority of the culprit-village's Shinobi*. Jutsu take different levels of skills *as well as different Chakra natures*, meaning some Jutsu --no matter how powerful and tempting-- may simply be impossible for particular Villages to adequately use, and others may only be capable of being fully mastered by the shinobi of a particular village (simply because that village's Shinobi popularly prefer set playstyles and the Skills needed to perform the Jutsu used in them).

Anyway, I'm tired for now, so I'll post this as-is for the rest of you to mull over. G'night.

I don't disagree with any particular point!! But how do you give the mentors the abuility to speed up training? Maybe just a local buff in the training arieas that only effect the squad your with?

Basically, yeah:

Shinobi of Jonin status are capable of forming Squads consisting of up to three other players beneath them -- this will be represented by some sort of side-bar UI only available to players of the Jonin status (Rogues will be out in the cold on this one, as they might be of Jonin *level*, but not *status*). While leading their Squad, they'll have a bar with a set number of Training Points that regenerate over time (most likely encouraging training for 2-3 hours per day).

Students within a small radius of the Mentor (50-100 meters? Or perhaps 30-50?) will gain a buff that draws upon this bar whenever the Mentor activates it, and will subsequently lose the buff whenever it runs out or the Mentor manually deactivates it; Said buff will decrease the practice sessions required to increase Skills, but not Jutsu.

In this way, Mentors will be able to assign when Students train and where, but Students will be able to practice whatever skills they need to under said Mentors.

So you want to just Role Play the mentor thing.
That's fine, I got nothing against that. I think there should be some kind of benifit to the students other wise there is little point to finding a mentor. Maybe some kind of training reduction to doing it yourself. Other wise it's better for a village to keep the newbies back and train and let the people that know out and do missions. The only reason mentors existe is to increase the training speed of students. Makeing them usfull for the village faster. Kinda hard to role play that!! I agree that IF* everything works the way you describe that schools are not necessary. However some skill sets like medical ninjutsu and Fuinjutsu should take specialized training. Going to the library and reading texts on anatomy, pharmacology,biochemistry, and immunology is ok and all!! But in the library when studying each have the nessessary items listed and skills needed to treat poisons, wonds, or debufs or any combination of the three. With just 5 types of each( very low in my opinion) your looking at 155 combinations of damage wonds and debufs
155 types of treatments
If there are combinations of 2 and 3
(I want combinations of 4-5)
That's a lot of studies to do with out a teacher.

Whoever said being a Shinobi was going to be easy? Practice takes time, and some students might find it more beneficial to focus on certain aspects of their training over others, specializing by prioritizing their wants/needs. I believe that same type of specialization is what made every character from the inspiration so unique in combat.

As for the Mentors...yeah, I suppose it would make since to give a decent reduction to the amount of times you'd need to train Skills before being capable of unlocking a second Chakra nature or being able to understand the basic form of a Jutsu; However, I believe you should still have to focus just as hard as solo operators when it comes to actual usage of a Jutsu in perfecting it -- levels the playing-field, so to speak. That way, there'll still be a clear benefit to having a Mentor (besides their experience), but it'll do less to incentivize Power-Leveling characters through Mentoring them, and Solo characters won't have such a comparatively massive wall to scale.

But why are they able to learn the jutsu we have now? we currently have 4  nature's of jutsu in game. As well as basic kenjutsu.
Why are you able to learn these thing?
How do you advance in learning new natures that allows you to learn from the scrolls containing:
earth dome, earth wall, fire breath, wind bullet, and lightning fist(chidori)?
What sequence of events leads up to the ability to weld the katana in a way that lets you do damage to an opponent and not cut off your own head?

Simply saying you look at a scroll practice the hand signs and bingo you know a new nature and jutsu seams a little underwhelming to me.
There is No feeling of immersion this kind of learning system.

Jutsu require skills to use
chakra control/ or stamina
these skills need to be developed before you attempt to learn a jutsu from a scroll.
now some you might be able to develpe throw practice and everyday play.
but some will have to be taught. simply for lore reasons and to immerse you in the game play.

this leads to the question what comes first the teachers or the students.
If not npc's then some story explanation as to why players have the abilities needed to be able to teach
other players the skills they need to know.

Obviously, there'll be a lore explanation as to how some of the world's populace have chakra, that much has already been established. As for the Scrolls, you *learn* of a new Jutsu (if you can even perform it in the first place, as I imagine there'll be a message saying something along the lines of "You don't have the appropriate Natures to learn this" if you *do* try to), but you must *master* it through practice in order to maximize your effectiveness with it, or your ability to convert it into a larger version of itself (if the particular Jutsu is capable of that, of course).

Skills would be trained through Training Grounds, I *believe*, such as practicing Stamina-conditioning by having your character perform Track&Field for a bit at a time. The Jutsu themselves are stored in scrolls in the Libraries, or at least, that's what I'm proposing. Basically, you don't need schools in order for Shinobi to create their respective playstyles, all you need is a Mentor, a Library and (yes) a Training Field of some sort. Or, if you just want to go solo, a Library and a Training Field.

You shouldn't need to explain why players are capable of teaching, because the Mentors will simply be advising their Students on how best to go about accomplishing their goals: "Oh, so you want to be the Taijutsu member of our team, hmm? Alright, spend some more time training your Stamina and Speed -- here, let me show you a great place/piece of equipment to help with that." The First Generation will be figuring out the systems and Jutsu available to them, which will allow them to train the Second Generation as they come into focus. If you already have all of the elements above, then why bother with a School anymore?

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