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Messages - Leebz

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General Discussion / Re: Leebz is Hidden Forest Kage
« on: July 01, 2017, 18:23:42 »
How much retard sauce did you consume before creating this thread?
And how much cheese do you consume on an hourly basis? (required information for kage ofc).

On a more serious note, I don't really think this post should stay, but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt, as I did with the blowjob thread.

Retard sauce is not in my diet. I try to remain healthy incase of an attack and retard sauce damages the mind. You want your kage to remain clear minded and focused for the task ahead and I make sure that I can provide that sort of mindframe.

The amount of cheese I have consumed on an hourly bases can be broken down in a daily diet. I would say I consume a healthy amount of cheese to make sure my bones grow nice and strong as calcium is within cheese. These sort of facts are what the teachers at the village, that I shall employ, will teach your children.

On a serious note I am sorry, I didn't think it was that bad at first as there is traces of seriousness within this post but I see where you are coming from. It won't happen again and thanks for the warning. <3

Is this thread serious or nah? It was fairly fun to read tho so idm either or lel

I take the Hidden Forest very super seriously and therefore this post is very super serious. I plan on bringing the Forest to the level of greatness that the Hidden Metal has and will not strive for anything less than that. I hope I can have you as a backer in my goals. <3

General Discussion / Leebz is Hidden Forest Kage
« on: July 01, 2017, 18:13:42 »

Hi guys, it's your neighbourhood Kage applicant, Leebz coming at you with some dank points on why I should be your Kage.

First of all, I would like to say that I am very calm in situations of chaos. Like if we got some next level rogue attack, guess who has your back? That's right, this guy.

Secondly, I will make sure that the taxes of your treehouses aren't too high or unreasonable. I will make sure that they are cut from the finest of trees and not some sort of shitty quality basic tree.

Thirdly, I will keep the economy striving to be the very best, like no other ever was. I will make sure you are all paid fairly and your children will go to great schools with the finest teachers.

So why not have someone like me as your Kage? Give me a question if you doubt my capability and I will answer it respectively. if you are behind me being Kage I have many thanks to give you.

Thanks for your time and god save the Hidden Forest.


General Discussion / Re: To be or not to be...a sheep
« on: July 01, 2017, 17:55:58 »
Spoiler: show
I'm probably gonna regret writing this but I felt it needed to be said

Now that I've gathered all the pseudo-philosophers here (there's been a lot lately), I gotta ask what's up with the "Don't like the topic don't post" mentality that so many people seem to support?

Are we supposed to just turn a blind eye on things we don't like? For instance I see someone appealing to violence here in the forums? Am I wrong if I go out of my way to try and stop that? Because if you say "don't like it, don't post" it kinda sounds like you don't accept anything other than your own point of view. I realize one thing is harming another human being quite another is just posting useless threads but the argument stands, if someone is baited to a thread that turns out he doesn't think it belongs there or he finds it useless or whatever shouldn't he be allowed to voice his opinion on the thread?
If you post about a particularly controversial topic expect people to react controversially. We're all here in this forum, if we don't like something we should have the right to say so. I for once think if a thread is shitty people are entitled to say so, it's their opinion after all.

This is gonna rub many people on the wrong side but at least it serves the purpose of stopping this childish mentality.
If you have anything to say on this matter, positive or negative, don't keep it to yourself speak up, even if it is saying that this thread is crappy.

I didn't read through this entirely but I completely agree from the first few lines. It is 100% correct. These philosophical posts are absolutely fucking trash. I am a Christian but you don't see me preaching about it or arguing the case of if god is real on an indie project. take that sort of opinion to a place that doesn't make those who come here to escape reality or to enjoy themselves feel uncomfortable or awkward by such a serious subject. It's not that hard really, you just take your opinion somewhere else where it is more welcome.

General Discussion / Re: The Meaning
« on: June 30, 2017, 02:19:45 »
Getting real sick and tired of these topics, ngl...

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Schedule
« on: June 28, 2017, 11:45:16 »
What you are not understanding is yes, they signed up for this but are they getting paid for signing up? No. So they can't commit to such a tight schedule because they have rent to pay, jobs irl and lives to lead such as exams, family and more. This is not some organised, funded game dev team. It is a group of people coming together to make a project with little donations and their own pockets and time. If the project actually gets backers or to the point where it can get backers then we can talk tight scheduled updates but for now it is not possible. what you are asking is something that will happen in the MMO release or at least at a stage of some sort of alpha with a monthly funding.

Though we would all like a tighter schedule, you just can't simply ask that of the devs without knowing the actual hardship of making a game with a small team that aren't getting paid for their time at this point. Be patient and considerate of their situations.

General Discussion / Re: Kenjutsu 1v1
« on: June 27, 2017, 20:19:37 »
May I join? @taigakun

Not a game and even if it would be, it looks garbage :p
Pretty much what Remi said ^

If it is not real like others have said, you should probably do some research next time before plastering the forums with other possible projects. Also, consider the rule of "No Advertising" before posting another possible project.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Chunin event
« on: June 14, 2017, 12:27:18 »
This. Has. Been. Planned. Please. Read. Around. The. Forums. Before. Posting. Thanks.

General Discussion / Re: BTS Is Fucking Dope
« on: June 11, 2017, 17:09:42 »
Have I found my people?

Reason for the post and what this post is.
Because I am unable to raise my postcount through any other means than reviving these dead-ass posts from 2015 I am making a new one. I'm still dumb as fuck. :ddddddd

FTFY. Please show up at your local vet in order to be neutered.
Yo dawg I heard you like razor blades. @m4r1us

General Discussion / Re: Is God real
« on: June 11, 2017, 17:03:00 »
Post your opinion in a respectful manner. Hopefully a mature debate will start.
@Shivraj I'm not salty or anything but I actually want this discussion.
I'll try and counter any argument disregarding the existance of god
I would hope he isn't if I were you, I heard he has an aversion to beta cucks. Please show up at your local vet in order to be neutered.
Look at this ancient, has-been, degenerate clown trying to start drama on SLO again. XD

I would hope he isn't if I were you, I heard he has an aversion to beta cucks. Please show up at your local vet in order to be neutered.

I would say kys, but you already tried @m4r1us :/
LOOOOOL +Rep. Careful though, you might bring back some PTSD for the guy.

General Discussion / Re: BTS Is Fucking Dope
« on: June 11, 2017, 04:00:54 »
Yo they're easy to get hooked onto lmao.
Catchy as fuck, everything about them tbh.

General Discussion / Re: What would happen in Tenten met Sasuke?
« on: June 10, 2017, 02:11:17 »
kakashi could've persuaded him probz as well since he had done that before.

This is where I think the anime lacks a lot, so many things could have been prevented if people acted as they usually do but for some reason when they're needed the most they are just passive.

Seems like a poetic metaphor for life though. so many things could be prevented in life if so and so was here or there at this or that time but life doesn't plan out like that. But we can always ponde rIF it could of happened. I don't think Anime is lacking because of it.

I believe anime is being realistic when having these events unfold and sometimes the ones who are needed most aren't there to prevent a tragedy or an outcome but, again, it doesn't mean we can't wonder "what if".

(I know you never said we couldn't wonder or anything, just letting you know that anime is not lacking because of bad/sad plot lines. From your recent arguments I wanted to make sure You don't misinterpret anything I have said or get too sensitive.)

General Discussion / Re: What would happen in Tenten met Sasuke?
« on: June 09, 2017, 13:26:02 »
kakashi could've persuaded him probz as well since he had done that before.
True shit actually. But I feel Kakashi hadn't much else to say to convince him at that point. I feel Tenten definitely had the potential to do so though as she is the only female who wasn't gaga over him. She could of dragged him back by force if need be too.
(Btw,I don't ship Tenten with Sasuke, I actually like the end canon of Naruto relationships.)

General Discussion / Re: BTS Is Fucking Dope
« on: June 09, 2017, 13:11:24 »
Boy bands have the reputation to more or less,create mainstream music that usually hasnt a lot of meaning.
The fact that they are a boy band+the videos you posted,are more than enough to,,judge''them.
Also,teens are easily manipulated,especially young girls.
Thats why managers try to get a group of pretty boys together,to make money out of this,its not rocket science.
And no.....not every song has a meaning,there are boy bands who dont write their own songs,they just use songs written by other people,for some easy money,because they know that their fans will buy pretty much everything.
About BTS:I was reading that they write MOST of their songs,but not all of them.

If i cant judge a band based on their videos,how should i judge them then?
Nearly everything about them is,,the generic boy band stuff''.
Call me a hipster if you want,if im a hipster because i dont want to listen to boring mainstream music and,,artists''who are just after a fast money grab,then yes,im a hipster and im completely fine with beeing one :)
Its normal that people want something extraordinary,if everything is the same(as in,the same mainstream stuff ),it gets boring over time.
Though,thats not the only reason why i dislike this boy group,i simply dont like the music and their voices,mainstream or not.
There are better bands out there,and they would deserve the attention that those boy groups get.

Im also not dissing them.
You asked for oppinions,if you think im judgemental for stating my oppinion when asked to do so,alright.
Its simply critic,i dont like the music,i dont like their voices and i dont like their lyrics or the whole marketing concept.
Its also not just,,personal preference'',their marketing concept IS questionable,along with the actual talent of most boy groups:

,,Due to this and their general commercial orientation towards a female audience of preteens, teenyboppers, or teens, the term may be used with negative connotations in music journalism.''
-Wikipedia(yea i just quoted wikipedia)

TLDR version:
I dont listen to music with extraordinary lyrics all the time,yea im guilty.
But the problem with BTS is not only that they are mainstream oriented,really.
Its that they are mainstream oriented AND are not that good,medicore,perhaps.
One reason why,is their lack of rhytm,or that their songs are not memorable and leave a lasting impact(im not talking about lyrics or dance moves now),like i wrote before.
Youre free to disagree with me,but there is no need to get defensive and imply im a,,hipster wannabee''or that i have no clue about music,because
i have the feeling it will lead this discussion into a dissrespectful direction,and i would like to avoid that.
All my arguments have been directed at the band,not at you.

I'm not defensive about it xD
I was stating my opinon of yours. Thanks for your long winded opinion :)
I do listen to kpop occasionally and I know BTS.
Tbh, what I like from BTS is their choreography and I like the scene composition and the cinematic feel in most of their MV.

If you like rap music you can try this

Saaaaame dude. My exact feeling too. Their choreography is dope af and it is probably one of the main reasons I like them along with their rappers.
Will give the songs you linked a listen when I got some free time too and let you know what I think.

General Discussion / What would happen in Tenten met Sasuke?
« on: June 09, 2017, 00:23:34 »
If Tenten saw Sasuke before he left the village, do you think she could of persuaded him to stay unlike Sakura? Because even I would leave a village if Sakura tried to hold me back.

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