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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - DarthTyrael

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 41
Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Magnet Release
« on: June 20, 2017, 10:30:33 »
I thought they'd implement the magnet release of the third kazekage as shown in naruto...
imo, the magnet release above mentioned seems cool enough.

I suppose magnet release is going to be more about manipulating weapons. Iron sand (i.e. tiny iron particles) could be a thing. Maybe liquid metal as gold suggested as well (i.e. ferromagnetic fluid)

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Suroshi Pt2.
« on: June 14, 2017, 23:04:57 »
I mean I am required because all of my RPC's and stories and clans and such are all from other games I play that I've started so for example if I invite my friends I have a story they already know to go off of and tie our stories together.  Thats why I said the layout isnt important because Im not out to impress anyone I just have to transfer my information to this site.

Guess that makes sense.

General Discussion / Re: General discussion
« on: June 14, 2017, 22:38:40 »
I almost cut myself on that edge.

Did someone say    EDGE   ?

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Suroshi Pt2.
« on: June 14, 2017, 22:19:19 »
And yeah Im not a professional writer and I dont attempt or strive to be one. I am required to give a backstory and thats what I've done.

Neither are 99% of the people on here. Most of them don't even have that much of a back story (or used to have one, joined a different clan/revamped their character and just didn't bother to redo a story).

Either way you are not required to give a backstory. It's encouraged. You should write one because you like it and want to give your character that little bit of extra personality.

I dont care much how people think about the story or how its layed out because that isnt the important factor to me..

... What is then? Quite frankly I don't understand why you'd put so much effort into something that's (what you thought was) required if you don't care about what people are gonna think about it anyway.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Chunin event
« on: June 14, 2017, 21:45:08 »
SLO:DM will not be taking place in the open world that SLO:MMO will be in, imagine DM to be a bunch of small servers with each one having a capacity of min. 2 - max. 64 players. Each small server will also have a specific game mode turned on (many are planned) taking place on a specific map (many are planned, in terms of size think about the current map in the test).

In terms of customization, in the first iteration of SLO:DM we plan to have basic customization limited to choosing gender, clothing (+color), hair (+color), skin color and eye color. Customizing body proportions and custom skins will not be present in DM 1.0.
This would be great, nice suggestion Seyi. I don't really think this would be a problem as it is planned for the actual MMO anyway.
Maybe if Vreg finishes the Chunin exams before the MMO release, it might be implemented into deathmatch for more content. But who knows.
Who said SLO:DM will stay the way it is at release, SLO:DM will actually keep getting updated with new content, game modes and maps while we work on the MMO. We can certainly have events in DM, like weekly or monthly automatically organized tournaments with rewards, but I don't see this being associated with shinobi rank. In DM, your shinobi rank will be directly associated with your ELO rating, you won't have to undergo exams to get a certain shinobi rank. Exams don't really fit in the whole DM environment, it's really a feature that would only work well in the actual MMO.


Ranks may be part of an event in terms of your ELO rank for as long as the MMO version isn't out yet (Death Match mode).
Once MMO is out then yes, ranks are a thing.

For now, the Kagescould hold one, but it would hardly be official :\

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Suroshi Pt2.
« on: June 14, 2017, 21:18:08 »
Two things:

1. Work on the layout. Nothing is more eye-soring than a poorly lain out wall-of-text. Punctuation marks, quotation marks (") (you did a lot but missed a bunch at the end of a sentence), break rules (aka enter at the end of a few sentences)
(I'd use break rule at the end of each line of conversation, just to make every sentence start with a spoken action, followed by the physical actions of the actor/side-actor).

These things will make your story look more appealing to the eye, tiring them out less allowing people to continue reading tirelessly.

2. If your story is too long to put into one post, you could've posted it in a reaction to your original post. No need to make two threads for it.

3. Please refrain from double posting in a short time span if it's not necessary. (The two posts for your story is necessary, you saying "Sorry it's so long" isn't.)

Criticism aside, it's a decent story, though very long indeed. And seeing as these are your first few posts, welcome to SLO ^^

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Ohayashi Kanji
« on: June 08, 2017, 20:46:17 »
Great story, rip Jiro's cooking skills xDDD.
Would look forward to RP with you.

General Discussion / Re: Is God real
« on: June 07, 2017, 18:59:23 »
Erm @DarthTyrael  humans don't exist due to chance, haven't you read the "Is God even real" thread smh

and ironically, humans do become a sort of 'demigod' once they reach Heaven



Evolution wise, it was chance. Chance that a monkey species evolved to the Homo sapiens, chance that one cell decided that more cells would be more proficient. Chance that life in it self, could happen on Earth. Chance that the Earth was /just/ close enough to the sun for a sustainable ecosystem.

Religion wise, it's still chance. What if God chose to create flies in it's image? We'd never have existed in the first place

2 Questions about this...

1 this sounds like you have a lot of faith in evelution Do you??

2 assuming you do and assuming your understanding of what it means to be made in God image is right!! Evelution is still less then 1/10^100000 % chance that life just  accidentally happened  where as creation is till 100% chance of some form of life happining. But would they be fly people?

1. I do. I've been raised in a Christian environment, been baptised and what not, but in all honesty, I don't believe in an all-mighty entity pulling the strings of the universe like a boring puppet show for all the other deities.

My view is the idea of chance scares people, unless they have a lot  to gain  and not a lot to lose. On this idea, religion was formed, creating a safe haven for the thing that frightens people the most at that time and could happen any day, on any hour (and far more often than nowadays) - death.

The idea of an after-life where everything is blissful and every moment is pure ecstasy is the best gain one could have if you'd just believe. If it's not there you'd never notice either way, so win-win.

2. Getting a random mutation due to a failure in reconstructing the DNA after it's duplicated is also roughly 1/200.000 (might be less, forgive me if I don't know the exact number)
It still happens. Every few months. You might notice a light pigmentation spot on your arm, but most of the times nothing serious happens. Of course there are people that can get cancer in this way but mostly this is due getting into contact with carcinogenic substances (not restricted to cigarettes, there are a ton).

As for the "fly people", I was referring more to the actual common fly to be "the perfect creature in God's eyes" rather than humans. If that was the case, chances are (according to the bible) that we'd never have existed in the first place. But I commend you for your imagination nevertheless :)

My point is, if small odds like that happen, even in physics experiments where quantum phenomena, how unlikely they happen, are observed, then surely it's plausible for life to have happened /per chance/

Side note: Evolution =/= how life -started-, it's how life changed. Evolution has been pretty solidly proven, whereas "how life started" is still a theory (but more plausible than the bible imho).

General Discussion / Re: Thoughts without reason
« on: June 07, 2017, 05:54:49 »
Erm @DarthTyrael  humans don't exist due to chance, haven't you read the "Is God even real" thread smh

and ironically, humans do become a sort of 'demigod' once they reach Heaven



Evolution wise, it was chance. Chance that a monkey species evolved to the Homo sapiens, chance that one cell decided that more cells would be more proficient. Chance that life in it self, could happen on Earth. Chance that the Earth was /just/ close enough to the sun for a sustainable ecosystem.

Religion wise, it's still chance. What if God chose to create flies in it's image? We'd never have existed in the first place

I initially wished to keep religion out of this thread for multiple reasons.
One, for starters: There's already a thread for that. Two: I don't partake in a religion.
Three: The topic invites philosophical points of views. Some may consider religion philosophical, while others don't.
There are more, I won't share them. These are the most important reasons.

The demi-god statement was directed more to the mutual promise of a life after death in a utopian world where you're awesome as fudge (mmmm yum), free to do whatever your heart desires etc etc.

So please, Manu - learn to think before you attempt to invalidate my arguments <3

@adithya I'm glad you liked my views on the subject. As to the drama part it's perfectly understandable. I just wanted both of you to stop flaming each other for whatever the reason was. I was not on blaze's side nor yours. He knew that, he was just glad someone understood his 'writing style'.
One can still post if they share the same view as someone, can they not? If not, democracy would be boring. Not that it isn't already (ohhh snap take that democracy)

Yeah, I understood where you were going, but again, I just wanted both of you to stop bickering.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: New Player Here
« on: June 06, 2017, 20:29:53 »
First of all welcome to SLO.
Right now there's not much to do yet, as NM said.

To "join" a village, simply make a post in the character creation section and state the village you want to join. People post there as a sort of reservation/idea/template for the future.

As for clans and organisations, most of them have a template that you can fill in for application if you wish to join their ranks. Simply look for an organisation that suits either you /or/ your character the best.

And lastly, read up on the FAQ and other important stuff such as natures, villages etc. if you haven't already.

Best of luck and maybe I can call you my fellow villager in the future ^^

Naruto Anime / Re: 5 Favorite Naruto Characters
« on: June 06, 2017, 20:20:41 »
5. Might Guy
4. Tobi (yes, tobi, not obito.)
3. Shisui
2. Itachi
1. Zabuza

Honorable mentions: Jiraiya, Six Paths of Pein (isn't one shinobi rip xd), Neji, "That one monk that uses badass Buddhist statue to beat the shit out of Hidan".

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Permanent Death
« on: June 06, 2017, 20:09:34 »
but dw this wont be dark souls (imagine tho)

At least in dark souls you could recollect your lost experience every time you died.

But still perma-death is okay as long as it's in special zones :3

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Kaori
« on: June 06, 2017, 19:59:53 »
Waiting for your history and definitive look. So far the character look shows good promise.

I like the simplicity yet very elegant and stylish look of the clan's symbol. Very sexy c:

Welcome to SLO :)

General Discussion / Re: Is God real
« on: June 06, 2017, 07:27:36 »
Not sure what your question really is, but the reason why cells can't reproduce infinitely IS due to the fact the telomeres shorten.

During chromosome replication, the enzymes that duplicate DNA cannot continue their duplication all the way to the end of a chromosome, so in each duplication the end of the chromosome is shortened (this is because the synthesis of Okazaki fragments requires RNA primers attaching ahead on the lagging strand).

Basically the telomeres function as a failsafe, for if the telomeres are shorter than like 100 base pairs, the cell becomes inactive and cannot divide further (preventing DNA damage), until another cell activates the telomere repairing enzyme within this cell. That happens rarely. Mostly the cell just remains inactive or goes into apoptosis (i.e. "programmed cell death")

Some cells have this enzyme that allows them to split indefinitely (stem cells), but this is only because their function is to split and multiply.

Sometimes cancer can have the enzyme active, which makes it a very potent cancer type (e.g. HELA cells).

What I'm trying to say here is that if all of your cells would have this enzyme active, you'd grow and grow in mass, height etc indefinitely, losing overall structure and becoming an unstable organism because your cells don't have the time to settle and specialise. The only way your cells would become truely immortal is if they'd never divide and never died, for which means they'd have to never be active (i.e. perform metabolic activities).

But we digress, let's keep this topic on "god"

Let me know in PM if this answered your questions.

General Discussion / Re: Is God real
« on: June 05, 2017, 21:29:34 »
Science can't explain why cells can only split a limited number of times.

Uh... yeah it can.

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