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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Instead of puppets I think having some kind of mech suit would be cool. We have some old CA for it

Looks like a job for the Hidden Metal

Episode 7: The Killers Have Become The Killed

Here's the song I listened to while writing this; I like it for fight scenes. Feel free to listen while you read. Might want to loop it if you're a slow reader.
Spoiler: show

Four white robes leaped out of the village, bursting across the hilly terrain. They ran incredibly quick; around a hundred km/h to start off with. The Kage picked up speed as they went, eventually reaching Vreg’s landing spot in just over a minute. Their enemy was ready for them. Kuro took a wild swing only to be ducked by Vreg. Kuria and Reminance followed up with a punch each. The enemy grabbed their fists as they hit, tossing the two Kage behind him. Hayame struck last, opening the earth underneath Vreg. It created a ravine a few hundred meters long. The Hokorikage grunted and yelled as he clapped his hands together. The ground began to close back up.

“Senpō: Chikyū no Shinseina Fūin!” (Sage Art: Divine Seal of the Earth) Thousands of letters and symbols formed on either slab of earth, threatening to finish the seal if the two sides touched. Unfortunately, it would not be so.

“Tsuihō Ten Kara.” (Expulsion From Heaven) Vreg's invisible force jutsu struck again, with himself as the epicenter. It destroyed the seal completely, throwing rocks every which way. A crater larger than the Hidden Hill was the eventual result, and he stood in the center. The Kage stared him down for awhile, waiting for him to make the next move.

Suddenly, he clapped his hands together. Nothing happened. Both sides waited awhile, until Vreg held his hands up to the sky. The scarce clouds above scattered as countless metal rods rained from above. They pierced every Earth Style jutsu Hayame attempted to raise to protect himself, they were unaffected by Kuria’s Wind Style deterrents and they were ruthlessly quick and sharp. It became a game of dodge the rain, however, Vreg wasn’t going to stand idle while they played.

He leaped into the air and grabbed a rod. His target was Kuria -- the youngest Kage and most likely the least experienced. He would still pose a challenge, but would fall quicker than the others. The boy danced around Vreg’s Magnet Style: Kinetic Bombardment Jutsu near the edge of the forest. Vreg charged, rod in hand. The first attack caught Kuria off guard, but still narrowly missed him. Another barrage of attacks came. Dodge. Duck. Jump. Twirl. The kid was quick on his feet; Wind Style certainly helped refine his movements. Vreg prepared for another strike now that Kuria was acclimated to avoiding both him and his jutsu; yet he stopped shortly before his target. Instead, he released another Expulsion From Heaven, throwing Kuria back several meters, into a falling rod. It pierced his thigh and stuck several feet into the ground. He would be unable to move.

The Kinetic Bombardment stopped shortly after; that was all he needed it for. The other three Kage were quick in their re-entry to combat, giving chase to Vreg as he ran alongside the forest. An overhead slam from Hayame came, followed by a massive swing from Kuro’s sword. Both attacks missed, dodged by their adversary milliseconds before landing. Reminance, however, imbued with lightning chakra, was as fast, if not faster than Vreg. He swung a nasty left hook, yet still barely missed, sizzling the flowing fabric of Vreg’s cloak with supercharged lightning chakra.

They continued accelerating as they sped through the countryside. Vreg, the leader of the pack, was reaching speeds upwards of 400 km/h. He was followed closely by Reminance, who had thrown several attacks, all of which missed. Kuro tailed the Kaminarikage, having to activate his chakra cloak to maintain speed. Hayame followed in the same fashion as Kuro, however, he was beginning to slow down. He simply wasn’t as fast as those young whippersnappers and his Sage Mode was beginning to wear off as well.

The group neared the ocean; their running had taken them across the entire territory controlled by the Hidden Hill. It was now or never for Hayame. He leaped forward with what energy he could muster.
“Senpō: Kongō Fūsa!” (Sage Art: Adamantine Sealing Chains.) Dozens of chains tipped with spikes rocketed towards Vreg. Just one hit would be enough to seal this guy for years, let alone trapping him in the entire barrier.

“Sunaton: Ōku Kokumotsu Shīru!” (Sand Style: Seal of Many Grains.) Fine sand rose from the ground behind Vreg, grabbing hold of the Adamantine Chains. It began to draw the chakra from the jutsu, sealing a small bit in each particle of sand. Hayame cut his jutsu short as Vreg’s seal began to absorb the chains that went to replace the old ones.

The gathered sand scattered to the wind -- Hayame wouldn’t ever get that chakra back unless he collected it piece by piece from the sand.

The chase continued as Vreg hit the water, Reminance and Kuro hot in pursuit.
“I don’t feel great without earth underneath my feet -- you two will do fine without me!” Hayame yelled after his fellow Kage as they chased on water. The defeated Hokorikage turned back and began the long walk to see if Kuria was alright.

Kuro, however, was just getting into his zone; being surrounded by water felt rejuvenating. A Water Snake Barrage flew towards the two Kage, who were now reaching speeds of 500 km/h. Reminance flipped over the incoming attack, Kuro dropped underneath the surface, maintaing his speed by propelling himself through the water with a simple jutsu pushed to the extreme. He popped up within a few seconds, sensing the threat had passed.

Suddenly, Vreg stopped and turned. The Kage flew right into his hands. He got a chokehold on both of them, slamming Reminance underwater and throwing Kuro into the air.

Trying to distance me from the water, eh? It certainly worked.
“Well. This is annoying.” He said, crossing his arms as he reached the peak of his flight, nearly a kilometer into the air. Then he saw it; Vreg leaped into a nearby storm cloud, harnessing the raw power contained within. A few seconds later, an eagle, composed of pure lightning, peaked its head outside the cloud. Kuro needed to do something fast; the thing looked to be around the size of the Hidden Hill’s arena.

The Yukikage bit his thumb, letting blood fly loose all around him.
“Kuchiyose no Jutsu!” (Summoning Jutsu.) A summoning circle the size of a house appeared in front of Kuro’s hand. After a cloud of smoke and a few seconds, Kuro held tightly to 13 ton killer whale. A ear-deafening screech came from the eagle before it launched towards Kuro. By the time of impact, he had seven irregularly large killer whales in between him and the jutsu. If I live through this, I’ll contract some blue whales. Those fuckers would be a much better meat shield.

Kuro clung tightly the the last killer whale as lightning blew past all around him, parted by this hastily prepared shield.

Five of the seven whales had disintegrated completely, the next got a bit crispy. Kuro had, luckily, escaped without harm. The whales unsummoned, and he hit the water a few seconds later.
“You’re one cruel guy.” Reminance was half submerged, his arms holding his upper half up out of water.
“And I’ll live to see another day because of it.” Kuro added, however, he wasn’t so sure of that himself. This opponent was many leagues ahead of anything Kuro had fought before. However, he did have an idea.
“Keep pushing him that way.” Kuro turned and point a bit to the right. Reminance couldn’t see anything distinguishable -- they stood in the middle of the ocean. He simply nodded in agreement and pulled himself out of the water.

The Kaminarikage stretched for a little bit, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck and knuckles. Now the gloves come off. His chakra exploded into a vibrant cloak; intense enough to crack the mask he usually wore.

Kuro stumbled back. Now that’s a presence. He grinned and drew a sword.

So this is gonna be longer than expected. Maybe about 10 episodes total.


Episode 6: A Taste of Greg

Kuria stood in the middle of the street, staring at the large sign above the ramen shop that read: “Greg’s Ramen.” Hmm. That seemed odd -- he had never met anyone named Greg before. Fate seemed to agree with his suspicions. A rough breeze blew through the street, causing a piece of paper to fall off the first letter of the sign. It now read: “Vreg’s Ramen.” Kuria could’ve sworn he had heard that name before. He shrugged, and pushed open the door to the inside.

“Yeah, it was done with pinpoint accuracy. The chakra flow to their hearts completely blocked; they died of what looks like poison, but was actually completely unrelated.” Izumi explained to Hayame.
“If Lord Kuria is still going to confront the shopkeeper, I’d probably tell him to get backup. Whoever did this has godlike medical skills at least.” Hayame nodded in agreement.
“I’ll go speak with him.” The Hokorikage weaved a few hand signs and disappeared into the ground.

He broke the surface on the street outside the shop a few minutes later.
“Vreg’s Ramen. Huh.” Hayame scratched his chin. Last time he was here, it was Greg’s Ramen, but the new name sounded so familiar. “I swear I’ve heard that name before.” Hayame shrugged and cautiously opened the front door.

“Lord Hayame is asking for assistance.” Izumi said before the remaining two Kage and elders he was able to round up. “The matter is semi-confidential, I wouldn't bring any of your shinobi unless they already know the situation.”
“I understand.” Fulvius spoke up. The others muttered their agreement, and teams began to form.

Kuro Nakai and Reminance Kaiyo glared at each other.
“Don’t let your chakra get out of control this time.” Reminance warned Kuro as they walked out of the Kage Building together. Chikai shamelessly stalked a few meters behind her Kage as he talked to the Kaminarikage.

Kazuki Kaiyo, who had arrived in the village the day before, paired with Sareko Akaihono. They looked towards Toratsume and Fulvius, expecting them to join their team.
“I've got some friends I need to gather.” Fulvius explained. “I'll be there soon, head off without me.” Toratsume nodded and joined the Ash and Volcano Elders. If this shopkeeper, whoever he was, could give even one Kage a run for their money, it was going to be a fun battle to watch.
“And what should I do?” Fulvius had forgotten Izumi was still there. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by an explosion that shook the ground.

They both turned to look. Dust and dirt shot into the air around the ramen shop they were supposed to be investigating.
“There will probably be some casualties.” Fulvius said. “Deal with them.” Izumi nodded and jumped away.

-A few minutes before

Kuria looked around suspiciously. Several tables were occupied with happy customers slurping their ramen.
“So what ye want, laddy?” A guy called Kuria from the counter. He was short and old, with brown hair that was riddled with grease.
“Errr…” Kuria approached him. “Uhh, one ramen please.”
“What kind?”
“Umm… The noodle kind.”
“Yeah, but what do you want on it?”
“Fuck’s sake, fine. Just a plain ramen coming up.” He reached under the counter and pulled a slip of paper. “Take this, when I call your number come and get your order.” Kuria read it: 493.

“Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?” This was where those slips of paper were coming from? Kuria slammed his fist onto the counter, shattering the wood and causing a boiling pot of water to fall onto the shopkeeper’s foot. A cloud of smoke exploded, and out stepped a significantly younger guy. He was still fairly short, but he had black hair and the most incredible eyes -- a ripple pattern with a gray-blue monotone.

“So your name is Vreg, huh?” Kuria asked sheepishly; after all, he did just ruin the guy’s counter and spill boiling water on him. Whoops. However, that didn't explain why he was hiding his true identity -- or anything about the villagers that died in here.

Vreg expelled a wave of force without any warning. No hand signs or precursor actions were taken. Kuria was flung through the front doors as the building collapsed, knocking down Hayame on his way.
“That's one odd guy.” Kuria said as he dusted off his white Kage robes.
“Do you think it's him?” Hayame looked towards his young comrade. “The Vreg from the Myth of Creation?”

“Well, it's called a myth for a reason. I don't think anyone could live that long. But, we'll never know until we find out.” And they would find out soon. Vreg flew out of the rubble, winding up a punch.

The Kage moved quickly; Hayame stopped the punch with both hands and Kuria returned a kick to the gut. Vreg didn't budge, despite the power Kuria had put into his attack. With incredible speed, Vreg grabbed Hayame’s hands and Kuria’s leg. After a quick spin through the air, the Kage were thrown dozens of meters away.

Vreg pursued, but rather than jump through the air, he bashed through multiple buildings on the way, protected by a cloak of lightning. Hayame was targeted first; he was the elder Kage and his abilities had probably matured more.

The Hokorikage sat still near where he had landed, on the uninhabited part of the Hidden Hill. It was the closest to nature he could get in the village, and he would need a lot of nature energy. Red lines sprouted from his eyes and his hair began to turn white, starting at the roots. It would be too little, too late, though. Vreg was only a few meters away, and would close the distance before Hayame could even get halfway done entering Sage mode.

Vreg’s fist neared Hayame’s face, close enough for small bolts of lightning to jump back and forth from the two. Suddenly, he came to a halt. Three elders had thrown their weight against him as best they could without disturbing Hayame. Vreg jumped back and prepared for battle; he drew a single sword inverse in his left hand.

Shortly before the fighting resumed, Fulvius appeared with his two ANBU. Sareko honestly wasn't certain he would return; but after seeing the power their opponent held, he was glad Fulvius did.

Unexpectedly, Kazuki charged Vreg. A horizontal slash was dodged by a jump up from Vreg, who pushed the Hidden Ash’s head down as he went. Kazuki hit the ground with such force that it splintered the earth below. Sareko gulped. Vreg wasted no time following up, his sword pointed down as he plunged back towards the grounded Kazuki. Suddenly, spikes erupted from the earth, interrupting Vreg’s attack. He placed his hand on one and pushed away, landing on the water. Toratsume quickly continued his assault with a solid kick to the head.

Vreg ducked, but was now confronted by a vicious downswing from Fulvius and his sword. He dodged to the left and jumped over a leg sweep coming from one of the ANBU. Sareko wasted no time; a quick Dragon Bullet Jutsu forced Vreg to vault over it. His back felt the warmth radiating from the jutsu as he went.
“Gotcha.” Kris Tsunagami came down on Vreg with a massive kick. It of course didn't land. Another devastating wave of force exploded from Vreg. Hissing and steam came from the water as Sareko’s jutsu was pushed into it.

The Elders regrouped in front of Hayame, who had almost finished entering sage mode. Several others had arrived to reinforce their numbers: Dart, Nibui, Hiruko and Manuster fell in line with the elders, while Yokiro, Satoru, Hari, Fampo and Hooke stood on the Kage Building island. Sareko prepared for the worst; having this many shinobi was good in theory, but they’ll all just end up colliding with each other while trying to fight.

Suddenly, Vreg bolted out of the cloud of steam towards the closer targets on the Kage Island. He stopped before he got to the shore, though. Water swirled viciously around his legs and Sage Mode Chakra Chains latched around his arms. Kuria shot into view, both feet colliding into Vreg’s chest at incredible speeds. Several walls of water erected by Kuro and Reminance slowed him down quite measurably, however, he still flew at least two kilometers out of the village. The Four Kage had finally arrived, and departed immediately to chase the myth of Vreg.

wew lads, chapter 7 will be out once its done, so possibly a triple upload for today

Episode 5: In Come The Intruders

-Two Days Until the Ceremony

“Boardwalk Burgers? More like... Bored-walk Burgers! Because they’re not having any fun!” Diamond Himitsu Lee waited for a reaction from his friends -- none came. Damn. I thought that one was good, too. He began to think of some more jokes before his attention was drawn to some suspicious characters entering the village. They wore dark cloaks and a metal mask over their face. He elbowed Yokiro lightly, who in turn nudged Satoru, who in turn socked Yokiro right in the face.

“What the fuck, man?” He said. That certainly caught the attention of everyone nearby. Diamond looked back towards the bridge. Apparently those two guys had noticed Lee’s group noticing them; both had disappeared. Takumi got up from their line on the ledge facing the front river and jumped down. Yukiro and Satoru were too busy scuffling to notice, but Diamond Lee was curious. What would prompt him to do such a thing without saying a word? He followed Takumi’s lead as quietly as he could.

The red-haired shinobi suddenly ducked into a sewer pipe. Diamond Lee waited at the entrance for a few seconds, then jumped in himself. The pipe remained the same size for a few meters, then opened up into a surprisingly large chamber, which had three or four feet of murky water on the bottom. Takumi was in a standoff with the two mysterious characters from before. Both sides had weapons drawn; two kunai for Takumi, a sword for the first adversary and a kunai for the second.

Diamond Lee jumped down onto Takumi’s side, which prompted the enemy to act. The guy with the sword flipped it to his buddy and jumped a few meters back. The second one, catching the sword, charged Takumi, catching him off guard.

-The Previous Day

“I don’t know this elder, and to be blunt, I don’t trust him.” Fulvius understood Kuria’s concern. “He’s had the ANBU under his thumb for a decade or so. What if he’s the one doing this shit?” Kuria quieted down towards the end of the sentence, his childish instinct to not curse kicked in. Fulvius nodded in response and bit his thumbnail. Should I…? Would it be too imposing?

Diamond Lee tossed a kunai towards the attacker locked in close combat with Takumi. Without interrupting his routine of furious strikes, he caught the kunai through the hole on the end with his sword, returning it twice as hard. Diamond dodged, then launched himself forwards. He landed a solid kick to the guy’s ribs -- or so he thought. His foot went completely through the guy’s torso, causing Diamond to fall to the ground on the other side. What the fuck? He got up and attacked again. No connection, no reaction from either fighter.

Diamond Lee stopped and looked closely. Both sides were repeating the same attack over and over again in a loop. He waved his hand in front of Takumi’s face. Still no reaction. He turned to the second enemy, who stood as still as a statue. His eyes were wide open, almost creepily. His hands were held in a hand sign. Genjutsu? Lee formed the release hand sign. Release.

Lee felt his vision fading as he awoke from the genjutsu; while incapacitated the chakra he used to keep himself above water had worn off. He broke the surface and gasped for air. The sound of metal clanging was almost satisfying to hear again. Diamond Lee looked around and saw the guy who had put him in the genjutsu, weaving more handsigns. Fucker almost drowned me. Luckily, he hadn’t been noticed yet. Lee took in a huge breath and submerged again.

-The Previous Day

“Fulvius, I know what you’re thinking. At least I think I do.” Kuria looked towards his cousin. He was squinting, a usual sign of deep thought for him. Fulvius nodded and opened his mouth to speak.
“Yeah, I think it’s time we do. I’ll send a carrier pigeon right away.”
“Right. We shouldn’t need too many, either. Just a couple. Gotta stay beneath everyone and anyone’s radar.” Kuria added.

Lee reached out, grabbed the genjutsu user’s ankle and pulled him under the surface. The guy’s mask came off and his cloak floated up, revealing snow white hair, killer red eyes and the clothing of a shinobi. Lee had never seen the guy before, that was for sure; yet he could see his clan emblem clearly. If he remembered, it was a clan from the Hidden Metal. What were they doing here, and why were they so hostile?

Suddenly, someone grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the water. It was the Hidden Metal elder. Lee glanced over towards Takumi, and the Hidden Hill Kage-elect had gotten in between Takumi and the other Metal shinobi, parrying all of their attacks with several kunai. He pushed them both back.

-Earlier That Morning

“My ANBU should be arriving sometime in the afternoon. I only sent for two -- they’ll be in uniform, but nothing outwardly obvious will be worn.” Fulvius explained. Kuria nodded, shuffling through the paper notes with numbers. He could still make no sense of them.
“With all the odd shinobi here for the ceremony, they should blend in. Metal masks and cloaks.”
“I just hope that this doesn’t go south, but if it does, we may need to rely on them in combat.”
“I have faith they’ll serve well. They’ve been fighting as a unit for a while; brothers actually. Tsunagami, an obscure Metal clan.”

Hooke dumped several dozen slips of paper from his pocket into a dumpster. They all had numbers ranging from 430 - 490. He turned to look at the soon-to-be Hill Kage walking down the street, checking the signs on each shop. He finally stopped at the ramen shop Hooke had spent most of last year’s entire savings on over the past few days. The kid scratched his head, looking at the sign on top of the shop that displayed its name.

Hooke finished tossing the papers and walked off, whistling. Kuria looked troubled, staring at the sign on top of the shop still. A large slip of paper fell off the name, changing the name of the shop by one letter.

This is probably the most serious episode yet; I’m not sure how you guys like it balanced. More comedy, less seriousness? Let me know.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Re: Ryaaan Tsunagami
« on: March 10, 2017, 06:23:26 »
Occupation: Kage Candidate

he decided to run for the Kage.

fight me

aye maintaining the comic relief and simultaneously developing the tension. Still can't perfectly picture the sinister cause yet!
And yep, Vuregu making an appearance is required, after all Mars is about to become the kage.
How long is this arc gonna last?

There isn't a set length, however it should only be a few more episodes.

After that I'll take a break from writing, and maybe start a second arc after the break.

Episode 4: Darker Days

Takumi strolled along the main street of Okagakure, a sense of dread lingering about him. The note he had found troubled him. He stopped by a stand selling all sorts of weaponry. Katanas, kunai, shuriken, even a large scythe were laid out for potential customers. The mood of the entire village was ruining Takumi’s day. Jubilant was perhaps the correct word; the villagers were excitedly preparing for the Kage Ceremony. It bothered him so much because he knew something sinister was happening in the shadows.

“Taku-meister!” A taller man pulled him in close by the neck and gave him a noogie. Several other shinobi said their greetings and waited for Fampo to finish manhandling Takumi. Finally, the giant’s iron grasp let loose and Takumi stumbled back, fixing his messed up hair.

“How’s it going, guys?” Takumi greeted the group unenthusiastically. He recognized Fampo, Basaka and Hari Tsukegami as his fellow Hidden Hill ninja, but there were two more shinobi that accompanied them. They wore light red flak jackets, akin to the ones worn by-

“These are my buddies from the Hidden Haze.” Hari held his hand out like he was showcasing a prize. Takumi was going to guess Haze anyway.

He was drawn away from his thoughts by a sudden yelling followed by deep rumbling. All six of the shinobi turned to look. A cloud of dust mushroomed over the uninhabited section of land to the left of the Kage building. Is it an attack? Were we too late to figure out what the numbers meant? Takumi darted towards the cloud, the whole gang in tow.

“The name’s Izumi, and this is my art.” He leaned on a four meter tall statue depicting a pig standing on top of a cow. Izumi had a confident smirk on his face. Basaka was the first to speak up.
“Pigs standing on cows is your art?” He said blandly. Izumi’s smirk fell off his face.
“What? No! Earth Style is my art. I was just showing my friend that I can make anyt-”
“I dunno, guy. That’s pretty weird stuff.” Fampo cut him off, stroking his beard judgingly.
“Yeah, and…” Hari over-exaggerated looking around. “I don’t think you’ve got any friends.”
“I certainly don’t see any.” Yokiro joined in on the fun. Takumi was impressed; these guys from the Hidden Haze seemed chill.

“Heh… Maybe we should kill his dog…” Satoru said creepily. Takumi immediately retracted the idea of Hidden Haze shinobi being remotely cool.
“What the fuck?”
“Aaaaaand there it goes.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake.”
“God damnit.”
“You just murdered the joke.”
Numerous other complaints came from the gang of shinobi.  They eventually ceased and looked back to Izumi. The Hidden Dust shinobi scratched his head and looked from his statue to the group.

“So… Is it really that bad?” Izumi sheepishly asked.
“No, not at all, guy.”
“Yeah man, keep it up.”
“You got a future in this stuff.”
“Well… Takumi began. “It's kind of odd, let's be real here guys.”
“Don’t be a dick Takumi, the guy’s got a chance if he refines his technique. It’s a little bit rough around the edges.” Hari said. Suddenly, the ground behind Izumi began to shake, spitting dirt and rocks into the air. The Kage of the Dust climbed out of a hole in the ground and put his hand on Izumi’s shoulder. Whispers were exchanged, and the two disappeared back underground. The Hidden Dust was certainly acting suspicious: first the numbers and now this.

“So………” A grin crept onto Yokiro’s face. “Who wants to draw a dick on his statue?” The idea garnered unanimous support, even from that one creepy guy, Satoru. Much vandalism and fifteen minutes later, Takumi made some excuses, said his goodbyes, and ditched the group.

“What should I even think?” Takumi asked himself. Something sinister certainly was going on, and he didn't know what. That was the worst part of all this, being in the dark. Despite the outer appearance of callousness, Takumi cared greatly for the village, and to see it potentially in danger angered him. Especially that his only orders were to wait and be alert.

Izumi couldn’t see any of his comrades, but he could hear their breathing. He wasn’t sure why the room was pitch black, or even where he was. A torch lit up, revealing three dead bodies, the four Kage and two elders. This was certainly not what Izumi was expecting. The room was probably so dark because they were still underground, most likely a small cave that the Hokorikage dug out.

“We’ve got a problem, guys.” Kuria started. “One of my shinobi found this slip of paper in an Earth Style jutsu from a Hidden Dust Shinobi. Name: Nibui.” Kuria motioned to a gray haired guy leaning against the wall and the Hidden Forest elder next to him. “Fulvius reported that Toratsume here found another on a Hidden Hill ninja. Name: Manuster Tsukegami.” Finally, Kuria looked to the three dead villagers on the floor. “And these three were eating ramen when they died. We checked their pockets, and they all had slips of paper. 461, 462 and 463.”

Hayame stepped up. “You're a good medical ninja, Izumi. There is no obvious sign of death for these three; no wounds or otherwise physical harm done. We would've gone to the Hill medical ninja, but this must remain a secret. Can you perform an autopsy?”

“Of course, Lord Hokorikage. I'll need some materials, though.” Hayame nodded in response.
“We might as well bring the shopkeeper into secret custody. If it turns out to be poison, he was most likely involved in administering it even if it wasn't his plan.” The other three Kage muttered approval of Kuria’s idea. Dark times were upon the village, indeed.

Would you guys want an appearance and maybe even a fight with Vreg? Tell me your thoughts.

Naruto Fanworks / Rinnegan and Beyond
« on: March 08, 2017, 18:27:57 »
Sometimes quick story ideas will randomly pop in my head, and I begin to write them down and get addicted -- so enjoy this random short story about a Kasuke. I got lazy and decided to use village names from SLO and powers/abilities from the show. This isn't spellchecked or even reviewed at all, so there may be some mistakes.

Kosuke stood before an army of shinobi, all touting fierce weapons and expressions to match. Clothed in primarily dark blue -- the army of Asaka Seiken of the Hidden Thunder, aided by several squads of Hidden Hill shinobi. Rumor had it there could be several Uchiha in the crowd. Kosuke had a theory; he wasn’t quite sure of it’s accuracy -- it was just a theory -- but, if it worked, his power could achieve an entirely new level.

The Rinnegan was a natural evolution and predecessor of the Sharingan, but his had no tomoe like was recorded on historical texts. Kosuke planned to return the Uchiha eyes to his body in an attempt to add tomoe to his Rinnegan.

Kosuke dashed into the fray, catching his first victim off guard. The power behind the slash tore a wound straight through his flak jacket. He brought his sword back around, slicing through the shinobi to his left as he turned to face the new threat. They were beginning to move once what had happened processed. Kosuke blocked one overhead swing with his sword, dropping his left hand from the hilt to generate a black receiver, an icon of the Rinnegan.

Kosuke plunged the rod into the enemy and shouldered him to the ground, continuing forward. All of the nearby shinobi had now registered the beginning of combat, turning their attention towards Kosuke. Blocking became the name of the game; he clenched his sword tight in his right hand, twirling and hopping to avoid and block incoming strikes. As the enemy’s attacks became more coordinated and more shinobi were able to attack at once without colliding with their allies, Kosuke spawned another black receiver as a blocking tool for his left hand.

Soon enough, there was no opportunity to strike at all -- Kosuke’s movements were all defensive. Enough of this.
“Shinra Tensei!” A short burst knocked back the surrounding shinobi, however, the enemy was prepared. One particularly bulky man rocketed towards Kosuke head on, arriving after the Almighty Push was already used. He blocked, of course, but the weight of the attack delivered by a massive hammer launched him back a good thirty meters.

Suddenly, Kosuke picked up on a completely different kind of chakra. The kind an Uchiha would make. He frantically scanned the crowd, looking for anyone with Uchiha markings. There he was, eighty meters out, right eye closed. It began to bleed, prompting Kosuke to weave the signs for an earth wall.
“Doton: Doryūheki!” (Earth Style: Earth Wall) He slammed his hand on the ground, erecting a wall twice his height, in good time, too. Black flames erupted on the wall where he would’ve been had he not protected himself. Kosuke acted quickly, slicing the section of the wall initially coated in the black flame. A solid punch to it’s back shot the half-meter wide tile forward into the crowd.

Kosuke clapped his hands and focused.
“Banshō Ten'in!” The chunk of his earth wall consumed by Amaterasu began to attract nearby shinobi and loose rocks. They quickly caught flame, spreading it to the growing ball of ninja that were gathering around the origin of the jutsu.
“Doton: Sōdaina Chikyū no Dōmu!” (Earth Style: Magnificent Earth Dome) The hellish pile of screaming shinobi covered in black flames were now contained by a large dome of solid rock. Kosuke wasn’t going to give the Uchiha in their ranks the chance to retract his black flame from his allies. Speaking of the Uchiha, Kosuke gazed over the mob of shinobi through the hole in his earth wall; they remained distracted by the events occurring nearby.

Kosuke gladly took the time to recharge his Deva Path’s ability; a Banshō Ten'in of that magnitude casted on an object so far away from himself was costly. It would be a good forty five seconds before he could use it again. However, there would be no rest for the wicked. A swift punch to his gut sent Kosuke tumbling back in the dirt. He was able to land on his feet eventually, sliding backwards still. Green energy filled his vision as the attacker continued his frontal assault. The fucker has opened a few gates. Kosuke received a kick to the jaw, sending him airborne. He was capable enough to predict the next attack, generating a black receiver and swinging it wildly to the right. It penetrated the skin of his opponent, halting their attack.

Kosuke landed without harm, cracking his neck. The sound of metal rattling on the ground came from behind. He turned to see his attacker was a girl, and she had pulled the rod from her leg and tossed it on the ground. How embarrassing it’ll be if I lose to a girl. Especially one that uses physical attacks. Kosuke couldn’t open any of the gates himself, for it seemed whatever gods tried to balance the universe kept him from gaining that extraordinary power in addition to his Rinnegan.

The Deva Path abilities were still recharging, but the Rinnegan offered other paths as well. He didn’t necessarily like to use them, but now was no time to be nitpicky. A quick panda summon blocked the girl’s blitz with it’s hardening ability. Kosuke had no idea what exactly the jutsu it used was and he didn’t really care -- it was solid enough to stop a punch from someone who had opened at least three gates. By the time the girl had recovered her bearings and stepped around the panda, Kosuke was gone.

He sat atop a hill inside the mouth of the Rinnegan’s chameleon summon. It was incredibly disgusting, but it worked. Nothing lasts forever, though. Sensory type ninjas interrupted his brief peace, pointing his pursuer in his direction. The poor chameleon took a harsh chop, de-summoning instantly. Still no Deva Path, though. Kosuke was blitzed yet again, however, he managed to run through his opponent’s calf with a black receiver before taking a blow. This time, he had a plan.

Kosuke wasted no time, generating several black receivers as he landed and chucking them towards the girl. She attempted to get up, but was interrupted when Kosuke channelled an intense amount of chakra through the rod in her leg, briefly taking control of it. She flopped onto the ground, now prone to his incoming receivers. Two more landed out of the five thrown, one in the shoulder and one in the gut. That would have to do for now; Kosuke had more important business to attend to.

The mob of shinobi had reached the bottom of the hill he stood on. Kosuke scanned the crowd for an Uchiha. He sighted only the one from before, standing relatively far away from the front line. Kosuke wasn’t sure on how to approach this. He didn’t have unlimited chakra and was still missing his Deva Path abilities -- there was no time to wait for either. Besides, gates-girl wouldn’t stay down forever.

The Asura Path was certainly his least favorite to use. It was incredibly tacky in Kosuke’s eyes and growing extra arms out of his back was not his style -- but maybe it was time for the ‘warring demon’ to come out. Dire times call for dire measures. Arms blew out of his back, launching smoke bombs and missiles in all directions. Kosuke strengthened his legs and rocketed forward towards his prized target. The Uchiha dodged his initial attack while projectiles rained down onto the army.

Kosuke and the Uchiha began in a bout of taijutsu, in which the Uchiha clearly had the upper hand. Suddenly, he felt it. The Deva Path was back. He waited to get close to eliminate any possibility of Susano’o getting in between him and the auch ins. An unsuspected Banshō Ten'in drew his enemy through his black receiver. Kosuke jumped up in the air and used a rocket modification to blast him away, Uchiha impaled on the black rod in his hand. They landed almost an entire kilometer away, and Kosuke began the transition immediately. The guy screamed as his eyes were ripped out casually by Kosuke. He felt a glimpse of remorse, the man had only begun combat and didn't expect it to end so quickly. A waste of the sharingan.

“These better be eternal.” Kosuke said as he held the left eyeball up to his left eye. He had never exactly done this before, but it was now or never. As he funneled chakra into medical ninjutsu, the eye suddenly disappeared, and his left eye went blind. Kosuke recoiled from the pain, but let loose a wide grin. It felt like it worked; he couldn't open the eye yet, but he felt strength returning to it. Kosuke began with the other eye. It melded into his right eye as quickly, leaving him completely blind. The Uchiha was still groaning on the ground below him, to which Kosuke took a shot in the dark and chucked some chakra receivers.

The noise stopped and Kosuke plopped to the ground. Might as well take a seat while waiting. He continued funneling chakra into his eyes through a medical jutsu. Almost a minute passed before Kosuke felt prepared. He slowly opened his eyes.

It was majestic; Kosuke could see the fading chakra of the Uchiha incredibly clearly. Several bugs flew around the area, all of which Kosuke could track with ease.
“These eyes are nice.” Kosuke turned and ran back towards the battlefield. His Asura Path modifications disappeared; he no longer needed them with the added power of the sharingan.

Kosuke was interrupted by gates-girl. She had broken free by opening the fourth gate. This would've spelled trouble for him five minutes ago, but his new eyes, filled with twelve tomoe altogether, permitted him to see faster than she could move. Her punch was easily blocked. Kosuke grabbed her wrist and tossed her back the way she came. He followed up with intense speed. As he leaked the hill, he saw that his throw had gone further than he expected.

They met halfway, clashing in front of the shinobi army. A quick Taijutsu scuffle led to Kosuke getting a grasp on her head.
“Banshō Ten'in.” Kosuke said calmly. The girl’s skull collapsed from the universal pull. Her head imploded, spilling cranial matter on his right hand. Her body dropped to the ground as Kosuke turned to face the rest of the ninja. He felt good, great even. Maybe it was time to test out the abilities of the sharingan.

His eyes suddenly started bleeding profusely as the yellow aura of Susano’o flared up. Kosuke screamed in agony, yet was unwilling to abandon the attempt. Half of the rib cage was formed when his right eye gave out. It felt completely unresponsive.
“No…” His hand held his head in pain. “No, no, no… NOOO!” His left eye went blind as well. Kosuke fell to his knees, blood dripping from his now ruined eyes. The Sharingan had rejected his body and his Rinnegan.

Episode 3: The Plot Is Getting Thicc

Fulvius lightly pushed open the door. Kuria sat at his soon-to-be office desk, discussing something with the elder. A creak brought their attention to the newcomer.
“Come in, Lords Ennia.” The Elder spoke up first, inviting Hooke and Fulvius into the room. Kuria had a look of confusion on his face, poorly masked by joy.
“Welcome to my humble abode, friendos.”

“Thank you for having us, cousin.” Fulvius and Hooke bowed before the Kage-elect. Kuria nodded and pulled out a piece of paper.
“Err… Which cousins are you again?” Fulvius was taken aback by the question. He looked dejected, not even remembered by his own blood.
“Fulvius and Hooke Ennia Raimei, of the Metal, Lord Kuria.” The Elder answered. Kuria’s eyes lit up as he returned Fulvius’ gaze.

“My father was supposed to give this to you a long time ago. Like, a really long time ago.” Kuria began digging through the mountain of papers on his desk, knocking some off; letters dating years back, newspaper clippings from before Kuria was even born. Fulvius picked up one slip of paper that seemed oddly out of place. It read: 441.

“What’s this?” He asked, turning the paper to show the Kage-elect. Time seemed to stop for a moment, only resuming to allow a troubled look creep over Kuria’s face.

Kuria moved quicker than Fulvius had ever seen before. The paper was safe in Kuria’s pocket after he had vaulted over the desk and snatched it straight from Fulvius’ extended hand -- all before the Minister of Metal’s combative reflexes could instinctively push his hand to the hilt of his saber. Hooke was faster, yet in all of his speedy glory, he pulled a fork instead of a kunai.
“Well I guess that happens when you replace your kunai pouch with a fork pouch.” He laughed and returned the utensil to its holster.

“Wait, you have an entirely new pouch just for forks?”
“Yeah. How else would I carry them?”
“Just empty the kunai pouch and put the forks in that.” Fulvius paused for a second. “Do you have a single kunai on you?”
“No -- but!” Hooke fumbled around in the bag on the back of his waist. “I do have this!” He drew a kusarigama.
“Hooke.” Fulvius rubbed his temples with his hands. “You don’t even know how to use that.”
“Yeah, I know. I was kind of hoping that I would have a sort of awakening moment if the situation was dire. Y’know, like, I would suddenly become a god with a kusarigama because the circumstance called for it.”

Fulvius gave up. This had become commonplace ever since he was reunited with his brother. He loved the guy, but Hooke had a complete lack of any mental reasoning past the level of a genin. How the two were spawned from the same parents was yet to be discovered.

“Well, I suppose we'll be on our way, then.” Fulvius no longer felt welcome. Kuria nodded and flicked him an envelope. The old wooden floors creaked as the Raimei brothers exited. Suspicion was beginning to rise in the Hidden Hill.

Dart finally broke away from the main group -- a tour of the village wasn't necessarily what he came for. Lord Hokorikage seemed all too eager for the tour to come around to the riverbaths; being on the tour gave him an ample excuse to stare at the Hidden Hill beauties while they bathed.

Dart took a sharp right turn, putting a big blue building with some kind of ball on top in between him and the tour group. Another right turn landed him on what he assumed to be a main road. The architecture was beautiful; there was something amazing about the simplicity of a normal building -- unlike the Dust, which used earth to create most of its facilities.

Manuster Tsukegami strolled down the street, laughing and chatting with two unimpressed elders. Dart could tell they were looking for any reason to escape the pseudo-chokehold Manuster held them in.

Dart looked down the other street, deciding whether or not to run away before he was unwillingly sucked into Manuster’s social circle.
“Dart Yamamakazami!” Fuck. “How's it going buddy?”
“Oh. Hey Manuster. I'm doing great. Listen, I'm gonna head out, I've got some busi-”
“Nothing's more important than a good conversation.” He laughed heartily and slapped Dart on the back, causing a slip of paper to fall out of his own pocket. Manuster didn't notice, but one of the elders picked it up subtly.

“Ah! Let me introduce you to my friends here. How rude of me.” He scratched his head and laughed. “This is Tatsuo Ennia Toratsume of theeeeeee….” Manuster squinted for a second, looking at the man who picked up the paper. “Hidden Forest! Right, I remember that.” Another hearty laugh escaped his mouth.

“And this shy guy over here is Mr. Sareko Akaihono.” He paused for a second, grinning like a kid. “From the Hidden Volcano.” The elders greeted Dart with a respectful bow, and Dart returned the gesture.

“I've just been showing these gentlemen around the village.”

“Yes, we've looped around it three times already. I'd love to continue, however, I do believe it's time for me to attend to some business.” Tatsuo dipped his head in respect and jogged off.

“Well, the Hidden Forest sure doesn't know how to party.” Manuster laughed. “Let's hit up some food, aye?” His companions shrugged, which was approval enough for the Hidden Hill shinobi.

The restaurant was mostly empty -- not many customers came for dinner at 4:31 PM. Except Manuster; it was an honor to treat anyone to dinner regardless of the time. If Manuster was paying for the meal, it didn't matter if it was 8 AM, the meal still counted as dinner.

“Welcome, lads.” The shopkeeper paused to gaze at Manuster. “Weren't you just here, m’boy?”

Manuster nodded. “I'm always hungry.” The three placed their order and took a seat with an unsuspecting Hooke, who idly chatted with Yamanagi Ennia Sandareisu.

“Where's your brother?” Manuster asked, shuddering at the thought of such an unpleasant and boring person.
“He said he's doing some important business. Told me to talk to Yama here about his house entering Ennia.” Manuster could tell not much serious discussion was taking place. Chatter resumed once the group’s numbers were called and their ramen had been retrieved.

“Hey, is that a fork?” Manuster looked intrigued.
Hooke nodded.
“Can I get one?”
“Hell yeah!”

Kuria looked towards his cousin in disdain. A persistent one, indeed. This meeting felt clandestine and scandalous; moonlight had fallen on the Hidden Hill and no lights were on in the Kage’s office.

“I've come across this paper, similar to the one you seemed so reluctant to show me earlier.” He held up a slip of paper with the number 453 written on it. Kuria gulped.
“And how did you get it?”
“A patriarch from my clan picked it up after one of your shinobi dropped it. Manuster Tsukegami, if I remember correctly.”
“I guess it's time to put on my detective hat.” Kuria grinned.

I feel like this episode was a bit more serious, what do you guys think? Did you like it or not?

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Kenjutsu Thoughts & Opinions
« on: March 08, 2017, 03:40:40 »
The problem I have with it is that it's not really even kenjutsu. We are given the option to draw a sword and swing it in one fashion.

It is fun for the first fifteen minutes, but due to it being underpowered it isn't really used. There are also a number of bugs that accompany it as others have gone into more detail about.

I will say, the animation is nice and it feels like it flows well.


does make some good memes tho

made by ken

Good job with what you've made so far, funny stuff :) Is this going to be daily thing?

It will most likely be daily until the first arc ends, then I'll take a break and decide whether or not to do another arc.


Episode 2: Snooping Around

Takumi sat on the bridge which linked the main village grounds to the arena; a normal day for him. Well, not so much. He was supposed to be watching the area of water in between the Kage building and the arena, but the Kage’s Inauguration Ceremony wasn’t for another five days and he couldn’t be bothered. He kicked the water, splashing it around obnoxiously. Hopefully these long days would come to an end under the new Kage. Takumi had been in the room when he discussed a plan for patrolling the ceremony.

“Lord Kuria, would you prefer to set the patrols at your ceremony yourself?” The Elder asked. Kuria smiled with glee at the thought of controlling such a thing -- but his joy suddenly vanished.
“Why do I need to set patrols at all? I’ll just beat up anyone who tries to hurt the villagers. I am the Kage after all.” The Elder had a pained look on his face as he turned to Takumi’s group, which had recently entered the room. Takumi couldn’t help but feel a pinch of jealousy; a kid four years younger than himself was becoming Okakage.

The Elder tossed a scroll to Takumi’s team leader and turned back to Kuria.
“That’s what we have a military for, young Lord.”
“Yeah, but I want those guys to see how strong I am, so they’ll never doubt me.”
“I assure you, they have the utmost respect for you.” The Elder felt a sudden urge to retire. Maybe he would be able to visit the beaches of Hokorigakure or the slopes of Yukigakure in this pained life.

Takumi was pulled from his flashback by the sounds of fighting. Metal clanging, specifically. He got up, disgusted at the noise his soggy ninja boots made as he stepped across the bridge. The two combatants stood off near the base of the hill near the arena. Water whipped away at an earth wall; followed immediately by wind to cut the now soggy dirt of the wall. Smart move.

Takumi could make out either an incredibly dirty jacket, or just one from the Hidden Dust. He was holding… A steak knife. It was hard to tell, peeking from behind the tree. The other guy wore a dark blue cloak over whatever ninja gear he had equipped. They both looked like mean dudes, but something was noticeably off about their behavior and movements.

“Drop the knife!” The man in blue commanded. He held his hands in the Ram sign, preparing to unleash a jutsu if his opponent didn’t cooperate.

“FAHK YOO!” The man in the Dust Flak Jacket was either mentally disabled, or incredibly intoxicated. Takumi guessed the latter, as he was supposed to be an elite ninja accompanying the Hokorikage on this important outing.

“Y-YOU WANNA G-G-G-GO BUD?” The intoxicated man continued, weaving what Takumi assumed to be all the wrong hand signs. He assumed so, because instead of anything helpful happening, a picnic table made of stone sprang from the ground in between the shinobi.
“ARM WRESSS….. ARM WRESTLE ME R-RIGHT NOW!” Takumi was taken aback by the fact that maybe the picnic table wasn’t accidental. This surely wouldn’t work out for him, there was no way the opposing shinobi would acce-

“ALRIGHT SON, LET’S FUCKIN GO!” Takumi’s jaw dropped to the ground. What the fuck was he even watching anymore?

They sat down on opposite sides of the table, although the drunk guy did have some trouble getting into the seat. Once they were both seated, the action began. Sure enough, the chakra came out. Both of their arms were quickly enveloped in chakra’s signature blue color. As they ramped up their strength, the table beneath them began to crack.

Everything seemed balanced until the man in blue suddenly crashed through the table. Takumi guessed he hit his head on the way down and passed out, because he didn’t get back up.
“FAHK OFF, YUKEEEEEEE… YUKIGAKAKAGUKAGURE CUNT!” The guy in brown stood up, and stumbled over to Takumi.

“The naaaaaaa-” he almost lost balance and fell over. “The name’s N-Nibui, kid.” Nibui stomped on the ground and a ball of sand jumped into his hand.
“This one‘ssssssssss for you.” He dropped the ball into Takumi’s hands, it immediately lost its shape and disintegrated.
“Spend i-it wiselyyyy.” Nibui stumbled on towards the bridge, making it to the entrance, passing out and falling into the river.

Takumi shrugged and walked the other way. He wasn’t going to talk about what he just saw and conveniently didn’t look towards the picnic table rubble as he walked into the arena. It was better to pretend that it wasn’t there.

“Oh, fuck.” He remembered that the drunk guy would probably drown if he didn’t help. The fact that he almost didn’t care made him question his morals, but, like a good samaritan, he turned around and went to fish the poor guy out of the water.

Takumi, having dragged Nibui from the water, sat him up against a tree and strolled away. Wasn’t his problem. Or maybe it was -- this was the area he was supposed to patrol. He whipped out a scroll and some ink. Intoxicated man, “Nibui”, and- Takumi realized he didn’t know the other guy’s name. Luckily for him, blue-cloak began to grumble. He stood up and dusted himself off.

“Oi. What’s your name?” Takumi shouted unenthusiastically. The man stared at Takumi like a deer in headlights. He scratched his head nervously and replied.
“Uhhhh -- John Door. Of... Kaminarigakure.” Takumi didn’t buy it for a second. For starters, the guy was wearing a Yukigakure headband.

“Right.” Takumi pulled out another scroll and a coin, tossing both up into the air. He weaved four hand signs, flicked the coin into the water and opened up the second scroll. As soon as the coin hit the surface, ‘John Door of Kaminarigakure’ stood straight up, appearing almost hypnotized.

“Sign here, please.” Takumi offered the man his pen. ‘John Door of Kaminarigakure’ eagerly signed a name much longer than John Door and returned the pen to Takumi. He rolled up the scroll, put it away and snapped with his right hand. The man relaxed back to normal and looked at Takumi, puzzled.

“Uh. I’m gonna need you to evacuate this crime scene.” Takumi looked over his shoulder at Nibui, still slumped against the tree. “Take that man to a hospital.” He ordered. The man happily agreed, eager to be free of whatever ‘crime’ had taken place.

Once he was out of sight, Takumi reopened the scroll which had the man’s name.
“Hiruko Ennia Yuishi. Huh.” He closed the scroll and finished his initial report. Driven by curiosity, Takumi elected to sift through the rubble of the picnic table. For the first few minutes, nothing had been discovered. He eventually got bored, dropped the rock he held and began to walk away. The rock shattered, breaking into several smaller chunks and revealing a slip of paper that was previously inside.

“Four hundred and fourty one.” 441. Maybe it was his 441st picnic table. Takumi grinned at the thought. No -- something more serious was afoot. He put the paper in his pocket and ran to turn in his report.

Episode 1: No Ramen For The Wicked

“What are we doing here again?” Fulvius and Hooke had just arrived in Okagakure after two long days of travel.
“O, brother mine! Do you not see the children playing in the streets? The flowers blooming in the fields? O, brother mine! The festivities Illumi-”
“Right. Kuria’s Kage celebration.” Fulvius interrupted him, answering his own question. Hooke looked defeated, having had his monologue interrupted.

A set of eyes peered from a nearby alley.
“My fuhrer, the nut-jobs from the Hidden Metal have arrived, my fuhrer.”
“Yes, yes. Good observation skills, young one.”
“My Fuhrikage, their leader looks angry. What measures do we take, mein fuhrer?”
“We must raise taxes by 10%! Our border with them must be reinforced. The ocean is only so wide, you know.”
“Genius thinking, Lord Fuhrikage. We must return to the village immediately to prepare for their pending invasion.”
“Exactly my thoughts, unterführer. Let the annals of history never speak of our unpreparedness for war, my-”

“What are you goons doing in the dumpster?” Fulvius and Hooke had reached the alley in which the Yukikage and his elder were plotting.
“Mein fuhrer, the enemy seems to have spotted us. What course of action must we take?” Chikai whispered to her Kage.
“We first must execute the traitors that led them to us!” Kuro stood up, vaulted out of the dumpster and fled.
“You will pay for this intrusion!” Chikai followed her Kage’s lead. Halfway down the alley, she turned and ran back to the dumpster. She reached for a piece of paper that had “Yukigakure Secret Hideout” scribbled on it hastily. Chikai tore it off and ran away. Fulvius noticed it had covered a bright yellow sign that read “CAUTION. DO NOT PLAY IN THE DUMPSTER.”

 “Where the hell did you get that?” Fulvius snatched a fork from Hooke’s hand. His chopsticks sat idle next to the bowl of ramen.
“I brought it with me from the Metal…” He muttered, seemingly ashamed.
“You don't know how to use chopsticks?”
Hooke ignored the question, instead deciding to pull out a second fork.
“How fucking deprived are you?” Fulvius shook his head and returned to his own ramen.

“You boys are from the Hidden Metal?” A deep voice loomed in the air. Fulvius looked over his shoulder towards the speaker. It came from a tall man with dark brown hair covered by the hat of a Kage. If the color scheme of his robe and hat didn't give away his identity, the word “Dust” written on it certainly did.
“Lord Hokorikage.” Fulvius stood up and bowed before the man.
“Errr…”  Hayame was confused on what title to use. He couldn’t care less about the politics of the Hidden Metal and/or who held what title.
“Lord Raimei.” He tipped his Kage hat smoothly. Fulvius looked past the Hokorikage at the group of Dust Shinobi bumping a small dust tornado around outside, attempting to keep it in the circle they formed.
Suddenly, the Yukikage burst through the door, muttering about dust savages and their barbaric games. His entourage of Snow Shinobi stood outside in a strict line behind Chikai.

“Table for eight, good kind sir.” Kuro said to the man behind the counter which Fulvius and Hooke sat at.
“Excuse me, Yukikage, I believe the Hidden Dust arrived here first.” Hayame said calmly. Fulvius patted Hooke’s left arm twice, their subtle sign for “let's fuckin dip before this shitstorm turns into a shit-hurricane.”

Kuro put on a puzzled look, turning towards the Ennia brothers, who were casually strolling to the back exit.
“Fulvius, my guy, could you help me out here?” He started. “You see, I'm not an inbred troglodyte and I can't understand this ape banging rocks and ooking around. It seems to be a commonality within that Dust village -- do you think you could maybe translate for me?”

Hayame’s chakra erupted, becoming visible as a sandy brown cloak. He spoke in a deep, commanding voice.
“Speak ill of my people again and-”

“AND YOU’LL WHAT?!” Kuro’s chakra flared up in the same fashion, taking on a light blue color instead.
“I WILL FUCK YOU UP!” The Yukikage yelled boisterously over the enormous noise their chakra made as it stirred up the atmosphere, splintering the wood floors along with nearby objects.

The usual signs signifying sage mode for Hayame, red lines on the face and white hair, began to sprout. Kuro didn’t need sage mode; he simply increased the intensity of his chakra, completely shattering the floor underneath him and exploding the chairs closest to him. A man in a dark robe placed a hand on the shoulder of each Kage.

“No such violence will occur.” Both Kage settled down immediately, perhaps due to a suppressing jutsu by the newcomer.
“We are here to honor a friend, not start a war.” Fulvius could recognize that man anywhere; the stoic Kaminarikage, with his glowing red eyes, was quite the sight to behold. Fulvius wiped the sweat off his face and turned to look at Hooke, who seemed unfazed. He held the bowl of ramen in his left hand, noisily slurping noodles. How the meal remained in the bowl and Fulvius’ sword didn’t stay in its sheath was a mystery, but alas, it had.

Fulvius wove hand signs in his right hand and fixed his cloak with his left. He drew the immediate attention of all three kages once the jutsu was cast -- they could sense the chakra being expent. A coil of lightning extended from his wrist and grasped onto the handle of his sword. It pulled the saber from the wall and returned it to its sheath. It was possibly one of the most awkward moments he had experienced. All three kage watched the jutsu slowly run its course while he stood there, wide eyed.

“Uh… Good day, l-lads.” Fulvius awkwardly threw a bag of coins onto the counter, bowed once again and hastily walked out the back door with Hooke in tow. The three kage muttered something inaudible back and turned to the owner of the store.

Reminance spoke up first. “I’ll take the biggest table you’ve got.”
“I second his request.”
“As do I.”

The shopkeeper gulped and opened his mouth to speak, with obvious regret for what he was about to say.
“Our t-tables have been… booked, per say. I’m sorry gentlemen, but I’ve got no r-room for all yer shinobi.” As if on queue, Satoru and Yokiro Nii strolled into the shop, followed by around a dozen Hidden Haze shinobi. The three Kage were absolutely stupefied; they had all just been countered by what they considered a village in the middle of nowhere, for nobody and at no time to be acknowledged.

“......yeeeaaaaah......” Kuro muttered. He looked towards the other Kage, who were embarrassedly playing with their hair and fixing their clothes.
“You all wanna go hit up a bar?” Hayame suggested. Reminance and Kuro muttered their approval, and together, the shinobi shuffled out of the ramen shop.

General Discussion / Re: SLO Filler Stories
« on: March 06, 2017, 17:12:05 »
This is a very cool idea, America.
Do you plan on making these like the fillers in Naruto Shippuuden or something more comedical like Naruto SD?

Anyway, here's my character.
(I'd prefer it if Izumi is non-rogue in your episodes, meaning that he's still a shinobi from the hidden dust.)
As for the personality, he's calm and lawful good. (I feel like that sums it up pretty well)

tl;dr: Male Sakura without the violence.

I've never seen Naruto SD, so i don't know what that's like, but the first episode's inspiration is taken from the anime. It is about Mars' inauguration as Kage and people from various villages gathering to give him gifts and attend the ceremony.

General Discussion / SLO Filler Stories
« on: March 06, 2017, 16:18:10 »
what's up lads, I'll be doing writing episodes of SLO that will be like fillers. There will be no serious plot development, just characters hanging around. It will be set in the Hidden hill.

Link your character below if you'd like to possibly be in them. Also, if your character's personality isn't well defined, you can add how they act in your post.

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