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Drawings / SLO Art Challenge Finals : #2
« on: February 12, 2017, 03:33:53 »
So sorry to everyone participating I was supposed to open this a few days ago.

But Yea I Wanna See Some Great Summons--
This thread is for anyone partaking in the challenge to post their final submissions.
I would really like to keep this thread relatively clean so please let's just leave it to Only Final Submissions
Thanks :3

Anime / Re: Boruto
« on: February 08, 2017, 20:42:56 »
To be really honest I don't see how it's her unlocking the byakugan is "ridiculous ". One she was really and angry and two as the daughter of Fucking Naruto and The Hyuga (or whatever) princess. I'm expecting her to be op asf.

I doubt she could just use the eyes every time she wants though. But as the next generation they better be as powerful or more than the last

Drawings / SLO Art Challenge #2: Shinobi's best friend.
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:41:46 »
In a world filled with war and blood, betrayal and murder. Even the toughest Shinobi need......something to cuddle.
Haha ok so for the next challenge. Create you're own summon, could be anything from kittens to dinosaurs, go wild and be creative. Good Luck.

Rules & Guidelines:
- As before this can be a full body, portrait or side view as long as it provides a good show of your art.

- WIPS (Work in progress) can be posted to in this thread. A final submissions thread will be opened later.

- I would also prefer if you created this from scratch, inspirations and references are allowed to be used of course, but I hope to not see something that has already been created but something new.

- Any medium is allowed. Digital or Traditional.

-(To be Added....)

- Due Mon the 13th (This may be changed)

General Discussion / Re: SLO art Challenges??
« on: February 05, 2017, 15:07:50 »
I guess no one has suggestions then.

General Discussion / Re: SLO art Challenges??
« on: February 05, 2017, 00:13:43 »
Thanks to everyone that is participating in our first challenge, theres been some very good submissions.
The due date for the current challenge is almost due, so if ant of yous have some suggestions for future challenges now would be a great time to post it. cheers

Drawings / Re: A simple drawing, lool
« on: February 04, 2017, 15:27:57 »
ooooouuu Thats great.....but i suggest using a different site like imgur to post future art/drawings, just so its easier to see on the forum.
We've also started weekly art challenges would be great to see more of your drawings

Drawings / Re: SLO Art Challenge Finals : #1
« on: February 03, 2017, 10:41:52 »
Great Submission Caio :o

Mmmhhh It was supposed to be two characters from the dissolution story but they didn't really come out as planned but i stuck with it xP

Drawings / SLO Art Challenge Finals : #1
« on: February 01, 2017, 17:41:18 »
This thread is for anyone partaking in the challenge to post their final submissions.
I would really like to keep this thread relatively clean so please let's just leave it to Only Final Submissions
Thanks :3

Drawings / SLO Art Challenge #1: Shinobi
« on: January 30, 2017, 15:24:00 »
In the spirit of this forum it is only fitting that our first art challenge revolves around the concept.

In this first challenge i felt it should be relatively simple. To design two or more shinobi in the same picture, whether its is an OC or fan art you decide. Im keeping this first challenge as vague as possible but also giving a solid goal. Try to be as free with your design, come up with some great designs.

Rules & Guidelines:
-This can be a full body, portrait, side view but keep in mind a design that shows your art best.
-WIPs can be posted in this thread as well as suggestions for future challenges, i will make a thread for final submissions and only for finals also.
-Any medium is allowed, digital or traditional.
-Due Monday the 6th (this may be changed).

General Discussion / Re: SLO art Challenges??
« on: January 30, 2017, 03:45:04 »
Good to see there are people interested... if you have suggestions for challenges dont be afraid to post it.....ill post the official thread tomorrow and also with a week or two week time limit work better for everyone?

General Discussion / SLO art Challenges??
« on: January 29, 2017, 23:10:35 »
Ok so this for all the arty lads and lasses here....even if you are not the arty type still welcome lol.
Soooo i wanted to know if anyone here is interested in weekly or biweekly or whenever(that can be decided later on), art challenges.

What do i mean by art challenges you ask?
 Every other week or whatever we can decide on a topic, situation, scene all kinda things draw/paint or whatever you are into to test ourselves in art. I just wanted to see if anyone would be interested in partaking before i make an offical thread for it ?

Naruto Fanworks / Re: Dissolution
« on: January 29, 2017, 23:00:45 »
(Okay soooo its been a really busy two weeks for me...this part should've been posted sooner and for that  I is sorry epic battle awaits next chapter ;) )


A slight breeze blew past. Silence over took. Movements were still. All three teams stood in place. Eyes moved as they waited for one of them to make the first move.
The Volcano team had pushed further back from the rest of the two teams, missing one of their team members they were afraid, afraid to be rushed as soon as the fight started. The thunder team had moved back slightly, moved into their battle formation, putting them in a position to have all eyes on their opponents. Both teams subconsciously knew what they had to do. Without having to speak or form a plan within themselves, they knew the goal was to take out the other two teams before the fought between each other, for the Volcano team this was easier said than done.
The last team who wore the Hidden Ash symbol on them had not move from their original position. Instead the shortest and seemingly the youngest of all 8 genin of his team, a pale young boy with grayish blue pupils, sat down legs crossed, he's  katana longer than he was rested on his shoulder. He sat between two of his teammates who seemed to be protecting him, they wore all black with as sort of gas mask covering their face which made it hard to get a clear expression from both the very tall Ash genin.

The larger member of the the Volcano could not hold his frustration and eagerness, he threw a shuriken at the young Ash genin, but as if an automotive response, one of the standing Ash genin used his hand to stop it, allowing the shuriken to gouge deep into his palm. Without a moments pause, the Thunder genin simultaneously rushed for the two Volcano genin, seeing them as the most logical choice of attack while they were slightly distracted. they split into two groups,  Hide and Mura attack the smaller of the Volcano genin, suddenly appearing behind the genin with a swift powerful kick to the legs, Mura sent the genin's legs off the ground, without a chance to react the genin is slammed hard into the ground by another pair legs. The genin hit the ground with a hard initial force, pushing out blood through his lungs, out his mouth on impact.

The bigger Volcano genin unable to help the sudden attack on his teammate, is hit by a barrage of fireballs from Saeko pushing him back further away from his teammate. Attempting to hold his ground as he stuck his foot into the ground using an earth technique to keep him in place. In a fit of rage the Volcano genin did not think twice before he countered, quickly lifted his left leg up from the ground, with rocks and earth dragged up and stuck to his leg, he twisted the same leg sideways, kicking all the earth of his legs towards Saeko, turning into a small boulder, immediately spinning his body pulling out his other leg, with incredible speed and power he kicks another powerful boulder at Saeko, leaving no chance for Saeko to react, the bulky genin runs straight towards Saeko with huge strides and a powerful leap forward. Barely just blocking both boulders, Saeko is hit by a force even harder, which sent him flying backwards, crashing through a tree.

The fight on for another couple of minutes has the Volcano team fought back as hard as the could but to no avail, it was clear the Volcano were outnumbered and outmatched as they took some overwhelming damage between both teammates. The big Volcano genin barely keeping himself up as he stood on one knee, sighed as he coughed  up blood as his teammate drops unconscious beside him, raised his hand up admitting defeat. "Volcano genin Gin and Zinn are out!!" One of the jounin officials announced through the speakers that surrounded the arena.

Th e Thunder team bruised all over and slightly battered returned to their battle formation as the set their sights on the Ash team, who had not moved. The young pale Ash genin raises himself using he's giant sheathed katana to aid him up, he parts his long flowing grey hair to the side as hes pupils move from one Thunder genin to the other. The other two Tall Ash genin slowly raise their hand up, to surrender. Causing a huge shock through the Arena. "Ehmm R..Rem and Rin are out..." The official announced again this time unsure of himself.
The two Masked genin nod and walk back into the inner section of the arena.

The pale boy looks up emotionless and takes a step forward.....

Games / Re: Hunger Games Simulator 3
« on: January 24, 2017, 21:19:21 »



I blame this guy

Games / Re: Hunger Games Simulator 3
« on: January 24, 2017, 13:49:50 »
Why hasn't  Isei won yet ~_~

Games / Re: Hunger Games Simulator 3
« on: January 19, 2017, 13:05:57 »
This Isei guy <3

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