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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - TheStylee

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@adithya : Thank u for commenting.I understand and im agree with what u said most of them,excluding the torturing division.
As i said on first post,it won't torture ppl at all(wtf?) just asking them for informations ,threating,even use them as a bait for the rescue team that want to save the captured guy.strategy xd

@Manuster  Got it with the leveling.I still feel it uncofortable ,have to addmit,but you explaned pretty well.Understood.

About ranking:Have to say HELL WRONG ON EVERYTHING U SAID.
First,yes,i mean 3 days in SLO,not real world.guess not mentioning it was a wrong decision.
Ello ,as i read and shoule be,is ranked.It means competitive and should not be in touch with the ranking system at all.And there are couple of reasons.:
1.First of all,your ello won't raise to fast if you're medical ninja,neitherif you're not a fighting guy type.that if you choose to ignore the fact that game is on hardcore with perma death and everything will be a continue deatchmatch.which is bleah,cause the puropose of the game is meant to be simulating shinobi life.And even if shinobi's killing each other,they shouldn't be waited in the woods ,enjoying nature and the awsome graphics, by a bunch of genins trying to get the chunnin grade.
2.ELO and ranked system as i said should be strict competitive.That means ELO ,with a top and some prizes,events,but again NOT in touch with the ranking system.

Jounin exam that un mentioned about:Completly wrong,in my opinion.It purely dont cover the "What a jounin should do" " What is a jounin " . and "reducing hp 25% in perma death zone area" and learning a forbbiden jutsu is just not what a jounin is.
Hope you didnt think i have a aggresive tone.tried to explain as good as i could. thx :D

Hi guys.
I've went through to a lot of topics (that search function is usefull O.o ) and i've read about 'ur ideas of buildings,arhitecture,usage of them,even the jobs of shinobis.Now,ill try to be as clear as possible and complex on details so try to be patient while reading it.
tl;dr:read it you lazy-ass.

Building usage

I've seen some posts about how village will looks like and im making this suggestion cause will affect what devs are doing right now.Developing new buildings with difference usage.As far as i saw there will be Hospial , Police station , Ramen shop , Hokage center and a  lot of damn houses.If im wrong and didnt look close enough,close the topic and fk me.Now,this may be may be suggestions:

Inteligence center/division
You saw it when Pain atacked the Village and get through the barrier .Theyr job is to keep an eye of anyone that enter on the village and protect it from assault pontential.This center is full of shinobis with high grade of sensory jutsu and,as i read on the forum,sensory jutsu is on to-do list of the game.I know we're trying not to be that close to naruto things,but it's a must for a village.More,when the assault of the village and war are becoming a thing.I suggested it now,as i said,cause now is the moment when you're building.

Library and scrolls center

It was on anime even from first episode if im not wrong(if yes,corect me please) and it contains a lot of scrolls.I dont know and maybe you dont know either how primary and basic jutsu are achived but it may be an ideea and it can contain a lot of books with the lore of the game.And it can be big.No,i mean it,i read the topic with this guys that are creating lore.That's a lot of imagination.Also,books with hokages history ,wars history of the game,rogue ninjas,clans,organizations and the things that they do.negative or positive.And all of the may be wrote by journalist.That's why im saying it:Builds and ideeas are creating jobs for shinobis and give us the realism that we are wishing so much.and also being better then 95% than governments on the world,buuut that's another story.

Torturing and interogation division

Ibiki Morino explained you in anime pretty well that is this about.When 2 villages are in war,and one ninja is captured,you can't keep him locked in kage's's a damn big window right there and as we know ppl on SLO like to jump.So this division contains ninjas that brings prisoniers here for informations.Maybe even let them go, for right informations.because we know that people on internet are nice and have a lot of mercy.we could call it abator division too,i guess. O.o

Not many info here.If u are agree with the suggestion of ranks down on this post,u will consider it a must.Keep reading


As i said on the begging,maybe i didnt look close enough on the map,but better prevent then treat,so :As me,you,and we expect a large of numbers of game,one or two ramen shops will be..not enough space to be fast.We need more restaurants on village.I mean it !!!!

***If you got anymore ideea for the buildings with usage comment.Id love to read other worth ideeas!***

Level system & Rank system

I understand that this is not an exactly soon to-do thing,but a good ideea is noticed and it may help on the future.a brick here,a brick there.

Im not sure i read corectly,or old posts,but i understood that staff won't have levels.And i feel this...not comfortable.
First of all:Levels and experience are big part of a mmorpg concept.The competivity ,the running for exp gain would keep us alive.You don't have to make mobs or things like this for it,but missions,doing your choosed job well (anbu/ramen shop seller) with some achived target and getting experience.
2nd:The competitive scene should feel real.After lets say,3 month of the release,a lot of people will get Jounin rank and have a lot of jutsu.PvP is fine but in the end it gets boring.Yes i said that.kill me now.but that's what competitive is.What's what allows me having that fancy jutsu over that ugly "Shuriken mdfkr throw".Keep us on vibeeee!
3th:A better way to make differences.How i said,a lot of ppl will grow up on rank after few time.And wars and rogues wont be fun forever.Or atleast 12h/days ,how mmorpg should keep u on chair.So over exploring,killing,and eating rammen we could grow up on level and encourage me to make that stupid mission that ask me to chase a cat.

Ranking & Exams

I was so completly disagree with the ideeas about this on forum.I mean,there was a topic where ppl suggest an almost DM for chunnin exam.that's so dumb and so much waaaste of potential.Im not sure im right,i wait happily suggestions and improvments,but that's how i think about ranking system:

You start as academy student and u keep being here for till the u recive that diploma.That means ,once at 3 days the diploma is gaved to the begginers and they are shared on teams with a jounin as teacher.On that week of academy there may be tutorials about game,informations,mission-tutorials, learning few basic jutsu ,learning to work on team and even make contact with other academy student.You are tying a tying a friendships with people with some knowledge like you,start to understand the game mechanics ,the possibilities,the restrictions.

Going from Academy student -> Genin should not cost anything.Just playing 3 days and getting your diploma.

I understand that Chunnin exam is a verry debatated subject and i understand that my opinion is under others,but ill still give a shot.How i said,opinions and improving ideeas are welcomed!

You need to spend some time as a gennin.I would say atleast 3 weeks.That will get used you to the game,you will have enough missions done and u saw the map how it looks like.You even saw the pvp outside when that sand guy was chasing you and you understand the basics.But if you want do advance,you must know the lore of the game.Otherwise,what's the ideea of the game?Shinobi life = village = "A country where people do not know their country's history is lost country". I have to prove my loiality to the village,learn theyr history and even of the game.So Chunnin exman should be like this:
Once in a moth ,the registrations are free-open if you're a genin.
The first step will be an written exam of lore of the game and the village and even the bascis of the game that u learned on your first 3 weeks here.
The 2nd step will be a pvp-fight on arena.But only 75% of candidates will promote.How's that?: If now they are 50 candidates,it will be a 1 v 1 fight.50% will win , ,that means 25 players. the losers ones,rest 25 will have a second chance to the fight against each others losers.12 players win,that means 37 of 50.thats a 75% percentage.If we go this way,we will asure enough and a generous promitions,and not that much cry for not passing of to many ppl.That 12 guuys who losed,have to get another mounth till the next chunnin exams.

That would be Genin -> Chunnin.

Now,when u are becoming a Jounin,u are practically a veteran of the village.In case of war,assault and so on ,excepting anbu,you are expect to save people,protect the village ,capture and killing the enemy.

Advancing from Chunnin -> Jonnin

In order do that ,anime doesnt show us what a Jounin have to do to become one.So i've made my long research on naruto folders wiki,and i pull out a conclusion with a semi-original ideea:When you want to become a jounin u have to be a Chounin with ur jutsu at a pretty high level, a certain level (ur choose) . That's the steps:
1.Talk to a specific NPC and ask him for promition.He will give u an random S mission specialised on spying OR assasination,you will make complete a registration-formular .It will be read and accepted/declined by the Hokage.cause..that's one of the hokage's jobs,as we all know.pappers.He can see yours entire profile since u play.More exactly : Missions done,place u have visited,the amount of job you have done for village.To be more and more exactly,becoming a jounin is not a right,it's a privillege.You must have a pretty good palmares and good history for becoming one.You can still be a kim-kardishian-atitudin,elders will asure the hokage's decision is complety neutral and transparent.This request can be done once per week.

After you finished this trio geni-chuni-jouni fiesta,you should get a job.But that,and stats,and other things will talk later when game will be a in a more advanced stage.

That's all for now.I wait you opinions ,improviments,modifications,but only thing that i PLEASE you is to complete them with strong argument.negative or positive,doesnt matter.but strong arguments!

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Indoors Running Speed
« on: March 14, 2017, 21:32:08 »
,,There should be no fighting indoors''.
I dont agree with this.
This will bring in some diversity,you can use your surroundings to your advantage and in a war,you may want to send shinobi into a building first,that are good at close combat.
Then we also got training halls and ambushes that could happen inside buildings.
Buildings shouldnt magically save you from combat either.I dont think that a rogue will care about fighting in a building,because its not polite.
And at this moment,i assume that there will also be buildings outside of the,,main villages''.
Maybe a little hut to explore while travelling,or maybe a shrine.
Completly agree.An ambush is all about strategy.Think about assasinations,some rogue clan guys that planed to kill some guy to be stopped cuz he wont get out of the ramen shop.Hunting,catching,using terrain jutsu and close combat is some sort of mechanic of the game that make us not being patient till the games is realeased.Inside fighting is one of the basic strategy,to pull out a conclusion.

Looking great, new animations looking slick. How long before we can unleash bankai?

About 45 episodes
Stiil sooner than my puppets ._.

Introduction / Re: Hi there
« on: March 14, 2017, 20:54:49 »
@CaioDarT:thank u .appreciate it ^^
@RyanFlashfire : Hi and thank u! I've aleardy read the FAQ.4 times.yes lol because everytime i read i become more enthusiastic.Ill wont make a character atm ,id like to create it on live server.Forum games dont catch me ,sorry about that xd
@takami : thank u a lot for warm welcome,once i discovered this project and the potential it has,i cant miss to praise to everyone when it will be realeased as being one of the alpha stage players.
@Raidnn out my earth dome,i luv trolling

Introduction / Hi there
« on: March 14, 2017, 20:44:03 »
Name: Alex ^^
Ethnicity: Romanian
Nationality: Romanian(yes im romanian,no im not a gypsy,no , romanian are not gypsys.two diference races - still no racist -)
Living in: Bucharest Romania
Born in:10 Sept, 1997
Sports: pressing buttons on keyboard and professional handball
Hobbies: Learning psychology,playing LoL(plat3 mdfkrs) owning my own shop, learning language programming - but nothing presional ,just as a hobby-
Goals in life: Being a verry good psychologist i guess,that's my thing(see that?i played with ur mind) ,having my own buisness (no i didnt but still tricked u bwhaha) and being over average society class.
Languages: Romanian,English when my grammar isnt drunk
Education : Psychology college .not that much achivments on my life.*QQ*

Nice to meet all of you,i found here ppl with same passion as mine.I've knew about shinobi life by some time ago but never actually come into the form and read ,just watching videos on youtube and guessing that's a modified game on a private server with naruto theme.I guess ill do everything i can do help in the community with my low IT knowledge and even donate some-some soon.See u around. ^^

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Indoors Running Speed
« on: March 14, 2017, 16:30:48 »
Speed should depend on how much space is available in the building. A small ramen shop should just be default walking speed until you exit, whereas a large structure like a school would have something like 30mp/h running speed.
Agree even more
amen even more

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Indoors Running Speed
« on: March 14, 2017, 13:28:17 »
I'd say if you get tagged in combat then your max speed could increase while indoors, however, I just don't see many opportunities to have battles inside. And I don't want people running around a ramen shop at 60 km/h

I didnt ask about who/witch npc's are,just about the concep of building's interior.A more exactly ask if they are meant for pure design or proposal usage.

In the second question,ayyyy,sorry for my spaghetti english,ill try to be more explicit:
The main buildings for gameplay,have been choosed/listed?Or ,is still a think-about concept?

Have to ask few questions..

1.Building are empty ?If yes,they will be filled with NPCs ?If not with npc,then with what?
2.Insitituions have been asnigment?Like hospital,academy,exam hall,anbu building,etc?

You've done a great work over there,but ill try as much as i can to givu a constructive criticize for the best and i'd tell you to add some more details on the village ^^. I watched all of yours twitch videos,saw images and some flowers over there,a sign for streets on each streets'corner and so on.These detalist give live to the village.Again,amazing job.Keep it up.on the end you'll be rich and we will be happy :d

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Indoors Running Speed
« on: March 14, 2017, 08:57:17 »
I would be the last one to complain,since im focusing on kenjutsu and close combat in general.
The balancing along with peoples reactions,is what im worried about.
But i have nothing against the idea on its own,if its well implemented.

Im completly agree.But there,there will be always people arguing over a fight-style.As a puppet guy ( even if they will never be implemented)id like to be in a large area where i can move my puppet everywhere i wish,but i try to be realistic and complete prefference for everyone.And that would be the most realistic and encouraging for close-combat ideea. :D

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Indoors Running Speed
« on: March 14, 2017, 08:51:55 »
Seems reasonable.
I would just be worried about indoor combat,with this speed.

Guess will be all about taijutsu and close combat.Even more convenient,i'd say.
Take a pro,as i said it will encourage and counturing the close-combat system.

Hi guys again,and thx for fast answers.Now,in order:

Il try to answer some guy from this post where he asked : " why would u go alone in the wood" . maybe i dont,maybe you dont,but someone ,somewhere there is a guy that likes exploring type and dislike playing in team.or he want to search jiraya's kunai on village hiden on sands (?!) .it means he need some offensive for himself.even medical ninjas on the anime got some brutal force for deffendig themselves. in order to get the conclusion,genjutsu need a dmg-deal skills .even if they are low.
Also,as far as i read about ur thoughst on genjtusu,would be nice when u genjutsu an enemy,he should have animations on his screen.You know like..on counter counter strike when u get poped by a flash-grenade and ur screen turns full white.I mean, got it :d.

Puppet thing..
Got it lol,i never though about 3th hand xdxdxd and moving camera but there are plenty of ways to make it right.Even using WASD for moving and ERT for puppet moving .and skills like blades/flamethrower etc are your ninja skills when puppet is summoned(when he's not you may got simple skills like anyone else on skils-bar l) and use them.I mean,imagination ! :D

The kage problem,i got it.You are right.Waiting for more disscustion and a staff-member to tell us for sure here and now if we may ever have puppets.

Thx !

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / About & talking game mechanics
« on: March 11, 2017, 17:52:04 »
Hi,all of you.Im newbie here(by far what i read,u guys really dislike us,arent u ? :] ) and i dammit watched any video on youtube that contains SLO, i readed FAQ and as much as possible i could topics on forum and i have few sugestions( i guess it's the right word?!) and modification.also noticed that staff really care about ppl sugestions if they are spelled

Genjutsu :
As far as i read( im not a native english guy,dont judge to hard if i didnt read well) genjutsu will be just about cc (Crowd-control) like sleeping/snare/sounds etc.but,if a character is going to specialise to only one of that main type how can a genjutsu player defend him self in a death area?or an ambush?i mean,ill be love'd on a war/team fight but hate my self af whenever im alone in the suggestions would be to give them some genjutsu dmg-deal.

Puppet problem : That's something that concern me for real cuz' immmaa damn bad ass Sasori the topics that i read it about,some of ppl from staff say that they may approve them if we have good ideeas about how.
my ideea sounds like : as u can choose ninjutsu,taijutsu,genjutsu and what the hell si out there,puppet master should be an option to.picking your first puppet in academy,evolving it(think about it like a pet) , improving it with armour and weapons sh1ts like this,jutsu that you can learn them as ur jutsu level tree , and the most important , controling them with the right hand with the numlock numbers ( right side of keyboard).that will require dexterity,controlling and dodging ur character with wasd and controlling ur puppet and skills with the right hand.

bit later edit:

Kage's election:

As far as i read,the election are once on a mounth.On my opinions,thats completly insuficient for an economy and a ally/enemy relationship to pull out a conclusion.It's just to little 1 month.Id better suggest a 3 month mandate.This will will asure a better stability for villagers and diplomacy.
few ask that i have..
1.what's the status of the game right now ? an imaginary percent of how much it's done of betta version.(u can take as refference point the FAQ goals listed)
2.the vote system for kages,the demand for clans and etc will be in-game or forum thing (as ..samp?!)

if my english is worse than ur german,try to focus on asks ,not on judging.thx ! ^^

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