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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - TheStylee

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Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Few asks :d
« on: April 12, 2017, 09:37:06 »
As matt said, the map is going to be huge. Would there be randomly generated wilderness, random travelilng NPCs, stuff like that?
Im also curious about that.Sings,specific details,random small villages for travelers?Do you have a goal/ideea about it?

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Few asks :d
« on: April 12, 2017, 07:33:59 »
We will most likely have a 24hr day/night cycle so yeah rl days. The map can be endless with procedural generation   

endless you say?

so with the oceans surrounding the slo assuming one can just....go

An endless map isn't realistic though, is it? Unless, the oceans lead into oblivion or something.
An endless map is not unrealistic but in a gaming environment it's very, considering beyond the maps of the villages their would be knowing but landscape other than the stress to your gpu and cpu it would make no sense to even have it
Matt,probably,said that he can make the map be as long as he wish with the procedual generation,but it will be limited by ocean .You can see that on the official map:

As it looks like,the massive world that everyone is looking for is verry possible,not just optimistic.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Jutsu Creation Topic
« on: April 12, 2017, 06:40:37 »

Jutsu name:Earth style - Rock punch
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Jutsu Description: For a medium amount of time your hands becoming rocky and size is increased considerable
Jutsu Level: Medium
Chakra Nature: Earth
Jutsu Range: Melee
Effects if hit:Your taijutsu damage is increased consderable and the attacks are reducing the enemy stamina when it.Also,your mov.speed is decreased with a % procent during the effect.Higher levels of ability provide better % damage and smaller procent of mov.speed reducing -%

Jutsu name:Sand style - Kinesthetic dessert.
Jutsu type:Sensory
Jutsu description:A 1,5m/2 metters height sand wall appears in front of you .Wherever in area of 500m (first level )it detects any shinobi running over 30km/m + .
Jutsu level : Medium - Expert
Jutsu range: Depends on level of the ability.If the ability is bigger level the detection area is bigger(500m +) and the speed of detectable shinobis is lower ( 25 km/h + , 20 km/h+)
Chakra nature:Sand

Effects if hit : If someone is detectable and meets the conditions ,a point on the sand wall is flashing.BUT,it's flashing just on the position that shinobi was detected initially.It doesnt show the after-moves.

Jutsu name: Sand style - Sand boots
Jutsu type:Ninjutsu
Jutsu description:After making the hand-seals and pushing the ground ,the sand will apears from the ground and snare all the enemys on a predetermined area around the user.
Jutsu level:Begginer-Expert
Jutsu range:Range
Chakra nature:Sand
Effects if hits:Incapacitating any foot moves of the enemy for a small amount of time.However,the enemy may use handseal and long distance jutsu .

Jutsu name : Sand style - Sand prison
Jutsu type:Ninjutsu
Jutsu description: After making the handseals and choosing the target,the sand will apears from the ground and prison the hands and the foots of the target.
Jutsu level : Medium - Expert
Jutsu range:Range
Chakra nature: Sand
Effects if hits: Incapaciting any foot and hands moves for a small-medium amount of time.The amount of time depends on the taijutsu level of the target.

Jutsu name : Sand style - Sand wave.
Jutsu type:Ninjutsu
Jutsu description:After making the handseals and pushing the ground,a huge wave of sand appears and knock up the enemys on the area.
Jutsu level : Medium - Expert
Jutsu range:Range
Chackra nature:Sand
Effects if hits:The user summon a big wave of sand that knock up the enemys catched in the affects area dealing a medium amount of damage.The sand remained after the wave striked ,provide to the all sand-chakra-natures-shinobis-type in the area a buff for mov.speed (a small amount)(Tehnically,after the strike and the damage deal,it creates also a terrain like a field for few dozen of meters.)

Jutsu name:Earth style - Toxic mud
Jutsu type:Ninjutsu
Jutsu description : The user vomit mud on the range sized area.
Jutsu level : Medium - Expert
Jutsu range :Ranged
Chackra nature:Earth
Effects if hits:If the vomit strikes the enemy,it will deal a medium-level damage.Also,the mov.speed and the att.speed is decreased

Jutsu name : Earth style - Earth prison
Jutsu type:Ninjutsu
Jutsu description:After making the hand seals and pushing the ground,a hand made of earth is striking of the ground.If the target is striked,a huge prison made of rock is getting out of the ground and capture the user and the target.
Jutsu level: Expert+
Chackra nature:Earth
Effects if hit:If the hand made of rock catch the target,a huge prison made of rock is creating.The target can not escape.Nobody can enter or get out of the prison.It can be turned off just if the user do so or the user is knock out.

Jutsu name : Earth style - Throwing rocks
Jutsu type:Ninjutsu
Jutsu description: After the hand-seals, the user throw 3/4/7 rock to the ranged area.
Jutsu level : Begginer,Medium,Expert
Chakra nature:Earth
Effects if hit:The rocks will deal a small / medium amount of damage.Also,if the ability is a bigger level ,the throwed rocks have a bigger size.

Jutsu name: Sand style - Sand's dreams.
Jutsu type:Genjutsu
Jutsu description:After the user catch a target ,the target will have the vision redducted.
Jutsu level : Begginer+
Jutsu range:Ranged
Effects if hits:If the user catch the target on his genjutsu,the camera of the target will have a sand-effects reducing the vision ,properly.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Few asks :d
« on: April 11, 2017, 16:58:56 »
Vreg said it will be possible to steal from other shinobi. He added that it will alo be possible to be caught doing so - I'm guessing an extension of the 'spider senses' that some shinobi conveniently display in the show. As to how it will work, ofc, I have no idea.

As for killing the Kage


It will be impossible in his office. UNLESS you somehow manage to incapacitate every single NPC police shinobi, every single village affiliated shinobi, you manage to knock out the Kage, take him to a perma death zone and THEN kill him.

(Ignoring the fact that whenever you knock out any of the aforementioned in THEIR OWN VILLAGE, they simply respawn at their hospital. And then go back...and fight you.
Whereas you and anyone assisting you will respan hours away in your own village)

So in a roundabout way, it will be possible to kill the Kage from his office, as long as you have about 3-4 times the amount of shinobi and police that the village have.

And yes, you will need alot of shinobi for it. This game is skill-based, before it is stat-based. Usain Bolt may be the fastest human in the world, but he is not 2x as fast as the average human being. By the same logic, the best player in the world may not be able to kill 2 average shinobi on his own.

I say may because I do not know as to what extent skills will separate individuals. Currently, it may be possible, but that is because there is not a jutsu that suits everybody's style of play.

The way you just described it, makes the game seem solo pvp or pve based, aren't things like killing and knocking out be done through rp, better yet shouldn't it be done by rp
Not really.Well,is true that the pvp with the npc's shock me too( LOL ) but beating the crap out of the kage than dragginh him out the village sounds resonable.
Stupid AF the mechanic of GTA ,when u kill some1 to get respawned right after in hospital,but tho.

@mattaleks :As Manu said,it's sounds verry optimistic.Btw,you mean a  real life day or a SLO day?

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Few asks :d
« on: April 11, 2017, 09:43:45 »
Im glad that the topic sparked discussions and thank you devs for the fast answers.I'd like to hear more questions and more answers between players and the devs.Keep goin' ^^

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Few asks :d
« on: April 10, 2017, 15:10:31 »
Hi America,

1.I try to be optimistic as much as possible,but i have several doubts abour 'ur answer.
I can't real see what taxes are for.Maybe my imaggination is limited (lol) but few examples will clear this out .Assingnin missions will be be psyhcally impossible to given by the kages since the game expect a large number of players.Maybe,again,im wrong and i wait to be corrected.
2.Ill stick to my old idea from my old topic where i wrote that the kage mandatory should be atleast 3 month,otherwise,the political role will be to small in the game.Thank you for your answers anyway.

That's pretty much the answer i was looking for.And as a personal opinion ,even i havent a performant pc,downloading the rest of the map sounds so unprofessional.    ._.

Thx both of you and i wait for more answers.For me and for the new players that are looking for game details :d

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Few asks :d
« on: April 10, 2017, 10:54:01 »
3.As role-playing,we can be tree-hunters (lol),but i mean officialy,with sallary eventually.
6.This was an ask directed more to Matt,cause he's creating the terrain.I'd want to hear his opinion about it.How much would take to go from a side of the map to another.Hours or days.( @mattaleks )

Agree about less vegetation,but here's plenty of other details that could be instead of trees on dust village.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Few asks :d
« on: April 10, 2017, 09:06:41 »
Im moving around this forum and im pretty sure that i've read almost every topic from the forum about gameplay/goals.Still,the FAQ topic it's not really accurate anymore with the current goals/gameplay so , if you dont mind,i have few questions to ask about (that i couldn't get the answers from forum/discord).

1.What will be the kage role exactly?Not just role-playing(starting a war,for ex) but on gameplay.How does he affects me as a player while he is on his mandatory?What's ur goals about it?

2.How do u imagine the political and economycal system will/would work ? How do you envision it and what's ur goal about it?

3.What's the jobs for shinobi you have in mind?

4.What village do we get after hiden hill?Did u decided about it ? xd

5.What's your goals for this year?What do u expect to be finished , the stage of the game you wish to get?

6.How large do you expect the map to be?As i saw,you developed aleardy a village,some terrain and im curious if u made up an ideea about how large the world will be.From the north of the map to the south,for example,it should take 10 mins/ 1 hour / 1 day / 10 days to reach at max. speed?What's ur goal for it?

Tags for searching bar: devs , map , village , design , kage , kage role , jobs , hiden hill , alpha , this year , map size , time .

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Re: Blackbox
« on: April 08, 2017, 08:54:00 »
Forum username: TheStylee
Known aliases (nicknames): Style ffs
Location (country): Romania
Why do you want to be recruited in Blackbox?: drugs and i like snoopy
What will you bring to the organisation?:Loiality and time.Hope it s enough.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Village or Jutsu
« on: March 20, 2017, 09:40:09 »
That would be the defect of demoracy.A 2013 member's having some value of vot as mine as a newbie.
I choosed new jutsu cause i find a better proposal then adding the village.In my opinion village should appear all in same time.But not gonna argument it,cuz,as i said,im not old enough to have an opinion.

Shinobi Life Online Feedback / Re: Water style Jutsu?
« on: March 17, 2017, 20:45:49 »

Read it :D

How many jutsus do you expect to have in the full/final release?
The main goal for the final release is to have 20 jutsu/skills per skill tree. The major jutsu skill trees are Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. Jutsus like Medical-ninjutsu, Sensory, Shurikenjutsu and Kenjutsu each fall under one of these skill trees.

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« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 13:44:22 by Ced


have a look here

even if just half of those are implemented...thats several hundred at least.

p.s. the thread was kinda usless
I pretty sure that are just usggestion that wont be implemented( maybe not even half) , just ideeas about them and the topic should be updated ,but it's pretty accurate tho

Shinobi Life Online Feedback / Re: Water style Jutsu?
« on: March 17, 2017, 17:16:06 »

Read it :D

How many jutsus do you expect to have in the full/final release?
The main goal for the final release is to have 20 jutsu/skills per skill tree. The major jutsu skill trees are Taijutsu, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. Jutsus like Medical-ninjutsu, Sensory, Shurikenjutsu and Kenjutsu each fall under one of these skill trees.

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« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 13:44:22 by Ced

@NinjaMirage  Don't get me wrong.Elo system would be a nice thing.It could work even for clans and organisations.It can be a top and most important thing , it show us the difference between a good genin and a bad one.But my asks ,suggestions and posts are almost all about why should promotions from a rank to another( genin - > chunnin etc) should have anything to do with ELO. I mean yes,elo is a difference between a good one and a better one,but growing up in rank should NOTHING have to do with elo.this PLUS hardcore game where you can die permanentaly.I am agree tho with a fight in area where dead doesnt mean end of the game,just a visit to hospital.

That smartass tl;dr comment almost made me not read this wall of text but my curiosity gave in. I get that y.
why so serious bro xdd
Buildings: From what I've heard, the community will be able to design some buildings (not sure if only on the designing stage or also when the game supposedly comes out), if there's a management side to controlling a village then I think we could start with a pretty basic village like the one we have now and then build these kinda stuff as the village grows. Not sure this is the case though but imo that'd be pretty cool.
Although yeah buildings like library and prison should be standard. I think we'll have restaurants to start with as well.
Sure thing,we may build them,but the staff is the one that give them an usage ,writting on code-game what they do.That's the reason of suggestions-buildings. ^^

Levelling: Levels are by far not the only way to engage someone. The ELO rank would probably suffice to keep people motivated to play. There's a special sense of freedom in being able to do every jutsu if your chakra enables you, you'll try and find new jutsus, learn them and beating someone by mere skill, jutsu knowledge and physical development (aka hp and stamina). That imo is much more fulfilling than getting squashed by high lvl characters who are invincible for lower level players. Anyone could beat everyone with actual game skill instead of with time spent playing the game.
Ofc the more you'd train a jutsu the easier and better it'd get in-game.

As for the issues @Manuster shared, there's a simple solution to all that: Experience is dealt based on damage given+hp recovered. There could be some more variations into this such as points for trapping an enemy or luring towards a trap and stuff like that but the original formula would already cover most damage dealer and medic shinobis.
But overall I'm against levels in this game.
As i said up on this topic,i still feel uncofortable with no-leveling thing ( maybe because i get used to it playing so many mmorpgs all of this time with the games with same concept and mechanics) but the arguments were strong enough to make me understand why not.Drop it.

Well I'm not sure I completely understand your aversion to ELO ranking but I kinda exposed my point already. With the adjustments I proposed it should prove effective for all kind of shinobi. No leveling up, just experience gathering with some weapons/jutsus to make them more effective and ELO system based partly on this experience, missions performed and fights won. @Vreg seems to be a reasonable person so I think he will be able to balance out fun and logic in this ranking system, my way is just one way of doing that imo.
Maybe i get the wrong ideea of the ello,but far as i know ELO is a universal word on MOBA games and it measure ur MMR.It means no skill/moves/decisions measuring ,just ur  outcame battle.Lose or win.And what i wanted to say is that ELO system ( Ranked also) should be just a competitional system that have no contact with the exams and actually basic gameplay.It means i can be a jounin even with my ELO being low.That's how we avoid making game a deathmatching situation-witch is kinda not likeable with a perma-death-zones' . I think i gave a pretty good example on this post:
And even if shinobi's killing each other,they shouldn't be waited in the woods ,enjoying nature and the awsome graphics, by a bunch of genins trying to get the chunnin grade.
. Hope u understood me,if not,ask again.Il try to be even more explicit.

@Manuster: Thank u for commenting bro and not getting my tone too agresive.NinjaMirage explained pretty well what i meant..

Thanks anyone for posting.Negative or positive.As i said on first post,share ur opinion being with or against my suggestion,but do it with arguments.Maybe Vreg and the devs may extract some good stuffs outta this topic if we keep it well-argumented.Keep talking :v

30 would be so much of waste potential.So much great and amazing ideeas about growing up on rank(gen,chu) wasted on a so simple kill-for system?but why?why would you make a deatchmatch situation all game?Im really sad that i read we are a minority on this.This is just so much ideas about it and ..and close it with a so shity and simple thing..Why would waste so much potential of the game ?!

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