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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - NinjaMirage

Pages: 1 ... 95 96 [97] 98 99
Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Puppets & What not
« on: December 19, 2015, 16:11:41 »
I personally believe you may use him when you're noticed in a fight, but if the enemy doesn't notice you, you'd most likely stay hidden and play from the shadows, your weakness is close range and that's why you as the puppet user stay away from the fight but your Puppet takes the damage and makes the plays.

EXACTLY you could summon your puppet out in there open like susory or kankuro but they both had puppets that protected them from close range combat  black ant and hankuro if you use puppets like this you need to be able to control more than one or  you need back up to protect you while you fight it all comes down to team work and strategy witch is why ninja work in 3-4 man teams

Games / Re: Corrupted Wish.
« on: December 18, 2015, 22:48:29 »
granted you can never post again

i wish SLO was ready now!!!!!

I think it would be hard to implement a system where you need to balance the right chakra to use techniques, tho it would be realistic


When i say chakra control i don't mean actually balancing the chakra as a in game mechanic

i was thinking of it being just a stat that can be trained like stamina that effects how much chakra is used to activate and maintain a jutsu

chakra control if vital to the ability to even execute jutsu .... its why kakashi can keep up with naruto.... naruto has more chakra but kakshi has far better chakra control

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Jutsu Creation Topic
« on: December 18, 2015, 04:12:09 »
ok so your thinking something akin to nejis paul rotation

first.... i hate that button spamming shit when attacks clash.... if 2 of the same jutsu of the same nature clash the one that is higher  level wins... if there the same level the player with the most chakra control wins... if that is equal the jutsu cancel eachother out... jutsu clash and calibration is planned .... 2nd search for taijutsu and you will see the discussions already available
take some time to search for the topics you think should be added you will find that these guys know what there doing and have a really strong concept for the game.. the mini stun has some merit but if its implemented i have a feeling that it will only happen if there health gets low.

3rd gunz??? having never played it i cant say for sure but from what i have seen in youtube what they are going for here is the exact opposite of gunz

 Hidden snow or hidden metal........

 This will take some thought ....

Games / Re: Corrupted Wish.
« on: December 17, 2015, 23:16:56 »
Granted but you will never have sex again

I wish I had Brus Wayn money!!!!!!!

General Discussion / Re: What do you play outside SLO?
« on: December 17, 2015, 22:24:50 »
Star Wars t.o.r
Yugioh dawn of a new eara
Clash of clans
 And final fantasy 7 on iOS
Lol again

General Discussion / Re: Summoning
« on: December 17, 2015, 22:17:38 »
King Fu!!!! Basically monkey King enma!!!! He was the. Best summon in naruto!!!!

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Puppets & What not
« on: December 17, 2015, 17:47:23 »
The down side to this is your character must fallow the puppet...a shanobi using this jutsu would not be a front line fighter.. And Bing exposed like that would be foolish move!!! this jutsu is designed to be used from the shadows... And let the puppet take the pounding and do the pounding!!!

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Jutsu Creation Topic
« on: December 17, 2015, 00:19:41 »
Jutsu Name:Wind-Style Air Barrier
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description:User creates an air barrier five feet from their body for a period of time, most ninjutsu and taijutsu attacks cannot penetrate; can be used to also protect allies
Jutsu Level: Intermediate
Chakra Nature: Wind
Jutsu Range:Medium
Effects if hit:Ninjutsu and Taijustu attacks are neutalized; kunai, shuriken, etc. thrown at the user are reflected
this seems a little overpowered for something like this to work it should require a lot of chakra to maintain and at least 2 if not 3 people casting it at the same time to be completely impenetrable

General Discussion / Shogi
« on: December 16, 2015, 21:04:15 »
Ok so it doesn't play a huge role in naruto but I was introduced to the game because of naruto and now I love it!!!! If anyone else plays there is a good app for the iPhone called board lounge the down side is there are no universal  symbol  only  Japanese symbols. But if you know how to play you can play others any time...

For those that aren't familiar with the game it is much like chess you have a king you need to protect but in like chess you do not have an all powerful queen instead you have two gold generals and two silver generals  2 Knights 1 bishop 1 rook and 2 lances
And like chess a hole row of pawns the board is 9X9 instead of 8x8
Everything till now is very simpler to chess
The  major difference come with promoted  pieces  And captured pieces

Promoted pieces are as fallows

Pawns to gold
Knights to golds
Lances to gold
Rooks gain 1 space diagonal
Bishops gain rooks 1 space
Silver to gold
And gold to  either rook or bishop i think or maybe they will  not promote
This is kinda like kings in checkers but work moving in or out of the opponent's home rows

I think it's bin a little while since I played and am a little rusty

When you capture a enemy piece on your next turn you can place it in a appropriate spot anywhere on the board you can only have 1 pawn per  column  thus increasing your attack strength and  weakening their defense... Love this about the game and makes for a nearly endless set of strategies
you can not put a pawn on the board to checkmate but you can with any other captured piece

If I got something wrong post here or if you have any questions let me know

Also what do you think about eventually including a mini game of Shogi in the finale game to train spiritual energy and or study exp I forget what's planned for training mind...

Also to train mind there's sudoku.  I just think there should be other ways besides using jutsu!!!

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Re: Combat
« on: December 16, 2015, 16:18:35 »
I think we should revisit this topic now that the version is out and playable... Combat still seems a little problematic all you can really do is run around in a  circle making your hand signs and and when you get close  enough to your opponent hope that it hits. Dose anyone else fell like some times there just foreign off jutsu at some one but only hitting air ??? Or do I just suck :-\

General Discussion / Re: Naruto VS Bleach
« on: December 16, 2015, 04:17:55 »
i think byakuya is faster and his bonkie is ridiculous and unavoidable.... that being said .. he has to big of an ego and thinks he is infallible.... this will lead to kakashis victory!! kakashy never lets his guard down for a instant and is a master at the substitution and shadow clone justu he will use these till byakuya lets down his guard and then finish him with a chidori to the heart

General Discussion / Re: Summoning
« on: December 16, 2015, 04:03:08 »
mamita i am thinking more like DUNE style worms lol scatter shot bolders at my enamys and big enough to swallow them hole... also dig taps for me

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