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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Messages - NinjaMirage

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Shinobi Life Online Character / Star Shizen
« on: January 02, 2016, 05:13:51 »

Name: Real name Unknown goes by Star Shizen
Weight:105 lbs
Hairstyle:short long bangs
Facial hair:none
Hair color:red
Eye color:green
Blood type:c+
Primary chakra nature:water
Hidden Village:hidden forest
Good or evil at heart?:good

Description of the character's personality:good sense of humor, but stoic most of the time,takes herself to seriously most of the time.not quick tempered but explosive and out of control  when she is angry(you would not like her when she is angry)

Description of the character's history:thought to be the last descendant of the Shizen clan she is obsessed with returning  her clan to its former might. her parents abandoned her to save her from the raid on the clan...the Shizen have a unusual blood type that is not from this world and has the ability to bond with metals. if a blade absorbs all the blood it will be bestowed with that clan members chakra nature. stars entire clan was hunted to near extinction because of this ability. The only keep sake she has from her parents is a Wrist Cleaver that belonged to her mother.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Kekkei Genkai ideas
« on: January 01, 2016, 23:15:39 »
well back to kekkei genkai ideas

we got kinda off topic

Kekkei Genkai Name:Lycan style

Kekkei Genkai Description:you take on wolf like characteristics.

Kekkei Genkai Effects:stamina smell and endurance are all increased by gradual amounts at the start and greatly at higher ranks

Kekkei Genkai Rank:D-A

Would it have different paths and skill sets?:(D-S)
D= tree skill stamina, smell and endurance modifiers

C=tree skill sniff out chakra(sensory ability)

B=tree skill enables wolf pac summons

A=(scroll needed) learn lycan style taijutsu
         "                 learn lycan style ninjutsu
          "                learn lycan style genjutsu

Would it have Jutsu?

ok to start with is wolf pac summons you received this after defeating 5 or 50 wolves in battle what ever seems more real?
the summons works like a long range ninjutsu that summons 5  wolves that track the target-
upon contact the jutsu resolves and wolves disappear

only one lycan style scroll can be learned
taijutsu scroll = a unique taijutsu combo that  drains chakra only (no physical damage)
ninjutsu scroll= a combination wind and earth style ninjutsu in the shape of a wolf
genjutsu scroll= a howling genjutsu, audible effect puts fear in your enemy causing temporary paralysis- anyone in earshot is effected but only effective at mid-short range.  and there is no target for this effect

meaning friendlies are effected as well  was thinking of a good halloween kekkei genkai
sense there going to happen at random and mutations were mentioned in the FAQ

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Using Different Chakra Natures
« on: January 01, 2016, 19:12:36 »
your forgetting the faq the player can decide to kill you or not and if you have a  medical ninja with you he/she can render first aid to prevent that(i would imagine, i didn't see anything like that in the FAQ but it would make sense)then a tactical retreat to the nearest village for the hole squad would happen. this would count as a defeat for everyone in the squad but you would stay alive. i guess i never really explained my ideas well for the benefits of teamwork. but it would all work out and the game would really be more fun for everyone. if a new player could kill someone who was more experienced if they were caught off guard in the right circumstances.

and if you have trained and played for 7 months and don't know that a team increases your chances of survival then id say your not that experienced. just lucky
personally i would not be running around without a substitution jutsu active and even a counter stacked on top of the jutsu

as for fire healing that obviously makes no sense... but it would disrupt the chemical bonds of the poison in your system making the poison non toxic and since its your own chakra the heat that it generates to your organs would be mild... you would take a little damage but its better then dying of poison. this was just an example of a way chakra natures can be used in other none obvious ways... not to suggest that it be put in the game.

sorry for continually editing this post i just what to be as clear about my ideas as i can
and i am not very good at text communication.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Using Different Chakra Natures
« on: January 01, 2016, 15:43:57 »
ok so i HAVE read all the FAQs and do understand the object of this game and am super excited about it...there is one thing that everyone seems to be forgetting if you are trying to be real at all
not everyone is a shinobi, this is why every time that the hidden leaf was attacked that they evacuate everyone with out the ability to control chakra to a secure location.

when a academy student first learns to control chakra the first thing they learn is how to use it for
defence... clone jutsu and substitution jutsu, their ability to attack is limited to shuriken and kunai
jutsu and taijutsu with the substitution jutsu mastered any attack is basically reduced to 0 damage anyway this is why i think kunai can be just as powerful as ninjutsu. this is as real as i expect the game to be which is why i am so excited about this game because most of this is worry, from what i have read from everyones elses posts, is that its going to turn into a game of ninjutsu were the only thing that can kill you is a giant cloud of clashing chakra on the battlefield in a deathmatch or in-game. i think people are thinking this way because all anyone can use right now is ninjutsu and it's getting people kinda thinking one way

ninjutsu should be used the way the ino-sika-cho formation is used as a combination attack
that would guarantee victory over any number of opponents for this it takes team work so @Shivraj YES again

and to make teamwork advisable it should be real. if you go out alone and you are attacked because you got to close to a shinobi hidden with ill better be prepared to die even if its a kunai that kills you.... this is what a shinobi's life or otherwize.

i personally plan on being a medical ninja and don't expect to know much ninjutsu besides substitution and maybe some other defencive and evasion or stealth ninjutsu
this would make me nearly useless in a fight except for a little taijutsu and setting traps. but would make me indispensable as part of a squad.

well that certainly was not the intent please don't... suicide is not the answer
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General Discussion / Re: Happy new year!!!!
« on: January 01, 2016, 06:18:40 »
its only 10:00 pm my time but sure happy new year

"also i thought chakra = stamina" just reiterating "thought"
More like chakra = physical (stamina) energy + spiritual energy. You could say stamina is chakra, because without stamina there can be no chakra, but chakra is not stamina as it's made up of both physical (stamina) energy and spiritual energy.

Simple illustration:


and to clarify chakra is the by-product of a ninjas ability(control) to mix physical(stamina)energy with spiritual energy. this same control allows a ninja to use the chakra in different ways.

chakra dose not always exist in a person. only when physical energies and spiritual energies are mixed dose chakra exist. the amount of chakra a shinobi can use is based on 3 things
                  physical energies
                 spiritual energies
              & there ability to control the mix

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Using Different Chakra Natures
« on: January 01, 2016, 05:25:09 »
this kinda go's back to the reason why i made that importance of teamwork topic..
if everyone can do everything well, then there is no reason to go on missions with other players or stay with a village or clan at all. there are very few characters in the naruto universe that ever used more than 3 natures and the ones that did used other techniques to allow them to do so.

i agree with lollernoob.... chakra natures have no strengths or weaknesses in regards to the way they are used.. fire may seem like a only offensive nature but what if you used in on you inner chakra network to burn away poisons in your system... natures are only as strong or as week as the shinobi that wield them.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Kekkei Genkai ideas
« on: January 01, 2016, 02:21:12 »
there are numerous ways of getting around this kind of ability either traps
genjutsu, ninja tools, bombs taijutsu

But would you really expect to kill a strong and experienced player who played for a lot of months,with a little kunai?
A kunai is a nice supporting weapon,you can throw it,make traps with it,distract your enemy or just test his reflexes.

YES!! I would expect to kill some one with a kunai if i hit there heart, jugular, liver, or eye socket
and even  genien are trained to target these!!!

think naruto's fight with zabuza if a kunai was no threat to a high class ninja he would have just let it hit him

and why is a earth style ninjutsu that makes physical attacks ineffective ok and one that makes ninjutsu ineffective not???

from a roleplaying standpoint it would be fine because whichever clan(the character lineage) you choose first will just accept you as a clan member and fill in your memory about your past with the clan.

 the downside to this is that it would put all clans(the character lineage) under gm control.

 im not sure of a way to make clans(people that play the game together) and clans(the individual character lineage) work together? except to call^this clan an organization??

but this idea kinda clashes with whats planed so it may be a moot point. This is from the FAQ!

What are the chances of getting a Kekkei Genkai?
Extremely low. During character creation a special algorithm will be used to randomly grant some players a Kekkei Genkai and/or select a couple of players and give them a genetic mutation that results in a special power. These people will also be given the opportunity to pass on their special power to new players and progressively build a clan consisting of people with that special power. The ones getting a special power from someone else in this manner can call it a Kekkei Genkai (a technique limited to inheritance by blood). And in the same way the people that inherited their power from someone else will be given the opportunity to pass that power on to new players. This will result in some truly exclusive clans that have a Kekkei Genkai circulating.

once kekkei genkai are in the game can you chose one at character creation putting you in that clan and if you do dose this effect the algorithm chances of getting new kekkei genkai?

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Kekkei Genkai ideas
« on: December 30, 2015, 22:08:47 »
i don't see the problem... there are numerous ways of getting around this kind of ability either traps
genjutsu, ninja tools, bombs taijutsu, the only thing it makes ineffective is ninjutsu, and a high anuph ninjutsu or 2 or more ninjitsu attacks will still work as you can only absorb 1 chakra nature at a time... but if you think a cooldown would make it more fair then that's fine with me!!!!

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Kekkei Genkai ideas
« on: December 30, 2015, 19:21:01 »
it only works if your chakra reserves are low, once full it stops. If that happens mid jutsu it will connect and you will take damage say from the flame jutsu all ready in game... the other thing is its week against genjutsu if you are c.c. then taijutsu can finish you... i wanted to put this up there because i think it would help people think of other ways to counter such a ability

Since genjutsu itself,doesn't cause any damage,and ninjutsus would be absorbed,you would be only vulnerable to taijutsu.

But if your opponent isnt skilled in taijutsu at all,the fight is pretty much over.
You would just have to spam very strong jutsus that consume a large ammount of chakra,so that you are always out of charka and able to absorb your enemies ninjutsu,s.

true but abilities such as these make people train  in more then ninjutsu.
even if there only basicly skilled at taijutsu if your opponent can't move because you have trained good genjutsu then a basic taijutsu is all you will need

this kind of ability is not without precedent either several naruto characters used abilities like this pain and kesama for starters

i like this idea!!!!!!! With a game like this one were its up to you to decide how you want to play, I think it would make sense for you to spawn in the village that you choose at character creation but spawn as though that village found you with amnesia and brought you to there village... this would allow for you to choose a clan and get the chakra natures you want to play but with out being tied to that village.
 if you want to be part of that village you can still find your clan but swear an oath to the village.. once this happens and you brake that oath in any way you become rogue. this way both you and your character are trying to find there place in this shinobi world.
 By meeting and fighting people on missions for your start village you can start to find out what kinds of kekkei genkai are in game and decide if any or non of them fit your style of game play when you decide on one you have to travel to  the  clans origins, this makes it easy on the developers to add what ever patch to the players character at that time to add tree abilities and stat up or down effects based on clan kekkei genkai. like you said @Kayleb at this point you can start training with your clan.

the question i have is if you inherit the villages legacy will you be able to learn a clan's kekkei genkai ?

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Re: Jutsu Creation Topic
« on: December 30, 2015, 18:11:58 »
Jutsu Name:heavenly regeneration
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: self healing ninjutsu
Jutsu Level: beginner to master(basted on chakra control)
Chakra Nature:none
Jutsu Range:short
Effects if hit:jutsu cast on ones self transforms chakra into health.
the effectiveness is as follows:
                 chakra used         health gained
beginner-=     10                             1
novice   =       5                               1
intermediate=  1                               1
expert=           1                               5
master =         1                               10

jutsu Name:healing wind
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description:wide area( AOE) medical ninjutsu
Jutsu Level: beginner to master based on level of bass jutsus
Chakra Nature:wind and water nature release(optional Kekkei genkai but was thinking more like a calibration jutsu requireing 2 medical shinobi)
Jutsu Range:mid
Effects if hit:any wound begins to clot and close at varying rates depending on level of mastery stops any tic- damage and recovers a little to a lot of health

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Re: Kekkei Genkai ideas
« on: December 30, 2015, 17:34:24 »
it only works if your chakra reserves are low, once full it stops. If that happens mid jutsu it will connect and you will take damage say from the flame jutsu all ready in game... the other thing is its week against genjutsu if you are c.c. then taijutsu can finish you... i wanted to put this up there because i think it would help people think of other ways to counter such a ability

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