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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Topics - raretblue2

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He leaned against the large boulder and held his right arm tightly, his ninja headband placed just above the waist where his scarf is has the Hidden Shockwave's village insignia on it. The Dense forest keeps him well hidden but they'll easily find him, the tracking ninja on their team is nothing to sneeze at. and one of the enemies had some sort of numbing toxin in their weapons. His arm could barely move by itself after getting hit from one of her needles, and the sensation was slowly moving up to his shoulder. If the battle draws out too long he might not be able to report back the information he gathered and he'll drop like a stone, easy pickings for the three shinobi after him right now.

"Come on Wraith, you've been through much worse, you've gotten out of impossible situations before and this is not an impossible situation. You just have to pull off your plan." He keeps his composure and goes to push up his glasses with his good arm but merely touches the bridge of his nose. That's right...he lost them during the chase...luckily his glasses weren't actual glasses. The spectacles he wore simply had a small mirror on the side of each lenses to allow him to see an attack from behind, and If it weren't for that fact he might have been already dead.

With a sigh he pulls out a long line of wire from his ninja tool bag. His plan is already in action but they won't leave him alone for too much longer, after all this is just a hunt to them, and he's the prey. "They should know never to back a rat into a corner..." Wraith says quietly to himself before snapping the wire with his teeth.

Nearly a minute has passed before three ninja appear on the branch of some nearby trees very well hidden from the boulder Wraith is hiding behind, each with the symbol of the Hidden Hills on their ninja headbands. The first one is rather large and covered with muscle. His brown hair formed like a mohawk, eyebrows as thin as paper. "Are you sure he went this way? Your eyes might need to be checked Kishee..." The man says with a hint of playfulness.

Another much slimmer male covered mostly by robes and a hood simply glances at the boulder. "My eyes are perfectly fine. Perhaps you should be silent for a moment. The enemy probably doesn't know we're here yet." His eyes are very hard to see through his sunglasses. Whatever clan he's from must have some sort of eye prowess.

Then the last member was a woman with short black hair. Her face was wrapped up in bandages covering up the left half of her face. She looks fairly angry to. "I'll get that brat for what he did to my beautiful face...Silence Homru! Kishee! where is the enemy? I'll make sure my darts hit more than just his arm this time..."

Kishee keeps his eyes on the large boulder. "He's hiding behind the giant rock Namui...i suggest a pincer attack. He may have lost feeling in his right arm but he could still fight back..."

Namui doesn't even allow Kishee to finish his sentence and jumps down to the ground below. The moment her feet touch the ground she runs at full speed towards the boulder, kunai in one hand, and small needles in the other. Her team follows close behind but then side step in opposite directions so that they could react to anything Wraith might do once Namui jumps him.

Wraith could feel her getting close and placed his left foot against the boulder. He positions himself so that when he pushes against the boulder he would jump backwards, as well as loosened the shoe on his right foot so that it could slip off at any point.

Namui jumps over the boulder and grins with a murderous look in her eye. She readies her needles and has her kunai just below her chest in case he tried to throw any projectiles. This was the moment Wraith had been waiting for, if he makes even one small mistake it could spell the end for him.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / jinchuuriki
« on: January 27, 2016, 14:19:31 »
I don't know how this game will really work until i see more. I just had this thought though, if you do want to add jinchuuriki as a possible thing i had a few ideas for it. Basically since there are only 9 tailed beasts and not everyone can have a tailed beast we could make them special event bosses that appear on the field. Then make special jutsu tailored to sealing them that you can't just learn.

Maybe a special mission for high ranking shinobi is needed to find the scroll that has this high level sealing jutsu. (make this a random encounter or something, give this mission a really low chance of appearing) the sealing jutsu needs to be A ranked or higher to seal a tailed beast. any sealing jutsu's that are low ranked that you could have gotten from either your clan or from getting a normal ninja scroll can be used to seal the beast in someone if like 8 people are doing the same jutsu towards the same person.

So this would work in an rp form as well, get each major village a way to choose who their next jinchuuriki is then attempt to seal it into them. Also the beast they need to seal has to be at a certain low health. That makes it even more of a challenge so not just any group of ninjas can get a jinchuuriki for themselves.

Then the gameplay for jinchuuriki would be the same for a normal ninja except maybe add a special button where you can tap into your respective power. when they use it they get an extra bar of unused chakra or something. when they overuse it then the creature can end up taking control and make your character go out of control. the longer you use the power the harder it is to do what you want until the AI starts doing whatever it wants. at some point it could be impossible for you to turn yourself back to normal so someone would have to get you down to a certain health before your form reverts and you're unable to move for a few minutes or something.

You can rank jinchuuriki mode doing special missions or finding special items throughout the world or something. If a jinchuuriki dies then they lose their beast. If you want you can maybe give a certain amount of death counts before they lose it if you want to give them a chance to keep their powers for awhile.

You could also make a system for death when if you get defeated your in paralyzed state and if they choose to they can leave you there and let you live, kidnap you, or even kill you right there causing you to lose beast. That also reminds me of another idea i had about something i like to call the Will of Fire system. basically if your character dies then you can become a new character.

(basically you would make a new character but you get to keep all your jutsu you have obtained, they would just be slightly lower ranks. This new character would be considered as your old characters student. Just a funny little idea i had a long time ago. It works well to, cause if your character dies there could be a cutscene where your new made character looks up at the sky and somehow senses your master's death and later gets a quest to go to his memorial or something, then you get a message from a bird with his stuff (your stuff) that he wanted you to have.)

Anyway off topic. The jinchuuriki would be a cool thing to add in the game if you wanted to give players even more things to add to the diversity of their character. since all mmo's have this limiting thing where everyone knows everyone's skills. This could be one of the very few games that we can make all kinds of numerous that not one person has the same skill set as someone else, so like new jutsu regularly updated and ways to get them that aren't just boring talk to npc quests! so let's really get into the details and add stuff like this so we can all have something different that nobody else has :D

Introduction / Wassup peoplez!
« on: February 08, 2014, 03:39:57 »
Name: Shawndrae Norwood
Ethnicity: African American
Living in: Oregon, Portland

Born: Dec, 1st, 1994

Hobbies:i'm a big gamer, i play a lot of videogames and watch a lot of anime. I hang out with my friends to make movies a lot also. I am a very good story writer and am writing a couple stories at the moment.

Goals in life:Becoming the owner of a gaming company that's even greater than Sony and Microsoft. Maing the most immersive and customizable MMO in the world. Becoming rich so i can help everyone in my life who couldn't do so themselves and so i can support a future family. To create my  own Bat cave but in the form of a gamers paradise for any kind of gameplay xD

Languages: English

Languages to learn: Japanese

Computer languages to learn: idk yet

Education: Highschool Diploma

Shinobi Life Online Character / Wraith Dendō- Super genius
« on: February 08, 2014, 03:13:32 »
Name:Wraith Dendō


Primary chakra nature: Earth

Secondary chakra nature: Wind

Village: Shogekihagakure

Clan: (None Yet)

Organization: Vongola

Strengths: Very intelligent, Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, Perceptive, Quick Witted, Calm, Hit-and-Run Tactics

Weakness: Loses track of time, Gets a little showy if he thinks he's going to win, Selfish, At current moment he has little experience fighting 1vs1.

Good or evil at heart?: "I am good, but my comrades don't seem to trust my resolve...*pushes up glasses*

Ninja Rank: Recently became Jounin class.

Description of the character's personality: Cheerful yet calm. Doesn't get easily bothered. He is very smart and knows it. He doesn't brag about it because he likes to keep his genius to his self. When in battle he becomes a completely different person than when he is social. When he's fighting he has an almost sadistic nature to himself and likes to play with his target if they aren't on a time sensitive mission. 

Description of the character's history: Born and raised in the Shogekihagakure. He's been known to be one of the smartest in his class and passed with high marks. He tries to use his intelligence for good but likes to cause more harm than good by being very mischievous. He's also really good at playing the part of victim so he rarely gets caught. 

He became a ninja in hopes to learn to discipline himself and to earn reputation in his village. He might even be trying to get high up in the ranks of ninja so he has more freedom and power to abuse that freedom.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Senju Mode?
« on: February 07, 2014, 11:59:13 »
so will there be a possible Sage mode for players in the future? if so yall should make the sage modes looks different based on the type of animal you summon...if you plan to do summons of course. Sort of like a menu of different animals and you can choose wich summon is your main summon even if you use other summons, so if main is frog then you get the eyes, rank up the transformation and you look more and more human when using the Sage mode, choose dog then maybe you get thier ears and nose and a tail or something, snake could be similar to Kabuto xD

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Weapons and Tailed beasts
« on: February 07, 2014, 11:35:04 »
i'm thinking you guys should(if you havent put it into action already) make the classes similar to how DC Universe does it. basically with each weapon chosen their element is used in a different way and their attack style is different because of it. But they should all still have a base of long ranged for one button and close range for the other.

so after you choose nature you can choose your base weapon and if you feel like chanign it you can? and have some weapon mastery's for each type. so basic kunai, sword, any of the seven swordsman swords if you guys plan to add those weapons as an event weapon or something. fist type weapons for stronger taijutsu, bow and arrow, and dual swords. Maybe weaponless where you just use your basic fists.

(off topic) also question, what are you going to do about the tailed beasts? if this is an alternate universe will all the tailed beasts still be in the statue or will all the previous jinchuriki be alive? or do you plan on making them out in the open and attackable as special field bosses? you could also do something like i had thought up for if i ever planned to make a one piece mmo. basically when someone gets a devil fruit power it disappears from the game as a getable item until the player dies from fighting another player. then when they are revived they lost their fruit. so even with the limited fruit everyone has a chance. you can do something like that for the tailed beasts :D

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