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Manga / Gaiden (Spoilers)
« on: July 03, 2015, 00:28:58 »
Anyone been reading the Naruto Gaiden? What are your thoughts on it?

General Discussion / SLO Minecraft Realm
« on: January 15, 2015, 21:16:47 »
What's up, fuckers.

Here's the deal, I just bought a fucking Minecraft realm and named it SLO. Post your names below and I'll invite you to play, we'll just build shit and have a good time.

1. There are no rules.
2. Don't be a dick.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Hikawa Saita (new)
« on: December 16, 2014, 15:27:38 »
Name: Hikawa Saita
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 179cm
Weight: 140lbs
Hairstyle: See picture
Facial hair: None
Hair color: Teal
Eye color: Black
Blood type: A+
Primary chakra nature: Wind
Village: Hidden Ash
Clan: Saita
Good or evil at heart?: Unknown

Description of the character's personality:

Hikawa strives to be powerful, but not to the point where he ignores his flaws; Hikawa knows he isn't the easiest to get a long with. He is a perfectionist, he doesn't believe in rushing anything, to him anything worth doing is worth doing right. His comrades would describe him as quite impatient, he hates waiting around and he hates people being late even more. When not in combat Hikawa is pretty laid back (although his guard is always up) In combat, he shifts from this to a more confident ninja who appears not to be frightened by anything.

His personality also changes depending on which members of Yugure he is around; When he is around Greed he is very impatient, Greed is an annoyance to him, he isn't serious enough. Pride, Sloth and Envy are most like him (although Sloth's laziness annoys Hikawa to no end) Hikawa doesn't really have an opinion on Gluttony or Lust, he simply lets them get on with their affairs.

Description of the character's history:

Hikawa was born into an average family in the Hidden Ash Village. His father, Mitsunari Saita, was a Jounin-level ninja who worked as part of the Kage's personal guard. He never knew his mother, she left his father shortly after Hikawa was born because Mitsunari became a drunk. After sobering himself up, Mitsunari became a respected ninja in the Hidden Ash. When working for the Kage, Mitsunari saw all sorts of atrocities, children barely old enough to hold a kunai being sent to war as fodder, unskilled ninja being promoted just so they could make up for dwindling numbers.

Mitsunari, a man with great morals, had had enough. He couldn't sit idly and let the Kage get away with these crimes, and so he rallied together some of the Saita clan and other clans who had had enough and attempted a Coup against the Kage and village in general. Mitsunari personally led the ninja to battle, but they failed miserably; those still loyal to the Kage were many and overwhelmed Mitsunari and his comrades. Hikawa, 13 at the time, discovered his father's badly injured body outside of the village. Mitsunari, with his last breath, made Hikawa promise that he would seek a way to destroy the shinobi village systems; Mitsunari believed the system of villages were corrupt and that they only suited the upper-classes. Hikawa made this promise and, together with the surviving band, left the village to seek like minded people.

Days became weeks, weeks became months. His band of 'loyal' followers left one-by-one, whether due to hunger or boredom. Hikawa was alone. He wandered the countryside aimlessly, he would not let his promise to his father be broken, yet it seemed impossible. One day while travelling, Hikawa came across two men who referred to themselves as Greed and Pride. Hikawa realised they both shared the same ideals, the same dogma; they too wanted to rid the world of the corrupt village system. From the day he met them he became known as Wrath of the Yugure, because of the rage and resentment he had built up for his village and all other villages.

Since then Yugure have reigned silently over the land, guiding Katakiuchi from the shadows, slowly but surely ridding the world of the shinobi village system and liberating ninja across the land.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Freeze Tag Rankings
« on: December 12, 2014, 22:41:12 »
The champ (KrisoBG, also known as Batt Slayer) needs to be challenged. Who, in your opinion, is the number 1 seed in Freeze Tag?

Vote away!


Naruto Manga / Naruto 701 Predictions
« on: November 09, 2014, 22:54:50 »
Oh wait...

Naruto Manga / Naruto 699-700
« on: November 06, 2014, 13:47:24 »
Well guys, it's finally finished.

And I came to a sudden realisation as I was reading 700, an epiphany...


Final score: Devil Red Assassins 4 - The Motherfuckers 12

Naruto Manga / Naruto Chapter 695
« on: October 06, 2014, 18:14:29 »
I know it hasn't came out yet but I needed to put a title that wouldn't be a spoiler.

According to the Asahi Shimbun, the last entry in the long-running Naruto series will appear in the Weekly Shonen Jump that goes on sale November 10 in Japan. Naruto debuted in Weekly Shonen Jump in 1999 and has become one of Japan's most iconic manga.

So it looks like that's a wrap guys, 5 more chapters? Can Sasuke and Naruto really fight in that amount of time?

Games / Five Facts About Yourself
« on: September 16, 2014, 21:51:23 »
Lets all post five weird/interesting/boring facts about ourselves that people might not know, y'know, to get to know each other a little better:

  • My favorite band is The Smashing Pumpkins
  • I have a bottle cap collection (inspired by Fallout) I currently have over 800.
  • I have four pets, a Dog, a Corn Snake and two Musk Turtles
  • I was born on a Leap Year (29th of February), a date that only exists every 4 years.
  • The sound of a vacuum cleaner relaxes me, I used to have trouble sleeping and listening to an .mp3 of the noise helped me fall asleep.

General Discussion / Cooking with Indigo Lesson 2: Healthy 'Pizza'
« on: September 10, 2014, 14:41:11 »
Pizza is awesome, right? But it isn't exactly the healthiest of food. Here's my recipe for a healthy (ish) pizza with a mock pizza base.

Chicken and Chorizo Pizza

You will need:
  • Chicken breast
  • Tomato puree
  • Red Pepper/Bell Pepper
  • Low-fat cheese
  • A courgette/Zucchini
  • Chopped garlic (I used pre-chopped because I'm a lazy fuck
  • Chorizo (you can use fresh but I just used pre-sliced to save time)
  • Pesto
  • Chapati (Indian tortillas, you can use tortilla's too)


Assemble your ingredients. You can pretty much swap out all of the ingredients to add your own toppings but I like chicken and chorizo.


Cut your chicken up into small pieces and place in a bowl, add a spoon full of chopped garlic and season with salt and pepper. Mix that shit round in the bowl to make sure all of the chicken gets coated.


Chop your courgette/zucchini and red pepper and place in a bowl together, put this to the side for now.


Squirt some tomato puree in a bowl and add a small spoon of pesto to it, mix that shit up in a bowl. This will be your tomato base.


Spoon the mixture out onto your chipati/tortilla, try to spread it evenly (better than I did)


Add some low calorie spray (or oil, whatever) to a frying pan and start frying that chicken up. Season it some more at this point if you want to.


Cut the chicken smaller while its cooking so it cooks faster and so you can more evenly distribute it on the pizza, unless you like big chunks.


Add the courgette/zucchini and peppers to the pan when you think the chicken is nearly done, keep them in there for like a minute just to get a good char on them.


Shred the chorizo and add some of the cheese to the pizza bases. Put the bases on a baking tray, I used a pizza tray but you can just use a regular one.


Add the now (hopefully) finished chicken and vegetables to the pizza bases, try and even out the toppings.


Put that shit in the oven on 200 degrees (like 400 Fahrenheit?) for around 5-8 minutes, just so the tortilla goes a little crispy and the cheese melts. 


Cut it into slices and eat that shit.


General Discussion / Cooking with Indigo Lesson 1: Instant Noodles
« on: September 09, 2014, 19:33:12 »
Welcome to cooking with Indigo.

Instant Noodles are the shit, whether you're a student on a budget who needs something to keep them going or are just too lazy to make real food, Instant Noodles = a decent substitute for real noodles.

What you will need:
  • Instant Noodles (duh)
  • A pan
  • A hob
  • Water

Optional Extras:
  • Pepper
  • Wrap/Tortilla
  • Butter


Get yourselves some motherfucking Instant Noodles, I'm using the 'Super Noodles' brand here in England. I don't know if that's available outside England but they're the shit. I opted for the 'Chinese Chow Mein' flavor because fuck you, that's why.


Break that shit up and put it in a pan.


Boil some water in the kettle and pour that shit all over those glorious dried noodles.


Put that shit on the hob and add flavor packet. STIR. THAT. SHIT.


MEANWHILE. Grab yourself a wrap (or tortilla whatever the fuck you call it) and butter that shit up good.


When the noodles are done strain that shit over the sink to get rid of excess noodle juice and then slap those noodles down on your plate.


Slap the wrap down on the plate and add a tonne of pepper. There. That's it. Enjoy.

No fancy shit, just fucking noodles.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Hikawa Saita
« on: August 10, 2014, 13:18:07 »

Name: Hikawa Saita
Katakiuchi Codename: Wrath
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Height: 178cm
Weight: 145lbs
Hairstyle: See picture below
Facial hair: None
Hair color: Teal
Eye color: Black
Blood type: AB-
Primary chakra nature: Wind
Village: Hidden Ash
Clan: Saita
Good or evil at heart?: Good but considered evil because of his ideals.

Status: Yugure Member (Wrath)

Description of the character's personality:

Hikawa has been described as a very intense man, when he wants something done he does not stop until that goal is achieved. He has lost a lot of friend because of this fiery intensity, the truth is he hates being beaten. The goals drilled in to him by his father are his main priority, to the point where it seems nothing at all matters but the complete and utter destruction of the shinobi village system.

Description of the character's history:

 Hikawa was born in the Hidden Ash village where he spent the early years of his life, his father was a respected shinobi and bodyguard to the Kage. Hikawa was an average shinobi during his tenure in the Hidden Ash Academy, there were both stronger and weaker ninja than him. When he was promoted to Chuunin at the age of 11 he was teamed up with Hayate Ishida and Mitsuhide Kotani. Whilst on their first independent mission, Mitsuhide was badly injured by a Hidden Thunder Shinobi, Hayate and Hikawa had to act quickly to save him. Hayate was a skilled medical ninja so he tended to Mitsuhide's wounds but they were ambushed by the rest of the Hidden Thunder Shinobi. Hikawa's eye was clipped with a shuriken which gave him the linear scar that runs through his left eye.

Hayate and Hikawa were overwhelmed and were captured; they were held as prisoners of war by the Hidden Thunder. Hikawa's father, Mitsunari Saita, was sent as a messenger to sue for peace with the Hidden Thunder. They were eventually released and Mitsunari returned home with Hikawa and Hayate.

This was the last straw for Mitsunari.

His father saw all sorts of atrocities being committed by the Kage and those around him, ninja being promoted to Chuunin when they didn't deserve it just so they could be sent to war as fodder, weak shinobi being outcast from the village and forced to fend for themselves. Mitsunari learned that Hikawa's squad should never have been sent on the mission that lead to Mitsuhide's death. He had seen enough, Mitsunari got the entire Saita clan to attempt a Coup against the Hidden Ash Kage, but they failed miserably. Over half of the clan were slaughtered and those who managed to escape with their life we badly injured.

Hikawa's Father was critically injured but before he died he made Hikawa promise that he would not return to any village, that he would seek out like-minded people and rise against the corrupt village system. After his Father's death, Hikawa's personality seemed to change. He shifted from the quiet, average introvert to a more confident and ruthless ninja. His philosophy was that the ninja world is too dangerous for one to be quiet, one must stand out from the crowd and spark a revolution.

Hikawa quickly went off the rails, he became a missing-nin and was wanted throughout the world for being part of the clan that attempted to overthrow the Hidden Ash Kage. At first he traveled with a band of loyal followers, but one by one they either were killed or abandoned him. Left alone, he wandered the countryside aimlessly looking for a way to put his father's plans into motion. It is then that he met six others, all from different villages, that thought like he did. The six he met shared the same ideals as him. They founded an organization known as 'Katakiuchu' and declared themselves the joint leaders. Hikawa, along with the other six members, vowed to bring an end to the corrupt village system that had seen so many of their brothers and sisters killed.

And so Katakiuchi was born.

Under the codename Wrath, he joined the elite shinobi of the Yugure, the leaders of Katakiuchi who take there names from the Seven Deadly Sins. The seven Yugure paved the way for a new world to be created, a world where Shinobi were not sent to war, a world where the corrupt village system was abolished.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Katakiuchi
« on: August 09, 2014, 17:18:24 »

    We all know the village system is corrupt, right?

    How many brothers and sisters have been sent off to war to fight for the greed of a Kage. I've had enough, the ninja system is a joke and everyone involved in it is an even bigger joke. Katakiuchi means to kill for revenge, and that's exactly what this organisation is all about; to kill those who have wronged. Not just those who have wronged us personally, but those who have wronged the Earth. Each member of the corrupt village systems is guilty of committing a disgusting crime, they cling to their villages like ants in a colony, they don't think for themselves, the opinions they expressed are shoved down their throats by the Kage.

    Our goal? It's simple.

    We wish to eradicate the shinobi village system, we wish to unite all throughout the land under a banner of equality and peace. You may think it's hypocritical for me to be saying how corrupt a system is that has someone at the top and someone at the bottom, but we need someone to jump-start the revolution, and I believe I am fit to be that person.

  • Katakiuchi has no true leader, we are a democracy, everything we do will be done after a vote.
  • A new 'leader' will be announced every month, this 'leader' shall oversee things as they see fit.
  • A member of Katakiuchi is a member for life, you will be scarred upon joining, constantly reminding you of your roots

We are not referred to by name whilst active, you will be assigned a codename as well as a number.

Active Members:

  • ZetsuusteZ
  • m4r1us
  • Xendrus
  • Kusanagi
  • AugustRed
  • Awesometheory
  • SPC
  • Kabuto
  • urmadon1


You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.

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