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Topics - SyntaxError73

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3D Modeling / My new 3d Thread!
« on: January 04, 2016, 16:11:23 »
Since I shouldn't revive the (very) old thread, I decided to show off my newer works!

and sorry, Dragon Heart is dead now.

Here's a little something I made for the Sims 4! the easiest game for me to mod so far...

Note: It's the pink seahorse.

This seahorse microphone has 3 different colors in the game :P

I'll update as much as possible.

Introduction / I'm back everyone!
« on: January 04, 2016, 16:04:23 »
Hey everyone, I am sure you all remember me because I was mentioned in that birthday thread and got an automated email about it.
Well my cat finally decided to jump off my lap for a bit so I can type this up.
Yep. I am 18 now, and I have school tomorrow on the 5th, so I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all of you.

but you probably want to know the reason I came back. Truth is, it was simply because I had a dream about the game last night :P

My dreams are such great reminders.

See you around!

General Discussion / Pets!!!
« on: February 25, 2015, 15:11:31 »
If you have a pet, post it here!
You could even post all of your pets!

I have 3 pets. A cute little black cat named Aku. (In Japanese it means Evil). But contradictory to his name, he is a very sweet boy.
I have another cat named Tiberius. He is named after captain Kirk from Star Trek. We nicknamed him "doodle" because he says that when he sprints like a weirdo. Sometimes Tiberius will randomly fall over so you can pet him.
Lastly, I have a beautiful dog named Nellie. She is a very good dog. Always obeys commands, and loves baths. She is not good at catching things in her mouth though. She is 10 years old now, and has a bad case of hip dysplasia. But she is still a very healthy dog.

I have some photos coming.

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Kandakai clan
« on: February 23, 2015, 20:18:51 »
Clan name: Kandakai (when translated, it means "Shrill")

Clan logo:

Founder: SyntaxError73

Leader: Hikari Kandakai (for now)

Affiliation: The Hidden Shockwave Village

Clan history: The Kandakai clan has been around for quite a while, but is not that well known. It is rumored that the people born into the clan do not cry as babies, instead they shriek. Of course that is not true. This clan is very secluded from the rest of the world, because nobody understands them. Most of the time they pay no attention to anyone but their own, because they are seen as freaks. The Kandakai clan is not made of freaks, rather gifted people who have trained themselves to use other's senses against them, mainly the sense of hearing.

Unique traits: Most clan members have their primary chakra nature as lightning. they have dark hair and eyes, with few exceptions. The people of this clan can get really tall. These people have also developed a taste for really spicy foods.

Strengths: Shurikenjutsu, and ninjutsu. They are also very speedy and have trained themselves to take a hold of speed in every aspect. Many train themselves to whistle so fast and high pitch, that it sends a shockwave out, leaving people in the range of the shockwave disoriented, dizzy, and very nauseous. sometimes skilled clan members can block their senses for a short while.

Weaknesses: Water style ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and people who have sensory disabilities, like deaf people. The clan cannot send lightning through water very well, and are better at ambushing enemies than close combat. They also hate insults, it gets them really riled up and the focus on fighting right is lowered.

Rival clans: None

Allied clans: Hopefully one soon.

Rankings: We like to be thought of as equals within our clan, since we are the bullied ones.

Members: Me (Hikari Kandakai) as current leader. (But she doesn't really think it suits her anymore)
Nomeko has recently joined the clan.


You MAY: go against the leader for only GOOD reasons. EX. "My grandmother is dying". No excuses like "I have to use the bathroom" when you really don't.
You MAY: Have your say on missions, as long as they are constructive.
You May NOT: Leave the area without permission
You May NOT: Use your powers for evil... (or you will be banished)

Music / SyntaxError73's music.
« on: February 22, 2015, 20:33:38 »
I love making music! I can play the keyboard really well!

I use programs to make music as well as playing my keyboard.

Here's a link to some of my music.

If you want, You may remix my music on a website called Wub Machine!

Games / Slap the keyboard!
« on: February 22, 2015, 20:18:33 »
If you don't have a keyboard, just close your eyes and punch random letters into your phone.

The game is really simple, Slap the keyboard (Or type random stuff in the phone), and make up what each letter stands for.

for and example I do this!


then type what each letter says!

Please Allow Everyone Free Hugs.

Get it? Lets see what you can come up with!

General Discussion / Game ideas you wish were real
« on: February 21, 2015, 16:37:56 »
For one, I really like the idea of a Super realistic Mature rated SPORE.
with gorey deaths and blood, and realistic... mating...

but all the creators are still there, just more realistic.  (I forgot, there's a game like this in development called THRIVE.)

also I just had an idea for a game where you control a parasite inside a human body. it would be a 3rd person game, and in order to progress, you have to find the place that kills the person.

Also any ultra realistic 3d third person Dragon mmorpgs. I love dragons, and currently I am making a game like this. I am not sure if I can keep it alive.

Are there any game ideas you have that you wish were already real?

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / How skilled is THIS?
« on: February 21, 2015, 00:43:10 »
I got into a tree in the freeze tag game, and stayed on top!

Post your SLO screenies too?

Drawings / SyntaxError's Art!
« on: February 20, 2015, 19:47:56 »
Most of my art is Mixed Media. the character is usually hand drawn while the background is a real image.

If it's okay to link to my DeviantArt, I will go ahead and do that.

Spoiler: show

Enjoy my art!

Games / Art wars anyone?
« on: February 20, 2015, 19:23:37 »
I know many of you like to draw. I do too! This is why I am hosting an art wars!

This idea comes from my brother, who is also a great artist.

Basically you draw someone or something attacking the previous person's drawing. example would be if I drew a bird. The next person draws a giant toad jumping up to eat the bird, then the person after that draws a guy wait a chainsaw attacking the toad eating the bird!

The scene can be added to also. everyone is allowed to draw ONE landscape item along with characters. but you can only have ONE for the entire round. You may draw as many characters as you want. Only ONE character per turn though.

Each round ends when the page is filled up.

How do you participate?
Right click the image provided and click "Save Image as" save the image and draw your character/creature in the picture. Then post the image in a new reply.

What if there's already a reply?

You right click the most recent image and save that one! you may only draw on the most recent image. this is to cause less confusion.


Here's the first image!! Who is ready to fight the goo ball?

3D Modeling / SyntaxError's Creature models!
« on: February 20, 2015, 04:43:22 »
Note: I only do animals, because they are my favorite..

I have two to show right now.

One is named after me, using my username on another forum.

It's the Starasaurus! and she wants to say HI!


This dinosaur won me a contest!

Here is my monitor lizard! he also comes with animations!

And, If you haven't noticed, The monitor lizard's eyes can move around! He can turn his eyes toward you without moving his head!

The magic of rigging!

I will post more, but it sure is hard work to make a single creature in Blender. Texturing, adding bones, and animating take more time for me than creating a model.

Yep! here's another! This species has a story!

The Plumeback may look like a peaceful herbivore, but that's what they want you to think. This creature mimics herbivorous creatures from the way it runs, to its posture, Until its prey has been spotted. The "stiff" spine flexes to a predatory position; looking flatter and longer, and it runs faster, much like the way a wolf runs. It stomps its prey with its split hooves, then goes in for the kill.

Then it goes back to looking like a dinosaur with a bird face, and it begins to run like a rabbit/horse hybrid once more.

Mind the part where it says where the Plumeback lives. That is the location in my game where the animal spawns.

General Discussion / I tried to cheer up my friend.
« on: February 20, 2015, 03:36:30 »
I was extremely worried about my friend when she said the was thinking about suicide.

so I tried to cheer her up.. the first part was me preaching the Bible to her, I may have gotten to her, but she is an atheist.

the second part was something I thought you might enjoy seeing too!


Shinobi Life Online Character / Hikari Kandakai
« on: February 18, 2015, 23:05:08 »
I have updated a teeny bit. I read round the forums for things about this game.

I think she looks a lot like me in real life. (except I have blue eyes.)

I can't think of a cool name, Getting stuck because I want it to sound like a Manga/Anime name.

Name: Hikari  (HAHA, I have a winged wolf character using this name before I even knew it was a Japanese name!)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 9" (a few inches taller than me IRL)
Weight: (It's hard to do weight for a girl)
Hairstyle: (In the picture, long)
Facial hair: N/A (itsa girl XD)
Hair color: In between Blond and Brown. (Like mine)
Eye color: Dark
Blood type: (I would choose my blood type but I don't know my blood type.)
Primary chakra nature: Lightning [Edited]
Village: Shogekihagakure (because who doesn't think big booming explosions are cool?)
Clan: Kandakai clan
Good or evil at heart?: Good at heart, but she does have an attitude.

Description of the character's personality: Tough, can be rude. Tries to help people but it's hard for her to get noticed. Sometimes emotional. Anger issues. Mentally awkward. She does have a slight mental disorder. (like me) She fails to hide her worst emotions. Hard for her to make friends. Sometimes defiant of her authorities.

Description of the character's history: As a little girl, Hikari was always the smart, knows-everything outcast, one who didn't have any friends. As she got older, this sadness turned to anger. She loved to yell at authorities. One day, the yelling got really loud when she decided to mix in her chakra. She wanted to prove her point that she was just a neglected child. Everyone ran; They were terrified of her. Nobody wanted to be around an angry person who could project her voice like thunder. As she got older, she learned lightning, lightning could get her anything she wanted, except for a friend. She stopped blasting her problems out at others, instead she used her intelligence to find a way out of this mess. She has a few friends. She is also a little depressed because she could never get herself a boyfriend. But nothing would be as great as getting her mother back, whom she accidentally killed during one of her 8 year old tantrums.

Introduction / Hello!
« on: February 18, 2015, 22:05:48 »
Hello, I am SyntaxError73.

I had to find a game like this, because there was a Naruto game always appearing in my dreams, and that dream was very interesting every time.

I live in Tennessee, and I am 17.
I use the enter key too much if you haven't noticed.
I can't wait to test the game!

I hope I make a great member of this forum! I am a fun loving person and I am very nice to everyone.

See you later!  :D

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