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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Acrobatics
« on: May 30, 2015, 21:53:44 »
I was just wondering, is it really necessary to go over 30 km/h just to be able to do a backflip? Not that I have a massive problem with it, I just think it's a bit unrealistic which isn't ideal considering that SLO should be very realistic.
I know it's a bit insignificant, but any thoughts?

Also, will there be other acrobatics added? Like flips in the air and whatnot?

Shinobi Life Online Character / Raishi Himitsu
« on: January 11, 2015, 14:04:49 »

Name: Raishimaru (Raishi)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 1.84m
Weight: 80kg
Hairstyle: Spiky
Facial hair: None
Hair color: White and Grey
Eye color: Blue
Blood type: O
Primary chakra nature:
Village: Kazangakure
Clan: Himitsu
Good or evil at heart?: Predominantly Good but there's a bit of Evil in everyone, don't you think?

Description of the character's personality: Raishi is a very cheerful character. Although, when he is serious, he takes no jokes (unless they are very funny) He can be very silly and loves to joke around. He cares deeply for his friends and would do anything to protect any of them. Although he has a care-free attitude most times and may seem lazy, he actually takes things very seriously despite not showing it. He loves to train. He has a good heart and is usually honest. Although, if being honest may result into hurting one of his friends in the process, he chooses to lie instead. Though he prefers to say the truth, Raishi is a perfect liar, due to his natural charm and his ability to be very convincing. Because of his, he can hide his emotions concerning anything; if he's angry, he could be laughing about like nothing's wrong and whatnot, it all depends on him.

Description of the character's history:
Raishi, 7 years old, wakes up in the Kazangakure village hospital. He is stitched from head to toe and his body feels broken, inside out. The worst part was that he couldn’t remember a damn thing. All he could remember was screaming, the sound of kunai clashing and a beautiful yet battered face, that he couldn’t seem to place in his mind. In fact, the more he tried to remember this face, the more the image escaped his mind. Giving up in his desperate attempt to remember the technical aspects, he sums up together all the things he knew. So far all he could remember was that his name was Raishi, and he was 7 years old. The rest was just a blur to him.
Moments after that, a door swung open and in came a large woman. She wasn’t tall but she seemed large due to her wide hips. She asked him questions about who he was, where he came from and who his parents were, but he couldn’t answer any other question aside from his name and age. The nurse noted this, also noticing that his bodily temperature was abnormally high, although he seemed to be just fine. That night, Raishi couldn’t sleep properly as his dreams were constantly being haunted by the same images but every time he woke up he would forget, all he could remember in his dreams was screams, shouts and the feeling of terror. A group of nurses entered the room Raishi noticed, and with them, his own nurse who he came to know now as Haruno.
“He seems to not have any idea who his parents are or how he got here,” she said to the other nurses, “It’s a miracle we found him when we did. If we hadn’t he probably would be dead by now. Although, he seems to have a natural high body temperature. I’m not sure what may have caused this, maybe from birth or from the incident??”
“Let’s put him under observation for the next two weeks, then we shall release him into the village, under one of any humble family willing to adopt him” one of the minor nurses said.
With a nod, Haruno agreed to this and all the cleared out. A Year went by but no family was willing to adopt him so she took care of him and he stayed with her at the hospital. He loved her like a mother and told her everything. Haruno explained to him how he had been found by a civilian close to the village gates, badly battered. He was on the verge of death if not for the civilian, Kyoto she had called him, he would have been dead by now.
It was during this period that they both discovered that Raishi had an outstanding knowledge of the ninja world. She thought he had the potential to become a talented shinobi so she discussed registering him to the Ninja Academy with his soon to be adopted parents.
A few months before he was going to turn 9, a family agreed to both adopting him and gladly agreed to register him into the Ninja Academy of the village . Sadly this meant that he was going to leave Haruno and probably not see her again. He hugged her emotionally, promising to return to her one day, before leaving for his adopted parents’ house.

Raishi swiftly flew through Academy due to his brilliance. He was ready to graduate out of the Academy on his 10th birthday, spending the shortest amount of time in the academy because he already knew all that they were teaching for some odd reason. During practice spars, he (and everyone else) found out that he had above average reflexes and his reaction time was considerably fast for someone his age. He excelled in Taijutsu and enjoyed using kunai and shuriken to other weapons.
Raishi never actually made friends with anyone during his days at the academy, he usually sat alone, enjoying his own company. People would often come to join him and Raishi never sent them away. During the time he had spent there, he simply observed the kids, getting to know them from a distance and he promised himself that he would start socializing once he was a Genin. Although he couldn't say that he had any friend, everyone in his class knew who he was. You could say that he was the class joker, aspiring to make everyone laugh and be happy. Because of his good attitude towards everyone, he was liked by all and had no rivals.
He had started taking private lessons with his sensei, Arashi Tsuyo after the first month in the Academy as he believed that there was no need for Raishi to continue to do things that wasn’t a challenge for him. The only thing that had proven a task for him , was to learn how to tree climb, aside from that, he was always golden. His sensei would usually talk to him about how intelligent he was for his age, being able to start doing Genin lessons so easily without even ranking up yet. He would also try to ask Raishi about his past, his parents, who had trained him, but of course Raishi couldn’t remember. Two weeks till his 10th birthday, his sensei started training him like a Chunin. This had proven very difficult for Raishi but he always seemed to get it right after a few tries.
One day, after sparring with his sensei, an exhausted Raishi went over to get some ramen and to his surprise, he met an old time friend,Haruno . He hugged her immediately when he saw her and she was filled with tears by how big he had become. She told him that he was getting considerably taller and that was true! He told her about his adventures in the Academy. Haruno then informs Raishi that she came to see him because she had found out who his parents were. They were Tsuneo and Azami Himitsu and had been killed when travelling with her their son, fleeing a slaughter of the clan that was going on at the time and they managed to get him across borders but they couldn't make it. She let him know that the clan was based in the Hidden thunder before leaving him and wishing him goodluck on his test. Raishi was both happy that he finally knew who his parents were and where he belonged but he was also deeply saddened that the were dead.
On his last lesson in the Academy, the whole academy watched as his exam was different from everyone else’s. He was to spar with his sensei landing at least one hit. At first, Raishi thought this was going to be easily done, but he then realised that his sensei was skilled in Fuuinjutsu and Taijutsu so his chances were quite slim. None the less, he put his all into it, and so did his sensei. The task was very difficult as his sensei wasn’t going easy on him in anyway. His attacks were so precise and fast that if not for Raishi’s swift reflexes, he would have been knocked out two minutes into the battle. Raishi had dodged all his attacks so far, but for the first time, he was sweating in a battle. He threw shuriken at his sensei which missed and stuck to the tree instead.His sensei just stood there, smiling at him in mockery. Then he formed quick hand signs and threw his fuma shuriken with an attached smoke bomb, making his sensei to move backwards forcibly, not noticing him going underground with his earth travelling technique. Smiling, Raishi then transforms the shuriken ( the one stuck on the tree and the fuuma shuriken)to two shadow clones as the smoke rises so his sensei wouldn’t notice. The clones try to attack Kyoto as he back flipped, from two different fronts (both behind and in front of him) while the actual Raishi was underground, unknown by everyone. This would have worked if not for his sensei’s inhuman reflexes. His sensei made ultra fast hand seals and then blew wind out his mouth, making him get to higher ground. At the same time, he through an army of kunai at the clones, aiming for grazes rather than laceration. The two clones disappeared in white smoke then Raishi saw his chance when his sensei was taken aback. Releasing his jutsu, he then appeared behind him and gave him a light kick aimed at his sensei’s back. Then something strange happened, his sensei held his leg without even looking at Raishi and then Raishi felt the tip of kunai at his back. He turned round to see the face of his sensei, smiling at him. Although Raishi lost, he had graduated as a Genin because of his wits and quick reflexes.
Now Raishi aims to get stronger, till he can travel once again and meet the rest of his clan members.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Ageing
« on: January 03, 2015, 20:59:04 »
Would there be some sort of ageing system implemented in game?

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Some aiming questions
« on: December 28, 2014, 22:29:17 »
Considering jutsu , would one be able to shoot a fireball for instance, at someone who's in the air? Same thing for projectiles, and how would the aiming for the projectiles work? Would there be a lock on?

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Speed Limit
« on: December 24, 2014, 22:35:08 »
I find the whole accelerating mechanism quite interesting and  unique, so I was wondering if for each rank, there would be a speed limit perhaps because I doubt that Jounin and Genin would have the same top speed. Also, would it be possible to augment the speed limit through specialisations such as taijutsu for instance?

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