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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Topics - mariusx2014

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Best Dragon Ball Z/Super AMV
« on: April 13, 2016, 15:45:35 »
This is the best AMV i have ever seen you got to watch it and tell me your toughts.(Also the music is nice)

General Discussion / Naruto VS Bleach
« on: August 08, 2015, 22:17:55 »
1.I pick one character of Naruto and one of Bleach.
2.You will say your opinion and based on best or more opinions if the one is not good enough i will decide the winner.
3.If you want 2 characters to fight PM me and i will make it after the current fight is over.
4.Don;t be fanboy.

Fight 1
1.Zaraki Kenpachi:
2.Might Guy:
                                                               Zaraki Kenpachi VS Might Guy

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Legendary Weapon -Shadow Sword
« on: August 08, 2015, 12:43:30 »

Name: Shadow Sword
Compatible With:Any ninjutsu user.Unlike other legendary swords this one is unique in his own way,any ninjutsu user can use this sword.
Story:There was a strong warrior named Owari who wanted an opponent that equals him in strenght.For over a decade he walked the earth to find a good challenge.All ninjas who challenged him failed, they were just too easy for him.One day he heared a about a legend that a beast was walking the forest, and people who enter that forest never come back so he went to check.After hours of walking a fierce scream teared down the trees and a beast appeared,it was a beast who could destroy an entire village but there was something strange it was a shadow, The Shadow Beast Hageshīdesu.After hours of fighting,Owari was lying on the ground, before beast giving him the final blow he saw that Owari was smiling, a second later Owari started to laugh, he put all the strenght he had in his sword and gave the beast final blow than he said: "Finally something fun."But he saw that all the beast power went into the sword as the sword became a Shadow Sword.
Notes:The user of this sword becomes a shadow.
To obtain this sword you need to defeat in game NPC Owari, who is very difficult to defeat(A simple jonin can;t).He is location changes as it is walking random in the forest.
Sword Powers:Defensive:The user of this sword turn into a shadow form that can hit,use ninjutsu basically all that a normal body can do but can't be hit by physical attacks(taijutsu,kunai,sword,punch etc)because the form will dodge them, but it can be hit by ninjutsu and genjutsu.
Offensive:The enemy who is cut by sword form a shadow around the wound that slowly drains chakra, but the more wounds it have the faster they drain chakra.The drained chackra by the shadows goes not to his user, but to the Shadow Sword who will grow bigger,stronger.Shadow Sword have no capacity to how much chakra can drain.Chakra doesn;t decrease over time and keep sword the same as you collect more chakra the sword becomes stronger.If the user is killed all the chakra you collected dissapears.
Special: At 100+ Kills with sword it grows strong enough to kill ninjas under jonin rank with 1 hit.
At 1000+ Kills it is strong enough to take on average jonin with 1 hit.
Credits:I was inspired by Leebz.

                                                                          The Beast


Introduction / My introduction
« on: June 20, 2015, 10:41:12 »
I know i'm here since 2014 but didn;t made an official intoduction, but i have some pictures here in the topic IRL Pictures of yourself or something like that couldn;t find the thread.
Name: Marius
Ethnicity: Romanian
Living in: Bucharest,Romania
Born: 21/05/1994
Sports: I go to gym 4 days per week.
Hobbies: I like to watch  tv series and anime on PC, i like to play games on pc,hanging out with friends and hard training.
Goals in life:  I would like to become a successfull UFC fighter, buy a nice car and have a happy family.
Languages: English, Romanian
Computer languages: Java beginner.
Languages to learn: German.
Computer languages to learn:C++

General Discussion / Reporting Alexandar_Ciki
« on: June 19, 2015, 21:31:23 »
Just came back to community from a long inactivity from 13 october 2014.Entered the game wrote commands and hited a guy who was afk with chidori.Than he told me to come to idk somewhere and i told him to come to me,i tought he wants to speak but he attacked me with chidori and said i'm weak and things i don't want to wrote.I told him i came back and i don't know the map and he called me fat,idiot with a pc and liar and weakness.I may called him kid and stupid but just no more.And than i went to chat and more guys told me than he insulted them too and i want something to be done against this "awesome" person.

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Akuma no kishi
« on: June 19, 2015, 20:07:49 »
Clan name:Akuma no kishi

Clan logo:


Shinigami(Second in command):


Clan history: There was a very powerfull shinobi named Owari,who people said he was strong like a a god.People feared him because his powers and his wierd eyes.One day he got angry, so angry that he found a special man(me) and trained him all he knew.After that he told that man to creat a clan a powerful clan who will bring the end to this world "This wierd eyes will bring the end".He told me that the clan should be independent and split in all villages.Than he killed himself and put his life essence and power into a stone that became red.I created a special room who only the higher rankings will be able to get in ( me, shinigami and kirā).The room should posses the forbidden jutsus that we collect,legendary weapons and secret informations about villages,but the most important thing our master life stone.When we get strong enough we our task is to ressuruct him.Sadly the stone broke and all his power went in the walls of the secret room,now it should be well protected.And then i created the clan.

Unique traits: -average height
-black hair
-black eyes with red iris
-very aggresive

Strengths: Very good at genjutsu and ninjutsu and taijutsu.

Weaknesses: Weak at kenjutsu,shurikenjutsu and fuinjutsu.

Rival clans:All other clans,they consider themselves noble and chosen.

Allied clans: They have no allied clans but they can work with another clans but in slimy.
-Shinigami(second in command):The one who take all decisions when i'm out,if i die he takes my place.The strongest and the smartest member of the clan
-Kirā(The killer):The one who kills the traitors and also recives secret missions that only me and the shinigami knows about.
-Kanshu(The guardian):there are only 2 positions in this clan.One for me and one for second in command.Tha kanshu must be a very powerfull defensive ninja.
-Yaukin(The Officer):The one who control a base of our clan in different villages.
-Seikaain(Member):the lowest rank,they execute low missions.


-Always respect the higher grade.
-If you can't complete your mission destroy evidence and kill yourself.
-If we get legendary weapons
-Don't kill unless you are ordered to,you can still knock some asses if they provoke you.
-If we get legendary weapons they go in this order:
4.If we get lot of legendaries maybe the kanshu will get too.
5.Lower than kanshu won't get a legendary.

Signup form

I agree to obey the rules:
Character name:
Why do i want to join:
Rank i want to accomplish:

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Kickstarter
« on: June 17, 2015, 22:52:17 »
Why not start a funding trough kickstarter?

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Streams
« on: June 06, 2015, 20:13:32 »
What about the streams at the end of the week you promised?
Why you deleted the past broadcast?  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

General Discussion / Battle Of The Gods
« on: September 22, 2014, 20:34:53 »
Who you think is the best rapper?

General Discussion / Free Steam Game-First Come-First Serve
« on: July 21, 2014, 14:26:25 »
Who take the game write here.
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thumbs up for Uchiha Madara the best character ever.

Anime / Favorite Characters(All anime)
« on: July 20, 2014, 14:07:21 »
Favorite Characters All Anime:
Rules: 1 Male Character From All Anime, 1 good and 1 bad.
           1 Female Character From All Anime,1 good and 1 bad.
            You post a video of a fight/tribute of the selected characters.
Here I  start:
Male: Uchiha Madara(Naruto) : (Good, for me he is good, his pace is the best)
Female: Erza Scarlet(Fairy Tail): (Good)
Male: Zeref (Fairy Tail) : (Bad)
Female: Conan (Naruto) : (Bad)

3D Modeling / My 3D Models
« on: May 19, 2014, 15:52:52 »
Hi,i'm Marius and this are my 3D models, i'm just a begginer so please don't laugh:

Here is a new one:

And a new one:

And here we have an skinny dead man:


Shinobi Life Online Questions / Forbidden jutsus
« on: May 13, 2014, 15:20:18 »
If there will be forbidden jutsus how we will learn them?

Shinobi Life Online Character / Death
« on: April 20, 2014, 20:38:33 »
Hairstyle:Smooth Hair(Like in picture)
Facial hair:No
Hair color:Black
Eye color:Black
Blood type:-
Primary chakra nature:Earth
Good or evil at heart?:Evil Himself

Description of the character's personality:He have just a few hand of friends(organization).His favourite thing is to kill and kill and kill again and again.And remember ,,You can't cheat Death''

Description of the character's history:Since he was a child, he liked to kill things like his own cat,dog or even chickens.At the age of 7 his parents forbidden him to kill,next night they were dead.The child killed them with the special ability that few ninja posses, Genjutsu.At the age of 17 he killed an entire village and so on.At the age  of 100 years he discovered that he doesn't look that old and he won't die from age.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Is possible to...?
« on: April 20, 2014, 16:21:21 »
It is possible to kill your guild boss?And if you kill him, you will be new leader, a traitor or a missing nin?

Pages: [1]