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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Topics - Kayleb

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Technical Support / Can't use firebreath
« on: January 19, 2016, 12:16:30 »
My problem is occurring on the 64-bit version of the game. I've tried downloading both the donator and normal edition. I've re-downloaded. Everything works perfectly fine apart from firebreath! I press 8-9-3, I perform the handseals, but it still won't work. Help!



Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Staying in shape?
« on: January 11, 2016, 16:45:23 »
I put this in the suggestion section because it is, in a sense, a suggestion, but I'd like to hear people's opinions on it also.

I'd just like to bring up the idea of your character having to "stay in shape." This would mean that if you do not regularly access your character, say, every 10 days, your character's top stamina will worsen gradually, by a percentage. All you'd have to do was run for 1 second every 10 days for your character not to lose stamina. For a game like this to be exciting, the players need to be current, meaning the majority of people would play regularly. The best way for this to happen is for people to have an incentive to play, ie. losing the maximum stamina of their character. In real life, if you did not do exercise for a decent amount of time, your body would begin to lose its overall fitness, this should happen with SLO.

I'd even suggest that things like maximum jumping height and running speed should be altered by the lack of play.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Learning to control chakra
« on: January 10, 2016, 10:56:17 »
This idea ties hand-in-hand with the post I just made on learning to control your chakra nature.

Chakra control should be an important part of using jutsu, namely elemental jutsu. Chidori is a combination of both chakra control and elemental chakra control.

My suggestion is that you should have to learn to control chakra before you start using jutsu requiring chakra. Each jutsu should have a required level of chakra control. Chakra control should level up passively through the usage of chakra throughout the game, and shinobi should be able to learn how to do it through various exercises.

High level jutsu should require higher levels of chakra control, whether this be gained through the usage of jutsu, or through manual training.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Learning to control your nature
« on: January 10, 2016, 10:51:13 »
I've been re-watching a lot of Naruto fights and interesting episodes recently. One of the episodes I watched was Naruto learning to control his wind element before creating rasenshuriken. I'd suggest something like this for SLO. This would come in the form of some kind of quest early on, teaching you how to control your affinity nature, as Naruto did. The quest shouldn't be hard, but shinobi shouldn't be able to use elemental jutsu until they have completed this quest.

I'd also suggest a harder quest at jonin for when a second nature affinity becomes available.

The quest should be different for each nature. E.g. To control fire you have to spend time trying to spark wood. To control water you have to spend time trying to soak a cloth.

This shouldn't take long, but I think it would be a great addition to the early quests in the game, and it would show why shinobi are able to use each nature.

In my personal opinion, we should start only being able to make one clone. This clone should have a percentage chance of failing and not doing it's job of attacking the enemy properly at first. Once you've got this chance to 0%, you should then be able to increase the number of clones that you can make to 2, then 3 etc etc. Though I have no idea what I believe the maximum number of clones should be. Anyway, how many clones will we be able to use?

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Using Different Chakra Natures
« on: December 30, 2015, 20:32:51 »
I haven't seen this on this forum before, and it's something I'd like to suggest.

I am a great fan of the system of one chakra nature to start with, moving onto two once you reach jonin level. However, something that hasn't been discussed is using more than one chakra nature before you reach jonin. You should be able to use all 5 chakra natures, but only use the others badly. Getting good with the others should take an enormous amount of time to learn, and should be far weaker than your primary nature (by enormous I mean something like 20x as long). This would allow each person (as they would be able to do in Naruto) to use every chakra nature. An example of this is in the Ninja war where all the shinobi learned one, easy earth jutsu. I think this would be a great addition to the game and would make the game far more "realistic".

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Learning About Your Kekkei Genkai
« on: December 30, 2015, 18:07:09 »
I have no idea how the game is going to work yet. Whether we will spawn in the wilderness, whether we will spawn in the main village, whether we will spawn with our clans. I do not know. However, something I do believe is that each clan should have its own special place which cannot be raided or destroyed. This special place will be near the place of the clan's origin, whether it be near where the player spawns or not. In the player's character screen his/her clan should be shown. They can then, by whatever means, make their way to their clan area. Here, each clan will have an NPC teacher, who they can learn from. They will be able to learn about what their clan abilities are, how to get their abilities, the tiers of these abilities etc. They will be able to learn their clan history and things of the like. This hideout need not be fancy. Just a room which only clan members can enter in which they can learn about their clan and their abilities. I think this is the best way to do this, and it would mean that people need to try and find out if their clan has any special abilities, and so they aren't handed to them on a plate. In Naruto, people would be taught to use their abilities, though they were able to use them from the get go. For example, the Hyuga are each born with the Byakugan, but they must be taught to use it. This is how I believe it should work in the game.

Thank you for reading,


Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Kekkei Genkai ideas
« on: August 09, 2015, 16:20:13 »
Hi guys, I was thinking about what kind of ideas you guys had for Kekkei Genkai in the game, outside of the obvious ones. I'd love this to turn into a a discussion where people can fully explain their ideas and debate it.

I'll start it off with a developed idea of one I just saw on a thread. The clan would be able to transform into animals. If a player from the clan wants to change the animal that he/she can transform into, they must study the animal, and do some kind of long "download" of the animal. Then, after that, they will be able to transform into that animal. I believe that each member should be able to transform into 1 animal at first, then must train hard for 2, and even harder for a maximum of 3. This'd be interesting to see, but the animals would likely not be used for fighting, more for travel or escape. Fighting capability above simple auto attacks would be very difficult and long-winded to include for every animal in the game. I believe that chakra should be consumed when the shinobi transforms into an animal, and back into a human, but not while transformed.


Answer layout:

Name of KG:

Description of KG:

Effects of KG:

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Tracking rogues
« on: August 04, 2015, 18:21:35 »
I think that there should be a system for rogues to be tracked by ANBU and bounty hunters, at least a rough area will be given by this method.

Villages that are friendly or allied with each other, or organisations that are friendly to other villages can make a treaty in which information between them is shared automatically on the position of rogues. For example, if a rogue ninja raids an outlying farm and it's reported, the information will automatically be given to villages that have the scouting-treaty with the village that discovers it. That way, ANBU and bounty hunters will be able to see a trail of similar attacks, raids etc. and track the rogue.

I'm not 100% sure how this system could be made to work as it'd be difficult, but I hope the general idea is put across in this post.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / What should the ANBU do?
« on: July 14, 2015, 18:44:39 »
What do you guys think the ANBU's role should be in the game (if you think they should exist that is). I doubt they'd be able to carry out assassinations and the like easily, and how easy do you think collecting intel should be?

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Leader of the ANBU?
« on: July 14, 2015, 18:43:26 »
Do you guys think there should be ANBU leaders? Like Danzo? Do you think ANBU should exist at all?

This was a suggestion made by Konohuro in the shoutbox about an hour ago. The suggestions is that everyone who originates from the Hidden Haze should, at least start, with a facemask. These could be customisable as everyone in the game would be able to buy masks, but the people from the Haze should start with one on their person. That's because people of the Haze need a way to survive the dusty weather, and therefore should wear a mask to begin with. Some may ditch them later on, or customise them, but they should all start with them.

From this idea, I came up with the idea that most, if not all villages should have a starting item or clothing that is unique to them. Here are some ideas that I've come up for unique starting items so far, feel free to add:

Hidden Ash- Mask like Kakashi's, or like the ones many wear in Tokyo in real life
Hidden Snow- Big puffy jacket, like Kiba's
Hidden Haze- Same as Ash
Hidden Sand- Another face mask, or possibly a full facemask to allow them to survive sandstorms
Hidden Volcano- Have almost bare clothing to help survive the intense heat

These are all I could come up with at the moment, feel free to add, or say whether you believe this to be a good idea or not! Tschüss!

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Will there be underground jutsu?
« on: July 11, 2015, 10:47:00 »
Will there be any jutsu that allow a character to go underground? Such as Kakashi going underneath the earth and coming out and attacking someone instantly. I understand this would be hard to implement, but I'm just wondering if it's a possibility

Will there? I don't think there should be, as you can only use as many jutsu as your chakra allows, and people can choose what they want to do at that time. Though that would allow for players to be be very good at every single jutsu type, I think it would be good for the game.

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