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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Topics - AugustRed

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> INB4 its too long, im not reading that
( its really late where im at and im tired so bare with me, also remember, its just a suggestion ) Care free to contribute btw  :D

Okay so i was playing this interesting naruto based game with bad graphics an such, mostly bc it wasnt 3D but it made me think how this game might fun out, in a good why ofc. Okay so in this game there is only 3 villages ( in Shinobi Life Online or "SLO" there will be 11). These 3 villages are suna, Oto and konoha. Each village has its own kage like SLO will have ofc. SO this intrigued me, so bare with me, "What If" instead of voting for the kage all the time, what if sometimes the people that want to be kage ( including the kage himself) square of in a bracket tournament. That way the whole voting thing isnt biased, but more far and it would be great to know that the hokage would be strong enough to defend the village ( just thought i saw a bug on my sceen hue, im tweaking).

• Heres another idea, which i got from the game, but this is about gaining experience. In the 2d game there is leveling up but thats for unlocking clan jutsu basically. what you're really leveling up it you skills. In the 2D the skills are [ Strength, Intelligence, Chakra control, speed, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and i think theres 1 more ( not genjutsu bc theres no genjutsu or elemental natures in the game but wind) ] So to train those skills, each requires you to do something different.Strength, Taijutsu and Speed improves your melee capabilities, while Ninjutsu, Intelligence and Handseals increase your jutsu capabilities. Stamina is vital to stay alive for any build.

• For Speed you have to wear weights while running which heavily slows you down, but as your speed increases you become faster with them on and once you take them off you become a speed demon while also increasing you dodge rate and such. I feel that would be really cool to implement into the game as a way to increase speed. also critical strike rate, cooldown reduction. You also learn various jutsus from raising speed.

• To increase your Chakra control in the 2d game you need to hold down the [ J ] but which is to easy at first which ill explain later but maybe for SLO we could press the handsign hotkeys which would level up our jutsu that what has well as successfully doing a justu. Ingame What chakra control could do is increase the success rate of doing or activating a jutsu which would be something genjutsu users would have to be highly skilled in among others. also high chakra control would give shinobi that option of using justu with one hand.

• To increase Strength is like that same with speed except you have to be on rock lee's level and consume your time into attacking dummies all day long but you have to have the arm weights on. Increase in strength would ofc increase your attack power or maybe your critical power as well making you a deadly taijutsu master.

• To Increase you intelligence in the 2D game you have to mediate, maybe in SLO, not only could you do that, but another way to increase your meditation is to read books or something. Highly affect chakra pool, chakra regeneration, chakra control and has various other effects

• Okay to increase you Ninjutsu, you would have to get into the mediating position and molding your chakra on land or water and by doing so, your ninjutsu increases. High Ninjutsu would mean a ninjutsu cooldown reduction and highly affect ninjutsu power and critical dmg.

Stamina increase by mediating under a water fall. Stamina Highly affect health, energy regeneration and health regeneration

• Increasing Taijutsu would be the same as increase strength but you dont have to wear the weights if you dont want to. Taijutsu would affect your melee jutsu cooldown reduction, attack speed, dodge, accuracy and attack power

•• You might be thinking "Oh tht sounds easy" but the thing is, it would be more of a grinding type of thing bc whats a game without grinding. As you gain experience for speed for example, it becomes a lot harder to increase the other stats because not only for the exp requirements increase for speed, but it also increases for the others as well making it more difficult to level up not just 1 but other skills as well.

Those could be some ideas to train other than whatever Vreg and however else has in store for us.

• In the 2D game there was a good or decent balance between the clans/ bloodlines ( i know about the 0.02% ) If someone does happen to get a bloodline and more people will, there should be sort of a balance between said bloodlines each special in their own way of course.

Naruto Manga / Conspiracy
« on: August 07, 2014, 08:35:31 »

The Sage of the six paths, his brother, kaguya, they are all aliens.

"Kaguya is a princess who hails from an unknown distant land, and had lived long before the founding of the hidden villages, during an era of endless wars between mankind."

what if she was a alien that came from the moon during the war 0.0 . She is based off Kaguya from The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter who was from the moon.

What do you think?

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Bounty for learning KinJutsu
« on: August 07, 2014, 00:04:00 »
As the Subjest states, What about after you learn kinjutsu you automatically get a bounty on you since they are :

Techniques that violate the laws of nature (e.g. the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation, which reincarnates the dead with a human sacrifice).
Certain techniques that are known to cause massive collateral damage, such as the total destruction of a village and end with the death of everyone in it, thus the great moral ramifications of its potential lead many to labelling it as a forbidden technique (e.g. the Fury technique, which appeared only in the anime).

Despite being banned, the mere use of these techniques generally does not carry any legal consequences in respects to the village they're used in, except those brought on by the techniques themselves. However, their use is heavily frowned upon, especially those techniques that violate nature.

this was just a quick idea that popped in my head. Kinjutsu cause more halm then good, hence they are forbidden so they should be considered illegal i guess.

Remember, just an idea  :)

Shinobi Life Online Character / Asindra Of Yugure
« on: August 05, 2014, 22:56:08 »
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ρ є r ѕ σ η α ℓ • ∂ α т α|├▬
Full Name: Asindra [ Ash - In - Dra ]
Nickname: Greed

Age: 19
Birthdate:March 21st ( Aries )
Gender: Male

Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Build Type: Skinny/ Average

Nindo: "{ Nothing is Never enough }"

Personality: Aside from bring Calm, relaxed and chill, Asindra is a Greedy person. That is his biggest Sin out of the others, hence how he got the nickname. For Asindra, nothing is never enough, he almost wants the most and to him the "most" is unlimited until he knows he cant contain anymore. At first it wasnt always like that that, it started out with steal to the point where that wasnt enough. Then it went to knowledge, then power, then wealth, control, the list goes on. Some would say its not healthy. The thing is his greed is so strong he aims to gain immortality as well as world dominance. People around him now think he is the pure essence of greed itself.

Village: Hokorigakure ~ Hidden Dust Village
Rank:  Genin
Organization: Yugure
First Class: GenJustu
Second Class: NinJutsu, Maybe TaiJustu
SenJutsu Or KinJutsu KinJutsu

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c σ м в α т • ∂ α т α|├▬
Bloodline: ??? ( We need an Idea or List of BL's ) 

Chakra Pool: N/A
Stamina Pool: N/A
Chakra Element: Earth ~ Doton
Chakra Color: Regular ( most likely )
Chakra Materialization: N/A

• GenJutsu
• N/A


• death ( Means starting over )

Personal Attributes:
• Greed

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c α r є є r • ∂ α т α|├▬
Ryo: 0  両 ( So Broke )

Missions Complete:
D Rank :: 0
C Rank :: 0
B Rank :: 0
A Rank :: 0
S Rank :: 0

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ω є α ρ σ η • ∂ α т α|├▬
Weapon Type: N/A
Weapon Range: N/A
Weapon Location: 

Summoning Type: ( Might Not Be InGame
Summon Sage:

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ι η ν є η т σ r у|├▬

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|т є c н η ι q υ є ѕ|├▬
▬▬┤|N i n j u t s u



N/A {Katon, Suiton, Raiton, Doton, Fuuton}

The Lucky Post Here {Bloodline, Kugutsu, Eiseijutsu, etc.} {If none, remove section}

▬▬┤|G e n j u t s u

▬▬┤|T a i j u t s u

{Style name here}

▬▬┤|B u k i j u t s u

{Style name here}

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|н ι ѕ т σ r у|├▬

▬▬▬┤|B i r t h |├▬

Asindra's History is quiet a mystery even to himself. No one knows who his parents are as though they never existed in the first place. Was they civilians of the villages? or was they from another? The only thing people know is that he was left in a ally besides the village gate. Maybe his parents life him there to die if not for one of the villagers finding him and taking him to an orphanage. If only he was able to think that person when he was older, sadly he was never able to.
 ( will write more )

▬▬▬┤|O r p h a n |├▬

Growing up as a orphan, most would think Asindra had a tough time but it was exactly the opposite. Everyday Asindra and a group of friends would go around the city scouting villagers to steal from. Usually they would hold a contest on who would get the most items or gold in that day and the majority time Asindra would be victorious. Nobody suspected a little orphan with a baby face like his to be the one to steal from them which such schemes, sometimes going overboard by stealing all that person had without them somehow not knowing earning the nickname Greed from fellow orphans . Being such a con artist and such a thief, most of the other orphans respected him, especially for being one of the few to ever get caught. Asindra and his friends was also some what wealthy thanks to their thievery, and no one bothered asking question.
( will write more )

▬▬▬┤| A c a d e m y S t u d e n t |├▬
 ( will continue )


    Im suggesting something like a main class and sub class system. This is something I was very used to while rp'ing and I figured I would be something nice to share with you all

    As for Specialization, what if you  dont want have a "Sub-class" and what to specialize in Ninjutsu, then you should be able to, as well as getting a bonus for specializing in Ninjutsu.

    Each Class would benefit the Chakra pool, Stamina ( for taijustu ), how much jutsu's you could learn ( if there is a limit ) and maybe passive benefits.

    This would add to the feel of an MMO. Like in other MMO's you pick if you want to be a Warrior, Mage, rouge.etc. In Narusumi you could be a Ninjutsu Specialist, or a Genjutsu specialist. Or maybe you could be a TaiJutsu practicer that happens to be a puppeteer as well

    for example :
     genjutsu class players would be able to break out of other genjutsu's easier
    Ninjutsu specialist would be faster at handsigns or have stronger jutsu damage

    ~ Main Classes would be :
    ------------ Ninjutsu refers to any technique that utilizes chakra and allows the user to perform actions a normal person would otherwise be incapable of doing. The ninja of this class rely mainly on the use of chakra and handsigns to perform ninjutsu, in order to create a mass variety of offensive, defensive, and supportive results. This class is granted amazing control over the elements, as well as boasting the highest base chakra pool amongst any other class.
    ------------ Genjutsu ( Illusionary/Mental techniques ) refers to any technique that utilizes chakra, requires handsigns, and has results that affect the target's mind in some way. The ninja of this class rely on creative and sneaky methods to apply their genjutsu to their opponent in order to inflict horrid mental and internal results.
    Genjutsu shinobi boast powerful techniques, the second highest chakra pool, but fall short in physical aspects.

    ------------ Taijutsu ( Body techniques ) are basic forms of purely physical techniques, which typically require neither chakra nor handsigns. Taijutsu ninja attempt to deal outer damage in mass quantities, whether this is achieved by multiple strikes, or powerful single blows. However, unlike other methods of physical attack, the damage dealt is typically blunt and elementless; resulting in broke bones and exhausted opponents.
    Although they have durable and swift bodies, the average taijutsu user has a rather low chakra pool.

    Ken/BukiJutsu ( weapon Class )
    ------------ Bukijutsu ( Weapon techniques ) are attacks that utilize various forms of powerful tools in order to achieve severe and swift results. Those of this class are often dedicated to their weapon of choice—acting as if it were a beloved member of the family. Through this love and devotion, the shinobi is able to carve his or herself into a lethal weapon all their own. Like taijutsu, most bukijutsu do not require handsigns or chakra, but rather than causing blunt physical damage; weapon techniques deliver morbid damage. Slashes, smashes, stabs, and skewers: the end result of a bukijutsu attack may depend on what kind of weapon is actually being used, but such results are always tremendous. Just as the weapons they wield, the shinobi of the bukijutsu class come in all shapes and sizes; one need only have a dedicated heart to follow this path.

    ~ Sub Classes would be :
    BloodLine Class ( those w/ a Bloodline would want )( could be a Main class )
    ------------ Shinobi of this caliber are a rarity; they not only possess unique kekkei genkai—powers engrained in their blood—but they also focus their training to fine tuning these blood bound techniques and abilities. Even an unseasoned bloodline user can be a bothersome foe for the unprepared or less experienced enemy; but shinobi of this class prove that thanks to their dedicated and focused training, their kekkei genkai is a more than ample toolbox for dispatching his or her targets.
    ------------ Medical ninja, or Iryonin, are those who specialize in a sect of abilities known as eiseijutsu ( Medical techniques ). Eiseijutsu are techniques which can be performed in order to cure ailments, stitch wounds, mend flesh, and soothe bones. However, this is just one aspect of eiseijutsu. The precision and chakra control developed by practicing these techniques has resulted in the creation of many offensive eiseijutsu as well.
    As one would expect, performing eiseijutsu is a difficult feat which requires a concentrated and levelheaded attitude, in addition to intelligence and incredible chakra control. Because of this, the few medical ninja that do appear in the world are considered invaluable.

    Musican ( such as Flutes & Great for a genjutsu user )
    ------------ A resourceful, tactical, and versatile shinobi; the musician excels in playing musical instruments, which they then use to provide distraction and are even able to channel ninjutsu, genjutsu, bloodline techniques, etc., through their notes. Talented, crafty, sheik, and well versed in chakra manipulation, a musician possess various unique abilities which are often used to bewilder and blindside opponents. The typical build of the musician is a slim yet fine muscled one, boasting this common physique to avoid attacks rather than defend against them.
    ------------ A puppet user, or puppeteer, is a shinobi who utilizes their chakra in order to form strings which are attached to advanced ninja tools known simply as puppets. These puppets are controlled by the strings connected to them, which results in the puppeteer having much more need for finger coordination and global focus than brute strength or elemental prowess. The shinobi of this class train day-in-day-out in order to master a sub-sect of ninjutsu known as kugutsu ( Puppet techniques ). It is these techniques which help them mold the abilities needed to become an effective and deadly puppeteer.
    As the puppeteer delves further into their studies, they eventually become strong enough to manipulate their puppets with a single string without any loss in overall performance. As thus, a devoted puppeteer is able to use ten puppets at once ( one per finger ) in their prime.
    One must never forget that puppeteers are deceptive and crafty; able to make use of poisons and tools hidden inside their puppets as well as on their person, and above all else, able to lead others into traps.
    It should also be noted that because puppetry is a fighting style that requires the user to keep their hands free, close range combat is something these shinobi should avoid.

    ------------ A sensor ( 感知タイプ, Kanchi taipu; literally meaning "Perception type" ) is a type of ninja that is capable of detecting the presence of other people through their chakra. A skilled sensor can detect their targets from a great distance, as well as differentiate the characters by their chakra signature alone. Although almost all ninja are capable of feeling some form of "chakra presence", however sensors specialize in fine tuning their abilities to better manipulate this feeling. Whether this is through special training or simply by being born more sensitive, is not truly clear, though it seems both have led to the development of successful and powerful ninja.
    ------------ A class which takes its basis from well known clans, such as the canine training Inuzuka family. To put it blatantly, this class relies on the unification and cooperation of a human and an animal in order to unleash unique and powerful fighting styles.
    The animal that cooperates with the shinobi is often one that has had an extremely lengthy amount of time shared with said shinobi. Be it a childhood pet, sickly animal nursed to health, or what have you. The partner animals most often seen are dogs and cats, though the possibility of using a bird or a monkey as a partner is ever present. The only true restriction to which animal can be selected as a partner is their own maneuverability. It's not very likely that a shinobi would use a fish or massive beast because they have very restricted movement.

    ------------ The masters of the Summoning Contract. Summoners are designed to have contracts with various summons to fight for them and execute their whims. Although starting at the basics at first, Summoning Class ninjas learn to summon creatures that rival the sizes of the demons themselves. In addition, these crafty ninjas also have an art for other ninjutsu branches which allow them further combat potential. Summoner could also be for summoning weapons like tintin does in the anime

    ~ ideas based off of shinobi Nations RP. Credits to Shinsua

    Shinobi Life Online Character / An OC i developed a while ago
    « on: August 04, 2014, 23:06:52 »

    ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ρ є r ѕ σ η α ℓ • ∂ α т α|├▬
    Full Name: Luciano Aburame
    Nickname: Luci

    Age: 14
    Birthdate: 03/21
    Gender: Male

    Height: 5’4 in
    Weight: 92 lbs

    Nindo: "Fight me and you shall Never recover. Forfeit and withdraw "
    Personality: Luciano is a calm, quiet and laid back, very laid back as well as being a collect, solitary and a quite mysterious person rarely ever smiling or showing emotion making him observant and silent, leading to a somewhat 'antisocial' attitude.  At times Luciano can get aggravated easily but usually he can control his anger. Other than loving peaceful places, Luciano also has a love for training, making sure he is in top shape for any fight to come, so that way higher ranking shinobi doesn't look down on him. Usually is seen with his in hands in his pockets. Luciano also likes to study various insects while he is in a peaceful environment when no one is around looking for ways to counter weaknesses.

    Village: Konohagakure 
    Rank: Genin
    First Class:  Ninjutsu Class
    Second Class: Sensor Subclass

    ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c σ м в α т • ∂ α т α|├▬
    Bloodline: Aburame Clan
    • Genin : 1,500 insects
    • They do not need to form hand signs to perform the lower level techniques or supplementary ones due to connecting to their insects easier. (C rank maximum)
    • The Aburame have an affinity for bugs and various insects, thus knowing and gaining a rare knowledge of antidotes and poisons.
    • Due to the two different chakra sources, Genjutsu that is recognized as such can be Kai-ed out of with the insect's assistance. (assistance Kai, not self-Kai) Drains 500 insects for use.
    • Aburame techniques that mention chakra draining/absorption restore 1/2 of the insects used for the technique upon success.

    Chakra Pool:   225 +  225 = 450
    Stamina Pool: 025 +  025 = 050
    Chakra Element: Fuuton
    Chakra Color: Silverish White with Black speckles
    Chakra Materialization: Takes the form of a Beetle

    • Ninjutsu
    • Tracking
    • Control Over kikaichu
    • A Fast Thinker
    • Stealth
    • Crystal Release ( for now)
    • Feeling Weak
    • Death
    • Being Emotional
    Class Disciplines :
    • Elemental Specialist: You are only able to have one (1) chosen chakra element. Your elemental ninjutsu possess greater power, allowing them to overwhelm techniques of the same element and rank, and preventing them from succumbing to elemental weaknesses. You begin with two (2) additional ninjutsu slots, and earn an additional three (3) ninjutsu slots whenever you rank up.

    • Resolution: The user is more determined to get fine details from his sensory techniques, but in order to get this type of clarity the user's range of the technique is reduced by half. The user is able to discover type of technique that is about to be active(fuuin, genjutsu, ninjutsu, custom jutsu, complex tai and buki), even specifics such as Blood Line type and rank. Additionally, the user can gain similar information about any chakra source in their sensory technique's range, including what bloodline the person possesses, and how large their chakra pool is. 

    • Learn ninjutsu one (1) post faster. - Ninjutsu Class
    • Learn ninjutsu one [1] post faster. - Sensory Class
    •  Learn genjutsu one [1] post faster.- Sensory Class
    Personal Attributes:
    The Clans True Successor - Learn Clan techniques one (2) post faster. 
    •  The Clan Prodigy - 2 Extra Custom Jutsu
    ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|c α r є є r • ∂ α т α|├▬
    Ryo: 両 $0000000
    AC:        0001400
    Missions Complete:
    D Rank :: 4
    C Rank :: 0
    B Rank :: 1
    A Rank :: 0
    S Rank :: 0

    • Ninjutsu : : 08 / 12
    • Genjutsu : : 00 / 05
    • [strike]Taijutsu Styles: : 00 / 00[/strike]
    • [strike]Bukijutsu Styles: : 00 / 00[/strike]
    ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ω є α ρ σ η • ∂ α т α|├▬
    Weapon Type:   N/A
    Weapon Range:  N/A
    Weapon Weight: N/A
    Weapon Location:
    • N/A

    [/size][size=10]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|ι η ν є η т σ r у|├▬[/size][size=9]
    • Shuriken x5
    • Shuriken x 5
    • [/url] Breath Mask
      • [url=]
    • [/url] Medium Sized Gourd for kikaichu Insects

      [/color][/size]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|т є c н η ι q υ є ѕ|├▬
      ▬▬┤|N i n j u t s u
      Maruton: {Start with the following six only}
      • Henge no Jutsu [ Transformation Technique ]
      • Kawarimi no Jutsu [ Substitution Technique ]
      • Bushin no Jutsu [ Clone Technique ]
      • Suimen Hokou no Waza [ Act of Water Surface Walking ]
      • Kinobori no Waza [ Act of Tree Climbing ]
      • Kai [ Release ]
      • Kage Bunshin no Jutsu [ Shadow Clone Technique Rank: B

      • Karasu Bunshin no Jutsu [ Crow Clone Technique ] Rank: C

      • Sanzengarasu no Jutsu [ Scattering One Thousand Crows Technique ] Rank: C

      • Tobidougu Soujuu no Jutsu [ Projectile Control Technique ] Rank: E

      • Kaze Bakuhatsu [ Wind Explosion ] Rank: D

      • Kaze no Yoroi [ Armor of Wind ] Rank: D

      • Kaze Gyorai no Jutsu [ Wind Torpedo Technique ] Rank : C

      • Tatsumaki Wana [ Tornado Trap ] Rank : C

      ▬▬┤|Aburame Clan Jutsu
      • Kikaichū no Jutsu [ Destruction Bug Host Technique ] Rank: B

      • Human Cocoon Technique Rank: E [ 50 Insects ]

      • Mushi Sekkou no Jutsu [ Insect Spying Technique ] Rank: E [ 1 Insect ]

      • Hijutsu: Mushiyose [ Secret Technique: Insect Gathering ] Rank: D [ 10 Insects ]

      • Mushi Bunshin no Jutsu [ Insect Clone Technique ] Rank: D [ 100 Insects ]

      • Mushi Kabe no Jutsu [ Insect Wall Technique ] Rank: C [ 200 Insects ]

      • Hijutsu: Mushimayu [ Secret Technique: Insect Cocoon ] Rank: C

      • Mushi Jamingu no Jutsu [ Insect Jamming Technique ] Rank: D [ 500 Insects ]

      ▬▬┤|G e n j u t s u

      ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤|н ι ѕ т σ r у|├▬
      At the birth of Luciano, it was under clan customs to make him the host body for a single kikaichū insect once outside the womb. The kikaichū would would barrow itself though his inside making tunnel as well as multiplying itself increasing in numbers. Luciano being just the newborn to two Shinobi’s Luc and Kyriano Aburame made him a somewhat known ninja amongst higher ranking ninja’s causing him to live in their shadows in the future unless he becomes a better ninja and sensor then them both.

      ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤1 - 13 years old├▬
      At the age of one, Luciano’s parents was worried that their son hasn’t shown any hint of knowing how to control his abilities making him dangerous at times. Good thing he didn't have the venomous insects of that would be a big problem for the village itself. This would go on until Luciano was at the age of 4. When Luciano was at the age of 5 Luci and Kyriano was worried because their once troublesome son hasn’t shown anymore signs of even having his kikaichū insect anymore which made them fear for Luciano’s life.

      Since they felt he couldn’t use his Clan jutsu anymore they enrolled him in that ninja academy at the age of 10 hoping that it would help him find his bloodline jutsu again. Little did they know was that Luciano just decided not to tell them to do anything. For 3 years Luciano stayed in the academy learning everything he can becoming one of the smart genins to graduate in his class. Having knowledge about almost any jutsu and bloodline he has come in contact with giving him a great advantage against the other ninja’s

      ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬┤14 - ? years old├▬
      Now a Genin Luciano has a lot to live up to, being a Leaf Village Sensor Aburame he also has a great responsibility when it come to help people out. Now trying to find his purpose, Luciano plans on being one of the Top Sensor ninjas as well as the top ninja from the Aburame Clan, and plans to be a Leaf Village Anbu or Oinin.

      After Graduating, Luciano began to train at the Academy Learning various jutsu's and clan techniques. While he was training he heard an annoucement of the former Hokage's resigning and that very one should go vote. Going to the Hokages Office to vote Luciano felt as though it was taking to long so he went back to train Leaving a shadow clone in his place, who voted for Masaru Uchiha, who became the next Hokage........


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