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Topics - Ragna

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This history is from a no-player.Shizou was a fantastic character that saved Ragna in his main story,Ragna returned to see his village again alone,it was empty.The bodies were still there,so he made a grave for every body.After that,he gone to Shizou's house to leave some presents for him...He found a book called ,,The History of mine by Shizou"..Well,Ragna got the book and started reading.After reading chapter one,with many tears in his eyes,he continued in the second chapter named "Zem under attack".

Zem under attack


When me and my comrades were going to pass to my village some anbu stopped us,one of them came in front of me and took a look at me,then he said that we are okay to pass...I was full of questions but they quickly ran away...When we arrived in the village I din't have time to waste,I ran into a Zemu (Zem's village police) and asked him about the anbu....He said we were under attack,I didn't know what to say,or to do.....I was going to ask many questions but then I thought that there's no time for them,I ran to my house to see if my family were,at

When I got home I first saw my mother crying and hitting everything that was in front of her..There was my uncle too,he was trying to calm her down...When she saw me,she hugged me immediately...She said "I'm sorry...I'm really sorry.....IT WAS ALL MY FAULT" while she was crying...Me and my uncle tried to calm her down....after 5 minutes,when we were all calm,I asked her why she told me such a thing....then she lowered her head down and told me "I am the reason your dad is dead..." then I quickly stand up and and I said "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT...."I was shocked....I didn't know what happened..seconds after my mother explained me the whole story..this is what she told me...


"Me and your father got a mission to look around the village for the enemy.We find a little base in a cave and we immediately went in.After some seconds of walking we find a room,we got in and saw some battle injured shinobi from our village locked in a cage...Only one was alive,your uncle...He saw us and he told us to run away quickly but me and your father wanted to get them out,so I ran to smash the cage.I broke 3 columns so your uncle could get outside..when he got outside 3 of our enemies got in our way...Your uncle were gravely injured and couldn't fight and I had to protect him...Your father went in front of us and told us to get away while he was fighting them...I didn't want to leave him,and I couldn't...I didn't know what to do...Then your father said "IF YOU STAY HERE LOOKING AT ME YOU AND MY BROTHER WILL DIE TOO,IF YOU REALLY WANT TO HELP HERE,GO BACK TO THE VILLAGE AND BRING HELP"...I ran away with your uncle and left your father alone...When we arrived in the village we immediately went to the anbu station for help...We went back in the base's place fast...but...but the cave wasn't there...The anbu searched the place....I felt like I killed my husband...I felt like I did nothing but running away from a person that needs help....."

This is it for chapter two,tell me what you think.

 : Shizou Zeimatsu :

This history is from a no-player.Shizou was a fantastic character that saved Ragna in his main story,Ragna returned to see his village again alone,it was empty.The bodies were still there,so he made a grave for every body.After that,he gone to Shizou's house to leave some presents for him...He found a book called ,,The History of mine by Shizou"..Well,Ragna got the book and started reading.

Welcome to my past.This is the book that I will write everything interesting moment in my life.


Today is my fifth birthday!!!My friends and I would hang out but I heard that my aunt will soon have a new baby,so I have to keep her safe,besides,what medical ninja am I.It is 3 in the night and it is time for the baby to born,and then I will finally go to sleep,I'm so tired.My new buddy just came out,his name is Ragna,I will be the best cousin ever,I swear it.Well,it is time for me to go to sleep.


Hello again,1 year passed since I last wrote.Not a lot of things happened,but yesterday my cousin walked for the first time,I was so happy to see that.Now I am six years old and I can finally go to my village's little academy to study and be a better shinobi my self!!!Me and Ragna have great times together,we are eating ramen together,go fishing together and training with kunai and shuriken,I really love him,I feel like,he is my brother.


Ragna is 2 now,but I need to go,I have to go to a mission to help Inferunogakure.I was chosen for that mission because I am one of the greatest medical shinobis in my clan,I know I'm little but I'm still good.I'm in the mission,the inferno shinobis are really good and friendly,I like them.Well it is time to move,see you later.Our mission is to spot some spies and kill them,we already are curious about some people.A lot of months passed an we found the spies,now it's our time to move.Wow,that was hard,at least we won and no-one died.We had to deal with a kind of spies visitors,they were really strong,and it took many months too.Now it's the time to get back to my village,finally.

This is it for chapter one,tell me what you think.

 : Shizou Zeimatsu :

Introduction / I will introduce you to ,,This Greek Prick"
« on: July 03, 2017, 12:28:41 »
Aye lads this is my personal text so GET THE FUCK OUT...I mean you can read some if you want  ;D

Name : Harry Rukis (Χάρης Ρούκης)

Ethnicity : Greece

Nationality : Also Greece

Living in : G R E E C E ...athens :3     : D

Born in : ...greece.......september 8,2002 :3

Sports : I SAID GREECE,oh sports,ammm,basket : D (DAFNI DAFNI DAFNI AU AU AU)

Hobbies : I like playing fps games and I want to follow a path to become a champ :3 also LOOOVE basket and I also like street fights...(when they are needed)
Goals in life : All I wanna do is see me turn into a SUPER SAIYAN,SUPER SIYAN...and be a captain in a cruise ship because all my family is working in ships and I want to follow the family ,,blood" too :3
Languages : Greek (but of course xD), a lil of the CykaLanguage and English :3

Education : Lately I educating at noscopes xD

Favorite Meme : Leek spin ( and meet spin too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Favorite song : (love the video too)

Favorite game : TESV:Skyrim : D (and mafia is second..sorry mafia...sorry)

Favorite anime : Naruto,I guess...Yes Naruto :3



Name : Ragna Zeimatsu

Battle suit 1

Age : 16

Gender : Male

Height : 1.70

Weight : 60 kg

Hairstyle : something like sasuke's hair in boruto

Facial hair : None

Hair color : Red (Zeimatsu's clan hair color)

Eye color : Blue-and-white the left one (The blue color is Zeimatsu's clan eye color,but some children have the potential to have the Holly Energetic White Eye ,,HeWe" for short )

Blood type : 0-

Primary chakra nature : Lightning
Hidden Village : Inferunogakure

Clan : Zeimatsu clan

Good or evil at heart? : As bright as the white sky,but don't try to use it,it will turn darker than the nothing

Description of the character's personality : I'm friendly unless you try me,I am serious and I like strategy,but fighting to win is my first priority

 : Description of the character's history :

The story starts in Ragna's fifth birthday party in Zeimatsu's village (Zem).It was a big party for Ragna because he is the Grandson of Great Ragna,the one who managed to defeat the Uchidan.
It was the time for Ragna to obtain his presents.After a lot of kunais books and little presents,it was the time for Ragna to obtain his hidden potential,the HeWe.Great Ragna putted his hand on Ragna's head,and focused,he lended some of his power to Ragna,until his left eye bleed.The healers healed his eye,and when he blinked,his eye from blue went white.He finally awakened his potential,all the village cheered for him.
After that,he went with his friends in the borders of the small village to play while the Uchidan attacked.Ragna sensed some big power and his eye hurt,he told his friends to go hide quickly.They were going to hide into a cave when a Uchidan member found them.He attacked and killed one of Ragna's best and oldest friend (Shizou),Shizou protected Ragna by taking the kunai attack.Ragna fell on the ground,hopeless,then quickly looked at the Uchidan and said ,,You aren't tough,are you" then the Uchidan flinched and started screaming.That made some Inferunogakure and Kazangakure passengers come.When they came they saw Ragna holding Uchidan's head,they freaked out,then Ragna's friends explained what happened.The shinobi passengers understood and took them to Zem.When they finally got there,it was all burned,with dead bodies all over the place,all the children searched for their parrents.Ragna and an Inferno shinobi met Great Ragna nearly dead,his lasts word were given to the inferno shinobi ,,Get Ragna to Inferunogakure,and,protect him"and Then Ragna's eyes were covered in tears.The shinobi touched his back and said ,,It's time to go and make your old man's task".He putted Ragna on his back and said the task to the other shinobis.The shinobis and the children were running to Inferunogakure.They were so close while Uchidan came to finish the job.A specific Uchidan looked Ragna straight to the eyes and said ,,You little scrub,you killed my brother,I WILL KILL YOU"then attacked with all he got.The shinobis protected the children till their last breathes.The shinobis won the battle,and returned to their path,until the trees were starting to mach,then they understood that they were caught in a genjutsu.The trees trapped all the shinobis and children into small tree-jails.The specific Uchidan gone to the jail with Ragna and the inferno shinobi.He got back from ragna to stab him with a kunai but the shinobi turned and the kunai hit the shinobi's chest,then the shinobi said Ragna to jump off him and he used a strong chidori nagashi.After that,the genjutsu released and the inferno shinobi fell to a tree.Ragna checked his palms,he was alive.They took him into the Inferunogakure's hospital.
When he woke up,the first he saw was Ragna,sleeping on the chair near him.The shinobi was nearly dead...Ragna woke up and he was so happy that the shinobi was still alive,he was happy until he saw the blood coming out of his mouth,then Ragna tried to ran to get some help,but the shinobi held his hand,and said ,,I am glad I met you,brother,now I gonna see our old man in heaven,good bye,Ragna".Ragna flinched...He didn't know what to do...All he knew,was that he was his older brother,Ragnarock..
10 years passed in Inferunogakure,and the children found home and joined the shinobi academy.Now,the journey begins with Ragna and his friends


Shinobi Life Online Clans / Zeimatsu Clan (UPDATED OVERALL 3)
« on: June 15, 2017, 19:45:01 »

 : Leader :
At the moment:Ragna Zeimatsu
Right Hand
Zatsume Zeimatsu

Affiliation : Inferunogakure

 : Clan History :

Once upon a time there was a small village called Zem.There lived the clan known as Zeimatsu.It was between inferunogakure and was a peaceful clan that supported the visitors and passengers.
One day a clan named Uchidan attacked the small clan but Zeimatsu couldn't revenge because they were too weak to battle them..The Uchidan Clan was attacking for a very long time until they did a very big mistake,they stole Zeimatsu's Clan Holly Honest Spark...From then,Zeimatsu Clan started fighting them to get it back since Grand Ragna,the strongest warrior of the Zeimatsu Clan who managed to make a very fiery speech and make the shinobis strong to defeat the Uchidan..Then the attacks to the Uchidan became more and MORE powerful that Zeimatsu succeeded to take the Holly Honest Spark back again..They celebrated with sake and wine but as they were celebrating Uchidan were sneaking into the Clan's little village...It was the time that Zeimatsu clan was for once good and strong,but not for a long,the Uchidan clan attacked from the back...All the clan got burned and there were children screaming for help...Some sinobis from inferunogakure and kazangakure were passing near and they heard all those screams...They came and saved as many people as they could...
The Zeimatsu Clan had been destroyed,but not completely..The children that were saved are living in inferunogakure,they are searching for power,they want revenge..And the payback will soon come...

Unique traits : They all have red hair and blue eyes and are very good at lighting chakra.One of the has awakened the HeWe
(more information --> )


-HAKARIGOTO SHIN - 謀臣 (translation from Japanese:Strategist) are 3-men squad's Leaders,only experienced and intelligent people can obtain  this category

-BUTAI - 部隊 (translation from Japanese:Troop) are shinobi that get ruled by a strategist,take anbu as an example,this category can be obtained by the person's own thoughts

-SEIJIKA - 政治家 (translation from Japanese::Politician) are diplomats that talk for the clan's politics,to obtain this category you have to be experienced and trustful

-GAIBU - 外部 (translation from Japanese:External) are shinobi from other villages,that doesn't mean that they are different,respect them
: Strengths :
They are good swordmen and they are also good at ninjutsu and taijutsu

: Weaknesses :
The only weakness they have it's their rage...It can help them,but it can kill them too

: Rival clans :

 :Allied clans :
Kinshēdo , Sandāreisu

: Members :
Ryou Zeimatsu,Zatsume Zeimatsu,Raizo Zeimatsu,Nojin Zeimatsu,Rasen-Neos Zeimatsu,Giku Zeimatsu,Arigian Zeimatsu,Kutsuki Zeimatsu

: Rules :

-Respect to every member-
-Respect to every enemy-
-Respect to every ally-

: Discord :
PM me if you want to join :3

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