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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Topics - TheStylee

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General Discussion / SLO Interview - #2
« on: May 14, 2017, 21:06:45 »
Hi everyone to another SLO Interview with Style!(literally). Today we get a big fish,Vreg himself.We wanted to know how things is going on back there,so we asked the admin himself.Now let's enjoy it together!

P.S:I'd love to hear all the questions you have guys.Im sure Vreg will try to answer to the most of them here so leave them on comm section!Enjoy:

Me:First of all,Hi Vreg and thank you and welcome on SLO-Interview #2 ^^
Vreg - Hi
Me - Im Alex,20 years old guy from Romania,huge fan of your project.I summed few questions of our mates from this discord and ill try to ask you these.In my imagination,this wll calm down things and will help a lot the ' communication thing ' between staff and community
First of all i'd like to ask you who you are :smiley: . Share with us al the infos u are confortable with.A name,an age, where from ? ^^

Vreg - Nice to meet you Alex :smiley: Vreg, about to turn 23, living in Belgium but ethnically Armenian
fulltime software engineer at Cronos
Me - What is Shinobi life online? I mean,we all readed the main page text,but where does this come from?There are a lot of people with dev skills but nobody got the balls to actually create a game like this.Where did you get this motivation from ?
Vreg - Started to marathon Naruto, reached the end of the anime as far as it had gotten at that time, and was a little disappointed with real life not being so awesome
so I decided to create a virtual world where we can all be shinobi

Me - How your experience as dev was influenced by this decision?Did you caught experience during this journey?
Vreg - yes, I learned the ins and outs of game development, which is a very different type of software development compared to traditional software development
Me - What is your relationship with the other people that help your dream comming to reality( the devs ) ? :smile:
Vreg - Some of them are people that I've met and have been friends with since the start of the project, others are more recent, but everyone is great
Me - I gotta be honest, Vreg.People talk.People talk a lot.Even Matt said in an old interview that some devs are lazy.Some of them innactive.What's the story behind this?Is there any missunderstantings between you guys?
Vreg - This is a hobby project, so we don't always have time to work on it, hence sometimes devs are inactive
There's no revenue that funds the project, donations are barely enough to keep things running
Me - I understand.This drive me to the next question.How's your relationship with Matt?He's known as the most devotated dev  on the project
Vreg - Matt is indeed the most active developer on our team, partly due to his dedication and also due to his circumstances that allow him to spend more time on the project
Me - The number of devs on actual team are enough to keep things running ?
Vreg - We are planning to do a huge step-up in development in the next 2 months
and yes we have enough contributers

Me - Do you have any special conssideration for a member of the team?Do you dislike any of SLO member staff in a express way?
Vreg - Nope, we are all good friends
Me - What's the future of the project?Something spicy and important going on this year?
Vreg - We just hope to reach alpha as early as we can, both so that the game can be enjoyed by a broader audience but also so that we can start a crowfunding campaing and really kickstart the project into much more active development
Me - How's the trailer going on,btw?Does it beginning to catch contour?
Vreg - The trailer has finished but unfortunately it was rendered out on a laptop with Fastest graphics, so it has to be rerendered completely before we can publically release it.
Me - Oh,what a shame.
How's your relationship with the community?Be as honest as you can.Does it motivate you?Does it annoy you sometime?

Vreg - The community is great, I try to interact with them as much as I can, I appreciate them for their continued support to SLO in better and worse times
Me - I'd like you listen your answer to the people that say the next sentence: " Why does SLO develop so hard?It's been 4 years and too little things happened"
Vreg - Lack of time
However we're currently in the process of changing the way we do things to be more productive, and hopefully that will show soon with new updates

Me - So you got some big goals for this year.Do you have any surprise for us this summer, guys?
Vreg - Wouldn't be a surprise if we told you about it
Me - Well played,heh.
After the game release,how we will see Vreg?Some kage,elder,or maybe even a simple player?
Vreg - Information about that is spread around the forum, if you do some digging I'm sure you'll find something
Me - I understand.That's all Vreg.For now.Don't relax,all of us are watching you.And support you aswell,don't forget that.
Thank you a lot,it was a pleasure ^^

Vreg - My pleasure

General Discussion / #SLO Interviews - First edition
« on: May 06, 2017, 10:50:34 »
"Is SLO still a thing? Do developers work like...for real? Why are dev-blogs released so rarely? Why are the updates so slow? We have all thought about it. "This game is so dope but the devs are kind of too lazy? Why does it progress so slow?"

A topic that is discussed frequently in this community:- The game's progress rate. Well, this week I invited a few of us, members of the community, but with different points of view to answer these questions. This means:

1. One of the most logical thing to do is to ask the devs themselves about it. Their voice is their social media manager, Malix. I asked him about himeself, so we can get to know him better, how work's going on there, and what's happening behind the scene...

2. The second point of view that I was curious about was from a moderator, but one of the oldest ones, Nova. He is a moderator from 4th August 2015 as he says and considering his time spent on Discord, where most of the discussions take place, he may give us a neutral point of view about all of this.

3. An old player that doesn't wish to publish his name.

4. A new player. One of the most pure point of view is from the new ones. Because they see it clearly. No friendships. No enemies. Just a neutral point of view. As he's one of the new players that use the SLO-Discord, I invited Basaka for an interview about our game progress."

Now,let's find out together what the fuark is happening here :)

Note:I'd appreciate a lot if you may comment about 'ur opinion about it,once u've heard this guys opinion.
Note2:Thank you a lot @Shivraj for helping me on editing and adapting the texts.My english spaghetti is saved.

Me:Hi Malix,and welcome to our interview!
Malix:Hi Style,nice to be part of it!
Me:I'd like to ask,first of all,who is Malix.Malix in real life.Who are you?Where do you live?What's your age?Maybe even a name
Malix: Not gonna give my name because personal reasons,but..
Me:Whatever you feel ok with.
Malix:I'm 31, from Toronto, Canada. I test software for a living specifically i manage the test automation team.
I have an Electrical Engineering degree, a wife, a kid, a house, a car, a mortgage T.T

Me:That's a ...when the hell do you have time to work on SLO lmao ^^
Well,nice to meet the real you,Malix.

Malix:I work on lore on my train rides to and from work.Straight up and thank you.
Me:Im Alex,and ill try to ask you the most unconfortable questions i can and get out of you the truth.
Malix:Do your worst, keep in mind im the social media manager so i should be able to handle it :D

Me:How did you found SLO? :)
Malix:I found it on reddit in the Naruto sub as one of the few online games
Me:Nice to hear that we are everywhere,haha.
What made you to join the SLO team ?
Malix:Well ive been a pretty big naruto fan for the last 10 years, I've been a part of game development before, i'm in the software development industry irl aaaannddd i like to write.  So when i saw the SMM contest I felt i could do that pretty well and I wanted to be a part of it. This is a pretty crazy dream come true for a me as Im sure it is for many people
Me:It is,indeed.
How do you feel about the other devs?Is there any misunderstandings between you guys?
Malix:There are disagreements sure, but rarely are there any full blown arguments.
Which makes sense really, if you didnt like the team/project you can leave whenever...and on the other hand we disagree about implementations all the time. Thats the point of having a discussion.
Me:Nice to hear a subjective opinion from inside.
How do you feel about Vreg?Was there any moment that he disappointed you?Made you feel proud you are part of the team?

Malix:Ive said it before and I'll say it again, Vreg and the rest of the team are extremely talented for their age. I'm 31 years old and I've been in the SWD industry for years and it's very rare to get talent like this from such a young age. Now we do have some old timers lately and they're great too. It really lets us keep the standard for work high. Ive never been overly disappointed. People forget this is a non-paid voluntary project in which the head developer was until very recently still a student.
Ive been around enough to know this is expected.
On the other hand I can understand how people on the outside can wonder why it doesn't look like anything is happening because they don't get to see what's going on.

Me:I understood.
Do you have any special conssideration for a member of the team?Do you dislike any of SLO members in a express way?
Malix:There arent enough arguments to dislike anyone. Although i think it would be cool to settle disputes in the SLO arena if we had any.
Altough i think Saitou deserves more recognition than he gets. Being a project manager is a thankless job that most people take for granted. While Vreg and the other guys make all the magic, it's Saitou that keeps us feeling like a team and keeps the ball rolling.
Me:How's going on on lore?Does it begin to catch the contour you are expecting?
Malix:The general history outline is done, ive written a first draft, then scrapped it and rewritten a second draft. I think im on my 4th now
I know what i want, im just a perfectionist

Me:Nice to hear that!Hard work is going on there.

As a social media manager,how do you feel about community?Does it motivates you?Did you made any friends from community?
Malix:We got an excited group of guys in our community. It's great to see all the suggestions (good and bad) and discussions that come out. As well as all the fan-made content. They're definitely dedicated to the game and I've gotten into more than one debate over future features. I thoroughly welcome that and it does motivate me as I want you guys to like the work that I, and the whole team, put out.  I'd like to think that I'm everyone's friend! But I'll settle with just the Hidden Metal guys...cuz we're clearly the best.
Me:Fair enough,metal guy.

You actually made the job easier for me,cause that's the subject i wanted to talk with you about now.
Me:After the release of the game,how we'll find Malix?A metal rogue guy?A troller?Do you have any early ideeas about how your character will be builded?
Malix:Hmm well I know I'll concentrate on Genjutsu and I'll be a Metal shinobi for the long run. I take my village choice (and eventually my clan choice) seriously. I'm not one to bounce around a lot. I do hope we'll have some sort of crafting system though, I'd like to be a blacksmith of some sort.
Overall I think I'll lead a quiet life, I dont have as much time to play as others
Also I want to be working on writing future events
Me:Great thing,now i know where i can upgrade my weapons ! xD
Well Malix,i have a verry last question for you.
We would  like to hear an opinion from inside.As i said,there was a topic on discord channel where some of us argued about game progress ration.Do you think it is slow?fast enough?what's happening on background?

Malix:Well again everyone has real lives to take care of and that comes first. From my perspective things are going at the regular pace although recently we've added new members to the team that have really let us start developing more things at once. Now if you want to compare us to some other game than of  course we're probably slow but that's just how it'll go until the kickstarter is under way. I suspect all the gripes about development speed will suddenly disappear then.
Me:I understood.Thanks a lot for your time Malix.Was a pleasure.
Malix:Thanks for having me, the pleasure is mine.


Me: Hi Nova!And welcome!
Nova: Hi Style !
Me: Who is Nova? Tell us all the personal informations you are comfortable to share with us.

Nova: "Nova" is the same as all the other people on the forum, just a gamer who looked for a Naruto mmorpg.
More specifically, I'm Dutch and 19 years old (atm), Been a part of the forum since august 4th 2015.

Me: I guess I should introduce myself too. I'm Alex, 19 years too, and I'll try to guide you through this interview journey

Me: How did you found SLO?
Nova: After catching up on the anime back then, I figured it could've been a great setting for an mmorpg, so the first thing I did was load up google and search for "Naruto mmorpg" SLO was one of the first if not the first entry to show up.
I tried out the game, got on and saw 2 members arguing, was hooked to the community since.

Me: What is your general opinion about all of SLO - the shinobi life simulator?

Nova: Twisted, I love both the project (what they aim to become)  and the community, however it does have it's drawbacks mainly caused by some of the members.

Me: Cruel as usual.

Me: As a moderator, how do you feel about the community? Have you formed tight friendships? Have you made any enemies? Or maybe people that you just completely dislike?

Nova: I've made quite a few friends on this project, who I hold quite dearly, some of which are inactive now.
Majority of the friends I made still contact me once in a while, and with a few of them we represent Yurei.

As for enemies, I haven't made any as far as I'm concerned, the only thing that I dislike from time to time is the behavior of some of the members(not the people themselves.)
Take Mars as an example, he's one of the first friends I made on this project, and I really do like him as a friend, however due to his troll-side I often have to take action against him (even though I'd rather not =/)

Me: What's your relationship with Shivraj,the other younger moderator?

Nova: He's one of the friends I made on this project, both being ex-Himitsu members (same goes for Reminance, Mars, Ken, Vipto etc.)
I still like him as a friend, even if we were "enemies" at one point (he is one of the leaders in katakiuchi and I was a roguehunter in Roguhanta)

He's also a fellow yurei member.

Me: Today, we had a topic on the official SLO Discord server: The game's progress rate. Do you find it slow, moderate or just fast enough?

Nova: I do think that the updates-rate is slow, but I do realize that me moaning about it won't magically speed up the progress.
It all comes down the devs (mostly Vreg).

Me: How's your relationship with Vreg?From outside,he pings@ you anytime something is botherhing him.Is this relationship beautifull inside as it seems from outside?

Nova: Eh, not sure if I'd call it an relationship, technically speaking he's my "employer" I just do my job by keeping the forum and community remotely clean.
As for why he @'s me, I'm not entirely sure, might be because he expects I'll do it well enough (or that he doesn't want to be bothered with such things himself)

Me: Nice to hear that ^^

Me: Do you have any goals about SLO? Do you wish to remain in team even further?
Nova: No specific goals set for SLO, I hope I'll be around when the game releases so I can play the game I've been waiting for.
As for my place in the team, I don't mind whatever the outcome, I like the dev team and I don't mind moderating, however it's not like I feel the need to be a moderator.
Nova: Don't get me wrong, I'm not thinking of stepping down, but should somebody worthy show up I wouldn't mind stepping down

Me: How're things going on in the background? I heard that you guys get some new members on team . Did you meet them ?

Nova: I've seen some of the new devs talk on the chat, but it's mostly the people who are working on finalizing the trailer atm that actively talk / try to fix stuff with Vreg.

Me: I understood.

Me: Last question, who will be Nova in game? Do you have an early concept about your character? ^^

Nova: My plans for the released game (at this moment, don't know about the future)  is to roam around and explore the map after training for a bit.
Of course I'll also be putting in work for my clan, so they can have a good time.
And last but not least, I'll be doing stuff Yurei related.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Few asks :d
« on: April 10, 2017, 09:06:41 »
Im moving around this forum and im pretty sure that i've read almost every topic from the forum about gameplay/goals.Still,the FAQ topic it's not really accurate anymore with the current goals/gameplay so , if you dont mind,i have few questions to ask about (that i couldn't get the answers from forum/discord).

1.What will be the kage role exactly?Not just role-playing(starting a war,for ex) but on gameplay.How does he affects me as a player while he is on his mandatory?What's ur goals about it?

2.How do u imagine the political and economycal system will/would work ? How do you envision it and what's ur goal about it?

3.What's the jobs for shinobi you have in mind?

4.What village do we get after hiden hill?Did u decided about it ? xd

5.What's your goals for this year?What do u expect to be finished , the stage of the game you wish to get?

6.How large do you expect the map to be?As i saw,you developed aleardy a village,some terrain and im curious if u made up an ideea about how large the world will be.From the north of the map to the south,for example,it should take 10 mins/ 1 hour / 1 day / 10 days to reach at max. speed?What's ur goal for it?

Tags for searching bar: devs , map , village , design , kage , kage role , jobs , hiden hill , alpha , this year , map size , time .

Hi guys.
I've went through to a lot of topics (that search function is usefull O.o ) and i've read about 'ur ideas of buildings,arhitecture,usage of them,even the jobs of shinobis.Now,ill try to be as clear as possible and complex on details so try to be patient while reading it.
tl;dr:read it you lazy-ass.

Building usage

I've seen some posts about how village will looks like and im making this suggestion cause will affect what devs are doing right now.Developing new buildings with difference usage.As far as i saw there will be Hospial , Police station , Ramen shop , Hokage center and a  lot of damn houses.If im wrong and didnt look close enough,close the topic and fk me.Now,this may be may be suggestions:

Inteligence center/division
You saw it when Pain atacked the Village and get through the barrier .Theyr job is to keep an eye of anyone that enter on the village and protect it from assault pontential.This center is full of shinobis with high grade of sensory jutsu and,as i read on the forum,sensory jutsu is on to-do list of the game.I know we're trying not to be that close to naruto things,but it's a must for a village.More,when the assault of the village and war are becoming a thing.I suggested it now,as i said,cause now is the moment when you're building.

Library and scrolls center

It was on anime even from first episode if im not wrong(if yes,corect me please) and it contains a lot of scrolls.I dont know and maybe you dont know either how primary and basic jutsu are achived but it may be an ideea and it can contain a lot of books with the lore of the game.And it can be big.No,i mean it,i read the topic with this guys that are creating lore.That's a lot of imagination.Also,books with hokages history ,wars history of the game,rogue ninjas,clans,organizations and the things that they do.negative or positive.And all of the may be wrote by journalist.That's why im saying it:Builds and ideeas are creating jobs for shinobis and give us the realism that we are wishing so much.and also being better then 95% than governments on the world,buuut that's another story.

Torturing and interogation division

Ibiki Morino explained you in anime pretty well that is this about.When 2 villages are in war,and one ninja is captured,you can't keep him locked in kage's's a damn big window right there and as we know ppl on SLO like to jump.So this division contains ninjas that brings prisoniers here for informations.Maybe even let them go, for right informations.because we know that people on internet are nice and have a lot of mercy.we could call it abator division too,i guess. O.o

Not many info here.If u are agree with the suggestion of ranks down on this post,u will consider it a must.Keep reading


As i said on the begging,maybe i didnt look close enough on the map,but better prevent then treat,so :As me,you,and we expect a large of numbers of game,one or two ramen shops will be..not enough space to be fast.We need more restaurants on village.I mean it !!!!

***If you got anymore ideea for the buildings with usage comment.Id love to read other worth ideeas!***

Level system & Rank system

I understand that this is not an exactly soon to-do thing,but a good ideea is noticed and it may help on the future.a brick here,a brick there.

Im not sure i read corectly,or old posts,but i understood that staff won't have levels.And i feel this...not comfortable.
First of all:Levels and experience are big part of a mmorpg concept.The competivity ,the running for exp gain would keep us alive.You don't have to make mobs or things like this for it,but missions,doing your choosed job well (anbu/ramen shop seller) with some achived target and getting experience.
2nd:The competitive scene should feel real.After lets say,3 month of the release,a lot of people will get Jounin rank and have a lot of jutsu.PvP is fine but in the end it gets boring.Yes i said that.kill me now.but that's what competitive is.What's what allows me having that fancy jutsu over that ugly "Shuriken mdfkr throw".Keep us on vibeeee!
3th:A better way to make differences.How i said,a lot of ppl will grow up on rank after few time.And wars and rogues wont be fun forever.Or atleast 12h/days ,how mmorpg should keep u on chair.So over exploring,killing,and eating rammen we could grow up on level and encourage me to make that stupid mission that ask me to chase a cat.

Ranking & Exams

I was so completly disagree with the ideeas about this on forum.I mean,there was a topic where ppl suggest an almost DM for chunnin exam.that's so dumb and so much waaaste of potential.Im not sure im right,i wait happily suggestions and improvments,but that's how i think about ranking system:

You start as academy student and u keep being here for till the u recive that diploma.That means ,once at 3 days the diploma is gaved to the begginers and they are shared on teams with a jounin as teacher.On that week of academy there may be tutorials about game,informations,mission-tutorials, learning few basic jutsu ,learning to work on team and even make contact with other academy student.You are tying a tying a friendships with people with some knowledge like you,start to understand the game mechanics ,the possibilities,the restrictions.

Going from Academy student -> Genin should not cost anything.Just playing 3 days and getting your diploma.

I understand that Chunnin exam is a verry debatated subject and i understand that my opinion is under others,but ill still give a shot.How i said,opinions and improving ideeas are welcomed!

You need to spend some time as a gennin.I would say atleast 3 weeks.That will get used you to the game,you will have enough missions done and u saw the map how it looks like.You even saw the pvp outside when that sand guy was chasing you and you understand the basics.But if you want do advance,you must know the lore of the game.Otherwise,what's the ideea of the game?Shinobi life = village = "A country where people do not know their country's history is lost country". I have to prove my loiality to the village,learn theyr history and even of the game.So Chunnin exman should be like this:
Once in a moth ,the registrations are free-open if you're a genin.
The first step will be an written exam of lore of the game and the village and even the bascis of the game that u learned on your first 3 weeks here.
The 2nd step will be a pvp-fight on arena.But only 75% of candidates will promote.How's that?: If now they are 50 candidates,it will be a 1 v 1 fight.50% will win , ,that means 25 players. the losers ones,rest 25 will have a second chance to the fight against each others losers.12 players win,that means 37 of 50.thats a 75% percentage.If we go this way,we will asure enough and a generous promitions,and not that much cry for not passing of to many ppl.That 12 guuys who losed,have to get another mounth till the next chunnin exams.

That would be Genin -> Chunnin.

Now,when u are becoming a Jounin,u are practically a veteran of the village.In case of war,assault and so on ,excepting anbu,you are expect to save people,protect the village ,capture and killing the enemy.

Advancing from Chunnin -> Jonnin

In order do that ,anime doesnt show us what a Jounin have to do to become one.So i've made my long research on naruto folders wiki,and i pull out a conclusion with a semi-original ideea:When you want to become a jounin u have to be a Chounin with ur jutsu at a pretty high level, a certain level (ur choose) . That's the steps:
1.Talk to a specific NPC and ask him for promition.He will give u an random S mission specialised on spying OR assasination,you will make complete a registration-formular .It will be read and accepted/declined by the Hokage.cause..that's one of the hokage's jobs,as we all know.pappers.He can see yours entire profile since u play.More exactly : Missions done,place u have visited,the amount of job you have done for village.To be more and more exactly,becoming a jounin is not a right,it's a privillege.You must have a pretty good palmares and good history for becoming one.You can still be a kim-kardishian-atitudin,elders will asure the hokage's decision is complety neutral and transparent.This request can be done once per week.

After you finished this trio geni-chuni-jouni fiesta,you should get a job.But that,and stats,and other things will talk later when game will be a in a more advanced stage.

That's all for now.I wait you opinions ,improviments,modifications,but only thing that i PLEASE you is to complete them with strong argument.negative or positive,doesnt matter.but strong arguments!

Introduction / Hi there
« on: March 14, 2017, 20:44:03 »
Name: Alex ^^
Ethnicity: Romanian
Nationality: Romanian(yes im romanian,no im not a gypsy,no , romanian are not gypsys.two diference races - still no racist -)
Living in: Bucharest Romania
Born in:10 Sept, 1997
Sports: pressing buttons on keyboard and professional handball
Hobbies: Learning psychology,playing LoL(plat3 mdfkrs) owning my own shop, learning language programming - but nothing presional ,just as a hobby-
Goals in life: Being a verry good psychologist i guess,that's my thing(see that?i played with ur mind) ,having my own buisness (no i didnt but still tricked u bwhaha) and being over average society class.
Languages: Romanian,English when my grammar isnt drunk
Education : Psychology college .not that much achivments on my life.*QQ*

Nice to meet all of you,i found here ppl with same passion as mine.I've knew about shinobi life by some time ago but never actually come into the form and read ,just watching videos on youtube and guessing that's a modified game on a private server with naruto theme.I guess ill do everything i can do help in the community with my low IT knowledge and even donate some-some soon.See u around. ^^

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / About & talking game mechanics
« on: March 11, 2017, 17:52:04 »
Hi,all of you.Im newbie here(by far what i read,u guys really dislike us,arent u ? :] ) and i dammit watched any video on youtube that contains SLO, i readed FAQ and as much as possible i could topics on forum and i have few sugestions( i guess it's the right word?!) and modification.also noticed that staff really care about ppl sugestions if they are spelled

Genjutsu :
As far as i read( im not a native english guy,dont judge to hard if i didnt read well) genjutsu will be just about cc (Crowd-control) like sleeping/snare/sounds etc.but,if a character is going to specialise to only one of that main type how can a genjutsu player defend him self in a death area?or an ambush?i mean,ill be love'd on a war/team fight but hate my self af whenever im alone in the suggestions would be to give them some genjutsu dmg-deal.

Puppet problem : That's something that concern me for real cuz' immmaa damn bad ass Sasori the topics that i read it about,some of ppl from staff say that they may approve them if we have good ideeas about how.
my ideea sounds like : as u can choose ninjutsu,taijutsu,genjutsu and what the hell si out there,puppet master should be an option to.picking your first puppet in academy,evolving it(think about it like a pet) , improving it with armour and weapons sh1ts like this,jutsu that you can learn them as ur jutsu level tree , and the most important , controling them with the right hand with the numlock numbers ( right side of keyboard).that will require dexterity,controlling and dodging ur character with wasd and controlling ur puppet and skills with the right hand.

bit later edit:

Kage's election:

As far as i read,the election are once on a mounth.On my opinions,thats completly insuficient for an economy and a ally/enemy relationship to pull out a conclusion.It's just to little 1 month.Id better suggest a 3 month mandate.This will will asure a better stability for villagers and diplomacy.
few ask that i have..
1.what's the status of the game right now ? an imaginary percent of how much it's done of betta version.(u can take as refference point the FAQ goals listed)
2.the vote system for kages,the demand for clans and etc will be in-game or forum thing (as ..samp?!)

if my english is worse than ur german,try to focus on asks ,not on judging.thx ! ^^

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