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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Topics - bloberfish

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General Discussion / Congratulations Limits!!!
« on: August 20, 2015, 01:59:41 »
To Limits

Congrautlations!!! You finally made it into the
Sennin Club!!!

We at ShinobiLifeOnline would like to say a big thankyou to @limits , who willingly and gratefullt accepted the donation rank of Sennin on Mars' behalf. Everyone please take time from your day to congratulate him!!! And Limits, may you be a happy, colourful Sennin forever :D

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Reduced Damaged
« on: August 19, 2015, 00:08:01 »
Hiya Guys. I saw Mars's topic about using more chakra to jump when your health gets lower and I thought that the same sort of ting cold apply to damage. Basically, my suggestion  is that the more damage you take the less damage you couuld give to the other player. This is because if you take a lot of damage to your body, you would find it harder to move and would obviously be weaker, therefore reducing the amount of damage you can give.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / 11 Kage's of the land
« on: August 13, 2015, 14:46:57 »
Hiya guys, I was thinking about the upcoming final stage of the kage test and wondered, what are we all gonna be called? So I propose we use names like these. All the kage's names do relate to the village that they are the kage of, I have not just found random japanese words and put them with "kage".

Hidden Hills Kage - Yamakage or Yosokage
Hidden Thunders Kage - Kekeikage
Hidden Forest's Kage - Mokukage
Hidden Volcano's Kage - Atsukage
Hidden Haze's Kage - Futtokage or Nimakage
Hidden Snow's Kage - Tsumekage
Hidden Ash's Kage - Sukokage
Hidden Inferno's Kage - Honokage
Hidden Metal's Kage - Shakukage
Hidden Dust's Kage - Sunakage
Hidden Shockwave's Kage - Hatsukage or Bakukage

General Discussion / Nara clan or Inuzuka clan?
« on: August 12, 2015, 15:28:33 »
Hiya guys, me and my brother have this on-going dispute about who is better the Nara clan or the Inuzuka clan, for the purity of the poll, I will not say who we both support, so please answer wisely!!!

Shinobi Life Online Feedback / Going at 50kpm when I'm dead
« on: August 07, 2015, 19:33:08 »
So I spotted a bug when I was dead, it is basically whenever you die, the speed you were going at right before you died still stays there even after your corpse is lifeless on the ground.This has probably been recognized already but I am jut making sure everyone knows about it.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Losing Health/Chakra
« on: August 06, 2015, 19:49:12 »
So, reading Kono's question I thought, would you lose health if you ran out of chakra? Because in the Naruto universe if you lose alot of chakra, you would look tired, pass out, or even die as kakashi said " you use up all your chakra, worst case scenerio, you die". So I was thinking, if you use up all of your chakra, or go past a certain limit, would you start taking damage? Since Shinobi Life Online is inspired by the Naruto universe, I believe this should be in the game.

What do you think?

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / 1 vs 1
« on: August 01, 2015, 22:00:32 »
Ok, I was playing GraalOnline earlier on today and one part of the game was something called sparring. It was basically a big room with an arena in the middle and seats around it so people could watch. If you wanted to compete, you would have had to register and wait in a que until it was your turn. So I was thinking, why not do that for SLO now, maybe in the upcoming updates so it can keep people motivated for the release of the game. What do you think???

@Vreg also, if this is going to happen soon, around when would it happen?

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Asking Questions
« on: July 29, 2015, 18:04:43 »
Hi Everyone,

Earlier on today I was reading through the Will Rasengan be in the game? topic and when Remi said:
Will Rasengan be in the game?

Read the F.A.Q before posting, you can find a lot of information including the answer to your question (No, due to copyright as Mars said) Here it is.

Its possible that you wont find an answer to your question sometimes.
Then its oke to ask since the F.A.Q is a bit outdated imo.

I thought, we are getting numbers of question topics that have already been answered (yes by people new to the forum), and just waists our time reading and answering them. So, this is when I started making this topic. I have a very simple idea that cuts down time considerably, either by making an entire topic for one question, or by looking through all the other topic. Just ask it in the shoutbox before you ask it in the Questions category! This way, people who have been on the forum for a considerable amount of time can answer them, since they would have seen previous questions answered in the shoutbox. I f no one can give you an answer then you can fell free to make a topic. At the end of the day, it will make the community run more smoothly (if only by a tiny fraction). Anyway, I would love to see if everyone could start doing this :D
                                                                                                           Thanks for reading!!!

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Village Gods
« on: July 10, 2015, 22:26:52 »
So, I was reading the topic "Is anyone going to use one style of fighting" topic and Shivraj said
Vreg, basically, you'll be Kaminari God or something?

And it got me thinking. If a single player defeated Vreg_Senpai (and I stress a single player because it will prove his/her power) he will join Vreg in being a 'God'. By this I mean an extremely rare title to show off to your friends, which will also strike fear into the hearts of the opponents. But I believe that if you gain the title of a God, you should not be allowed to be a Kage, since Vreg is not going to be a Kage (I don't think anyway) someone of a similar power to Vreg should also not be a Kage.

But I do stress, this will be an extremely rare title and anyone with it will be respected.

Thanks for reading :D

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Kami Senshi Skype
« on: May 28, 2015, 15:27:40 »
Guys we have been allowed by our leader to start a Kami Senshi Skype Group, this will be made so we can talk about our organization privately. If you want to be apart of it post your skype name on this topic and I will cross your name of the list.

Members:StrawHatSeyi, Emi_Kurosawa, Lokomaru, Mythik, BlackFoot Raji, Fate14, CookieFacePrimoz, Kenji.Atakasu, Kakashi Natsu, Steven203, Bubblespy, Akihiro, Limits, SharinganUchihaAvenger, Scara Youkiami, Gaara34, Granit, Shadow Fallen, AsuraPathOfPain, TFGSierra125, Bloberfish, RyoHazuki, R3NIX, Metroidmaster11, LionXI, Vlad, Igna400, Asuna, K4kashiHatake, Edwards95, Snip3dow

Shinobi Life Online Character / Arashi Akagi
« on: February 19, 2015, 13:29:11 »

Name: Arashi Akagi
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 12 Stone
Facial hair: Non
Hair color: Pure White
Eye color: Navy Blue
Blood type: O
Primary chakra nature: Water
Village: Heizugakure
Clan: Himitsu Clan
Good or evil at heart?: Good

Description of the character's personality: He is normally calm and collected, giving him time to think plans through. Despite this, if Arashi has his buttons pushed, he quickly transforms into a hot-headed,. These traits, plus the fact that he was abandoned by his murderous mother who slaughtered her husband, he has grown to be very independant and slowly learned to interact with others (at first for help). Although he had no one to protect him,  he was a natural genius, creating ultimate plans and strategies, and was deamed the Hidden Ash's Quick Thinker.

Description of the character's history: Arashi Akagi was born into the Akagi clan by Chinatsu Akagi and Takumi Akagi. He was a kind boy who always loved to help his parents, and tried to hide the fact that they were falling apart. His one friend was Minori, a genin who didn't care about her appearance and wanted to reach Arashi's level of skill.  By the age of 13 Arashi became a chunin and was offered a place in Anbu, for his exceptional use of water style ninjutsu and intelligence, with an IQ of 194. He took the offer and was part of kaminarigakure's Anbu for 3 months. Shortly after Arashi's mission Heizugakure was invaded by a neighboring village that only sought violence and power. All Anbu, Special Jonin, Jonin, Chunin an even the Kage herself was ordered to combat the enemy, while genin evacuated people from the village. Arashi fought off 20 enemy's using his renowned jutsu - Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu. He then disobeyed orders and went to the north of the village, where everyone was being evacuated and where his family lived. He climbed and jumped over roofs until he reached the top of an abandoned building. He screamed... blood seeped out of a deadly gash from the kunai lodged in Chinatsu's head, his father laid on the blood covered floor, motionless.

Arashi's gentle emotions suddenly became a blazing inferno. He slaughtered everyone from the opposing village. The crimson red floor was filled with corpses. The enemies village Kage confronted him. The only ninja in the entire village weres them two.
Arashi used Hidden Mist jutsu and quickly followed up with a water clone. One of them jumped off. The Kage used the hiding in water technique and waited for the mist to dispel. Due to his anger, Arashi did not realize that the Kage used the technique and was struck in the foot with a kunai. The gash suddenly healed and he jumped of onto the surrounding buildings, the kage followed. As soon as they were both in mid air Arashi created yet another water dragon, subliminally showing the kage his massive reserves of chakra. However, he did not falter and channeled chakra to her feet to run across the back of the majestic sapphire beast. Arashi gave a menacing grin. His body suddenly dissipated and from behind the real Arashi used:
"Water Release: Rising Water slicer!"
 The razor sharp jet of water sliced through the Kage's heart and straight through a stone wall, its power was destructive. She fell to the ground.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Storm Release
« on: February 18, 2015, 23:33:40 »
Hi guys,

Just wondering what storm release will look like, will it be like darui's were it flows like water or will it be more like a lightning bolt so it strikes really fast and is more jagged. I can't think of anything else that storm release could be but I don't have the best imagination...

Anyway if anyone has any ideas about what it should look like feel free to post it cause i'd love to hear them X)

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Shadow Techniques
« on: February 10, 2015, 18:09:24 »
I have searched for this but could not find anything so here goes.

Will there be shadow techniques implemented into the game? It is not a kekkie genkai but a clan's specialty technique which they keep secretive. If it is implemented into the game how will it work? Will it be like one of the 5 main chakra natures were you can choose it at the beginning, or would you be able to learn shadow techniques by a NPC elder which is extremely hard to locate so only a few can have it. Also will it take up one of your chakra natures, or will it be added to your existing chakra natures.

Just wondering, it would be awesome if this was included.

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Eyes
« on: November 05, 2014, 17:46:59 »
I have checked the forum for this and haven't found anything so here goes:
                                               At the start in character customization when you have made your character
                      you have a chance to get an eye like the sharingan or byakugan. If you do get an eye you could have an
                      option asking you if you want to keep your eye even though its unrealistic. I am not saying to have the eyes from naruto but surely we could make some up.              plz tell and show me if this has already been talked about, thanks

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