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Topics - HermitTheSage

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Shinobi Life Online Questions / Emojis are repulsive
« on: February 11, 2017, 05:03:09 »
Whats wrong with these emojis? Why are they like this  :D ;D why are they so
F***ing creapy plus can these things be added? Why not add a emoji thats crying of laughter?

Games / The rooms of Gukiro forum Game
« on: February 11, 2017, 04:14:17 »

6 Lucky shinobis are gonna get drugged and kidnapped and taken to a room owned by a twisted shinobi named Gukiro, Guriko loved to play mind games and his intelligence made it clear to others that he was a genius in strategy, as he always thought infinite steps ahead until he reached the end,

However, a tradegy happened to him during his time in the ninja academy, when he was 12. no matter how many moves ahead He couldn't see past his death. how could I be if I no longer exist, a state in which I I'm unexistant to exist in a state itself, a state in which the universe no longer exist to my unexistant self, whats unexistant never existed in the first place, he thought to himself.

These were the initial thoughts that started his insanity, which lead him to kidnapping his fellow students, which he ate alive, he ate all the parts brains, organs, limbs and fingers. once he was found out it was decided he would be exiled from the village, rather than killing him due to his his age and mental illness. He also explored other possible ways to gain immorality after bring exiled. Someways involved eating of babies fetuses ripped out from abducted woman

However his biggest sin and horror he commited was after he got married. He named his baby fuzen. A Golden haired boy still getting used to the world.
His wife found him with her new born. Bitting and pulling apart the upper ribcage through the hole which used to the neck that supported a head that once used to be there. He killed the wife too, after finishing off chewy snack,

He felt guilt for what he had done and promised himself never to reproduce again, he insured this by cutting of his beans and whilst at it he decided to eat it to see if it gives him immortality. It didn't

He reached the end of his trail to find immortality,
He decided he must face his fears about dying.
So he decided to start kidnapping people and put them in a slow, painful and horrific death to toughen up his emotion, since then he has become quite a expert in this, it has become entertainment for him
And next patch of confused shinobis will be arriving soon.


sorry for the story I was tryna come up with a short scary tale about the kidnapper but it kinda
Became abit disturbing while I tried to finish it  and I'm no longer bothered to to edit my effort.

Also this game is SAW(movie) inspired, expect SAW type traps and mindf****ry

Secondly, the game goes like this 6 shinobi will end up in the same room in different situations, they will need to work together or turn on each other to survive, there are alot of traps. Traps on people, traps in objects, these traps are death machines with or without time limits, you may or may not need to depend on someone else to get out of them
Simple puzzles and that
You can die from alot if things be careful
Key objective is survive
There are 7 rooms you need to get through after that there's your door to freedom, anyone who manages to get his freedom succeeds
To get through these rooms you guys need to figure how to unlock each doors
Decisions that might effect the group must be voted on by the group

How do you play?
You'll be given an exact description of what's up in one room and what in it, maybe with a picture if I can make one or I'll ask someone.

Understand what's up and try acting within the possibilities of doing things
This done by posting your attempt to do something, The head gamemaker will post back with result of your attempt.

Be realistic things like kicking the door down won't really have much effort as finding the correct way to do it, maybe cuz the door is pretty secured, however it might work, an attempt is an attempt
Attempts are decided successful this way

Correct way 100%
Reasonable and logical 50%
Logical 30%
Long short 5%
Not possible 0%

Advantage +20%  (example your more likely to be successful in a fight with a knife)

Disadvantage -20% (Example trying to pick up a key with with your middle finger and ring finger because they are your only remaining fingers)

Anything that has timer on it explodes in 36 hours that's a day and a half
Your not limited to any no. Of attempt. But one attempt per try

I'll be using a random probability generator to decide
If it successful or not
It's always good help each other out, don't just turn on your partners straight away make sure you don't got any other choice because they have a higher chance of killing you

So the first 6 most active shinobis to apply get in
Applicants must be regularly active
I'm also looking for some gamemakers

I'll make this post more readable tomorrow, feeling tired

Signed up players

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Summoning Houses
« on: February 10, 2017, 01:35:53 »
Summoning scroll for houses, seems like a nice suggestion.

You save up hella money because it cost hella money to buy the summoning scroll, the summoning scrolls summons the house at the desired location, if the desired location is within the village boundaries you need to get planning permission from the kage or the kage's council.

This "summoning scroll" will allow you to build lavish complexes to temporary shelter in wood for different amounts of hella money, it costs hella high because that will filter those short term players who will overpopulate for no reason

Also you only allowed to have a certain amount of houses in each different zone( villages, outside village's boundaries , rural and metal etc )
You can't exceed the limit but you can deconstruct old houses you don't want

maybe in villages, when summoning in a particular spot it aligns with the building so it looks more like symmetrical village

I don't think I've described it very well but you get drift, but I got a feeling a feature like might be too far from ever happening

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Tatsujin 8
« on: January 07, 2017, 00:56:35 »

Shinobi Life Online Questions / Chakra natures compulsory by village
« on: December 20, 2016, 16:25:11 »
I want to know! if we can only choose a chakra nature thats permitted in our village, like earth and wind in the dust, or can your primary nature be whatever you like?

General Discussion / Yamazaki Chronicles - The Golden Paradox
« on: December 14, 2016, 20:15:49 »
Yamazaki Chronicles
The Golden Paradox

Set in the village of Dust. Sorry if there's mistakes i didn't proof read it. This also might sound r-rated soo its r-rated. I hope you like it based on hermetic tales

This is the first Chapter/Installment/Part

The Sunshine of the Dust

Katugsuchi laid on top of an abandoned market stall with his hands behind his head, wondering if it's always this sunny, making it harder for him to rest while the sunshine peaked through the gap between his eyes. Closing them didn't help much either, nor did he want to anymore after spotting the most unusual chicken and a Yamazaki causing havoc within the market to the right of him. The Yamazaki was young genin, still a student of of the marble temple by the looks of his white robes. The skinny figure stood boldly in the middle of the market street alluring people’s attention to him. “Watch me hypnotise this chicken to do something miraculously never seen before” he yelled. The genin grabbed the chicken violently from his head shoving its neck towards the ground and then proceeded to draw a straight line with a chark. Katugsuchi looked onwards and realized that the genin was a mere distraction for his friends to steal a bunch of porno magazines from one of the stalls. Mr. porno guy soon realized aswell, angered by what he saw, he kicked the chicken away and yelled “you’ll pay for this you horny fucks”  the boys hurried out of there in a frenzy. The mysterious chicken laid half dead on an old man vegetable stand before shitting the other half of his life away.

Katugsuchi sighed, jumped off and headed back to the clan’s house. Yukan and emerich appeared on the way, making remarks about the deadly weather today. “Ay King did you hear that?, The weather's making chickens lay hard-boiled eggs down at the market” laughed emerich, “i swear if it gets any hotter i might just add some herbs before i fry. Regarding herbs i met this guy selling some sort of strange herbs, he said it awaken some sort of third eye, whatever that means. Wanna go and try some?” emerich continued. “Maybe tomorrow, we need to get back to the clan house for the clan’s gathering” replied katugsuchi. “Oh shit almost forgot about that, i need water who has water by the way ” included emerich. “Hey i got some holy water if you want some” yukan said, “what??” katugsuchi asked “yeah, the heat boiled the hell out of it” yukan smirked. “Although i kinda prefered it”.

Grief and Sorrow

Entering the house, there was a off putting vibe surrounding the members. Something was definitely wrong. The members looked at katugsuchi with a strange face foreign to him. It was as if he was entering darkness. The regret and sorrow on their faces reeled him back to the reality of this world. The wise ones told the group to sit down, not you katugsuchi, stay up the wise one said. “What is it” Katugsuchi asked. “Yato Yamazaki has passed away”. Katugsuchi’s eyes widened with rapid eye movement “How c-could this be” he stuttered. “He was found dead in his carriage late last night, your mother, is also missing” katugsuchi fell to his knees from all the emotion stress inflicted onto him. Starring frantically at the ground, he couldn’t mutter a word. “We don’t know who did it yet, but we suspect its one of the sabaku kuchikomi clans, we’ve been in recent disagreement with them on terms of power in the village, they’ve been pressuring your father to join the clan under their name”.“For now we can’t trust anyone, not even the kage, he is one of them after all”.”Katugsuchi, you are the only remaining heir of Yato Yamazaki, which means you are the new clan leader”. Everyone turned towards him and bowed their heads. Katsugsuchi had lost all awareness to his surrounding. All he could think about is of his mother, he felt his heart blacken to the mere thought of her dead. “ war time is upon us and we must do right thing to protect the clan, like always don’t let your emotions hinder you rather than strengthen you. Me and the wise one have agreed that the sun is upon us and the sign of the third paradox is finally here, we need to act quickly and take advantage of the situation before we wait another 1000 years for such a forsaken thing”. “What happens during third paradox” yukan asked.
“Well, it is said that during the third paradox some individuals of the yamazaki clan gain some sort power to perfect everything, you see, it is not fully understood, however, our scrolls and documentation of the phenomena points that it only occurs only once in thousand years ”. “however, the technique of entry is not basic space-time jutsu, the elders are doing their best to decipher scrolls for the technique. Katugsuchi we are doing our best aswell to find your mother.

Gramps and the herbs

3 days had gone by since katugsuchi was given the news of his father’s death and his mother’s disappearance. He finally wanted to go outside again.the lack of sunshine caused him terrible headaches that lasted several hours. He was disappointed about the fact that staying inside had caused himself to change a bit. He’d become extremely horny aswell. He was musterbathing daily, even yesterday, looking out of the window, he musterbathated to a girl shoving a stick up a restrained girl’s ass after she lost a fight. He decided today he’d go meetup with yukan and emerich.

Everyone had changed since he last saw them, something was a bit off but he couldn’t tell what. Yukan and emerich were practicing their techniques thinking somehow that the third paradox will perfect their training. “Lightning release water dragon-no-jutsu ” yukan formed the hand signs. Emerich countered it by a dome jutsu. “Did juke teach you that before he left” asked katugsuchi. “meh , i improved on it” replayed yukan. “Enough of this today lets go market, i seriously wanna try those herbs, they smell good”. Market was busy as ever, traveling merchant littered the streets in dozens of colors of clothes, spices, scrolls and food. Emerich went between two stalls revealing a third. There sat an old man on the ground with differents herbs in front of him. “Ay gramps, where are those herbs you told me about”
 “Here they are” replied the old man

They went back to katugsuchi’s favorite place to smoke it, the sweet smell emitting from herb surrounded area in a fume like state. Yukan started to talk about how much he liked the sand, it was as if it was the most beautiful thing ever. Soonly they all started acting weird and had all types distortions, all them were regretting their decisions. Emerich passed out and yukan started talking to the sand, katugsuchi decided to go home before he ends up like emerich. Stumbling through his room door, he collapsed on his bed.

The four white shinobi

Feeling completely paralyzed he would wake up every now and then, fearing such a state of being and vowed never to do it again. Looking at the wooden ceiling, as the night approached the room swayed and reflected the sunshine into an intense color filling him with euphoria, until the window started making noise. His paralyzed body couldn’t turn around to check what was going on. “TATATACK” the window busted open. Katugsuchi tried his best to move his body, however, he was just left with an increasing fear as he was unable to defend himself. One by one, four shinobis in white jackets entered his room. Katugsuchi tried calling out for help, but even his mouth seemed paralyzed. “The herbs worked” one shinobi exclaimed “we should get to the procedure”
One sat down on a chair in Katugsuchi’s room, the others were tending to Katugsuchi. The four white shinobi all had a yellow skin colour with curly hair. They all had a shiny shimmer to them as well, a perfect glow radiating from them.

The one sitting down had a big belly and looked like the leader of the group “listen Katugsuchi” he said. “In the beginning of this world was the continuation of another, the beginning of that one within was continuations of others”. “Now we need the continuation of this one, you are the only remaining heir of the golden sage, you need to become the next golden sage katugsuchi”. One of the shinobis sprinkled an anointing oil with a perfume on to katugsuchi. Another one was going through some scrolls sitting down on the floor. “You will gain unique power, but you must renew the hermitic method for us”. Katugsuchi managed to mutter a few words “who ar you”.The third shinobi budged in “sorry we had to drug you and break in we’ve been secretly manipulating you friend without his knowledge, anyhow, we are yamazaki as well from hidden forest, were very friendly bunch in fact. Were just trying keep our presence a secret without confrontation”. “What are those scrolls” Katugsuchi muttered again. The leader replied to Katugsuchi “They’re ancient methods and scrolls from the era of the golden sage rescued from the yamazakis ancestorial village before it was destroyed and passed down to me. You need to renew the method of connection to the third paradox for us,take this herb with you make it the method”. “What” katugsuchi mumbled. Katugsuchi lost all awareness at this point the drug was affecting him more. “Rember katugsuchi don’t go out during the second paradox phase it's extremely dangerous make sure you DON’T LOOK AT THE SUN ok?, wait till the third paradox to make the connection, be carefull”. They haven’t relized that katugsuchi is spaced out beyond his will. “Tatsujin, write the retrieval letters ” said the leader. “Katugsuchi, everything is opposite there. those letters are going to change to gold, any pencils and lead you got will change to gold, make sure no one sees it those people are very greedy”. “Initiate the scroll” the leader told one of the shinobis, these are coptic alphabets katugsuchi read them backwards to return when your finished”. The shinobi opened the scroll and started reading. A seal appeared on the katugsuchi stomach extending to the sides of his bed. He felt the world do a 180 degree turn over his head and his body a 180 degree turn in the oppisite way.

Katugsuchi woke up in his bed feeling refreshed, reflecting on yesterday's dream and how those herbs messed with his mind. He got up to make some tea, realising he was out of sugar, he decided to go dress up to go to the market. Putting on his t-shirt, he fell onto the ground after misplacing his foot on a crayon. The crayon cut deep. He took a closer look at the crayon along with the piece of paper. Thinking to himself “i don't got crayons, i don’t understand these letters”. Katugsuchi looked at the piece of paper and touched the letters. His heart skipped a beat and his pupils widened to feel of the letters. They’re made out of gold

To be continued

Shinobi Life Online Questions / clan houses?
« on: December 11, 2016, 15:43:33 »
Are clans gonna get permenant clan houses where members of that clan spawn at
like the ones hyuuga and uchiha have

Shinobi Life Online Character / Katugsuchi Yamazaki
« on: November 26, 2016, 14:56:50 »
Name: Katugsuchi Yamazaki
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 68.9 kg
Hairstyle: Curly
Facial hair: Shaved
Hair color: black
Eye color: Black Iris with a Red fluid swimming in a square-shaped Golden pupil, both eyes
Blood type: A
Primary chakra nature: Water
Hidden Village: The Hidden Village of Dust
Clan: Yamazaki
Good or evil at heart?: Good

Description of the character's personality:
Humorous, Hypnotic, Wise, Friendly and Obsessed with gold things

Description of the character's history:

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Regarding Economy, Villages and war
« on: November 18, 2016, 21:22:22 »
These are suggestions in no way does this represent the full game at release

Regarding economy, villages and war systems

I don't know which direction SLO is going, but few things are clear there will be a war mechanism, villages and an economy. Obviously there are 11 villages, some with and without Kages and clans to my presumption. Now Wars, Villages and their Economies are all tied together. All Three are Important when having almost everything being run by players and is the key to a player evolving universe.


So i'll start where it begins. An economy always has its resources, these are for example, Natural resources like gold, iron, wood, stone, livestock(Fish, Boars, chickens, so on). Obviously these should be found in areas that you can find them like mines with NPCs doing the heavy work, ideally places where it's also permitted.

These resources are taken to the village and go through two steps, its either stocked for future use or trade or it can be taken to a workshop where it’s manufactured into a product for example armor, food, building materials.

Regarding gold, i don't know if gold will be in the game or even resources, but in real life money is usually backed up by gold and/or overall amount of resources, now for example imagine you go buy armor at a set price at your village, however, in another village armor it's cheaper, how come? Well, the prices should fluctuate according to the economy. It's all about how strong is your economy, Inflation and deflation.

In simple terms the more resources(the more mines for that particular product) the village has, the less it costs for villagers to buy the product and vice versa the less mines a village has the more it cost(supply and demand), however, the gold the village has will give a small decrease in the price, deflation of the currency(you’d be able to buy more for less) and also vice versa inflation. This makes income for the village by players looking for the cheapest price for the armor they want. This is called a competitive market.

 Let's say you the village is allied with another village and have been through a rough time and the kage or the council or whoever is charge of the village decide to send gold(or resources) to help the village out. What could happen is an NPC with a caravan of resources can make its way to the village and a team of shinobis are assigned with guarding it, thus creating missions. Also normal npc trade carriages between other villages, for example if a village decide to buy more of a specific type of resource because they’re short of it, This allows room for an ambushes by third parties like rogue ninjas and villages at war which could be informed by spies about the delivery, this provides a way of income for rogue ninjas and spoils of war by warring villages.


Village Infrastructure is important. Having the right buildings providing essentials services is key to a successful village, thus, successful economy. In my opinion, a large amount if not all should be managed by the ruling party, This should follow the structure of council advises the kage and kage decides on final decision. There should be an option on the wall on the kage with budgets that are adjustable, for example, it says the amount of a particular resource being gained per day, there should be an adjustable slide bar where you decide how much to stock and along with other budgets. Im saying it should be on the wall because so that everyone could see and know hes not doing something shady + the only people who should be able to see it is the kage and council

Regarding buildings, a village should be able to build new buildings that offers services, like food, academies, armor shops(maybe different armor shops that offer different armor strength), there are many building to think of but this what will make every city different and how much profit it draws into the village. Another thing that seems like a cool idea is upgrading these building and services with the resources the village owns, Upgrade could come in the form of having your armor produced faster or It produces more income for the village, thus increasing mission payment for players.

On Another Note, Buildings should be Treated like Objects, as in they have their own health bars, which means they could  be destroyed and once destroyed they could be repaired, however you can not destroy your own village, it needs to be someone from another village during times of war. Im also not saying that all building should be destroyed i mean the ones with services, this would allow the attacking party to cripple the economy of the village being attacked.

War Motives and mechanism

Now people don't attack for no reason, the only reasons for war i think is, either assassination of a kage, someone people care about or for more resources(resource disputes). Now there are a few ways to go about warring, destroying the village, mess with their economy or/and taking over their resources to produce more income for village.

Simple lets say two villages are warring, they could attack village trade caravans and impact their economy, attack the village destroy and plunder some cash or try to take over enemy resource location .

In order to discuss taking over resources, we must know where the resources are. It could be two places either within the village boundaries or scattered around the map between villages.

If they’re located within the village boundaries, then a hostile village can destroy the other village and rule over it and send resources from the mine to their village. This leaves room for rebellions, which could be interesting. Or ruling other nation won't be allowed, thus, making taking of resources impossible but insures that each village has a specific type of resources that they could trade

If The Resources are scattered around the map between villages, which is nice. There are two possible ways of taking that resource away from another village depending on how it's done.
The first could be by attacking the location of the resource and adding your own npc for the village maybe by some seal or something, which makes it a bit simple but the resource will be going back and forwards because i doubt people will be protecting it most of the time.


By having flags at the resource locations, once a flag has been taken to the village, the resource for that flag will belong and start generating for that village. So let's say a village has 5 flags that means they’ve got 5 resource locations(mines,livestock,etc..) and let say the flags get stored at kage office(because it should be the most secure place), which means if the enemy want those resources they need to conduct a full on attack on the village so they can take the flag from the kage office, however this means once a village is destroyed they might take all the resources.

Tell me what y’all think. I gathered these aspects from military/city/resource/economic based games and Economics.

Shinobi Life Online Clans / The Yamazaki Clan
« on: November 04, 2016, 23:53:08 »
The Yamazaki Clan

Founder: The Golden Sage

Leader: Katugsuchi Yamazaki

Affiliation: Hidden village of dust

Clan history:

Centuries ago, The Yamazaki clan thrived in a land beautifully hidden in whirlpools of water. Along with the other clans they prospered and lived peacefully together. They had temples scattered throughout the village completely made out of the finest cuts of marble, where the yamazaki youngers would be sent to learn the hidden secrets of the clan. They were taught  the thoughts of the wise ones who followed the way of the golden sage. In here they learned the theory of dimensional space-time ninjutsu, genjutsu and finally the sage mode of the golden path.

The golden sage was the first ancestor of the yamazaki, who taught that 3 is the wisest number and taught his followers 3 techniques that were 3 techniques deep and wide. Legends tell of time when the village was outnumbered by 10,000 to 1 and the legendary sage summoned a golden dragon to repel the attack

Ever since the yamazaki have been constantly developing their techniques and sticking to their ways to protect the village, with the help of their relative clan they have incorporated fuuin-genjutsu technique that seals a target in genjutsu permanently and used it to exchange jutsus with others within different dimensions. However due to the fear of the yamazaki by neighboring villages the village was destroyed and left the few remaining yamazakis to flee for a new home. The hidden village of dust, it came to be for most and the first thing they did was make a temple out of marble teaching their traditions and what's left of the surviving jutus of the teaching of the golden sage.

Unique traits: Humorable, Trustworthy, Wise, Hypnotic.

Strengths: Powerful Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, shrikunjutsu, slight of mind, tactical planning

Weaknesses: kenjutsu, taijutsu, kyujutsu, friendly

Rival clans:

Allied clans:
Sabaku Kuchikomi
Nii clan
Shizen clan

Wise Sage - leader of the clan, takes care of politics
Wise ones - they takes care of the clan issues
Yamazaki Ambassador - runs the embassy that protects Yamazakis in a foreign land
Yamazaki Diplomat - lives in a foreign land working for the ambassador
Yamazaki Shinobi - Distinguish students of the marble temple
Yamazaki Student - taught the teachings of the golden sage
Yamazaki Youngers - Sent to learn at the marble temple

HermitTheSage (Katugsuchi Yamazaki)
Jukeblook (Juke Yamazaki)
Emerich (Emerich Yamazaki)
RCKitchen (Shikimara Yamazaki)
Smoket (Smoket Yamazaki)
Hasato (Hasato yamazaki)
Wolfeye1 (Itsuke Yamazaki)
Yeeet11(Jugulno Yamakazi)
Bensor (Bensor Yamazaki)
Sabajet (Sabajet Yamazaki)
Hynlor (Hynlor Yamazaki)
Lokendo007 (George Yamazaki)
Philos (Michio Yamazaki)
RenNiaski (Ren Yamazaki)
shawn_stylizzz (Yukan Yamazaki)
albex8 (Katatukuna Yamazaki)
CaioDarT (Dart Yamazaki)
joaovictor1(Victor Yamazaki)
phonyxShinobi (Kirto Yamazaki)
Kokeshen (Akugi Yamazaki)
animeoveraddict(Kashyo Yamazaki)

To apply for a role, Reply On this Post With The Following:[/b]
1. Name:
2. Gender:
3. Charkra nature:
4. Spoken Languages:
After you've been accepted add this to the clan field at your forum profile page
Code: [Select]


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