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Shinobi Life Online Clans / Kamakiri (new)
« on: October 04, 2017, 21:26:09 »


Clan logo:
The emblem is always placed on a white background to honor the blood spilled on the snow for the clan.

Founders: Kamakiri Shimo / Kamakiri Ginko

Leader: Kamakiri Gin

Affiliation: Hidden Snow
Quick Points:
- Best clan for roleplaying as hunters.
        - Includes non-Shinobi Hunter ranks

- Water Chakra Nature
         - small amount of clansmen can choose a different clan to be fathered by, and subsequently have that clan's nature.

- Strong in ninjutsu, kyujutsu, kenjutsu, tracking, traps and persuasion

Clan history:
Spoiler: show
The Kamakiri were one of the founding clans of the Hidden Snow, and were once the primary providers of meat to the village, hunting anything the harsh land provides. Now they are a clan of rogues, carving out their own territory for those who value freedom. Clan members are expected to learn to use the clan’s style bow as soon as they can hold one, how to set traps, and how to field dress and skin prey. In one of darker periods of the clan history, this would extend to opponents slain on the battlefield. Some clan members have advocated to the return of this practice as it was an effective psychological warfare tactic. It’s rumored that underneath the main house there a secret room filled with the tanned skins of enemies.
The Founder of the Kamakiri clan, Kamakiri Shimo was born in a small hunting village in the Land of Frost. When she was young girl, a shinobi clan kidnapped her for her Ice Release abilities. Though she was then raised by them, she always felt resentful. Regardless, she married and had children. She learned everything she could about the shinobi and political arts, and had attracted a small group of followers, including others that had also been stolen as children.
With these followers, including her children, she deserted the Shinobi clan and crossed the sea back into the Land of Frost to return to her home village, declaring all within as her family, Kamakiri. She had one goal in mind, make the Kamakiri as powerful as possible.
Using her power and skills, she took large swaths of hunting territories, enacted poaching laws, set up checkpoints on trade routes, and even did “inspection”, i.e. raids, on towns. They confiscated any food that wasn’t rice, allowing only goods that were from the Kamakiri clan. The Kamakiri ended up seizing control of the richest hunting grounds, increasing her family’s power and wealth as the sole provider of food until they became recognized by the Daimyo as a legitimate clan and an important ally.
Because she knew the usefulness of diversifying chakra natures, she also employed her own method byhaving her Kunoichi to seek out the elite shinobi of each chakra nature and seducing them. Children who were physically born into the clan were always more loyal than those kidnapped from other clans. While Kunoichi are not obligated to go on these missions, there is a special honor attached to doing so. Any children produced are communally raised. 
Fifty years later, under the leadership of Kamakiri Hibiki, the Hidden Snow was founded. He continued the traditions of both hunting and the Kunoichi Black Ops. He also standardized the kyujutsu training methods.
Throughout the history, even though the variety of chakra nature’s remains small, the clan exercises political leverage and military strength. By having heirs from other clans/villages, historically they have managed to displace other clan’s heads with their own members.

Unique traits:   
Spoiler: show
 The matriarchal genetic line manifests strongly, therefore, all females (including those fathered by another clan) have bright green eyes with a defined inner ring of gold, and have light colored hair ranging from copper to dirty blonde to white.
  All females have water chakra nature, except for the very rare Ibo Imoto.
  Most males also present these traits, but if they were sired by another clan (Ibo Kyodai), they can take on the father’s traits. For example, if fathered by a Hatake, he would have thick grey hair, dark grey eyes, natural talent and lightning chakra nature) or a combination of both.
  Those that look like a different clan, but still have Water chakra nature are Ibo no Haji, and are regarded as failures. (This could have an interesting Naruto-esque rppotential if that member ends up being able to use Ice Release.)
 The uniform is a white fur-lined vest with the clan symbol on the back. They also wear fur gauntlets, leather gloves with the first two fingertips removed and boots rather than sandals.
Secret Jutsu:
  Ketsueki Ketsugo jutsu (Blood binding technique). This is a clan secret jutsu that any water user can learn. It freezes enemy in place similar to shadow possession jutsu. To work, the caster must come in contact with opponent’s blood. (In game: after open wound inflicted with a sharp or piercing weapon, player’s hitbox touches other player’s hitbox). After the hand seals, the jutsu binds the enemy in place for thirty seconds. If the victim struggles, they will inflict damage upon themselves.

Spoiler: show
-Trap setting
-Kyujutsu (bow and arrow) Most Shinobi treat kyūjutsu as a stationary art form, so when other ninja see it employed on the battlefield may be surprised .
- Strong in water ninjutsu.
- Clan Secret Ketsueki Kesugo Jutsu
-  having heirs from other clans/villages has increased influence over others, historically they have managed to displace other clan’s heads with their own members.
- Persuasion

Spoiler: show
- Looked down upon as chakra nature/kekkei genkai theives.
- Specifically briefed to young male Shinobi to stay away from Kamakiri females.
- Mixed heritage can divide loyalty of Ibo members.
- Weak to lightning attacks and genjutsu. (not if you have a second chakra nature as lightning)
- Fuinjutsu

Rival clans/orgs: It could be any clan that thinks the Kamakiri stole their DNA, or think we’re going displace their own Clan Head with an heir.

Allied clans/orgs: Kottatsuki

 Head House
    -Head: Gin
    Direct family:
    Karas (Ibo Kyodai: Lightning)
    Uzai (Ibo Kyodai: Wind)
    Kyuzaki (Ibo Kyodai: Wind)

 Second House
    Direct Family:

Third House
      Direct Family:

  Kunoichi Scarlett Ops
Spoiler: show
(Chakra Nature Hunters); these are not named. PM me and I’ll add you under a codename)

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(Clan ANBU)


  Hunters (civilian)
Spoiler: show
(Tasked with hunting animals and bringing back their pelts/meat to Kamakiri Butcher Shop)(Shinobi are regularly tasked with hunting missions without being in this organization)
      Big Game Coordinator:

Spoiler: show
Ibo no Haji: (those that look like a different clan, but still have water chakra nature; looked upon as failures)
Ibo Kyodai (Males sired by different clan and share father’s chakra nature)
Ibo Imoto (Rare females sired by different clan and share in father’s chakra nature; regarded as warning of family’s waning genetic strength)
(Ibo Kyodais and Imotos are both honored members of clans and can be ranked in Houses)



OBS: Members from the OLD Kamakiri should contact me for receiving his/her rank back and to be added on the discord chat!

- Do not let your prey suffer. Strike fast and strike true.
- We are not trophy hunters. Do not waste the gifts of your prey. Dress the meat, splinter the bones, eat the liver, skin the pelt.
- Ibo’s are not allowed to seek out their father’s clans. Your clan is Kamakiri. Doing so will result being labeled rouge-nin.
- Family first. Village second. Honor third.

DNA stolen: None atm.

Application to join the Clan

Character Name:
Character Gender:
Character Specialty (taijutsu, kenjutsu, ect.):
Position applying for:
Bloodline: (are you full Kamakiri or are you an Ibo?:
If so, what is your father's clan:
Chakra nature:
Link to Character Profile (if completed):

When accepted, i'll PM with an Discord Invitation and the clan code for your profile!

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Hyakki Yagyō
« on: November 25, 2016, 21:53:12 »
Hyakki Yagyō
Night Parade of One Hundred Demons

Made by @RaphoZentel

Original Founders: @mamoudou52404

Reformers: @adithya

Leaders: Council members - Buzzard - Ryuu, Dragon Yokai
                                             Chikai - Yatagarasu, Three Leg Crow
                                             Gin - Nogitsune, Malicious Fox
                                             Waly - Onikuma, Standing Bear                                             
                                             RaphoZentel - Betobeto-san, Formless Spirit

Affiliation: Independent - As for whether we are pure-hearted or just evil, you can decide by our actions.

Allies: Heathen
           Iryo Buntai/Medical Squad

Enemies: None. Yet.

OLD (Nanatsu lore/background)
Spoiler: show
In the beginning, all animals lived in peace and harmony and one day a contest was held to see who the strongest of the animals were. The animals with the strongest spirits survived and were, The Dragon, The Fox, The Serpent, The Boar, The Bear, The Ram, and The Lion. Since only one animal could be deemed the strongest, all these animals began battling each other. The Dragon battling The Lion, while The Ram battled The Boar. The Fox battled The Serpent while The Bear woke and slept during the battle. It seemed as this battle went on for centuries as they switched opponents, but the Seven animals finally came to a conclusion that they were all evenly matched and could not beat each other. They began to accept each other as comrades and had many effects on the world as a group. One day each animal found a lost child, and took them and taught them their ways. One by one, each child became powerful, in learning the ways of their animal and began passing down their spirits to those who they deemed worthy. Every child chosen was reincarnated with the spirits of their animal and their predecessors living on inside them. Rarely would children be born with these spirits inside them, but those who were, would prove to be very powerful. Though there was one flaw in the personality of each animal. The dragon would easily anger and could not control his Wrath. The Fox, though was very generous, was cursed and could not control her Greed when it came to certain things. The Ram simply couldn't control his lust for the fox. The Serpent could not control her Envy of the other animals. The Lion was too proud and would act on his pride only, sometimes leaving him at an disadvantage. The Bear was very lazy and could not control her Sloth, he would fall asleep easily at random times. And the Boar could not control his Gluttony, eating too much at times and putting his honor/pride at risk (He sometimes eats trash). The Seven Animals, individually were unmatched by all others, but together they formed the greatest team the world had ever seen.

Hyakki Yagyō
In the abandoned temple complex, three hundred years of dust lay over everything, and parchment threatened to crumble in their hands. Mosaics and scrolls not only spoke of ways to worship demons and spirits, but to bind them to one's soul.
However, this binding was not a means of entrapment, as some villages do with chakra beasts too powerful and dangerous to be loose. Instead it was a willing bond, made between human and yokai through friendship and comradery.
Unlike sealing methods, the yokai is not trapped within the body. Unlike Summons contracts, the spirit is not forcibly called/dismissed. To those who can see spirit energy, the bond looks like a shining tether between the yokai and the human. A yokai and human bound in Hyakki manner must stay within a certain distance of each other or suffer pain and loss in chakra from stretching the tether too thin. This distance can be trained to reach two kilometers by veteran captains, though their power will always be stronger the closer they are together.

How does Yokai Bond works
Two people can seek out bonds with the same yokai breed. For example, both Tayuun-kun and Toratsu-teichou can both be bonded to a Byakko yokai.
The yokai are more often than not invisible and fly above the ground until the physically manifest. The bond allows yokai to interact with objects in a nonphysical state, and the degree to which they can depends on strength of the bond.
Furthermore, stationary yokai, such as Jubokko, are granted the ability to move freely once bonded

Goal: To train to become the shinobi we want to be/ To Impact SLO. We'd like to collect many rare jutsu secrets and forbidden techniques as well.

Council: A 5 man council, the higher rank, each one of them has their own Yokai bounded to his/her very soul.

Captains: Directly commanded by the council, the captains are divided by elements. There are five captains at the moment.
Nuu, Ho-Teichou: Kararu, Gold Winged Giant
Tatsuo, Yin-Teichou: Byakko, White Tiger
Izumi, Yang-Teichou: Betobeto-san, Formless Spirit
Kyuzaki, Kaze-Teichou: Tatarimokke, Child Possessed Owl

Special Doshi They're still under the captains but are commanded directly by the council. Each Special Doshi will have the opportunity to choose a council member to serve. There will be only five members.

Doshi They are under one of the captains' orders, they can choose between one of the captains to serve him.
They are also seen as precious comrades. They follow their leader's commands. They may be promoted or demoted, if the Council decides to make ranks for Doshis. To be promoted OR demoted his/her captain have to speak to the council and ask for a promotion/demotion.

For those who wish to apply:
Train hard.
Have fun!.
But on a more serious note,
1. Hyakki Yagyō is a close organization - a family. So have fun and respect your org mates.
2. Taking the life of another Hyakki Yagyō member will only result in you yourself being killed.
3. You should never really abandon a mission once you've taken it upon yourself, the punishment varies around mission importance (unless absolutely necessary).
4. If you are a spy for another organization or something similar, then that sucks, you probably know what will happen...

Tatsuo, Nuu, Izumi, Mamita, Calipso, Charlie "BDU", frzuh, Hisashi, Jamezoar, Juniorra, Karin, Konaka, Kyuzaki, Mako, Nate Creator, Takaoki, Tayuun, TheUnknownFromSteam, TreWolf, TrueSage, Trvvpkvvng, Uzai, Yuuki Hasegawa

If you're accepted you'll receive an PM with our Discord Channel invitation + Code for members.

In Order to Apply, Leave an application formatted like this :
Use the to search for an Yokai you might like and link it in your application (You don't have to search in this website only, take a look at any other website).

1. Name (Username and Character name):
2. Chakra Nature:
3. Yokai (Yokai description page link):
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo?
5. Nickname (If you have one):
6. Do you promise to protect all other members with your very life?

Spoiler: show
1. Name: Speaking Rain, Kamakiri Chikai
2. Chakra Nature: Water
3. Yokai: Yatagarasu (
4. Why do you think you deserve to be part of the Hyakki Yagyo? I'm good at roleplay and will bring my leadership skills to the org.
5. Nickname (If you have one):
6. Are you prepared to sacrifice yourself for the good of the org and those it protects? Hai!

Shinobi Life Online Character / Kamakiri Gin
« on: November 02, 2016, 15:55:05 »

Kamakiri Gin
Credits to @RaphoZentel

Here's what you might want to know about him
Age: 19 Years Old
Gender: Male...
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 74kg
Hair color: White
Eye color: Dark Purple
Blood type: O+
Primary chakra nature: Lightning
Hidden Village: Snow
Clan: Kamakiri
Organization: Heathen and Hyakki Yagyo
Good or evil at heart?: He's good at heart... Until the moment he loses his mind.

Description of the character's personality:
Gin has no emotions, killing without guilt or second thoughts.

Description of the character's history:
Spoiler: show
Born in Hidden Snow, Gin was such a wonderful child always happy and motivated to be his best. His father was an Samurai from Hidden Thunder and his mother a Ninja from Hidden Snow. Born with the promise that one day he would be great and powerful his parentes helped him to understand what the world is and what it might not be, from their side of view, and trained him as he grew stronger and skilled with sword and ninjutsu. Gin was happy enough with his parents but, of course, he wanted more than that... Gin wanted to graduate as a ninja and that he did!
A week after the graduation Gin was formally introduced to his new partners and the Sensei.
His partners were a girl and a boy named Sekai and Ken, sister and brother who loved each other and by the time of eighteen days they became Gin's best friends.
The Sensei was a skilled woman who had a hair just as golden as the sunlight. She was just as beautiful as the nature. Her skin was smooth and just as beautiful and bright as the moon itself. Over time, she became his second mother, although she had never left the professionalism as their Sensei. Her name was [i]Ada[/i]
Four entire months training as hard as they could and doing missions within the Village. They trained so hard both day and night till the moment they were finally able to work fully as a team, trusting each other more than themselves.
They were finally ready to fulfill missions outside the Hidden Snow. Their Sensei was really proud of them and so she decided to let them choose one of the Rank C missions.
"Search and Capture"
Their goal was, briefly, to capture two assassins and bring them back to receive their due trial. One of them was already seriously wounded, he had lost one of his arms by a sharpened sword in the battlefield though it got stuck in a giant rock.
The Team left Hidden Snow as soon as possible so they could analyze the battlefield and then search for the assassins.
After arriving on the battlefield, what they saw in front of them was death. Corpses brutally scattered all around the field...
There was no living thing there, besides them. Almost 19 corpses around them.
"But how could only two assassins do such a horrible thing?" - They asked themselves
There was no answer for that question. Yet...
The view was not the best, the stench... worse! They decided to start the search for the assassins, they had to. None could escape from that without getting what they deserved. It was easy in the beginning of the search because there was a blood trail but after a while it started to vanish till the moment that the team no longer knew where to go or when to stop.
A strange feeling washed over them, lifting the fine hairs on hte napes of their necks. They were being watched. Smoothly they went into combat stances, gripping their weapons. They counted five: five assassins against three of them.
"We can't just capture them..." - Gin whispered
"Try to capture all of them, but you have my permission to kill. Try to get at least two, like the original plan."
Sweat beaded on Ada's forehead as she looked over her students. They were young, inexperienced, and this was asking too much. She hoped she wouldn't have to attend yet another funeral.
"Here they come" - The brothers cried out, fear nearly cracking their voices.
They split up in defensive formation B, desperately searching for weaknesses that could give them an edge.
The assassins were perfectly synchronized, every step was carefully executed as if drilled a thousand times.
The team's defensive formation was something hard to break, almost perfect... But then one of the assassins noticed something. One was slightly inclined, leaving his flank open. The brother was slightly inclined and they saw that. The assassins knew what to do and when exactly...
They went to Ken. Two of them, searching nothing but death.
What they did not noticed was that the flaw they saw was nothing but a simple trap. Mixing the assassins experience, their pride and the fact that the team was young and the only threat could be the sensei so they thought none could do a thing. they were careless. What happened next wasn't good to both assassins... Sekai throwed a Kunai while the sensei was getting close to them. The kunai was a clever distraction, by the time they repulsed it the Ada was close enough to knock someone down.
"One less" - Said Ada
"It won't be easy but we CAN do this!" - Once again, encouraging her students.
As she turned to face the enemies the worse happened
"ADA-SENSEI, CAREFUL!" - Gin and Sekai shouted while two more assassins appear and cut her throat and pierced her stomach.
It seemed that the whole world went in slow motion while Sekai, Gin and Ken saw her body falling down to the ground.
Ada took one last look at her precious students one by one, smiling to them and crying while blood dripped from her mouth...
Life was leaving her body, she couldn't speak anymore for her throat had been deeply cuted.
She moved her mouth forming her last words. "Thank you... Sorry"
"Retreat!" - Said one of the assassins.
by the way he spoke Gin could realize that he was their Leader.
After the assassins had left, Gin ran to Ada's body which was surrounded by her blood.
In that day, Gin lost two important things to him... His "second mother" and his good emotions, leaving only coldness and rage within him... He blames himself for what happened, he should've done somethin instead of just warning her. But this is not the end, Gin knows all that... He's just getting started with the life he chose to live.

Spoiler: show
I know that the end was a little bit rushed and did not explained alot, but there's a B Part coming soon. :D

Introduction / Introducing myself
« on: August 19, 2016, 14:28:15 »
Hello there! I'm quite new here actually. I've been playing the game for almost 1 week now and already joined an Org called Nanatsu! (Love you guys)
So... Here's my info
Name: My real name is Bruno
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: Brazilian (Please don't hate me)
Living in: Pernambuco - BR
Born in: Pernambuco - BR
Sports: Basketball and Kickboxing.
Hobbies: Enjoying the moon and I also like listening to the Piano (It makes me very comfortable)
Goals in life: I want to graduate as a Psychologist.
Languages: Brazilian Portuguese / English (Just the basic)
I'm currently serving the Army

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