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Topics - KimotoHaikye

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General Discussion / Kimoto Ennia Roiyaru
« on: January 26, 2017, 22:01:14 »
Kimoto Ennia Roiyaru
Kasei o ayatsuru mono

Name: Kimoto Ennia Roiyaru
Age: 15
Weight: 68KG/149lbs
Height: 175cm/5'9
Body type: Mesomorph
Chakra Natures: Wind and Fire nature.
Relations: Distant brother to Nibui Ennia Roiyaru (Snoopy)
Allegiances: Ennia clan and BlackBox
Hair type: Medium length hair. Fringe going left.
Hair colour: Hazelnut brown.
Eye colour: Mix between brown and green.
Face: Oval face shape, with a consistent angry look.
Skin: Tanned.
Clothes: Black cargo trousers, a white buttoned up shirt, also a black overcoat.
•   Black ring with a white triangle on top of it. He wears this on his right thumb.
•   He always keeps his katana on his back with the blade cut through the coat, so only the handle is seen.

Dominant hand: Right
Combat style: Kimoto excels in close swordsmanship but can also use close range ninjutsu.
•  When bored he often eats, however, this doesn't affect his weight.

Not much is known about Kimoto. The most who has ever known about him was his brother, Nibui, however, even he didn't know much about his own brother. Only 1 ninjutsu has been publicly known that Kimoto actually used.
Here is the Jutsu:
"Magnetising Taker"
This Jutsu has been used a lot by Kimoto while in fights where he doesn't want to harm the opponent. To put it simply, once used a determined item will become magnetised attracting all metal objects towards it, except the ones used by the Jutsu user.

This is where Kimoto excels, through kenjutsu, Kimoto feels as if he can express himself and also his own talent. Depending on the occasion, Kimoto may carry more than one Katana with him.
"Oath Remover"
This kenjutsu is where Kimoto stabs his blade into the ground, and a secondary blade appears from the pommel of the blade. When he does this he infuses one side of the blade with fire nature and the other with wind nature. This is a very deadly combo leading often to death and complete annihilation of the opponent's body.

Kimoto is a secluded and isolated character, normally minding his own business and he doesn't talk to many people other than his distant brother. Kimoto since a young age has been enraged with anger, this is because of multiple reasons, the most devastating being the murder of his closest friend, Yiki.
Kimoto can only really express his anger through his sword skills since a young age he would be practising mastering kenjutsu hour after hour. From this, he was given his treasured sword named, "Kasei". This was given to him by his friend, Yiki. And from this, he adopted the title of Kasei o ayatsuru mono.

Kimoto, the very name makes people shudder. The very existence of the man behind the name brings death and turmoil anywhere he goes. Kimoto you say? We know him as, The one who wields Kasei.
Kimoto made his first appearance in a massacre of a small town, within the Land of Fire. Where the only person to survive was a young boy. Kimoto was only 6 at the time. It was unheard of for a young boy to be able to kill this many people at such a young age. After this Kimoto gave his word to not using his abilities in this way again.
When he was 14 he enlisted into BlackBox and began his work as a spy. The work was easy for him, a man with his skill set should have been easily able to do harder missions.
Kimoto's word was everything to him, he followed it religiously, however, he did break his word on the fateful night of the butcher of his black box comrades.
"Nibui! I'll be heading to the forest to train. I'll be back later."
Kimoto said, grabbing Nibui's forearm they shook each other's arms. After a few hours of intense sword training, Kimoto began his return to the HQ. Within a hundred metres of the entrance, Kimoto heard screaming from up ahead. He looked up,
"It's from the HQ!"
Kimoto screeched. He began to sprint back. Once inside, the smell of death was paramount, the blood stains on the wall were everywhere. Bodies of both BlackBox and attacking forces lay on the ground in an orderly fashion. One of the bodies moved,
"Kimoto... Kimoto is that yo-"
Kimoto rushed over,
"I'm here Bruisi"
Bruisi looked up at Kimoto, he pointed to the inner sanctum, where a light flickered and voices echoed from.
"I'll come back.."
Kimoto stood, he looked at the open door, and cautiously stepped forward. He reached the door and peered inside, 4 heavily armed shinobi stood inside continually stabbing a limp and lifeless body.
Kimoto grabbed a container from the ground and stuffed it into his pocket. He walked into the room.
"Well, well."
The shinobi said while looking at Kimoto walking towards them.
"Just one more to kill I see!"
One of the shinobi snickered.
"And he's only a boy!"
The shinobi burst out laughing, looking at Kimoto like he was a free meal.
"I don't want to hurt you.."
Kimoto said under his breath. The shinobi laughed and walked around him, encircling him.
Kimoto delved into his pocket, he picked out the container and placed it by his side. The shinobi poised there kunai in attack stances.
One said as he was charging at Kimoto. Kimoto slid under him holding his left arm out tripping the shinobi.
Those words echoed around the hall. The shinobi began their charge running at him, while one kept himself out of the engagement. Kimoto wove hand signs and launched the container towards the idle shinobi,
The shinobi snickered and continued their attack. One reached Kimoto and went to slice him. His hand passed right by as the kunai was sucked back by the Jutsu. Kimoto laughed, all of the other shinobis blades were immediately attached to the container.
"Is... is this?"
Kimoto nodded.
"I can't accept what you've done."
Kimoto pulled his sword out of its sheath. He restlessly stabbed it into the ground.
A blade slid out of the pommel of the handle. Rage scarred across his face.
"You've really pissed me off.."
The top of the blade was infused with a magnificent yet horrifying green flame,
And the bottom blade was consumed with a whirlwind. Kimoto picked up the sword by its handle.
"Hi- His eyes are re- RED?"
Kimoto's eyes grew a passionate but sadistic redness. He laughed, he looked down to the blade. He raised it. Without hesitation he launched the sword towards the hostile shinobi, ensuring a spin on the sword thanks to the wind. The room went silent. The sword swung back to Kimoto, he grabbed it the additional blade disappeared. He swiftly placed it away in its sheath. He looked at the shinobi who were frozen in place, their heads rolled off hitting the ground, the bodies soon followed. The life had been taken from the opponents.
Kimoto screamed throughout the hall. He put his hands on his head and began to cry, he fell to his knees.
"I broke- I broke my promise.. I broke my promise.."

The End of this part

Yo so that was that I know I know, pretty BTEC, right? Hehe :D
More will probably come, If I can find time to write it, so yeah stay interested.
Also whoever realises the intentional pun about the "Green Flame" is a legend lmao.
And yes I am using the same format as Snoopy used, he niced me.
And don't be so judgemental please, my grammar is and always will be left in my English class.

Programming / Python - File usage
« on: July 10, 2016, 17:25:35 »
I'm quite good with python already,
But I need to know how to use pythons file usage thing, (Where you bring in the file normally using)
file = open('FILENNAME.txt, 'r'')
Yeah, that ^
And my problem is,
How do I use two files one holding usernames and the next holding passwords, and use them so I can successfully get prompt to log-in when the right username and the right password are entered.
If you need any more info about it just ask,
Also if you need help with python, just PM.

Manga / Manga suggestions,
« on: July 10, 2016, 17:20:27 »
Can anyone suggest a good manga to read, I've kinda read through the ones I own.


Games / How many!
« on: July 08, 2016, 21:39:11 »
How to play?
First of all reply if you wish to play,
This game is where you put an anime you've watched, in order, and people slowly get eliminated when either they have repeated an anime or have ran out of Animes. Depending on the amount of people this game can last for a long time
So reply if you want to play!

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Clan customisation
« on: July 08, 2016, 20:25:15 »
The Idea
It's more for when customisation of characters is made. This idea allows shinobi to put their clan logos/crests on pieces of clothing. Kinda of a good idea it brings diversity across the members of different clans. This idea could also be evolved to allowing specific pieces of clothing, such as capes, cloaks or even hats.
Just an idea though, if you have any improvements to this idea put them here!

Shinobi Life Online Clans / The Haikye Clan
« on: July 08, 2016, 12:05:16 »

Clan name: The Haikye Clan

Founder: Touto Haikye

Leader: Kimoto Haikye

Affiliation: Hidden Inferno

Clan history:
The Haikye clan was made by Touto Haikye. This family was once the greatest clan in the hidden Inferno village, though they went through tough times and became smaller. Kimoto Haikye and his brother Hideyoshi were asked to continue the legacy of the Haikye family. But it wasn't easy, they were chased, some were murdered, robbed they were hated, until one day. This day they protected the hidden Inferno village from a band of thugs, this led to them becoming more well known, and reclaiming they former glory.
Unique traits:
The unique traits that each Haikye members share is that they are, roughly around the 6 foot mark, they share black hair and either yellow or blue eyes. Each member is trained to use weapons since a young age of child hood. They use Bakijustu mainly.

The Haikye members excel in the use of Bakijutsu, and the use of ninjutsu.

Haikye's weaknesses are Genjutsu.

Rival clans:
None, currently.

Allied clans:
Also none.

  • Leader
  • The Chosen Five
There is only to be a few members purposely

(KimotoHaikye) Kimoto Haikye

Rule                                                                        Punishment
A member is not too harm or kill another Haikye - Death
Betrayal of Haikye                                               - Death
Revealing Haikye Secrets                                    - Death
Not following orders                                            - Exile
  • The clan is before all other things.
  • Haikye should be treated as your everything.
Obviously, don't be an annoying member, don't make jokes about someone, respect others and don't be racist or sexist.

Chakra Nature(s):
Why should be accepted into Haikye:

Spoiler: show
Forum Profile Code (paste this in the "Clan" field):

Introduction / Introduction about me
« on: July 01, 2016, 19:05:59 »
Name: Kimoto Haikye
Ethnicity: English
Nationality: English
Living in: London, England
Born in: 21 April 2001
Sports: Rugby
Hobbies: Fitness training and games in general.
Goals in life: To join the British special forces, when I am older, also to run an ironman.
Languages: English.
Education: Many schools around London.

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