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Topics - HiChikara

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General Discussion / Happy Birthday Nyshn
« on: November 30, 2017, 02:51:44 »
Have a great day and week and month and year and another year and then one another year ahead and keep going!!

P.S-You must feel lucky after all this is finally mein ONE HUNDREDTH POST  8) :Pmuwahaha

Spoiler: show
P.P.S- Don't wanna spoil all the fun but you are one more year closer to your death. JS ;D

Shinobi Life Online Character / OSamuraiSan
« on: April 05, 2017, 10:39:55 »

OSamurai with his companion Aogami
(art by our man Dart ! :D )
Name: OSamurai
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0
Weight: 75 kg
Hairstyle: Bald with a long ponytail
Facial hair: Goatee
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Blood type: O +ve
Primary chakra nature: Katon
Hidden Village: Heizugakure
Clan: N/A
Good or evil at heart?: Too good for this world :3

Description of the character's personality: 
O Samurai is a highly righteous individual who values justice above everything and everyone. A bit perverted, though, O Samurai is a traveler loyal to his village. Unlike stereotypical men of his character, O Samurai is not grumpy, humor plays an important role in his life. O Samurai is always seen in the company of a blue furry wolf dog, Aogami (nicknamed Ao, after the color of his fur). He keeps an eye on O Samurai's perverted shenanigans and always spoils his plans on hitting on girls. But still, he is the most important being in O Samurai's life. Other than this, O Samurai is also a hardcore foodie.

Description of the character's history:
Okabe was born in a family of farmers who were not so well off, hence his childhood was devoid of many of the basic privileges that a kid of his age had. But that did not stop him from having fun with his friends and peeking into hot springs (HENTAIII!). He had observed how the rich would abuse their powers and mistreat the poor as well as the poor commit heinous crimes, even though they could have easily avoided it. Seeing all these he concluded that evil was lurking in every level of the society and even though there were laws as well as law enforcers, people were still committing acts of injustice. All these thoughts used to pain him a lot and are one of the main things which molded him into his present persona. Days passed as he and a couple of his friends started helping civilians and stopped petty thieves from stealing.
One day Okabe had gone to see the Annual fest of Heizugakure. He was amazed by the shinobis and their skills and the way they sacrificed their lives to protect them. He silently wished to be one when he grew up. By the time the parade and the celebrations were over, it was late. He had his dinner in a nearby Ramen shop and started rushing home. Belonging to the lower middle class, his home was situated in a shady neighborhood. As he ran down the darker roads leading to his home, he heard a muffled scream of a woman in a dark alley towards his right. He stopped and tiptoed near the hushed commotion and the woman's frantic cries of help. He reached the spot and hid behind a wall. As soon as he peeped over it, he got a shock of his life.
His knuckles, clenching the wall went white as he gritted his teeth. He saw two men had subdued a desperate woman who's clothing were torn and battered. One of the men had started to undress. Seeing him, she started to scream louder.
"I have to stop them." Okabe muttered as his body started shaking with anger, "I have to."
But he could not move. He saw those two bulky men and then thought about his 10-year-old inexperienced self. Would he stand a chance against those two? He shut his eyes to clear his mind.
'What do I do?'
He looked up again, the man was almost laying on her. Suddenly, she freed one of her hand and slapped the man across his face as tears poured out of her eyes. Okabe felt the slap too.
'That lady is weak too,' He thought, 'But she dared slap her molesters.' A new found energy gushed inside Okabe as he Shouted and jumped over the wall.
The men were surprised to see a little boy but then laughed at him, "Run away boy, or we come to you after we are done with her."
Okabe picked a big stone nearby and hit the man on top of the woman on his head with it.
"OWW! you fucking brat!" The stone had opened the skin on his skull as he bled profusely from it. The other man rushed towards Okabe. Okabe reacted quickly by running towards the wounded man, picking up a discarded wooden staff on his way and going for a hit. The man intercepted the blow and caught hold of his stick.
"Trying to be a hero I see, well... TAKE THIS!" The man thrust the staff towards Okabe. Okabe fell a meter away, doubled up in pain. The man gave a hissing sound and smiled evilly as he returned his gaze to the woman.
"Where do you think you are going, lady?" He forced himself on her only to be pushed away by Okabe.
"YOU DARE TOUCH HER AGAIN!" He screamed, not sure what he would do if they disobeyed him.
The man snarled. "Get the fuck off Kiddo, we in no mood to kill children today."
Okabe did not budge.

The two men closed on Okabe who was standing between the woman and the two men, swearing to kill them both. The men were almost on Okabe when-

"Didn't you hear what the boy said."
The burly men turned around and searched for the source of the voice. "Or what? You'll break our boners?"           

"Probably." The voice replied. As another man, in his thirties emerged from the shadows. Wearing traditional Kamishimo and carrying a katana.
Ignoring what he said, the men kicked Okabe aside and just before they could touch the woman, the stranger hit them between their legs with the hilt of his katana at lightning speed making them pass out after a pair of painful screams.

After a moment of silence, the stranger took off his kataginu and covered the tattered lady, lighting a little fire to keep her warm. He then went over to Okabe and helped him up.
"Good job little man, be proud of yourself and run home. I'll take care of this lady."
Okabe was really thankful to the man. He wanted to say something to him but did not know what.
"By the way kid," the man started, "Whats your name?"
"O..Okabe..." He replied.
"Ah, Okabe, I'll remember that."
"Will you...." Okabe started, "Will you teach me to fight?"
The man was surprised at Okabe pitching such a question, but now was not the time to chat up with young boys, "Sure, seek me out tomorrow morning, now go!"
Okabe smiled as he turned and ran home. It was after he reached his place, he realized,
"Oh damn! I forgot to ask his name."   


thanks for the help with the lore @Toratsume Nyshn


Introduction / Konichiwa!
« on: March 20, 2017, 09:44:15 »
Name: HiChikara (not really :P ) Pronounced "Hee"-Chikaaraa means firepower, lame right? ik ik
Ethnicity: Indian?
Nationality: Definitely Indian
Living in: India
Born in: INDIA! (gosh! never felt so patriotic :3 )
Sports: India :3 Cycling, Swimming, Soccer, Cricket and Kabaddi
Hobbies: Dota 2, Reading, Anime/Manga, Exploring new places, Listening to new music, Gaining Knowledge, Trying to unsuccessfully hit on girls (since I was born ;) )
Goals in life: Hitting on a girl successfully \o/, Becoming the next Bear Grylls (or something close), Discovering new Species, To Inspire others, Winning the Nobel Prize :3, and finally helping my friend become a Dictator of my country (4 real m8)
Languages: English, Hindi, Gujarati, French and weab Japanese :3
Education: Pursuing Bachelor's degree in Microbiology.

So basically a random dickhead suggested this game to me ( yeah @Toratsume Nyshn .. you bitch xD ) but I was an asshole enough to ignore him initially. But now since Naruto is coming to an end I need a new drug :3.
tbh.. I went through a lot of material on this forum, tried to identify and understand trends and stuff,etc etc.
so yeah, I guess I'm ready to start a new journey, make new friends and stop being so cringy  >_>

so hi ^_^ bbys! OSamuraiSan in the hood sup?

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