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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Topics - ParadoxRonin

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Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Legendary Weapon-The Kagutsuchi
« on: August 06, 2015, 21:33:02 »

THX GOOGLE but soon ill make my own so it will be updated

Name:Kagutsuchi The Double Blade of the Metal

Compatible with: Metal Release 

Story: The Blade was made by the elders of the Hidden Metal to hold Atago the Wolverine God. The sword can be used by Magnet Release users the sword can fuse with jutsu and create a extra shield and it can manipulate other enemy's weapons making them almost useless depending on the weapon. But Atago is a clever creature and that being so he found a way out of the weapon leave some of his jutsu trapped inside making the blade conflict with time. Legend says that Atago wonders the borders of the Hidden Metal with a clock hanging from his neck Waiting for another Warrior worthy of fighting.


THX Google :D

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / black hole jutsu
« on: August 01, 2015, 04:02:57 »
Black hole jutsu i think we should rename the rasengan after a sun.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / There are To many Villages.
« on: July 31, 2015, 03:25:46 »
Look i know alot of people like each village but i think there should just be a few. I think some should be villages and some should be little towns. like the hidden hill would be the big city and the hidden forest would be the town you have to get to before the PD area.

I think it should be:
 Hill<Forest: It just would make sense they be together .
Volcano<Haze:They both have fire release.
Inferno<Ash; Lol they both have fire and because inferno turns to ash..
Thunder<Shock Waves:Both have lighting
Metal<Snow:Both have wind.
Dust: Will be the great legendary pvp battle field where legends fight,where villages can wage war,and where events can me held.

making it 5 villages, 5 Towns , and 1 event area.

Also what will be the first part of each village kage title. for exaple:Hokage is to LEAF and a razakage is to the Clouds

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / The Defeated
« on: July 25, 2015, 03:33:12 »
Organization name:The Defeated



Affiliation:All Hidden Villages

Allies:All Hidden villages

Purpose/Goals:those who are willing to risk there life for good should be remembered


i will add more right now this is the layout so i dont forget please do not post till im done.

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Shinobi legends
« on: July 25, 2015, 03:06:18 »
Hey guys i want to see a legenddary shinobi from each of the clans or org or if you just want one. Im not saying you have to do it i just think i want to know a person in your clans past that was beyond dreams imagination.

Heres a link to all the sigs i have more that i need to convert on the way.

3D Modeling / Help Lumen!
« on: July 22, 2015, 05:46:37 »

i want to know how to rescale these one by one.

this anbu equipment are not my models but I,m going to place them on my own model i am creating. But I don't know how to lower there scale please lumen help a brother out.

Shinobi Life Online Character / Guardian Fang.
« on: July 20, 2015, 12:50:43 »

Name:Hayatea Hazo
Hairstyle:long front short cut back
Facial hair:no
Hair color:black
Eye color:silver
Blood type:Type A
Primary chakra nature:Wind style
Village:Hidden metal

Story:The Shin-yu family was a group of refugee farmers searching for a home in a land of war. The Shin-yu family was driven from the land of dust after the fall of its capital from its war between the hidden hills. For many months the family barely came by food and with their child Hayate growing it was even harder on them. soon enough yuk-en shin-yu found a reliable source of income for his family working as a black smith in the hidden metal ninja barracks. With so many open arms from others like them the shin-yu quickly made a home in this new village.

 Years later yuk-en and his family became very successful he was a politician and his son hayate joined the ninja academy. Hayate learned fast and the teachers soon understood that he was unique in many ways. With that being so hayate was off to the land of thunder to be put in a intense training test facility for the Hidden metal anbu. Upon leaving horrible things would happen in his absents.

Soon enough news spaded that half of the hidden metals politicians were assassinated and yuk-en hayate's father was one of them. Filled with grief and dis-spare hayate returned home to his mother and siblings to mourn the death of his father. Within a few months hayate and a few other elite ninja jonin would gain Intel on his fathers killers and a plot would unfold of a coup d'é·tat in the hidden metal for power. Upon gaining this information hayate changed his name to protect the remaining family he had and made a ninja clan who,s name would spread thru the Hidden villages The Hazo,elite ninja of the Hidden metal. soon enuff the coup d'é·tat started and hayate's clan was the first to act ending the revolt swiftly. from then on hayate was known as the Guardian Fang of the hidden metal and would accomplish great feats for his village to protect the ones he loves.

General Discussion / NO WORDS
« on: July 15, 2015, 10:14:10 »

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / jutsu
« on: July 15, 2015, 05:46:42 »
forbidden jutsu for each village
its simple put the jutsu you feel would be cool for each village kage to hold
its not going to be in the game CHILL.

mine are.

Jutsu Name:Omega Wave.
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu.
Jutsu Description: Omega Wave will be a wave of black water with electricity flowing thru it.
Jutsu Level:Master.
Chakra Nature:Water/Lighting mix.
Jutsu Range:low.
Effects if hit:it deal will 2,500 hit effect
Village holder:Hidden ShockWave

Jutsu Name:Red Fog Jutsu
Jutsu Type:Scensory
Jutsu Description:A thick red fog.
Jutsu Level:Expert
Chakra Nature:Fire
Jutsu Range:Medium
Effects if hit:Red Fog jutsu pin points a players location in a Orange highlight around him it deals no damage.
Village Holder:Hidden Ash

Jutsu Name:Acid Rain Jutsu
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description:Small rain drops covering a certain amount of area.
Jutsu Level:Expert
Chakra Nature:Boil Release
Jutsu Range:Medium
Effects if hit:When in acid rain you will be dealt 50-100 damage every 30 seconds
Village Holder:Hidden Haze

Jutsu Name:Lava Ball Jutsu
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description:Well a ball of Lava
Jutsu Level:Master
Chakra Nature:Lava release
Jutsu Range:Melee
Effects if hit:when hit with the lava ball instead of freezing you burn constantly for 30 seconds dealing 200-500 damage
Village Holder:Hidden Volcano

Jutsu Name:Dust Devil Jutsu
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description:A tornado of dust that is shoot out by the player
Jutsu Level:Master
Chakra Nature:Sand Storm Release 
Jutsu Range:Medium
Effects if hit:deals 2,500 damage to play.
Village Holder:Hidden Dust

Jutsu Name:Tree of life Jutsu
Jutsu Type:Healing
Jutsu Description:A huge tree
Jutsu Level:Master
Chakra Nature:Earth
Jutsu Range:Medium
Effects if hit:heals the villages comrades
Village Holder:Hidden forest

Jutsu Name:
Jutsu Type:(Ninjutsu,TaiJutsu,Scensory,GenJutsu)
Jutsu Description:
Jutsu Level:(Beginner,Novice,Intermediate,Expert,Master)
Chakra Nature:
Jutsu Range:(Melee,Low,Medium,Large)
Effects if hit:

Elections are open

As of now the elections are open i will give a set of rule each SLO member must follow. If these requirements are not met you will be disqualified and your vote will not count,also for the voters you have to wait a day before posting your vote you must wait 24 hours before you may vote. Below will be the list of the order of the villages will go and the dates they will be on.

The Village Voting Order:
1.Hidden Hill 1st-2nd debate-day voting (Hari wins)you are the in forum hidden hill kage
2.Hidden Infern-3rd debate-4th day voting
3.Hidden Ash5th-6th debate-day voting
4.Hidden thunder-7th debate -8th day voting
5.Hidden Metal-9th debate -10th day voting
6.Hidden Snow-11th debate-12thday voting
7.Hidden forest-13th debate-14th day voting
8.Hidden dust-15th debate-16th day voting
9.Hidden volcano -debate-18th day voting
10.Hidden haze-19th debate-20th day voting
11.Hidden Shockwave-21st debate-22nd day voting

1.Do not post on debate day give the candidates time to give good reason for running for Kage.
2. Do not use petty tricks or actions while debating act mature about this i sure don't want my village being ran by a child.
3. When voting for Kage give good reason not just cause He/She is your friend but for the greater good of the village. We need solid reasons or votes will not count we are voting for Kage not friends.
4.You must state who you are voting for and not just click the polls this will help me keep track of who voted for who.
5.Wait til it is voting day to vote if you do your vote will not count for that poll.
6.Do not post anything that has nothing to do with this post if you do your vote will not count for that poll
7.Do not fight on the post anyone arguing will be taken out of all polls and vote/kage will be out of the polls and will not count. 
8.HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shinobi Life Online Discussion / Pre-Elections for Suzeain
« on: July 14, 2015, 07:58:08 »
I think that at the begining, the firat generation of kage, should be suzeains (In brief a suzerain is a king or leader that holds the supreme power in a state. He practly is the god of that village, in our case.). Everything will be more interesting this way. A kage can decide to change state's organization, to separate the powers in his village, to create a council or to decide to handle himself with all the problems. Will he give up to his powers for the good of the village or he will became a feard dictator who will lead the village with an iron hand?
I like this idea so this post is about any one interested in becoming a kage(Suzeain). I know it kinda early for this but it will give us a good idea of how people want their village ran and who will step up to the task so..................... first three for each village to volunteer to be a kage will be it the poll voting. From there we shall set up a org for the kages that are voted and it will be the kage council.
Notice:This post is the pre elections so its only for those who are interested if not don't post any thing i really don't need or want any opinions that's against the idea.

Running for the Hidden Hill:
Uzumaki Hari
Running for the Hidden Forest:
Running for the Hidden Inferno:
Running for the Hidden Ash:
Running for the Hidden Thunder:
Running for the Hidden Metal:
Paradox Ronin
Running  for the Hidden Dust:
Running for the Hidden Volcano:
Running for the Hidden Snow:
Running for the Hidden Haze:
Running for the Hidden Shockwave:

Lets start a war guys not a real war more like a big team battle if your in we can set up a date and see if vreg can help out with the set up lets have fun with what we have now.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / NEW 11 Ronin Page
« on: July 12, 2015, 05:54:09 »
Organization name:
11 Ronin
Organization symbol:

Leader: None. Each shinobi in the group is a leader in their own way.

Members 11:
Cobratachi, Village - Any
Ryuu Arashi, Village - Kaminarigakure
Shiku, Village - Any
Kiyoshi Ookami, Village - Hidden Forest
Mykel, Village - Yukigakure
ParadoxRonin, Village - Hidden in metal
Unno, Village - Hidden Hill
Kisho Ookami, Village - Haigakure
Kingturtel,Village-Hidden ShockWave
Shikai,Village-Hidden Haze

Allied Organization: Nami no Kishi

Affiliation: None as of yet. I will let the team decide what they want first. Organization of 11 skilled shinobi, 1 from each of the village.

History: Watching his entire clan killed at a young age of 6 by rogue and missing-nin ninjas, a young ninja named Cobratachi decided to leave his village and seek wisdom and strength his own way. At age 11 Cobratachi had already surpassed jounin and anbu level shinobi. He is the best hunter-nin alive. Some say he has single handle captured over 175 rogue and missing-nin by himself. With killings, kidnappings, and the number of powerful rogue and missing-nin ninjas tripling every year, Cobratachi knew he would not be able to hunt them on his own. At the age of 16 he started an organization called the 11 Ronin. He will recruit 1 shinobi from each village with unique skills to fight and hunt along side him.

Purpose/Goals: To bring peace to the land. To hunt (Capture or kill) extremely dangerous rogue or missing-nin from each village who may cause harm to the world.

Unique features: The Ronin 11 will wear a black ninja suit with a backwards "R" and the # 1 over their hearts. The "R" is for Ronin and # 1 is for 11.

Rankings: There are no rankings. We will all train and work together to get stronger and form cohesiveness. We each will be able stand together and alone if need be. We will all work our way to Kage levels.

Rules: 1. A Ronin is loyal
2. A Ronin must consult with the org before acting.
3. If a Ronin dies they will be replaced.But once a Ronin, Always a Ronin so we will never forget those who have fallen.
4. If a war breaks out, all Ronin will vote on which village to fight along side for peace.
5. A Ronin must never seek revenge.
6. A Ronin can never leave their village. If he does he will be banished from the Ronin forever.


To apply, leave a reply formatted like this:
Specialization(Genjutsu, Taijutsu, etc.):

This is a family tree of the hazo clan it will set more of a detailed past for those who join the clan.
from oldest to youngest.

1.Yukimura Hazo(grand father hazo)

2.Keiji Hazo(The insane Fang of the Hidden Metal)

3.Saika Hazo(The Sage of the Hidden Metal)

4.Shingen Hazo(Ghost of the Hidden Metal)

5.Hayate Hazo(Fang of the Hidden Metal)

6.Kuro Hazo(The Silver Flash of the Hidden Metal)

ill add story's later to lazy now :P

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