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Topics - mamoudou52404

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General Discussion / Guide of the Best Clans
« on: May 22, 2017, 01:15:01 »
I've wondered about the best of the best in SLO after some time of not being active. When I came back to SLO, there seems like there were a lot more players and a bunch of new clans and orgs. I didn't even know that there was a 7th Gen. So without further ado

Top 10 Clans


The first Tsukegami, Dai, was a shinobi renowned for his great strength and stamina. His descendants became almost like duplicates. Tsukegamis also hold multiple chakra natures that are very powerful, as well as fast reflexes that enable them to dodge attacks. Most Tsukegami have white hair, if not all, as it is a dominant bloodline clan trait passed down among all others. As of now, the Tsukegami may not be the biggest clan but all members are skilled in their own way. One weakness remains genjutsu in alot of Tsukegami, not necessarily meaning the complete defeat of a tsukegami. This is listed as a weakness because most Tsukegami's cannot or have not shown interest in casting genjutsu within their own abilities. The Tsukegami is a dominant clan of the Okagakure, (Or Village Hidden in the Hills). Despite being a very powerful clan, the Tsukegami have no rival clans, and have 3 allied clans, including their cousin clan The Kirishima, The Doruhasu (an unknown clan in its own right), and another powerful clan being The Himitsu


Once a very powerful clan, now remains extinct. The Akagi were made up of deep and creative thinkers, each becoming their own type of ninja. The attributes of an Akagi clan member remained Tall and skilled in Kenjutsu. In fact, at one point most of the Anbu in the Hidden Thunder were of the Akagi clan. One clan saying was "Our blades are sharp", in reference to the Kenjutsu mastered by many in the Akagi. The Akagi clan was created by a wanderer named Hayato. He met a girl of his stature named Isumi, as she liked to travel as well, and later they traveled together to the different Hidden Villages of the world. Hayato's and Isumi's favorite remained Okagakure (The Hidden Hill). The most beautiful of all the lands they had seen, and he settled down and began a family in this village. Though the Akagi believe that Hayato and his family were treated as outsiders by the dominant clan of the Okagakure- The Tsukegami. Hayate confronted the Kage named Ko about this treatment and was reassured that the village would soon start to trust Hayate and his family and welcome them as full members of the Hill. Though the Kage didn't trust Hayate, he let his family stay. As time passed, the Akagi family grew but the Tsukegami did not change. Conflict began to break out between the two clans and in order to prevent a civil war, the Kage banned the Akagi from the The Hidden Hill. It is believed that the Akagi held a grudge until the extinction of the clan, thus listing the Tsukegami as their only rival clan. 


Nothing yet is known of this clan, except for their great offensive techniques including Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu. It is a clan affiliated with the Hidden Thunder, although members are allowed to migrate. The clan is allied with other Hidden Thunder clans as well such as the Nakai. The two clans may even be cousin clans, and are sometimes believed to be related. This clan was once known as the Kaiyo clan, and little is known as to what brought about the change of name.


The history of the Himitsu proved to be one filled with destruction and lies. The founder of the Himitsu, Saisho became a rogue shinobi from a very young age killing both foster parents in revenge for being treated as a slave. After these events unfolded the Himitsu were forever cursed. Attacked by village after village, the Himitsu's home were burned down to ash. The clan became a travelling clan searching for a place to call home, not unlike the Akagi, and were ultimately seen as a band of thieves, So attacks came more frequent. As the traelling clan reached the Hidden Thunder, Hayato pleaded with the Kage to let his clan reside. And the Kage formed an agreement, to let the clan stay if they cimpleted missions for the village. The Himitsu remain loyal to the Hidden Thunder Village and its people are of the most grateful you will ever meet. Most of the new generation Himitsu have no idea of the clan's dark past and the leader intends to keep it that way, it is unknown if the Himitsu have a kekkei genkai because of their secretive nature. Himitsu members often specialize in Taijutsi, Ninjutsu, and Kenjutsu. Although they are very strong, one weakness does plague them. They put family first at all costs, which in the future could lead to their demise or the failure of an objective. Failing missions could ruin the relationship the Himitsu have built with the Kage and the village. The Himitsu are allied with 5 other clans including the famed Tsukegami, Kagome, Sandareisu, Kaiyo (now known as the Raiu), and The Kirishima. 


This clan originates from a man of peace and harmony including power named Takuzawa Fengshui.
History: After the 3rd great ninja war there was a old man know as Takuzawa and he was known for his power in peace and wisdom but when it came to battling he was formidable. Takuzawa was a strong believer in true peace and harmony.Before he would go to war Takuzawa would do Yin-Yang meditations to ease up. He was a man that didn't fear death because every battle he fought as if it was his last.  After years of fighting Takuzawa decided to start a school of  inner peace and harmony along with a few powers. At the age of 25 he was the strongest person in mind, soul and physical means. As he grew he kept on expanding the school until he decided to make it his clan and he gave the name Fengshui meaning yin yang (peace and harmony).

Takuzawa had a son and passed his knowledge down to his children and grand children until they grew up and taught the next generation of Fengshui. Takuzawa did not mention one thing to them but he only told his son, that if you unlock true peace and harmony the true yin and yang you would gain a very powerful power known as the Chūsainin. Takuzawa and his son makuzawa were the only ones know to be able to unlock that power,now the new generation are being taught everything besides that because the power has a dark side as well. There are two types of blood types in the Fengshui clan. Feng(Yin) blood and Shui(Yang)blood and it is rumored that if Feng blood and Shui blood were to mix, an individual with one red eye and one black eye would be born. This is the feared power of the Fenshui clan. The clan excels in areas of Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Kenjutsu. 

Sabaku Kuchikomi

A tough knit group among many. The Sabaku were once the inhabitants of a land with beautiful grasses, lakes, oceans and trees. That is until they were banned for causing a disagreement. The group fled to the desert where many perished along the way. They begged to their captor, the desert, in desperation hoping to learn its ways. When met by nothing but silence, few knew that it was not by the power of a god or the desert itself that would bring their salvation but by their own toughness, determination, and resourcefulness. This seems to have done the clan a lot of good. Survivors of the desert began forming villages and were very intelligent, figuring out how to draw up water from the sandy terrain and engineer rivers. They used gemstones found in the desert for trade and built an empire rivalling even the ones they were banished from. This all was for nothing though, all the lessons learned in the desert came for naught as the Sabaku grew too comfortable and complacent and in result lost the empire they had built. Today it is tradition for a Sabaku member to be raised alone in the desert. This teaches toughness and resourcefulness with only those bearing a strong will surviving. The Sabaku have powerful Genjutsu and speed rivaling many. They are also skilled in Kenjutsu and often tend to be the most intelligent on a battlefield. Many Sabaky though are prone against water based jutsu. Their allies include the Nakai and the Kirishima

The Nakai, a small Hidden Thunder clan among others. The Nakai clan is one of the oldest, being created around the time of the birth of Ninjutsu. The Nakai was based off a bunch of highly strict foundations, principles, and morals believing in defending the weak and doing whats right. A very noble clan indeed. The clan believes in a process called Han' no.  Han'no, which means "reactions", meant that if one makes a decision they are responsible for the outcome and if the outcome was to bring shame to the clan name, they were punished.
This meant the clan was viewed as strict from an outside perspective but to the clan it was all about the honour of their family name.
Being a clan that branched from the roots of the Shinobi world, they had a lot of pride and wisdom that they felt gave them power among their village.
Many Nakai members are viewed as Strict, Noble, and Honorable. Strengths and Weaknesses are determined by each Nakai member. Allied clans include the Sabaku and Raiu.

The Kirishima clan. Brother clan of the Tsukegami, and allied clan to many others. The founder of the Kirishima, Hao was a wanderer looking for a place to call home. One day he ventured deep underground into the darkness, and away from the light. For two years he walked in the darkness, becoming a shell of his former self until one day he saw the light. When he emerged from the tunnel he couldn't believe his eyes. There were people, it was a whole village celebrating and living their daily life. They treated Hao with kindness and this became the beginning of the Kirishima. The Kirishima clan are one of the most unique clans of this list for reason. The strengths of the Kirishima include fire chakra nature mixed with lightning speed. Kirishima members are also very intelligent and remain skilled in Kenjutsu. The Kirishima were once a clan of peace. For many generations the Kirishima were kept "pure-blooded", by mating with its sister clan. However many began mating with others of random villages. This caused a seperation in the clan between those who were called 'pure-blooded' and those called 'demibloods'. The pure-bloods treated the demibloods like slaves and conflict broke out. The Kage of Inferunogakure was on the verge of exiling the Kirishima until the conflict finally died down. However it had taken the life of a very important member. Hao wanted equality, and formed a council made up of a grand leader, demiblood leader, and nobleblood leader. And then he stabbed himself in the chest, sacrificing himself for the peace he wanted the Kirishima to attain. Ever since these events the Kirishima has been split in two mentally. Though the Kirishima excel in many things, they're weaknesses include strength and stamina being below average.

   Ennia is a clan foreign to the shinobi nations, with its current patriarch, Fulvius Ennia Raimei, being the first leader born on the island. They trace their ancestry to the original rulers of a distant island with a distinctly different culture; hence the name Ennia. For the longest time, Ennia had one major bloodline that took a third name, Fulminatus, to denote their heritage. Following the death of the clan's patriarch, Fulvius inherited the position. Reforms were enacted; hoping to integrate the clan into the local culture, House Fulminatus was changed to House Raimei. In conjunction with the renaming, minor families scattered throughout the island were given the right to form houses. Since then, Ennia has welcomed many new houses into its ranks. Their allies include the Tsunagami and not much else is known about the clan. Following this, the clan no longer exists, and it is unclear as to why it was disbanded.


Here are a couple SNEAK PEEKS at something I know of coming up.

And thats it for my top ten. I was gonna do a top ten of orgs and other things but I'll leave that for a different thread on a different day. Hope you guys agree with my list, I'd like to hear about yours. Also please feel free and let me know what you think of our newest "Mystery Clan".

General Discussion / Claaans
« on: December 27, 2016, 18:50:29 »
Is it just me or have there been a bunch of new clans created? Feel liek theres a new one every day, and has anyone added them to the official Clan list? @Snoopy

Can someone list them? Also which new clan would you join? Best logo? Idk

General Discussion / Merry Christmas (Hey you there)
« on: December 26, 2016, 01:24:36 »
Merry Christmas guys! to everyone, even though my family stopped celebrating christmas I'm curious on how your christmas days went and wonder what you guys got :P

I woke up this morning to my mother taking away my phoneso my friends are gonna be mad that I didn't text them the christmas texts and stuff but ill clear that up

Anyways after waking up I stayed home and at 2:30, I started watchign a thriller Christmas Day game, Warriors vs Cavs, I rooted for the Cavs obviously and the game had me sad, angry and excitededly jumping up and down at the outcome, @Snoopy you should watch that one, I ignored all the other games and was thinkign about going out to a movie

but yeah thats about it for my day, how was yours? :) FEEL FREE TO INCLUDE PICS OF UR GIFTS!!! :P

General Discussion / What if You weren't in your org/clan
« on: December 04, 2016, 21:15:51 »
What if you weren't in your org/clan? Which would you join? Which ones catch your eye? Feel free to talk about them... Top orgs/Clans in your opinion?

So if I wasn't in tsukegami, I dont think I would've joined any other clan.... Kaiyo seems pretty cool in regards to the history and logo, and Himitsu seems to be doing great since taiga (I always picture taiga as the frosted flakes tiger) took control.

Orgs that have caught my eye?

When I first got here, Jyuunishin caught my eye :P and everyone was telling me all about Yaiken and all these other orgs that were only supposed ot have about 7 members....

I hated KATAKIUCHI, but thats only because I'm a good guy at heart...

The top orgs in my opinion are
1. Heathen - they continue to grow at a steady rate, it seems like nothing is gonna take them down and they'll be a force to be recokoned with soon if they keep growing at this rate, plus I have a lot of friends who are, or once were in Heathen

2. Iryo Buntai - This is probably the most unique org in all of SLO, an org that exists solely for healing people. Though I can see this org being a part of a lot of problems in the future because what if one day a war is waged between orgs, and one org is completely destroyed? Iryo would come in and heal them but the other org that won might not liek that and would end up attacking Iryo...... even in this shinobi world, helping someone can get u hated and killed, dayuum.....

3. Roguhanta- aren't they the biggest org in SLO? Yeah thats about it , they've got the skills and numbers...

Top Clans in my opinion are

1. Tsukegami - We're the uzumakis of SLO

2.  Toratsume- They have a great leader in @Toratsume Nyshn  (even though he makes me feel bad on snapchat, he called me a noob for losing my wallet and debit card) and I feel like they will one day rule SLO, unless another new clan gets to it first.... :P

General Discussion / He'd be better
« on: December 03, 2016, 20:11:11 »
So a lot of people think that Sasuke would be better if he had accepted the prosthetic arm made for him at the end of the War. People are dismissing this idea but we have to hold on to it tbh. I got this idea from some blog that was discussing this. Heres what would happened if Sasuke had accepted his arm instead of denying it!

So Tsunade made an arm out of her grandfather Hashirama's/Zetsu's cells for both Naruto and Sasuke. So Naruto would have an arm made of Hashi's cells and still be normal, but however Sasuke is a different case.
Sasuke denied the arm before it was even finished because he wanted to roam the world and see what pain he had caused, and because he believed that his punishment for all the sins he had committed was the absence of an arm. Talk about  a serious dude.

Sasuke would be different because, one, he is an Uchiha
And two, the arm is made up of Senju DNA.

You know what happens then don't you?

If you want, I'll give u 7 seconds to think about it...









Ok so Sasuke would be able to
Spoiler: show
awaken another [color=purple]RINNEGAN[/color]

Awakening the Rinnegan requires both Uchiha and Senju cells.

Idk if his second rinnegan would have the exact same powers as his first or be a completely normal rinnegan but......... what do you guys think?

(What does a normal rinnegan do?)  <--------------- someone please answer this for me.

Also comment on other important topics you think I could talk about (I'm bored and I got this idea from a blog called Otakukart)

General Discussion / Creative Minds only
« on: November 27, 2016, 21:01:19 »
I need help with something super important! And I need very creative minds to help me with it.... Its secret though.
- Must be able to think Creatively
-Must be able to act surprised
-Must be able to keep a secret
-Must be able to complete the job with me

For those who think they qualify for this, comment below and message me on discord, or if you dont have my discord then pm me on SLO, Ill be in touch,

Thanks :)

General Discussion / Back
« on: October 30, 2016, 03:30:12 »
So I'm back on the forums and can't recognize anyones profile, (like Mars changed his and a bunch of others) and people are talking about stuff I've never heard of. So what did I miss? Someone gimme an overview of all the new updates/things that have happened.

Also spill the juicy drama and beef if there was any ;)

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Real Quick
« on: October 04, 2016, 03:53:34 »
Real Quick, I just wanted to give a suggestion, and yeah I know theres a category for that or somethign but, general is the most checked so anyways

Would it be hard? Or would it hurt to put in a CPU to help us train when noone is online? Like maybe only the person training can summon the CPU bot by saying "/bot" then pick which mode whether it be easy or hard i guess. It would help a lot of people who are first introduced to the game when theres nobody online.

Idk, just a suggestion (The bot would only attack the one who summoned him)

@Vreg @mattaleks

General Discussion / Picture thread
« on: September 18, 2016, 04:37:24 »
Lets start a new picture thread. It doesnt have to be a selfie thread like the other one, Upload a pic here that u feel would be nice, that way the community knows what u look like. :) You can even upload beautiful pics that u took, of scenery or whatever, I'd like this to be the official Picture thread I guess :)

Warning: I am not responsible if a community member follows you or obsesses over how u look or if something happens, thou Ill be sad if something bad does happen.

Ill start off I guess

Im the one in the black shirt and sweater, my friend was taking a selfie of me

Thats me and another close friend of mine

no im not flexing, my friends love taking pics without me knowing

this is me jumping over and dunking on my friend DJ (yes i completed the dunk and i have video proof, i just dont know how to upload it here) if u guys want, ill upload it


Im a blood and my best friends a crip

Did I fix the images? @Nova @Toratsume Nyshn @Whatasnipe

General Discussion / What if?
« on: September 07, 2016, 04:01:53 »
(Got this from a blog)

What if Naruto and Sasuke switched places? (Drop your own opinion of how the whole story would go down.)  Heres mine.

We often heard Naruto say “You know, Sasuke, our roles could have been reversed.” throughout their encounters. So let’s speculate what would of happened and what would have to of happened had that of been the case.

Iruka Sensei’s Death

In order for this hypothetical turn of events to happen we would have to go back to the very beginning, and there Iruka would have to die at the hands of Mizuki.

Now Mizuki wouldn’t succeed in killing Naruto, but if Iruka would have sacrificed himself to save Naruto things would have been much different.

Iruka was the first character to support Naruto (Besides Hinata), so with his death Naruto would be put into further isolation and hold much stronger disdain and hatred to those in the Hidden Leaf Village, similar to Garra.

Naruto’s Hate For The Village Grows

Naruto is on a downward spiral into darkness. He has contempt towards the village and almost everybody in it. He does however relate to Sasuke in a small way as he is lonely just as he is.

Still, Sasuke is loved and respected throughout the village for being a genius and a powerful Uchiha. Rivalry turns into jealousy and eventually Naruto can’t even call Sasuke a friend anymore. And as his bond with Sasuke tears his hatred grows stronger and stronger.

Naruto Joins The Akatsuki

Sounds crazy right. Why would a Jinchuuriki ever want to join the Akatsuki? Well I’ll explain. After Iruka’s death Naruto hatred for those who shun him festers and grows.

He’s tormented by the fact that everybody loves and respects Sasuke while treating him like he is a monster. Naruto is eventually approached by Obito or Pain who explains the Akatsuki’s plans.


Since the Nine Tails has to be sealed last Naruto wouldn’t be killed off right away and instead is offered a position in the Akatsuki and the power to take revenge on the village that hates him.

Naruto knows that someday he will have to die as price for power and revenge, just like Sasuke knew that Orochimaru would steal his body someday. Then the story would revolve around Sasuke trying to defeat the Akatsuki and save Naruto before he is sacrificed and killed.

Naruto Hunts Down His Own Kind

As a member of the Akatsuki Nartuo would be tasked with capturing other Jinchuuriki and extracting their tailed beasts from them, as is Akatsuki custom. At this point Naruto would be a kin killer so to speak and would be just about as far gone as Sasuke was when he killed Danzo and tried to kill Sakura.

The villages including the Hidden Leaf would call for Naruto’s execution and it would be up to Sasuke to pull his friend out of this darkness before it is too late. From here I’m uncertain what would happen as we get into The Fourth Shinobi World War Territory. Perhaps Naruto would betray the Akatsuki now that he is strong enough on his own to take revenge on the Hidden Leaf.

Maybe he would somehow come in contact with his father and have a change of heart similarly to what happened to Sasuke when he talked to the Hokage. I’m not really sure. But wouldn’t this make for an epic spin off??

Anyways thats all I’ve got for this one. Remember that this is only speculation and none of it should be taken too seriously. Its just a fun “What if” kind of article. Anyways peace out guys see you on the next thread.

General Discussion / The Gens??
« on: August 30, 2016, 23:54:04 »
So @Mars made a nice post listing the generations of SLO. And I was just wondering who are the top 5-7 players of each gen. Name the top players in each generation according to u.  btw my gen, 5th gen is the coolest of em all ;)

1st Gen
1. @limits (everyone says he's the best :P )
2. @Reminance (i think its pretty obvious.... he'd probably be better if he didnt like that Tobirama scum)
3. @adithya  (Hes the only other one that I know from the 1st gen... and hes good so i'd say him)

2nd Generation
1. @Batt (he has characteristics of a condom.... u can't quite grasp him :P)
2.  @Mars (idk whos better.... Batt or Mars, even Batt stated hes competition and very good, :P)
3. @Leebz (im guessing this... tho he claims hes the worst ingame rightnow)

3rd Generation
1. @Nova
2. @taigakun
3. @bloberfish (im guessing based on wt ive heard)
I havent seen @Sanji  play so i have to leave him out and I havent really heard anything about him.

4th Generation
1. @Ken
2. @lollernoob9
3. @Snoopy
4. @SirTroll (idk whos better between ST and snoopy since ive never rlly seen ST play)

As for 5th Generation... the best generation, I can't really answer to this. You guys will have to answer for me
5th Generation Players list

Me (mamoudou52404)
@Toratsume Nyshn

Heres a code if you guys need it
Code: [Select]

[glow=red,2,300]1st Gen[/glow]

[glow=blue,2,300]2nd Generation[/glow]

[glow=green,2,300]3rd Generation[/glow]

[glow=pink,2,300]4th Generation[/glow]

[glow=oorange,2,300]5th Generation (The best)[/glow]

this thread was based off of the list on

General Discussion / Now Clans Versus
« on: August 29, 2016, 15:27:30 »
Part 2. When I was daydreaming, I also thought of clans but I was sleep deprived af so I went to take a nap. Here are a few matchups. Ill make my picks and you guys make your

Tsukegami VS. Akagi: Once I was checking out the tsukegami thread and i saw that the Akagi were our enemies so I checked who was in the Akagi clan, and i cried.... that pretty much answers it right? But I like to have hope so idk, I feel like Batt would have us put up a worthy fight, but idk if we could win. Akagi is fuckin stacked

Toratsume VS. Amigake: Sorry @Toratsume Nyshn  you know Ily and all but @lollernoob9  alone could probably handle your whole clan. :( you only have 3 members right now but you'll grow a lot :D Im sure of it.

VS. Himitsu: Taiga, you would win with sheer numbers.... if your clan was more active. At least I dont think most of them are anyways, so correct me if im wrong but ive gotta give this one to Tsukegami. (Tsukegami rulez! :) ) @taigakun

Nakai VS. Sabaku Kuchikomi: I was ready to give this one to @Nova and then I saw the members list for the Sabaku. Noticeable names include, @mattaleks  , @Crono  , @DarthTyrael  , and @SirTroll  . They outnumber you and have more noticeable names in my opinion. They win.

Sabaku KuchikomiVS.  Tsukegami: even though you have those 4 noticeable names. We've got @Manuster  , Myself (I like to think I could make a difference), @Batt  , and @Law  , and Truesage, and Tai. You guys lose.

Toratsume VS. Kamakiri: I dont know who would win this one. I think you guys have around the same number of people in your clan since they are both relatively new. And the funny thing is, I've seen Nysh and @SpeakingRain  fight, (The 2 clan leaders), and I'd have to say you guys are at equal strength. The same exact level or at least around there. I dont wanna pick favorites either so :P I believe I just started a rivalry between the 2 clans ;) , your welcome! :)

Kirishima VS. Agaki: bruh..... bruh..... why'd i even compare this? there are 40 members of kirishima eh? most of which i assume are inactive since i havent seen any of them on. The only noticeable names I notice are, @Kings_Head  , @Charlie  , @m4r1us  (who i believe is inactive), @huntasol  , and @Whatasnipe  . You guys would still lose to Akagi though in my opinion.

Kirshima VS. Tsukegami: I don't wanna have to fight my cousin clan ofc :( , but the little Tsukegami squad we got going on would take out the Kirishima boys. ;)

Sabaku VS. Kirishima: This could be a good rivalry, the clans seem pretty much equal in my opinion with the favors leaning a bit towards Sabaku, but who knows I believe in Kirishima ;) .

General Discussion / Orgs Versus?
« on: August 29, 2016, 13:43:42 »
I'm bored so I started daydreaming as always. And somehow I got into thinking of Orgs going at it in SLO. So as of this moment, pick which org you think would win.
You can also explain why. I'll also be picking my choices.

Roguhanta VS. Katakiuchi: I don't know tbh, I feel like Katakiuchi has many more members but I could be wrong.

Nanatsu VS. Heathen: I'm very fond of Heathen and respect them a lot as a brother org, but they going down  :-X

Bitoku VS. Yugure: I haven't looked at the members on each, but I'm pretty sure Bitoku would take it.

Yurei VS. Yaiken: Yurei has the advantage because it has more members, but I feel like Yaiken would win, (Only if limits is as good as everyone says he is, I've heard "stories")

Kako No Yami VS. Blackbox: Blackbox, since Kako No Yami doesn't really have that many members. Blackbox doesnt either but it has more.

Nanatsu VS. Blackbox: Nanatsu. We have way more members. And they are all active.

VS. Blackbox: Heathen. Just Heathen.

Jutsu Hunter
VS. Godai Temple: This is an interesting one. Both orgs with 2 of the main primary goals. I feel like Godai Temple would take it since they are much more active. Plus don't mess with @Zama

Smilers :) VS. Yurei: Smilers would get merced in my opinion.

Alright well, I'm bored and tired so I can't think of any more but feel free to add more questions onto your own answers.

Code: [Select]
[glow=blue,2,300]Roguhanta[/glow] VS. [glow=red,2,300]Katakiuchi[/glow]

[glow=Orange,2,300]Nanatsu[/glow] VS. [glow=yellow,2,300]Heathen[/glow]

[glow=black,2,300]Bitoku[/glow] VS. [glow=red,2,300]Yugure[/glow]

[glow=green,2,300]Yurei[/glow] VS. [glow=turquoise,2,300]Yaiken[/glow]

[glow=red,2,300]Kako No Yami[/glow] VS. [glow=black,2,300]Blackbox[/glow]

[glow=orange,2,300]Nanatsu[/glow] VS. [glow=red,2,300]Blackbox[/glow]

[glow=red,2,300]Heathen[/glow] VS. [b]Blackbox[/b]

[glow=blue,2,300]Jutsu Hunter[/glow] VS. [glow=brown,2,300]Godai Temple[/glow]

[glow=turquoise,2,300]Smilers[/glow] :) VS. [glow=green,2,300]Yurei[/glow]

Feel free to add any more interesting matchups:

Hope i did this right^ enjoy  :-\

General Discussion / Who would you meet?
« on: August 28, 2016, 23:55:13 »
Pick one person from SLO you would spend the day with.... or pick multiple. (Also try to describe what you guys would do)

I'd pick @Batt bc apparently im a "Batt fanboy"

I'd pick @Nova just so i could bother him all day

I'd pick @Tsunayoshi just so i cud fight the kid, then we'd get ice cream and fight the whole day

I'd pick @Mars just bc u seem chill

And I'd pick @taigakun and @Manuster just bc.... my negus :)
@Snoopy so i cud play you in ball and destroy you and @Reminance so i cud spend the whole day explaining why Tobirama sucks ass.

General Discussion / Questions of the Naruverse
« on: August 28, 2016, 05:30:51 »
Anyways here are the questions, Copy and paste them if you'd like. I'll be giving my answers.

One Jutsu you would want from the Naruto Universe? Rasengan

One item?
Minato's Kunai

Favorite Jutsu?
Rasengan related jutsus, meaning Rasengans/Rasenshurikens/even Tailed beasts bombs

Other Favorites? FireBall Jutsu and related fire jutsus like these

Favorite character(why?) I cant choose just one so Ill name a few and say why:

Minato- because hes cool and nice and laid back and chill and super fast.

Naruto- because hes like a symbol of hope

Obito- basically the same reason as Naruto

Itachi- because I despised him yet found him very interesting at first, and then when I saw his storyline unfold I was shocked and began to love him as a character. He just proves to me that "anything is possible" which is my favorite phrase

Sasuke- because he has his moments.

And last but not least at all is

Hashirama- because, yes even though hes declared as the god of shinobi or whatever, he still has his flaws. For example he never gets mad, he gets sad instead (Lol like me i dont get mad i just get a moment of sadness when dumb stuff happens) and he's a calm chill person who also proves to me that "anythign is possible". Nobody thought it was possible to get the Uchiha and Senju alliance going but Hashirama didnt give up on madara being his friend.

Least Favorite Character? I don't really have a least favorite but i can think of a few who I don't think too much about.
One being Kisame- this sharkboy in the face ass is irrelevant af to me. Go get killed by Guy.

Matchups you would want to see? (Meaning you can match up anyone from the naruto universe with each other)

One thing you've noticed from Naruto (Could be interesting or Unusual)
So Obito when he was younger is just like Naruto, especially personality wise right? In fact they both have the same color scheme. Obito being blue with a little orange and Naruto being orange with a little blue. Also they both had goggles. Remember? Naruto had those green ones?

Favorite Kage(s)?

Strongest Kage? Minato and Hashi

Weakest Kage? This old little boy Hiruzen Sarutobi, had to look his name up on google.

If you had one thing to ask any character.

Yo Kisame remember this? Are sharks really taking over?


Choose any Character as your sensei:

Hope you guys enjoyed the questions. Feel free to add more questions you'd like to hear from other people.

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