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Topics - Doylo Bushida

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Naruto Fanworks / Dread of Iron Hills
« on: March 23, 2016, 15:10:19 »
One of my fan naruto inspired stories :P sorry for bad english, i did my best :) and i dont know how many time i will post other chapters. if you will like a lot i try to find much time for working on it ;)


      „It´s time...“
       Ominous whisper was crawling through the room like a monstrous snake. A young ninja could not even take a breath in from the fear. His room was being filled by an unknown power, he could feel it all around himself. The muscles surrounding his eyes were already stinging from the sheer force of having his eyelids shut tight.
        „It´s time, Jaikebo,“ sounded the first of the voices, high pitched and desperate, the voice of a broken widow with a knife stabbed in her heart.
   „There is no way out,“ said the another voice, demonic, deep, as if followed by the ice-cold death.
   His body was trembling with terror. Abominable murmur sounded as if from the most sinister parts of the other world. He felt as if the room was being filled with the dank smell of the deceasing bodies. The eeriest thing was the fact that that was not a dream. He could sense every perception, every little noise. He could smell his own acidic sweat soaking his pyjamas and the sheets, it seemed that every drop of sweat is a little piece of a decaying body. Fierce bite to his lip jerked him out of the claws of an invisible fear, but the taste of the blood trickling down from the wound was causing him nausea.
   Why was he even scared? He knew, after all, that the time was nearing, that they would have come for him, that he was the chosen one. The chosen one to would have died by the merciless death.
   „Open your eyes, Jaikebo...“
   „We don´t want to harm you…”
   „We don´t?...”
   „We´ll see about that…”
   Excruciating voices were slipping into every part of his body, the indescribable sense of approaching death clenched his heart, and when the black-and-white mist in the middle of the room began to form into the shape of something alive, he jumped up. The fear took hold of his body again, he was unable to control his own chakra. But from the remaining strength he grabbed the ornamental iron stick, his only weapon, and focused all of his last chakra into it. The stick pulsed with golden electric current, spattering out every now and then. The live mist feignedly stopped and stiffened. Not for long, though. Before anyone could ever react, the demonic creature consumed him fully. Alarmingly, he found out that not a single sound was coming out of his mouth. He did not have a single chance to call out the other members of his clan for help.
   „We are being patient, Jaikebo...“
   „But not for long!...“
   He felt an enormous pain in his shoulders and sensed that something is coming out of them.
    „To cause hurt?...“ sounded from the right.
   „Definitely!...“answer from the left.
   Entity with Jaikebo in its body ascended to the air and as fast as possible, without any rattle, flew out of the open window, snatching off the bamboo bars holding the curtains. Till he lost his consciousness he got a glance of his clan´s sign on a massive sapphire pole in the middle of their territory, disappearing in the growing darkness of the night.

ORANGE: female demon voice
PURPLE: male demon voice

General Discussion / What about villages?
« on: March 08, 2016, 19:12:59 »
Hell-ooo comrades. I just asked myself, well, we have 11 villages in SLO. But what are they look like? Are they huge? Small? You know, for perfect making an organization, clan, character, u have to know geographical placement of its/his home/territory. For ex. my clan of Hachimitsu is situated in Hidden Thunder, so i had to make theoretical look of this village and i situated my clan on top of hill, which is at the end of village. So what about open some discussion and work on look of all villages? I think itll help a lot, with lot of things...i got some ideas, so let me know. If you dont agree, i understand, but please tell me your point of view on this "problem".

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Missions Creation Topic
« on: March 08, 2016, 10:18:06 »
Missions Creation Topic

Hell-ooo comrades. I got this idea, about topic, where players can post theyre own ideas about mission´s content. I was talking to Vreg and he said that i can open this topic, cause there will be missions made by developers (not us) but also by players. So this topic could be discussion about types and contents of missions.
Here´s basic template, which can be pattern for mission content (its just template by my idea, so it haven´t to be good, if someone wont like it, dont use it then)

Mission´s title: (title of the mission)
Mission´s type:  (its just regular scheme, everyones knows that in game will be more positions than shinobi, so maybe this Mission type will tell us for which position is that mission made)
Mission´s rank: (difficulty of mission, rank system isnt consider yet, so this will be just theoretically said = that english tho)
Mission´s description: (basic explanation about mission´s objectives etc.)
Mission´s place: (maybe where this mission´s goal will be situated, or where you can get this mission)
Mission´s reward: (again theoretically said reward after success in this mission)

At the end i have to say, its just my view of things, we can open huge discussion about this, make a new templates or end it and all of this let to developers. Its up to you. THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Kuroiakuma (Black Demon)
« on: March 06, 2016, 20:41:27 »
Organization name: Kuroiakuma (Black demon)

Organization logo: (will be soon :D )

Founder: Tayiki Imanoshi

Leader: Doylo Bushida

Affiliation: Place named Invisible Stairs (Fukashi Kaidan) is home for all members of Kuroiakuma. Noone ever saw this place, its hidden by secret sealing technique which used Tayiki Imanoshi, when he firstly feel kuroiakuma inside him. He wanted to separated from the world and fight alone with demon. At Fukashi Kaidan they sleep, eat and meditate, but place, where they trains and speaks about their goals, is ancient church carved to the rock. People are afraid of this place, cause its situated at border between Hidden Thunder and Hidden Vulcano, so here comes to meetings between fire and storm.

Allies & Enemies: as organization of „trash“ people they have no allies but also no strict enemies. Every man who respect them is their allie and every man who laughs at them or attacking them is their enemy.

History: (coming soon)

Purpose/Goals: Get rid of kuroiakoma, control it, use it for protect world and make it peaceful place.

Unique features: All members got one hand black as ash and this hand isnt human at all. Its hand of kuroiakuma, black demon, looks like black and slim hand of lizzard. This hand makes their techniques much more stronger and give them black shade. But using this hand too much is dangerous, using technique with demon hand is very painful. Also, cause they´re „trash“ shinobis, they hide faces between stone masks, everyone has different mask which covers all the face and head except eyes.

Rankings: all members are equal except leader. Its up to leader what other members will do every day.

Members:  Doylo Bushida
                             Katara Umugin
                             Ryak Imigachi

Rules:  - listen to leader
                       - kill all who betray organization or use akuma power for bad intentions
                       - everyone who ever took down their mask when theyre out of their base have to be tortured by fire to criple their face
                       - never believe Western clans, cause they created kuroiakuma

Shinobi Life Online Questions / More ranks
« on: March 06, 2016, 18:41:59 »
I searched for new rank discussions but i didnt see any of them :P so maybe i will be first but, naruto classic ranks are from academy student to jounin. I got an idea, if this SLO world what we´re making together is different as naruto´s world, so what if our world has more ranks? some newones yo know, its just an idea but i think it could be interesting...maybe we can make ranks for rogue ninjas, for traitors, or for other possible posts. What do you think? or if there is some discussion about this problem please give me link.

General Discussion / Recruit artists
« on: March 06, 2016, 15:35:24 »
Hello to all of you :D
Im newie here and i just did my first clan idea, and i saw every posted clan has their own logo. My clan has logo too, but i dont have any drawing skill, im the biggest noob ever in this case :D but anyway, i rly want to make a logo, especially to let know others that Hachimitsu Clan is clan as many others. So i wanna ask you, especially shinobis who know how to draw and drawing isnt work for them, but fun and they draw with pleasure, please, help me with that logo. I promise it wont be too hard for you, for me it will be horror, but for you nah. Im rly sad i dont know draw, cause i got a lot of ideas, and i tried my best many times, but i dont know draw :( so please, help me draw my clan logo, emblem of peaceful Hachimitsu Clan, clan of beekeepers, clan, where you can join anytime and be a part of good people wearing this emblem. Let me know please, whoever is interested in it.

P.S.: clan logo will be emlbem on hive style, so it looks as hive with half-moon hole in the middle. Colours which can be use are gold, yellow and black. Hachimitsu clan has half-moon shaped iris in eyes, thats why there is half-moon hole. Thanks you all so very much :) Take it as a mission rank B :D

Shinobi Life Online Clans / Hachimitsu Clan
« on: March 06, 2016, 12:50:42 »
Clan name: Hachimitsu

Clan logo: (i hope it will be soon, but i dont have any drawing skills, so i wait to find someone who will be so kind to help me with that :D )

Founder: Norinaga Hachimitsu

Leader: Norinaga Hachimitsu – leader comes from clan members free choice, but first and only leader is still Norinaga. Other leaders comes after he dies, but noone believes he can die. That also means leader will be leader full life until death.

Affiliation: Kaminarigakure (Hidden Thunder) – clan is situated on Farm hill at the end of the village, they got wooden cottages with lot of apiaries. Part of Hachimitsu clan is surronunded by village wall, so its separated from others parts of village and its because of bees. Theres only one gate under hill which heads to their houses. Apiaries of Hachimitsu is seen from far away. Norinaga wants to expand their territory and maybe in the future make their own settlement.

Clan history: (will come soon, i have to make the best story i know :D )

Unique traits: - Norinaga sealed first members of clan (2 men and 2 women) with his secret own technique and after that, all members, Norinaga too, has unique yellow eyes with half-moon shape iris (its not Kekkei Genkai, hope image of Hachimitsu eye comes soon)
-   some of clan members masters Hachi Sutorīmu no jutsu, which is unique jutsu of Hachimitsu clan
-   blood of Hachimitsu clan is more sweet than normal blood and has golden shade, because of special honey sealing
-   after sealing all members has golden pentagon on their chest, sign of honey sealing

Strengths: - Hachi guardians are only members of clan which can possess jutsu techniques. Their good in ninjutsu and genjutsu, they are shinobis on chuunin levels, because Hachimitsu clan is very peaceful, so they dont want to do any missions for their village or other villages, but help their bees and bees of other villages
-   other, especially male members, are good in weapon fighting and martial arts, but its just basic and very weak against shinobis powers

Weaknesses: - lot of members are weak against any type of jutsu or techniques, cause they arent trained and peaceful. Hachi guardians, on the other hand, are best of chuunins, some of them can be compare with jounins from other villages, but they never can accomplish jounin exams, cause it will automatically make them member of shinobi world, and they will have to go on A and S rank missions. Norinaga want them to watch over bees and apiaries.

Rival clans: no rival clan yet

Allied clans: no allied clan yet

Rankings: Hachimitsu clan have no ranks, just positions. Members of clan can be divided to 5 groups:
1.Leader – just one person (Norinaga Hachimitsu), which controls all events in their territory, selects Honey masters, Hachi guards, etc., stays in contact with Kage of village and now about every event out of their world
2.Honey masters – group of women and less able men, which keep apiaries, take care of hives and make their special sweet and energetic honey, they got same uniforms which are beekeepers clothes
3.Hachi guardians – special unit of Hachimitsu shinobis, which guards giant pollination bees (they can mount them) and go to Fields of thousand flowers (Firudo Senhana) for pollen. This fields is surronded by dangerous places, forests and mountains, and also road to this field takes 3 days and giand bees (Kyojinhachi) are very rare animals. Hunters from neighborhood wants them too much. Thats why Hachi guardians need elite ninja training. They also escort Hachimitsu honey merchants around the known world and protects their caravans.

Symbol of Hachi Guardians they have tatooed on their shoulders
Art by:@Nova

4.Merchants – Experienced members of clan, men also women, which quests are trading goods. They are still on the road, go from village to village and selling their famous honey. They have trained basic skills of genjutsu, but just for escape, not for fighting. Thats why they have to be escort by Hachi guardians. Hachimitsu merchants are 12-40 years old. Their quests are very hard, and have to rely on their allies and guards. One Merchant caravan has 4 carts, 2 merchants, 8 horses or oxes and 6 Hachi guardians.
5.Weapons masters – Battle unit, some kind of clan militia assembled by volunteers. From age of 4 years they are trained in the Inazuma mountain among wushu monks. They are specialist with melee weapons from clubs to chakrams, so they can controls chakra and combine it with any weapon, especially with chakrams. Their only function is keep village in good condition, take care of any bandits, thieves, assassins and in big danger protect all members of village. Of course, they are weaker than full trained ninjas, but they have good tactics and quick moves.

Members: Norinaga Hachimitsu – clan founder and actual leader, age 45

Rules: - protect all the bees
-   dont betray your leader, cause you will bes and to exile
-   never kill your oponent, only if there wont be any other opinion
-   respect storm above your heads, its your biggest weapon and shield, but it can be your biggest enemy
-   speaking about secret of honey making is strictly banned

Art by:@child_emperor

Wanna join this peaceful clan of beekepers? Lets do it!

1.Make a name of yourself (last name have to be Hachimitsu)
2.This clan is peaceful in many ways, do you promise on your blood, that you will never use your powers for bad things?
3.If you wanna join, select your position in our clan: Honey master, Hachi guardian, Merchant, Weapon master
4.Your primary chakra has to be lighting, have problem with it?
5.Every month will be meeting of clan and every member have to be on it. Do you have problem with it?
6.Wanna be a leader? Tell us why.[/b]

Shinobi Life Online Character / Norinaga Hachimitsu
« on: March 05, 2016, 16:32:47 »
Name: Norinaga Hachimitsu
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Height: 6.1
Weight:180 lbs
Hairstyle: none
Facial hair: none
Hair color: none
Eye color: yellow iris half-moon shape
Blood type: B
Primary chakra nature: Lighting
Hidden Village: Kaminarigakure
Clan: Hachimitsu
Good or evil at heart?: neutral for others, very good for his clan

Description of the character‘s personality: As founder of Hachimitsu clan is Norinaga reasonable man with good heart and strong nerves. Even he was badly injured he´s still the strongest one of Hachimitsu clan and their own special ninjutsu. Norinaga never had wife or children. The biggest fear for him is, that part of Kaminarigakure, where his clan is situated, will be attacked. He loves everyone in clan and he´s helping them with everything possible. People use to call him „Lord of Bees“, or „Sting“.

Description of the character‘s history: Norinaga lost both parents, shortly after birth and other members of his family didnt want to take care of him. They give him to some poor family, which raised him to life, give a little Norinaga home and love. When he was 10 years old, his first job started. Mendicancy. It wasnt hard for him, cause he knows nothing else just begging for food and money. Once he saw man with gold hives on his cart. He smelled honey and asked mother: „What is that tasty smell?“: she smiles and answer: „Thats very expensive food, its called honey. But its only for people of great places.“. From that day he wanted to taste honey and have a same cart with hives as man he saw.
In age of 15 he first heard about chakra, jutsus, about hidden villages and shinobis. Once he was begging in the middle of market in village and saw group of shinobis buying some herbs. What a lovely scene. Boys and girls in his age, dressed almost as once, with mysterious headbands. He stopped begging and came to them doing nothing just looking at them with open mouth. Something inside him wanted come out, he felt like he found his own path at least. But there was a women with kids, they called her kunoichi Sasha, and he was afraid a bit of her. But he shouldnt be, cause when she smiled, there were nothing more beautiful in world. Kunoichi Sasha said she take care of him from now. And his shinobi path started. He was the eldest at the academy, but everyone respected him. On third mission rank B he met man with hives and asked him where it came from. That was when he first heard about bees. So he stayed in contact with that man and all free time spent with man, helping him with bees. After 5 years man died on terrible disease, which killed almost half people of village, especially the poorest one. When he buried the man and his step-parents, he promised at their graves, that he will take care of bees and make them rise.

5 years was life in Kaminarigakure full of peace and quiet, but once, when storm shrouded sky again, company of rogue shinobis attacked his village. Unfortunately they attacked in place where was his hives, on hill, at the end of village. Noone ever expected, what he learnt after years with bees, but everyones who saw it knows, that after some minutes there were 6 dead bodies of traitors and half-dead Norinaga. Half of his body burns to flesh, all of his hair dissapeared. But he was alive, and his bees and farm too. Thats how he decided to make own clan, clan of beekeepers, with jutsu where power of bees is combined with power of thunder. And first members of this clan were kids who survived terrible disease.

Introduction / Hi to all of you friends :)
« on: March 05, 2016, 14:55:54 »
Hi to all fighters and lovers of shinobi worlds and rpgs! This is my first day on SLO page, and im very happy i click on it, cause one of my dreams was to play some RPG style Naruto game. For 2 years i was making my own characters, clans, villages, stories, etc. from Naruto world, but it was just for me and my friends, and i really wanted to start making Naruto MMORPG. Sadly im not any Computer specialist, producer, i dont have modeling and artist skills, so only think i could do was writing of my ideas and little bit of amateur drawing...but now...everything changes...SLO made my day...Naruto MMORPG, without any basic Naruto characters and stuff, with all stuff i imagined, where players can be masters of other players, or hokages, where you can be a rogue, were you choose your own path. And at the end, where you can be part of making the game. Well, it wasnt perfect introducing of myself, but i wanted to tell it, cause SLO team and people who clicked on this page are the best, and i know it, even im here just for some hours. THANK YOU A LOT!!!

Name: Eric Pedaja

Ethnicity: Slovak

Nationality: Slovak

Living in: Košice, Slovakia

Born in: February 22th, 1994

Sports: Football, Table tenis, Taekwondo

Hobbies: history (especially middle-age), writing stories, cycling, reading, playing board games, RPG games, spending time with friends (who dont like this? :D ), and i still wanted to draw, but i will never have skill to do this 

Goals in life: Firstly i wanna be a good person, make others smile and laugh, live in world without pain. Next i wanna be a writer of RPG games, yeah, i didnt study it, cause in my country theres nothing like this, so i have to do it by myself, and its very very 22 years old and i still dont know if i want family or nah :D but hopefully i will have one ;). My last life goal is be a part of Shinobi Life Online, part to remember!

Languages: English (B2), French (beginner), Latin (beginner), Dutch (beginner), Czech

Education: University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Jutsu Creator
« on: March 05, 2016, 11:08:41 »
Hi all,
Im the newie in SLO and i have to say, that for 2 years i imagined big Naruto MMORPG with kind of FF XIV graphics and im really glad, that today i saw this page with Naruto MMORPG! My dream comes true. So thanks to developers and administrators.

Now to Jutsu Creator. For 2 years, as i said, i imagined Naruto MMORPG and i thought about some kind of Jutsu Creator, it will be just for paying players and it will be something like engine for your own jutsus, ninjutsus, genjutsus, etc. So you would make your own jutsus before character creation and before playing game. Im not moderator neither computer expert, but i got ideas, i hope good and interesting ideas and idea of Jutsu creator is just in "alpha version" in my mind, so if youre interested in this topic i will be happy for your own ideas about Jutsu Creator, which will make the SLO game much more fun and much more RPG ;) as i said, i got much more ideas, so if this topic will have some feedback, i post other ideas :)
P.S.: sorry for my english, im from Slovakia and i have to learn a lot yet :D

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