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We have released Shinobi Life Online Pre-Alpha Version! This update features Earth Release: Earth Dome Jutsu, Aiming Mode and more! Try it out and tell us what you think.


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Shinobi Life Online Questions / How will earth dome work?
« on: May 29, 2016, 21:56:58 »
By that i mean what will the perspective be like?

For example, will my camera be inside the earth dome and the earth dome walls are transparent to only me.

Will my camera be in the dome, and it's all dark or all light.

Or will my camera be outside of the dome, so i can only see the dome and everything around it, but not my character.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Mastering your chakra nature
« on: January 05, 2016, 14:31:26 »
Imo, i think it would be a nice thing to add if you could 'Master' a chakra nature(only one), after mastering said chakra nature, take lightning for example, you could have the option to have 'Lightning Master' as a title above your name, also you would get a cloak, which you can customize it's colour, but the chakra nature you have mastered, that's the logo which will stay on the back of the cloak, and an aura which surrounds you so for lightning it would be yellow, the aura only takes place if you put on the cloak, that way spy missions are still able to completed.

Mastering a nature should be an extremely hard thing to do which should require you to be an expert in atleast 12/20 jutsu's in your chakra nature, that way it's a hard to get.

An exam should also be given which requires you to show your worth against other people going for the title of 'Master', and if you have a 2nd chakra nature, you should only be allowed to use the one you're trying to get masters in.

Introduction / Limits
« on: October 16, 2015, 14:42:58 »
I've been here since 2013 and haven't even done an introduction, anyways...

My name is limits

and I'm an alcoholic.

thank you for listening.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Dc/Crashing while in combat
« on: September 26, 2015, 12:58:03 »
Basically , how are you(vreg) going to get around a dc/crashing problem in the full game, even though i'm getting new shit, my pc atm is crashing alot because of various problems, and i'd hate to lose my char because of shit like that, if you say "well life isn't fair either", you wouldn't just stop in the middle of a fight and hold up a sign saying "DC".

One idea which came to mind was, your character becomes unkillabe but it's health can still drop so for example, if i were to DC, and my HP was 500, and i kept getting hit, it would drop to 0, but i wouldn't be able to die, consequently i'd lose alot ELO, and the enemy would gain a bit, i'd also become lootable, and have a major debuff like -70% movement speed for 3-4 hours(only goes down when you're logged in), and some of your training would decrease, etc. fireball jutsu does, 100 damage and now it does 80-70 and if it kept happening so on, till the point where you're a new char and it would gradually be harder to get your shit back up to what it previously was, and if it was constantly happening, you'd end up dropping a rank, you would also log back into the village you chose at char custom.

Reason i put more cons instead of pros, is because you'd get the few sad fucks which unplug their shit when they know they're gonna die, so the person who was about to kill you wouldn't feel too angry that he lost out, anyways if you guys have anything better you can reply regarding your idea.

--This is only regarding battles in Permadeath zones, not duels etc.

Shinobi Life Online Organizations / Yaiken
« on: August 22, 2015, 00:12:50 »
Our aim is to be considered a legendary org, one's which name echo's throughout the mountains.

Our main goal is to go from village to village gathering legendary shinobi, who can truly be remarked as the best.


You will be given a trial to be assessed on how you play, you do not need to win to pass.


Spoiler: show

When the SLO Alpha(formally known as DeathMatch) comes out, i will need to retrial those who are in the org.

Also, when the ELO system is introduced, you will have to be over a certain ELO, to be given a trial.

You may only trial once a day

Member list: Mars, Limits, Ken, Sanji

Allies: Rōguhantā

Credit to Snoopy for the logo.

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Commands through the minimap
« on: August 19, 2015, 12:47:56 »
Basically, if you've played GW2, it allows you to draw on the mini-map for all to see, and it lasts for about 3-4 seconds, so basically, i thought it would be a nice feature, if this were to be in the FG, because you could circle, draw an arrow, to which direction or where you want to group with your team without typing/voice communication. Thing is, i can only see this working if a party system were implemented or if it worked of your friends list, so that enemies wouldn't notice that someone is in the area, due to the drawings.

Bad illustration below(those white lines, were drawn by a player) :

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Escaping From Genjutsu
« on: August 18, 2015, 12:50:55 »
Basically, i thought of 2 ways, you could escape from a genjutsu, feel free to give your opinion.

A) You start with a scroll, which is a genjutsu releasing jutsu, the seals could be, 3-6-8, so to release your self from a genjutsu you would have to enter this seal, depending on how good the genjutsu is, thats how many times you would have to enter it, so it could be x5, or x10.

B) When you're placed under a genjutsu, a number of seals would appear at the top of your screen, in a sequence, you would have to enter the whole sequence to escape, so if it were a really weak genjutsu, it could be something like, 2-1-4-6, and if it were a master level genjutsu, 2-5-7-3-1-2-4-3-6-7-8-1-4-5-7-1-2 etc. Depending on how fast you press the seals, that's how quickly you could escape from the genjutsu

The sequence would pop up, after you have done the "realizing you're under a genjutsu jutsu"(idk a good name for it lel) to know whether you are under a genjutsu so the sequence could appear.(something like 3-5-1, to check if you're under a genjutsu)

Shinobi Life Online Suggestions / Legendary Weapon - Basuta Shield
« on: August 14, 2015, 19:35:40 »
Compatibility : Any chakra nature.

Story :Many years ago, before the creation of nin/gen-jutsu, a group of 11 ordinary ninja, were feared throughout the ninja world. Their only flaw was that, they were extremely boastful and overestimated their own strength greatly. With this in mind, they set out, to find the rumored mythical creature called: Basuta the Turtle God. Days went by without any progress, they soon realized that the myth was correct, until... The ground started moving, and they realized, they were on Basuta the whole time.
Basuta, being a gentle beast meant no harm to the fellow ninja, but these 11 ninja relentlessly tampered with the turtle God's emotions, until it became clear that he was furious. He battled with the 11 ninja, to the very end, until 10 of the ninja were deemed dead, with only 1 standing. Basuta was unable to continue and dropped to the drop, with chunks of it's shell falling off. There it layed, dying, slowly, the last surviving ninja walked over to Basuta, and picked up one of it's chunks, as he was there, picking it up, he stared into Basuta's eyes, realizing the impact he and his fellow ninja had caused, he left the beast to die in peace.

He returned to the village to with the tragic news, he then went over to the blacksmith, and handed him a chunk of Basuta's shell to forge, with chakra already embedded into the shell and it's indestructibility feature, this weapon was later renowned : Basuta Shield. Many years passed by, until a group of other ninja, lead by the previous surviving ninja, set out to obtain more shell chunks, but, Basuta had already merged with the earth making it impossible to recover new shell pieces, deeming the shield a legendary weapon.

--- The image is from the 2nd naruto movie

Effects : Can absorb any projectile jutsu, and because of it's indestructibility it can also used as an ordinary shield to block taijutsu/close combat ninjutsu. It takes an interval of 5 seconds to absorb another jutsu and is completely useless against genjutsu.

The beast : --(From google)

General Discussion / Which element would you pick - Avatar
« on: August 13, 2015, 11:52:06 »

I'd pick air because, 1. i can fly, 2. i can fly, 3. i can suffocate people, 4. i can fly

Shinobi Life Online Feedback / Running speed colour
« on: August 10, 2015, 17:31:50 »
Basically, when you're looking straight, you can't see the speed you're running at. For example :

It would be alot easier, if the colour was changed to black, or blue, something like that?

Korutski- The Streaming Chakra Blade

Story time(topkek) - The Korutski Blade forged by the elders of the Hidden Haze which was given an unique Sealing ability, was once used for keeping peace between the neighbouring villages, located not far from the Hidden Haze. There it was kept in a shrine of it's own glory until... Five rogue Shinobi, of god-like strength attacked the village. Being on par with the Haze's Kage, he had no choice but to use the blade in battle, and surprisingly managed to seal all 5 Rogue Shinobi, but the blade also comes with a heavy price... Those who use it to seal, must also be sealed, hence giving birth to the blade known as the, Korutski - The Streaming Chakra Blade.

Effect/Compatibility - The user has to pour a significant amount of Chakra into the blade to make it grow 10 fold, and the wielder must be highly experienced in Kenjutsu to wield such a blade, after it has grown -- No Chakra nature needed.

(Without Chakra) --- [/b](Ty google images lel)                                                                                                                                                                                (Chakra Enhanced)

3D Modeling / Recurring bug in 3DSMAX
« on: July 22, 2015, 18:38:39 »
For some unknown reason, it's constantly happening, any fixes?

General Discussion / Yoo
« on: July 22, 2015, 12:34:37 »
If anyone's good at getting serial keys, do you think you could help me out with an 'adobe flash cs6 serial key' please, you don't have to respond here you can just PM, appreciated in advanced.

3D Modeling / Trophy :D
« on: July 17, 2015, 17:14:46 »

Or --

3D Modeling / Crystal sword
« on: July 12, 2015, 17:48:17 »


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